Support group - Miscarriages

Anyway Ling:
For me, trying does not immediately strike.
I took a while to strike one ler. So i persuade my husband start trying early using this reason.

Hi Shann,

I think is a pyschological barrier that I seems to have that miscarriage means high chance also for next pregnancy. I have to throw that idea out!!

ppc and JTML,

I think the age is killing me! When I had the twins I was so happy because the preganancy seems so viable and that I can plan my next kid at 33.. now everything is warp again. =((

JTML my folks say 6 months!!! So when I see the post from shannon that her gynae say after 1 cycle can try I was so glad! My hubby keep saying want my heath to recover he dont want to risk my health for a baby.. =S darn! But I really want a kid!! Anyway he took leave to accoy me after the D and C for this week and he is one going all paranoidal and keeping me like I am in confinement which is driving me nuts =<

I also didnt strike immediately I have irregular cycles and went without protection for abt 6 months but after I went to my gyane and she suggest charting my bbt I suceed 2 months later. I have another fear... that TTC is going to be a long long process!!

I hope all of us progress to the next 2010 mother to be!!!
Wah JTML! I think I almost going to kenna same thing in this case. I really cannot tahan cannot drink water must drink the weird tea! If I have a baby at the end of it not so bad... now like suffer in the name of nothing.. =(

Anyway I am staying at my mum place and everyone is watching me like a hawk. Worse is that no one is allowing me to cheat! But think abt it my MC is ending on Monday meaning I cant do the confinement fully also mah! sigh....and worst part of this whole thing is I only passed 24 hours! *faint*
hehehhehe 24 hours, must think for next pregnancy.

Must think for next pregnancy. hiaz....
I cheated a lot lah, I went out alone the next day after D&amp;C to get breakfast as my mum had not come my home.

I drank a lot of plain warm water also. Then I also showered in warm water after she left hahahhahaha.
But I welcome the time to just be myself and brood over things.
hihi.. JTML is right... must do abit of confinement for the sake of our next babies.

Regarding going out... tomorrow's trip to the doc is the first time i'm stepping out of home since tat fateful day... was planning to go out over the wkend but my MIL just said "NO!" today... sigh... she got my interests at heart i guess.. my hubby promised to smuggle me out to NTUC on sunday.. heheh.. so pathetic... but i think go out and get some air is good...
Yeah lor, I think I almost depressed ler.
Bec after I never went out for 3 days, I tell my mum I must go out walk walk a bit lah. I keep going into the 2010 march mtb site to read also. Crazy right??
JTML: nope.. I don't think i'm doing anything, just probably sometimes will think about them.. that's all

sometimes i blame myself for having the chromosome abnormality..
JTML, u not crazy at all... hah, or maybe i also crazy... cos i also go to the mar 2010 mtb thread to read... actually i was feeling more upbeat yesterday liao, but today i read abt them discussing abt being able to feel their babies liao... then i started to cry, then whole day become moody liao..

Lynn - sorry to hear abt ur 3 babies.. i guess we hv the licence to be sad around our babies' EDD... i also dunno what i'm going to do that day.. sigh.. hope we will all be brave and see through these painful days
We're so similar in someway. Hubby and I tried for half a year before we striked. Then I miscarried and I was 30. Baby didn't develop and no heartbeat from beginning. Had D and C in week 9 and suprising 3 months down the road, we striked again. While we didn't really try hard for a baby but we didn't take precaution either and let nature takes its course. In fact, i only rest for abt 1 month and it was because of my phobia of being painful, dry, etc. So, was pretty suprised when i tested positive then

My girl is 22 months now and I'm expecting no.2 next month (also not planned
) So, dun lose heart.. I have a feeling you will strike soon.

Seriously I didn't think I was old when i miscarried at 30 and I only felt so suay for that to happen. Of course I was very shocked and sad when we found out that my baby was not growing at all. I have never thought that such thing can happen to me! My aunts and grandma all give birth so many children and so was my mum! I tot I'm also going to be a "mu zhu". But alas, i was not so lucky. Anyway, I carried a positive mind set and feel confident that I will be a mother sooner or later. I draw examples from celebrity like Zoe Tay. After all, she got pregnant when she's in her late 30s? Positive attitude helps!
Morning Girls...

