Support group - Miscarriages

hi ladies, i just had my d&c done last weekend. sac was at 5 weeks but should have been 7 weeks. went to see 3 docs and all said the pregnancy was not growing well. so no choice have to go through the procedure. this should have been my no.2.

do u gals know how long b4 we could see tcm to "bu"?

Yesterday I went for a follow checkup with my gynae as well as a pap smear test.
He say the bb is healthy but then I was bleeding too much internally with blood clots so the body is expelling
out everything including the bb.
He advised to wait for at least 3mths to ttc again. Before ttc, I have to see him again to do a womb ultrasound
to ensure everything is alright and he will start me on folic acid.
If I got pregnant, he will put me on hormone pills to stabilise the pregnancy. I told him I will wait for another 6 mths
and he ask whether my AF is here yet.
Actually not yet coz I m breastfeeding my ger with the milkflow after the mc. I am stopping now so that
the AF will come soon and I can start monitoring.
I told him about the TCM and he's saying it's good to see TCM too.

Seems like there's alot of hard work to be done before preparing for the next pregnancy.

Hi serene

Glad to hear from you! I be starting work on 25 May, still feeling v sianz about it~

Hi bryest
I think I saw u and Joanne in Sep thread be4, hope to hear good news from both of you soon

Hi sashamama
I remember u! How are u getting on? Are u ttc now? Hope to hear good news from you too

Hi tub and glimmerhope
Sorry to hear about what happened.
Have a good mini confinement there's alot of blood loss during D&C.
Take more tonics and dun stop your folic acid. Take care of your body well.

tub, do you have any tcm in mind? It will be good to see tcm after the D&C as they can prescribe herbs to you.
You might like to call and check with them first.
hi all

i need your kind advise. I had miscarrige last dec, and now about TTC again. Do i need to check with gynae again, if my womb is ready yet? because normally gynae will tell much and just say to start trying. What can i expect if i need to go gynae before TTC? do i need to do prenatal check up?

to share my experience, i did follow up with TCM after MC, not sure about the result, only that now my menses become irregular although still 32 days cycle. And no pain during menses. TCM doctor said she gives me herbs to brew to help me ovulate.
Hi sashamama,
My gynae say my cycle is not regular so prescribe clomid and metformin for me. I tried to test for ovulation with OPK since cd11 to cd21 but keep getting negative. Does it mean I didn't ovulate?
hi ladies, i went for check yesterdae as i start to experience spotting. gynae has msd the sac and it still remain the same as 2 wks before. its sad but no choice..all for that 2 weeks wait when it already stop growing long ago. will be going for ops tomorrow to remove it. the gynae said she will bring it for testing. any gynae got did it for u all before??
twirlight, better to go for the ops to clean the womb up for your next pregnancy..
cos tat time went to gp to have medicine for sac to drop off...ard a wk, i had cramp feeling in 2ly morning, and i went to toilet and my sac dropped out with lots of blood clot..after tat, i went to c gp and gynae and confirm sac had dropped off..i have a wk mc for confinement...

im super scared of doing d & c, although i have booked the apptmt already, but 2 days before the ops, the sac dropped out naturally..hope everytin is clear by now..

i went to c tan kian sing, he did some accupuncture for me and giv me 3 wks medical to tiao..hope will reali strengthen up and i can plan for pregnant again...
Hi mildstrawberry
Did u visit your gynae and have a womb ultrascan after ur D&C?
For prenatal checkup, the gynae actually checked whether there's blood clots, fibroid, cysts,
and womb condition etc. They will prescribe folic acid too.
It's already been 5mths and did your TCM say u r ready to TTC? Some might need a longer time to
tiao their body.

Hi yaya
Sorry to hear about that. U have already done ur best.
Is this ur 1st pregnancy? For 1st tri loss, mostly are chromosomal abnormalities.
I understand from the past posting, chances of re occuring again is v low.
I did not bring for testing.

Have a good mini confinement and tonics. Take good care of ur health as we will feel v weak after D&C.

Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester (first 13 weeks) of pregnancy. In many cases, the cause is unknown. However, a number of factors can contribute to first-trimester miscarriages:

Chromosomal abnormality in the fetus: More than 50 percent of first-trimester miscarriages are caused by chromosomal problems in the fetus (3, 4). Chromosomes are the tiny, thread-like structures in each cell that carry our genes. Each person has 23 pairs of chromosomes, or 46 in all, with one chromosome per pair coming from the mother and one from the father.

