Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Ladies,

today i seems to be in very good mood. I have not feel so good for long long time.

"Something's telling me I am into to something good" Like that song.

It is a good sign I am recovery emotionally. I think i am ready to TTC.

Baby dusts to all and myself

I guess MC & prob conceiving is common nowadays cos our health this generation is pretty weak compared to our parents and ah mah generation. Have health prob here n there though we r not that old, sigh.........

Cos went to see sinseh this week n he told me i have a low blood pressure n weaker womb that could result in MC. wah... so upset cos im only in my mid twenties, not even at my prime yet n my health sucks.
sheryl..the asst did ask me back to see him after 3 mths but she wasnt sure wat is the purpose too...=)

oh gosh...ur fren is a little irresponsible...then again on the other hand it may not be fair for the baby as weel to be born in a broken family if their marriage is on the rocks...they shd have taken procaution anyway....

stefie...thanks...guess if he say dat the cyst is norm then not likely to seek 2nd opinion le...juz hope it go away real soon and does not hinder ttcing....pray that luck is wif all of us...babydust to all....=) could be attributed to the lifestyle & food we are having which works against ttcing.....=)
Babyatom dear,

don't up upset. Take your time to bu back your health. Be happy, don't be stress. Alot of health problems are due to stress and more stress plus environmental pollution.

Try to stay away from unhealthy food like fast food and processed food. I had take real care of my health even since my M/C last Jul-07. I have try to drink things without sugar, food with less salt and have not touch on fast food (Except my trip to USA). Even my dogs i am feeding them brown rice + meat and veggies, no more can food for them.

Don't worry
sheryl dear,

People have not had M/C like us. Being pregnant to some is not "blessing" at all. So don't get upset with people like her. It is her life. I do believe what goes around comes around.

Life has never being fair for all. Some richer, some very poor. Even our fingers are not same length. My mom kept telling me that's life.

Take care dear
stefie...good changes u made in ur fod a loser when it comes to food...simply cant resist the make things worst we have been eating out daily for the past 3 more homecooked food le...
Hi Stefie
yup, been shunning all the tidbits n junk food...
just cant resist chocolates..haha

Im still feeling kinda down even aft 1 month has passed. my DH say try to return life to normal n spend more time w my toddler gal but somehow i still feel empty n depressed whenever Im alone, at work , at driving, at sleeptime....tears just well out at the brim.
babyatom...there is no fixed & fast rules that one cant stop grieving after 1 mth....while sum takes a short while..others might require more time...cry it out or let ur tears flow as & when...the day will come when the pain seem managable..**hugz**
piyo - sorry to vent my unhappiness here, i am still having this bad feeling after reading or seeing the frens around me anouning their pregnancy yet i cant do anything but just wait.. not that i am not happy for their pregnancy but me just wonder when is my turn?? How ler, me really bad mood n can't concentrate to do my work now..
babyatom, actually my fren told me before that Dr Koh is a very direct person before i go to him. at my week 5, he already tell me that i got empty sac which makes me cry all the way home from his clinic. (i thot week 5 shd be very early to see anything except a tiny sac right ??) so i went to see dr woody at week 6 and found the fetus...but still did not last lah

piyobaby, sorry to hear tat u got a cyst from ytd did u tell dr woody that u are TTC at the moment ? will it cause any harm if u preg again next round ? does he give u any med to clear the cyst or anything ?

littlemini2, so u are not seeing dr woody anymore now ? come to think of it, he also did not tell me to do d&c when he say that he cant see my bb during the scan..just tell me to come back 1 week later for scan again. then after 1 week he ask me to do 2 blood test..then confirm must go for d&c liao...i think i also waste a lot of $ going thru all this...and medisave only can cliam back $450 total recipts come up to be $650++ cos the nurse ask me dont sign the package first...
Hi,piyobaby.dun worry too much abt the shld clear after try to eat healthier choices even when eating out.I cant resist food too but I always try to remind myself everything in moderation....still trying very hard! :p

Hi stefie2104,gd to hear u r ready to ttc. good luck!

Hi Porky,maybe dr woody just want to make sure esp. when he saw ur distress?I wish'd my dr had double checked really no chance instead of dnc straightaway.aiyah,I tell myself whatever is past, just let it go.