Me too leh keep sneaking to March 2010 MTB!! Arrrghh ..I was reading it daily and was so keen to join it but pantang this and that so didnt want to join them too soon. My mum say maybe over pantang and told me for my next one dont say anything abt pantang and take it in stride. Yesterday when going to sleep think abt my poor babes again sobbed myself to sleep... ai yoh my hubby is going to be sick of me because he told me dont overstress and recover first!#@$@!% Their mantra abt recovery is driving me nuts!

This is my 2nd day and I have no discharge which I am worried. IS anyone having the same situation? I read some girls have up to 14 days! *worried*

PPCC, Ntuc trip sounds way better than coup at home! hahaha JTML at least got some cheatcodes also.. heh..My mum says as long as can stay in up to 72 hours than fine ald and just observe dont catch a chill, eat all the meals she cooks and drink only the yucky things she prepared. I heart my family even more after this unfortunately thingy because I can feel so much love from my folks and hubby. Although during the pregnancy ald felt a lot of love...which I really much prefer than.

aria jo,

REALLY!~You give me so much hope!! =) I am inspired! Cannot wait till my next visit to my gynae and hear from her I fully recovered from the procedures!

Oppss.. super long post!
hihi! I'm back from my gynae appt. Things look ok so I just hv to go back in 4wks to confirm all is gd.. Oh, and the nurse reminded me to continue taking my folic acid (i threw it aside after my baby left)... she said will lower chance of abnormalities.. not say will lower risk of m/c, but desperate liao, just hv to cling on to any hope.. so everyone's let's continue our daily dose of folic acid okie?!

ariajo.. tks for the encouragement... hope we will be as lucky as you.

Ling... my mum said the same thing abt being pantang.. she say dun be pantang.. muz "gan gan".. sigh.. actually i tot my biggest test was the renovation in my office that happened ard my 6/7 wks... kept knocking, drilling and hammering while we were working... so when baby's hb was detected after the reno ended, i tot we were in the clear liao

Abt the no discharge, i read somewhere tt it means the doc did a thorough clean job.. but i think best to give the doc a call?

i think we can open up a March2010 UTB (Used-to-be) group here liao... My EDD was 19Mar2010..I tot there was a nice ring to that date.. sigh...

Now you should be anticipating your period ald~! Yeah!

I also threw my folic acid aside looks like got to start eating daily again just to be kiasu..

I hope we all join the Sept2010 MTB instead! Sigh really a lot of the march10 to be mums here... so depressing! My EDD was suppose to be ard 15-18 Mar because 1 twin measured 15th and another 18th..
thanks ppc, okay I'll continue my folic acid then...

Hey Ling:
hah now you hear mantra...I bet you will hear more if you pregnant again.

Lynn, the abnormality also is not you choose one... If you purposely dun look after yourself then get a problem then you get a license to blame yourself mah. Now you got no license to blame yourself muahaha. I think when you try next time prepare your heart okie...
You just need to strike and double strike good one okie...
Did you read this?? Wonder when SIngapore will have it man. It let the mum choose a egg without chromosome abnormalies and this lady had 13 unsucessful pregnancies and she is 41. whooah I admire this mama, both the $$ and the determination lah.
Technology really can give hope sometimes I feel.
Ling.. u are really focused... Sept2010 means a strike in Nov?? I think i'll wait till next yr b4 trying... my MIL said she got a very bad lot when she went to 'ask' if we will get a kid this yr at the Kuanyin temple... sigh.. tat was b4 she knew abt my baby and she only told us after the m/c... i was quite upset actually... cos i dun like others to ask such things behind my back though i know she means well... sigh.. anyway.. yah.. so i guess i'll wait till next yr then...treat it as enforced rest

btw, did u ladies read abt the baby girl who was abandoned in woodlands today??? sigh... wonder why the mummy didn't want her.. guess she must have her reasons.. i never used to be affected by such news but now... sigh...
ppcc, Sept2010 should be last LMP in Dec 2009 ba.. Ha.. say until like every cycle like sure can get preggy *I wish*

This kind of news I also very prick! I think is the almost taste of motherhood that give us this kinda of instinct lah. Wait till you hear about those who use abortion as a form of birth control. Those are the one that bites me!
JTML: wow. that's amother new procedure. i've only heard about PGD. which i heard from my gynae that so far SG doesn't have it and it seems morally wrong. it's kinda like picking the best genes. I think it would be my last resort if everything don't work out.
since still young can still try naturally just hope all the m/cs doesn't make me weaker only.
Ling, evry month is a chance mah.