Most chromosomal abnormalities result from a faulty egg or sperm cell that has too many or too few chromosomes. The resulting embryo has the wrong number of chromosomes, usually resulting in miscarriage. Chromosomal abnormalities become more common with increasing age, as does the risk of miscarriage.

Blighted ovum: This is a pregnancy sac that contains no fetus. Either the embryo did not form, or it stopped developing very early. Blighted ovum is sometimes caused by chromosomal abnormalities.

In early pregnancy, the woman may notice that her pregnancy symptoms have stopped, and she may develop dark-brown vaginal bleeding. An ultrasound shows an empty pregnancy sac. A blighted ovum eventually results in miscarriage, though miscarriage may not occur for weeks.

Maternal health conditions: Hormonal problems, infections, diabetes, thyroid disease, systemic lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune disorders can increase the risk of early miscarriage. Treatment of these conditions before and during pregnancy can sometimes help prevent miscarriage.
Lifestyle factors: Women who drink alcohol, smoke or use illicit drugs may increase their risk of miscarriage (2). A recent study found that women who consume 200 milligrams (equal to about one 12-ounce cup of coffee) or more of caffeine every day are twice as likely as women who consume no caffeine to have a miscarriage (5). The March of Dimes recommends that women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant consume no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day.

Hi i m urs
Hope u r doing well.Have u start TTC yet?

Hi glimmerhope
We are here to support each other. Normally AF will resume after a month.

Hi ladies
One of the forum frd recommend this to me

Read this too:

Anyone taken this be4?
glimmerhope, i know the feeling. but at least this chapter is now closed. we can start ttc-ing afresh in a few months.

ser, i was thinking of this sinseh at marine parade blk 81. one of the mummies recommended him. either that or i'll go back to xia rong at paragon. used to see her in my pre number 1 days. u have any in mind?
hi hi...

i went for my checkup and gynae suspect ectopic.. im conceive thru ivf and kinda disappointed of such result. first time i have miscarriage too thru natural conceive.

my betahcg did not raise well and also scan nothing.. it's coming week 5 since the last ET. i have spotting every day. anyone experience this before?

i had blood test yesterday but will only get to know the result tml together with another blood test tml. how do we determine ectopic? shd it continue to raise slowly? what if there is a slight drop? does it still conclude ectopic?

if we are not able to scan anything, even nothing at the tube etc, does it still conclude as ectopic?

If ectopic, is the jab encourage if beta hcg level is below 1000?

I took the blackmores pills for while a couple of months ago but resulted in chest pains. I consulted a pharmacist and she told me there was an ingredient in it that could have caused the increased in blood circulation which was too strong. She advised me to stop cos it could result in miscarriage if not suitable. She said best to consult doctor first. I guess it's very individual whether the multi-vits are good or not.

I've been to chong poh TCM. Quite friendly and comfortable with her. But I might try another TCM to have a feel before I decide who to stick to. Any others to recommend in Serangoon Nth area?
joline: as far as i know, ectopic will never be successful..
cause ectopic means it implant somewhere else other then the womb... better to double check and confirm again.

I'm feeling very very depressed these fews days with all the baby news gng around. hai.

was suppose to be a sep 09 mummy too.
Hi tub

My friend is seeing the sinseh at marine parade as well. According to her, he will prescribe
herbs to brew, to be taken twice a month.
I thinking of seeing him too but then it's quite a distance from my home.

For my sinseh, I got pills and chinese medicine in bottles.

I am seeing the tcm at Chong poh, serangoon north.
Blk 152 Serangoon North Ave 1 #01-324.

I will be seeing her again this sunday, twice a month.

Hi Joline
Since it's only 5 week, it might be too early to detect the sac. You might like to check with
your gynae when will the time to determine ectopic? week 6-7?
Ectopic is v dangerous and might cause damage to the fallopian tubes.
Hopefully it's not ectopic and hope everything goes well for u.

Hi May
I brought the pre conception pils and women's multi vitamins as well.
Now I m thinking whether to bring for refund..keke..

There's 20% disc for most vits brands in unity pharmacy. I brought mine
with 20% disc.