I went to the food court and suddenly I rememebr the time when I ate the raman and felt like puking. I was quite sad... It not that I want to dwell on it but the sadness just hits very suddenly. It's not the first time already. It just suxz.
Talk about that I like to ask you girls opinion about gynae introducing hormone pills etc to sustain an early pregnancy if it was in danger of miscarriage. I am pretty sure most gyane hearing we have now at least 1 time mc will advise us to take that. My question if we sustain it and only to realize at week 20 that they have spinal cord issue etc etc dont it make the whole situation worse?

JTML.. yeah! Every month is a chance lah! and think all of use have same feelings after a mc!! =) I was telling my hubby just now also.. I can eat ban mian again because when I was still preggy I had an adverse reaction to it although it was previously my favourite food.
Ling: i think it does makes it worst. I took hormone pills when i was pregnant for the 3rd time. the pills made me feel very horrible. worsen all the symptoms etc etc. I was thinking maybe this is it, this time it would work out cause got pills to help. but i was so wrong, i still lost the foetus at 9weeks scan.

gynae did mention that if a m/c is meant to happened, nothing would stop it from happening.
Hi Ling:
I was given hormone pills dydagesterone -> opps I forget the spelling. I was not spotting at all but gynae mentioned it was small maybe I O late...

Mostly I think the gynaes are also pressureed to give it if they feel the pregnancy is not too optimistic right or if we have history.
cos their patient also expect....
Lynn, *HUGS* dont think so one coming very soon okay =)

I think it prolong the pregnancy but whether the pregnancy is viable or not it's another story. I was given Duphaston although I have no bleeding nor complication, my gynae was saying lets be kiasu since first pregnancy but who knows the twins still stop growing. I guess fated... it just wasnt meant to be... My fear is my gynae would intro prostergen or something .... I really not keen to use drug to try and fight mother nature if the fetus is not viable.
Morning ladies... I was also thinking abt the issue of prolonging pregnancy that's not viable. Agree with Ling that it's really a dilemma... cos are we just delaying the inevitable if things just aren't meant to be? But I guess, if we get pregnant again, our instinct is to do whatever we can to keep the baby? sigh, I also dunno...

Anyway, I think my gynae belongs to the "whatever will be, will be" type. He just gave me folic acid when i visited him at wks 5 and 7. Read from some threads that some gynaes test HCG levels, baby's heartbeat rate, etc.. but mine didn't do any of these. Sigh.. was wondering if i shld change gynaes too.. but i somehow quite like and trust him, and i guess it's really not his fault that this happened.. but just wonder if a change of environment would help..

It is nice we can come into a place where we can grieve and think together =) I heart!

I know it is painful to lose a baby all too well but I would like to think it is Gods work that things that doesnt meant to be wont be. Anyway I will hear my gynae nag when I visit her should I refuse her medicine because the Duphaston was insisted after my 8 week visit although I had no bleeding.

I like my Gynae but I must say she also didnt test my HCG level. It was just scan advice what to avoid dont walk so fast give you duphaston and folic acid and calcium (coz of the twins). But one look at my tummy during my visit on Monday she exclaimed why baby never grow and when she look at the scan immediately I can see her furrow brows.Hence I have confident she is one experienced gynae. My mum worried about whether she is the right gynae for me but I think the miscarriage is not preventable so I feel that is irrelvant to my choice of gynae. I will definetely stick with her now esp after this incident.

ppcc you may want to check with your friends if anyone had a gynae to intro? A change of environment sounds goods as well. What is important is you are comfortable with how he handle your case.

I think we have move to the next part of grieving. Acceptance. =) That's a good sign.
yeah.. so thankful for this thread.. esp for the past wk when i'm alone at home most of the time.. tat's when my spirits really get down..

Is acceptance the last step of grieving? I think no choice but to accept right? though i think i'm still not very stable emotionally.. will still hv crying episodes.. then a few hrs of feeling numb..sigh..

i think will stay wif this gynae for now. I think he's very busy so dun really spend too much time with each patient unless there are really problems.. and i really had no issues at all till that fateful day when i started bleeding.. sigh... time flies... last wk this time, i'm lying in hospital waiting for them to remove my baby...
my gynae didn't do anything of such test as in HCG test and bb heartbeat.. I asked her is it necessary during my 1st pregnancy. She told me, what's the point of doing HCG test. It only tells you the level of HCG hormon and does it help in anything? I think she's a good gynae because she doesn't push me to take other supplements and doesn't do any unnecessary test that does not help in anything (in a way help me save money...hahaha), just the normal calcium pill and multivit. No DHA or whatever. She said as long as you eating sufficiently and healthily, it is all right. Some private gynae will sell you lots of supplements like my SIL and her checkup is so costly!

Abt the heartbeat, my gynae let me hear the heartbeat when there is heartbeat. No test is done.. I stick with my gynae after my miscarriage becasue she has all my records and i feel comfortable with her..
Hi aria jo.. tks for sharing.. you mean u got to listen to ur baby's heartbeat? I only got to see it on the screen... anyway, my gynae is like yours too.. i was taking the blackmore's pre-conception vitamins b4 i got pregnant so i asked him if i could continue since i still had a lot.. then he told us actually all these extra vitamins not necessary, and only folic acid is required... yeah.. and i think better stick with him since he knows my history.. at least he knows i've to be handled with care.. my colleagues's gynae was very nice.. when she conceived again after miscarriage, the doctor assured her that she can call him anytime she has any concerns.. hah, i think if i get pregnant again, i'll request for wkly check-ups just to put my heart at ease...
So that means my gynae is normal too no HCG Test! =) That's reassuring!

Me think that is the last part of grieve process.. me is still teary eyes at times.. not very stable as well but I think I have accepted that the twins are fine in their own world and that I need to focus on recovery. Once I go back to work I think it helps me more.. provided no one come and drill me on what happen! I am not going to tell anyone about what really happened because too much explanation and I dont want to peel the healing wound *sigh*

I was thinking twice a month check up today as well =)) But I dont want to overdo it again... my mum keep reminding me take it in stride so am going to do that lah. Just cross fingers next one really will have a real baby being born!! =))
you girls are sure positive. that's good!

I'm just trying not to think not to worry. when it happens then worry. LOL
i have been busy for a few days..and this thread is so active. glad to see so much sharing..

it has been almost 2 months since my 2nd D&amp;C..i am moving on with the things i do in my life..but sometimes, there are still things that bring tears to my eyes. a good friend of mine just gave birth last night...i am happy for her (she too had a miscarriage before, and TTC for a year before conceiving),but at the same time, many thoughts come to mind.

menses came back with a vengence. it was never this heavy before..
I also never did the HCG test,
My gynae was sure already when he saw the scan. He explained the Sac was irregualr shaped and he saw a blood clot forming even though I had not spotted yet. Also no heart beat as compared to previously seen. Maybe he thought no need HCG test since he is sure the pregnancy is not viable. I also never asked. Cos his reaction was quiet quiet immediately he start scan so I know already because he quite "noisy" one.

yes LYnn, LOL worry till it happens hehehhe.

Hey chin, you moving on...are you TTCing hahahha???

Oh dear is it all will have heavry periods after D&amp;C?? I better prepare those ultra absorbtion or even night safe ones.
I get heavy periods after D&amp;C too. mine was pretty bad till i needed oral medicine to stop it from bleeding too much.
JTML...nah..not trying to TTC yet. Just with other parts of my life.
In fact, I went to see a TCM doc, who said not to try at all until after 3 months. But I think I should really wait until I am emotionally ready..we will see how after my trip to Japan. Oh yes..have not planned anything at all..just got the air tickets to Tokyo.
oh no... i'm will be going for my trip abt 7 wks after the D&amp;C... hope the period will come b4 that if it's going to be heavy.
how exciting .... dun worry lah,be like Lynn attitude, wait until it comes then worry loorrr. ppcc, scurry your period comes before ler hehhehe. best case right?

I think I better prepare night safe pads liao, even if not heavy still can use for nights.

eh ladies have you any follow up after the first visit after the DnC?? I went back 1 week afer my DnC. I have another appointment like 3 months later. I dun know what it is for....
yah... i'm praying it will come b4 the trip.. but my periods usually very late one.. sianz...

regarding follow-up visit, I'm supposed to go back again 4 wks after the first visit.. dunno for what also... i guess just to make sure everything is really really fine?
Morning girls..