U staying ard tat area too? I stay in AMK so v convenient for me. Another fellow member
is seeing Ban Boon Wah
Blk 154 Serangoon North Avenue 1 #01-434 Singapore 550154

in fact they are quite close to each other. Maybe u like to check out that as well, they are quite
near to each other.
hi Ser, thanks for the information and so nice of you to have the info put out online. really appreciate it.
right now i am doing 'unofficial' confinement. cos i still on the fan ( its tooo warm for me to sleep) but can drink water? my MIL brew me the longan with ginger tea earlier for me which i already drink it. i dun want to miss the buffet tomorrow but i will make it up a day lor. kekeke. doctor said can eat anything except wine.
i thinking of buying the gnc prenatal supplement to try. is it the same as what u are having on hand right now? y want to refund? didnt eat ar?

i m urs, really? so u managed to conceive successfully after that? sorry i didnt catch ur early posting if u did post

twirlight,oic. d & c sound scarey. i was quite scared this morning. but once u awake, its over and u are resting on the ward already. the operation is v fast lor. but i feel envy with couples carrying their baby waiting for discharge.. lol.
joline, do u feel bad cramps? cos the symptom for ectopic is bad cramping or pain..
Hi Lynn, ya, i also dont expect ectopic will be successful. But do not know how to conclude this is an ectopic.

Hi ser, actually im more than 5 weeks.. based on lmp, its already 7-8 weeks w/o any sac detected... i woneder if i still fail to detect sac what will happen then

hi yaya, no bad cramp.. only spotting... i also dont know what's my status now.
joline, could be good news. dun worry too much even we tell u not to as its inevitable n anxious in wanting to know the actual result.
wait for 2 more weeks. if the bleeding gets serious, must contact gynae oh
Hi, mummies. So glad to see this thread. I am now 6 weeks pregnant, during the initial stage as progrestone super low, about 28 (instead of desired > 80 or 100), took the hormorne pills and jab everyday till butt is swollen.

Then after the third blood test, when i thought all is well with the pills and Jab, the HCG is super low. Now my gynae asked me to return ony 1 week later which is next thursday. Can see a small sac but like not growing well.

After seeing my chinese doc yesterday, she mentioned that she cannot feel from my pulse i am pregnant. Mentioned something about D & C operation.

Now feeling puzzled and confused. Good to see this thread here to know more.

Some qns:
1) Is D&C the only way as only 6 weeks?
2) Is it a day operation? Doc will give rest for 1 ~ 2 weeks at home?
3) Need to do a miniconfinement for it, thinking of ordering those "pu" soups from the caterer
4) malay massage required as in regular pregnancy?
5) How much is the D & C operation?
hello celine, i not sure whether D & C is the only way but my mum told me that they will clean your womb properly. despite that, we still have to go back for checkup after 2 weeks to make sure the womb is fully cleaned up.
its a day ops and it lasted aroun 30mins.mine last for 15mins and i was already out of the threate when they woke me up. pretty fast lor. and the gynae will give us 1 week to rest at home..
the D & C expenses at TMC is 1300+ minus the medisave and meidshield claim, i have to pay 200+ in cash lor.however, we need to pay 500 upfront and they will refund us back the remaining 200+ within a month tim.
my blood discharge is not that much. my mama going to brew herbs for me to discharge more! >.<
Hi Joline
Though it's v hard not to think too much. The gynae will noe wat to do.
Meanwhile there's nothing much to be done except waiting now.
I understand it's very worrying, do chat with us.

Hi yaya
U r most welcome.
For me, I also on the fan coz the weather is too hot now. I don't think I can survive w/o the fan.
I didn't drink water but only longan tea for at least 3 weeks.
I brought blackmores multi women's vits not the pre natal. There's another type of blackmore preconception pill,
not sure going to bring for refund or not, brought it coz there's a 20% now at unity pharmacy.
I am very kiasu, always buy when there's a offer but not sure whether there's a chance to use or not.
It's still a long way to plan for TTC.
How are u coping so far?

Hi Celine
Actually 6 weeks is still too early. Perhaps u should see the heartbeat at the next visit.
Meanwhile dun think too much.
TCM Pauline has multi vits as well. I'm taking hers and they work quite well.