I think 3 months is the recommended period for TTC after D and C. Build up your health, your lining and emotional well balanced.

JTML I have one scheduled 2 weeks after D and C. I think is to check if anymore placenta ,clots etc is in the uterus and most important no infections! I guess some gynae scheduled another checkup 1 month- 3 months later just to see if we are okay. No harm I guess. Maybe to see if we are getting our regular period or something so our body is working ok again..
Hi girls, it's me again. Do u hv any idea how long we have to lay off exercise after the D&amp;C? I'm thinking of signing up for an aerobics class in Nov... but not sure if it's too vigorous... my mum has been quite worried abt me squatting and all after the D&amp;C cos she say the womb's weak.. not sure if that's true or not.
oh okay, hmm then I better go, I was tempted to "Pon Ten" the appointment. LOL ...Now I cooking the herbal soup for myself. hmmm.

I dun know ler, I wanted to go back to excercise this morning but my husband refused to let me.

hiaz... So I am thinking of swimming first starting in Next week... Aerobics is like somewhat intense but NOV is like 2 months away right should it be OKAY? Best ask Gynae hehheheh. Dun start immediately to aerobic ler, start with low impact first (soem slow jogging and fast walk) then go to intense one like aerobics. I recovered from a minor operation last time but did not continue my intense excercise just start from low impact to my normal ones. Just listen to your body lor...

Hiaz I was thinking I quite active in sports one, should have no problem in having baby...Now..miscarriage. so dissapointing...
My Gynae said he doesn't need to see me anymore till the next time I am pregnant again haha!
My lining is building up when he did the scan, everything is out, womb is clean and lining is normal. I wish my mensus will report soon.. I never miss it so badly before. Then my discharge is back to normal too..

Chin, which TCM did you go? Am looking for one.

Also, I just bought Nu Skin antioxidant products and some their Life-pac Multi Vit.. Gonna start taking it next week.
JTML... dun be disappointed.. I think all that exercise was still helpful.. at least in the conception stage right? and yes.. pls go for the appt.. just hv the doctor make sure things are ok

i think i'll try hold off the aerobics class first.. sigh.. actually i'm quite lazy.. seldom exercise but i juz wanna pack my calendar so that i've no time to brood... maybe i'll take some baking or cooking class instead.

Hi Chin, Shann Yheng, I'm thinking of going back to TCM too.. had tried it for awhile but stopped cos I find it rather costly... Would you know when's the best time to consult TCM after the D&amp;C? read somewhere that shld wait till after the first period.. or is it ok to start going back now?
hmmm ppcc, you dun want mer goog time to start ler, just walk walk first lor, by NOV you should be able liao .... heheheh...

HIAZ HIAZ HIAZ drinking my soup....
hahah.. u seem be very pek chek abt ur soup?? Me just had a bowl of herbal soup too.. i think i too "bu" already.. can feel a sore throat and ulcer coming up.

sigh.. next wk going back to work.. headache over lunch leh.. cos according to MIL, must avoid fried stuff, cooling stuff, garlic, seafood... what can i eat??!
haha i am so sick for herbal chicken soup already!!! have been drinking that so often recently, food court/ restaurant, only order chiken soup. 1st week after my evacuation I still
cooked herbal black chicken soup for myself, now I am so lazy! just go foodcourt haha.
ya..taste very yucky...
ppc, if like this should tell your care-giver MIL or mum to tone down liao...

I had a very bad monday blue due to so long never work. But got over it quickly fact I felt so much better going back to takes mind off things... problem is hard to be discipline over drink and eating....hehehhe depressing lor, sliced fish soup, wanton mee, yong tou fu, porridge, etc etc...still headache over lunch ahhahahha

hi chin: which chinese doc you going? can recommend?
hi, on TCM, i picked one near my place from the recommendations in the forum. i am going to ban choon wah (something like that) at serangoon north. he specializes only in helping couples with fertility issues.
my friend highly recommended one in clementi..also mentioned in the forum.

i have been exercising a fair bit...hmm..i didn't know that we have to abstain after D&amp;C. it helps me to keep stress off..esp from work.
guess what my friend want to pass me her cot... wha wha, Now I no need liao.

My husband want to take...Sianz lah.
How ha??? Worst I say my baby "bo liao" she still want to give and my husband still want to take...funnie lerz...