I had longan tea for 12days when i was doing the mini confinement. no other drinks was allowed. :S

I'm pretty sure that if your TCM can't feel it its not a very good thing. meanwhile, just relax and don't think to much.
helo ser, i am feeling allright.but sometimes feel sad and thinking its me who is affecting it.. but what to do..whats done already done.. haiz.wasek, u didnt drink water ar? i drink it and i had a day of longan tea made by my MIL. my mum make me herbal soup that make my blood discharge more.but i find that its not really that much le..
i felt v sticky right now. going to brew the herbs and bath with it tomorrow! urgh...

i am glad i came home and rest. cos its too hot over at my MIL and mum's place.... at least theres more breeze at my house.... felt so much better
lynn, u take the gnc vit when ttc?
Hi Pauline &amp; Tub,
Yes i agree the chapter is closed.. now trying to get back on track... i can see that everyone did a mini confinement for me i just had a few days of red dates tea and brew the dan gui chix soup is it sufficient? and anyone take bai foong wan pills right after d&amp;c or wait till AF?
Hi Lynn
What type of multi vits she's given u? I hope it's not from the brand usana, I saw
alot usana and highly suspected that they are MLM prdts, quite skeptical towards
MLM prdts coz felt they are overpriced.

Are u still seeing her now? I will see her again tomorrow.

The longan tea is good in fact we should take them after our menses.

Hi yaya
It's inevitable to feel sad, we put in so much effort and hope in the pregnancy.
The hormone changes after the D&amp;C will affect us too. For me, until now I can't sleep well on my own.
I will take dom or red wine be4 zzz and sometimes when wake up in the middle of the night, I cant
go back to sleep, the mood is like swinging up and down.
I can't help blaming myself for the mc.
Did you prepare urself on ttc last time?

I didn't drink water, purely on longan tea and hot milo only. Ok lah, this was my 3rd confinement so quite ok abt it.
It's better to take more tonics like dangui black chix soup.
Did you take confinement food with ginger and sesame oil? Do a mini confinement if you can.
Afterall these are also healthy food and will strengthen your body for your next pregnancy.
My chinese sinseh actually advised to do a longer confinement and will be beneficial to the body.
I hate the herbs bath but no choice too, endure for at least a week if you can. The weather is super hot nowadays.
Returning to own home is so much better at least no one will supervise us..haha...

Hi glimmerhope
It's better to do a mini confinement or 1 week if you can. Some gynaes actually give only a few days mc to rest at home.
However I felt like that the womb need time to recover after the d&amp;c and it's impt to replenish
the blood and nutrition loss and also prepare the body well for the next ttc.
I actually felt that my body condition improve after my confinement.
Afterall the confinement food/drink are all nutritious food and beneficial to us.

Take as much rest/sleep as u can and dun carry heavy things. U can take the bottles of chicken essence,
half boiled black chicken egg as well in the morning and a small cup of dom at night before u sleep.

Dangui chicken soup is good, u can brew ginseng with black chix as well. Gals, remember to buy
kampong chicken better.

I've not taken the bai feng wan yet. I am not sure whether is advisable to take during bleeding.
It's better to take after the bleeding stop. You might like to check with EYS.
For me, I will take 3 days after my menses.

Btw, does anyone have blood tinted discharge before their menses?
I have and suspected that the menses might be coming too.
yeap usana. I did my research and the prices are on par with what's selling at watsons' guardians etc. my husband is taking them with me too.

yeap still seeing her. jus went last week. will go again once i finish up the medicine.

I have the blood tinted discharge before menses. happened to me while ovulation at first cycle after D&amp;C. and at 2nd cycle before menses come - one day before the bleeding starts.

I asked pauline before about the blood discharge she say its just the womb still healing... so I never go think too much about it..
<font color="aa00aa">Dear SeR,</font>
Yes I'm TTC-ing now, 5th cycle of trying after my loss at 8 weeks last August
Sorry to hear abt your loss. Take care and may you BFP soon after bu-ing ur body

<font color="aa00aa">Dear Bryest,</font>
Usually how long is ur cycle? After my M/C, I had a cycle which was 51days and ovulated only at day 39 when my usual cycle length is 30-32. So I'm unsure if you O late or didn't O. Just BD lo. Other than OPK, do u monitor EWCM &amp; BBT?

<font color="aa00aa">Dear Tub, Glimmerhope, Yaya, and other mummies who've just gone through a loss,</font>
Take good care, heal yourself emotionally and physically, soon we'd all BFP, from the many cases of successful mummies who conceived and delivered despite having a loss.

<font color="aa00aa">Dear Mildstrawberry,</font>
It's been almost 6 months and I guess with TCM, you could be ready already? Usually TCM and gynae say 2-3 months after MC can try liao. Do you feel stronger after TCM? Cycle regular? Any clots and pains during menses?

<font color="aa00aa">Dear Twirllight,</font>
I'm also seeing Dr Tan KS @ Clementi. 2nd cycle with him. Hope you and I have good news soon

<font color="aa00aa">Dear all,</font>
Jiayou!!! May we all nurse our wounds fast fast and BFP fast fast again... Keep one anothe rupdated ya?
Hi Sashamama,
My cycle is usually 26 to 28 days. After D&amp;C, the 1st cycle is 26 days, 2nd cycle is 32 days and 3rd cycle is 24 days. I tested using OPK on my 3rd cycle since cd11 to cd21 but negative.

My gynae say my cycle is irregular so gave me clomid (100mg) and metformin to take this cycle, need to take for 5 days. Supposedly to help regulate my cycle and push for ovulation. I started taking on cd4, now cd7 already. Still got to take 1 more day. Have been having headaches and diarrhoe since the 1st day I took. Not sure whether it's the side effects of the medicine.

Have u taken clomid and metformin before? Any side effects? Is it successful?
Hi All,
Has anyone here taken clomid or metformin before? Were you successful in getting pregnant? Anyone experience side effects? Thanks
Dear SeR, tk u for the wonderful suggestions for confinement food, yah i only brew dangui black chix soup n brew red dates tea a few times once after d&amp;c. i have stopped drinking tea and indulge in cold drinks n seafood once in a while.. i know is not advisable but i cant help it.. next week i will cook the ginger chix.. heee currently i am waiting for my AF to come..

Dear sashamama,

i really hope i can be successful in my next tcc..
and to hold my baby in my arms...
Hi lynn
What type of multi vits did she give u? Is it for women or suitable for both men and women? I took the blackmores women's multi vits, I realised my urine turn bright yellow. wonder is it normal?
How many pills and how much is it? If not ex, maybe i will buy for my hb.

How many times per mth did you see her now? I will be seeing her tomorrow. Not sure whether they are open.
Have she start u on bai feng wan yet?

Yesterday after the ttinted discharge, I was bleeding slightly and today there's more.
Think it's probably the menses as my back is aching with crampes as well, feeling very tired too.

Hi sashamama
Nice to hear from you again. I am giving myself another 6mths before ttc again.
Meanwhile I am trying to exercise after my confinement. Just went swimming last Fri,
the feeling is great!! When i was hospitalised in KK, I could see the swimming pool and I so envy
those who could swim while I was lying there.
After my AF, i will resume my swimming routine soon.

Btw are u in my friendster or face book? add me to ur facebook at [email protected], my nick is SeR.

Looking forward to hear good news soon! Hope u get BFP soon!

Hi glimmerhope
You are most welcome. Try not to take tea. I understand it's irresistable to take cold drinks in the
super hot weather. Maybe u take the chilled drink with very little or no ice. At least not so cold. Now i actually bring a bottle of plain water out as v troublesome, I don't like hot drinks and no ice for soft drink taste v awful so might as well bring my own water...haha..
Like tat I can save $ on drinks too and spent on vits instead..heehee..
Take good care and after 1-2 cycles later, u can embark on ur TTC journey soon.

For TCM, EYS is quite ex. Lynn and I are seeing TCM at Chong Poh.

Add: Blk 152 Serangoon North Ave 1 #01-324.

If it's convenient to you, maybe u can give it a try.
Ser, i didnt prepared for it. i did know when i roughly got it cos that night i observe my discharge is those white transparent and is more than usual, so did it and got pregnant. this time i will prepare myself for ttc as my hubby is not young any more. my hubby said i siao when i told him to take folic acid. did any of ur hubby take? read on forum that some got ask their SO to take. i cant help feeling conscious when i saw pregnant women and thinking what stage will i be if i didnt miscarriaged..quite sad but we have to move on right....
my hair is so smelly cos i cooked just now. i cant help wanting to wash it..urgh!!!
ladies, hows fast u and ur hubby have intimacy after D &amp; C. nt sure when is it safe to do it..
she recommended essentials (two bottles one), calcium, fish oil and grape seed(proflavanol) for us. I find that so far they worked though. I've checked with my gynae as well. and she says its good enough.

I see her every week. should be gng tmr as well.
nope havent start. will ask her about the bai feng wan and whether necessary for me to start taking not.

yaya: me and my hubby only did it again after the bleeding stop and when the gynae says everything okay with the womb after the follow up consulation after D&amp;C.
Hi yaya
Did your gynae fix any follow up checkup for you? Once given the green light to ttc, you
might like to seek the opinion of TCM?
Fr wat I know, women took folic acid as it's impt for foetus's development, nvr heard about
men taking. Perhaps he might like to take zinc or men's multi vit instead?
It's better to check with gynae on these.

I envy those women who can carry their babies to terms as well and like what you say, we have to move on
and to face reality, I am preparing myself to try all over again.

It's a mixed feeling when I hv my menses today.
When I was expecting the menses to come, it fail to come (tat time be4 my pregnancy, i didn't expect to get pregnant)
...while it's not supposing to be here, it came but then quite relieved that it came, that means that
it's the 1st step to plan for my next ttc..I've recorded all at

I've tried with my hb, 2 weeks after my mc but then it hurt. I tried it 4 weeks later, it resumed to
normal. I think the best time should be 4 weeks later.

I've not taken the conceive well yet, intended to take it when I planned to ttc bt then the pills
look quite big. One of my friend took it and she doesn't have any complaints.
Guess it boils down to individual.

Hi Lynn
Are u going tomorrow? me too!! Hope to bump into you!
Hi Sashamama,
I read but nobody has diarrhea after taking the medicine. Went to see the GP today, gave me some medicine. Hopefully, diarrhea will go away. Today is my last day of my clomid.
Now praying i'll have ovulation in 5 days time. Then can ttc. Wish me luck.
did you went to the TCM yesterday?
I'm going later I think. hubby was sick yesterday.

I was told best to wait till 3 cycles over to make sure everything is back to normal before starting again.

my TCM advised 6months wait though..
gynae.. she only said try whenever you're ready.
twirllight, just relax and do it with ur hubby. the more u think, the more u find it hard to conceive le.

i went to see 2 gynae. gynae A said try ttc after 3 months cycle. gynae B said try anytime u feel u r ready.
my theory, dun care la... after my blood discharge over, i will probably continue our ML session and let the nature take it course liao. heee... cos wait v long. i think my hubby also got high urge liao. haha!

Ser, will take note of ur advice. hee. by the way, the blood discharge will take how long to clear? 1 week at most? i still have abit now.. i actually fixed appointment on 20th to see gynae but have to postpone it since i will be going to sydney for exhibition next week... hope everything (i mean the test and my womb) will be okay...
Hi twirllight,
I went to see the tcm after my D&amp;C and he gave me medicine to "bu" my body. After 2 mths, he say can try. In fact, my gynae wants me to try and get pregnant faster. He even gave me clomid and metformin to regulate my cycle and ovulation.
U may wanna check with your gynae or tcm when you can try. Think have to depend on your body's condition.
Hi Ladies,

My 1st post in this thread...

I was into my 6 weeks pregnancy.
Yesterday went to see gynae as my tummy pain &amp; there is brown discharge, he say my pregnancy stop, my water bag has stopped growing...I got to go for D&amp;C..I cried for the whole nite...

Can I go for D&amp;C in next 2 weeks?

Reason being, I am still in probation in my new job &amp; I have decided to quit after I served my 3rd month.I have 2 weeks left,if quit now, I will have to compensate the agency.
thks yaya/bryest &amp; lynn

i currently on tcm medicine...mayb after 1st mense cycle, i will try if my tcm giv green light..i reali hope to get pregnant again, but reali fear tat same pattern again (got sac no baby, stop growing)...oso nothing i can do for it...

i wonder if pregnant later, reali can hav tcm an tai medicine together wif gynae's vitamin or medicine...tat time i didnt dare to take an tai medicine, juz plainly take gynae's vitamin..yet empty sac, so sad...
Hi Qing

D&amp;C ops is a Day surgery, so you can go home within the same day.
I did mine on a Fri and go to work the following Monday, despite the HL given.
You can check with your gynae what's best for you.

I have checked with my gynae, he mentioned its best to remove the waterbag within 1 week, its not advisable to leave it in my body for too long...

I understand its 1 day surgery, but becos I have a weak body to begin with, &amp; this is my 2nd D&amp;C. I need time to recover &amp; build up my body...