I did feel slightly better after writing 3 cards to my 3 lost bbs. Cant help thinking how they are doing now in the other world & sometimes find myself talking to them..think I am going crazy again.

Anyway, today is Friday and we ought to cheer up a bit. it's new wkend and time to cheer ourselves up if possible! everyone, have a good weekend and good luck to those ttc! lots of love and baby dust!
Hi gals,
when some ppl who can easily and dun go those the loss they they wont knw our problem. My own sil have 3 abortion.. And here for me trying for baby so hard.. Life is unfair..

The better things is i married a man who care and love me. For her the none of her relationship turn out fine..
hi sylvie, actually i am glad too that he suggest to do blood test instead of asking me to do d&c striaght away lah..i will still go to him for my next preg cos i feel safe with him loh. aiyo...i also talk to my bear before sleeping every night leh... i treat it like my lost bb and tell him/her goodnight and sleep tight in the other world. my hb thot i crazy at first but i tell him i really miss our bb loh

piyobaby, i sms dr woody le. he say no need to come tonight. see him 1 week later after my cycle complete
how old is your gal?

I understand your feeling.. Cos i have a toddler too. At 1st i refuse to look at him cos once i see him i will cry thinking of my lose baby. After awhile i feel bad. Cos there is once i am crying in my rm he came in and see my crying. and say "mummy pain pain?" Take med oil of me and take tissue to wipe my tears.

From that day onwards, i tell myself i have to be strong for my boy. I still think of my baby but i think more positive that the lose baby will be well taken care of. Now wat i can do is take good care of my boy and at the same time back to TTC hope i still have chance to give him a silbing.
jappooh, ur boy is so cute. i think he can feel that u are sad and ask u is it pain pain. i think what we can do is work harder to TTC loh. i lso will continue to TTC after my cycle complete
ya loh is so sweet for him to do that. And that moment really make me feel shame that i ignore him for the past 2 days loh.
jappooh, pls dont ignore ur boy from now onwards ok..may i ask u something ? does ur boy know that he actually has a sibling before ?
prawnmee....we are here to share & support one another so if u do feel beta pouring out here...feel free to do so....=)

FYI...for the whole of tis week....i have heard abt 4 preggies....for apr's oreadi abt 6...=)

porky he did ask abt my ttcing plans which i told him have started...he did not warn abt the hindrance of the cyst thus i take it dat it doesnt hopefully.....he said the cyst will clear off by itself thus no need for medication...lucky u sms him otherwise would have made a wasted trip cos i remember the review is to check the womb after AF....=)

jappooh...meanwhile devote ur attention for ur boy lor which does help to relieve the stress of ttcing....who noe it's easier to strike this way.....=)'s the flying to BKK on & foodies...kekeke =D (pardon mi for my siao-ness...trying to lighten things up)...
piyobaby, wow wow u are flying to BKK ! how i wish i can go too...have been asking my hb to go on a short trip but he keep saying no time to spare leh..anyway hope u enjoy ur shopping & makan trip in BKK ok. btw thanks for reminding me to call dr woody else is really a waste trip did he charge u for yesterday scan and consultation ?
Hi Jappooh

My gal is 21 months, will be 2yo in July..

Share your sentiments, had some slight resentments towards her initially cos of reminder of the lost bb, then few days later i told myself that Im mad n that isnt the way to continue, so I shd spend more time n effort w her since no preggie anymore.

Hi Porky n Piyobaby

r we supposed to see the gynae to scan aft the 1st AF ? My gynae only ask me to see him 2 weeks after dnc n he never mention that i have to see him again ley.....
porky...tis trip is for recharging since I am clearing leave from my current company & starting new job after the trip....we plan it ard end feb...tiger airways having promo fare of 9.99 to bkk again for travel in july...=)
dun mention lor cos i vaguely rem him telling mi to see him for 1st review post AF....he's veri nice wor neber charge mi anythg for the past 3 visits since m/c...yest too....=D

babyatom...porky & myself are seeing the same gynae thus requesting for a review after the 1st AF but it appears not to be the norm for all gynae...basically the review & scan is to ensure that the womb is fine & back to norm...if u would like to be xtra careful then perhaps can consider to visit ur gynae for a check....=p
my mil did tell my boy abt the sibling and as him wan didi or meimei. He say meimei though i doubt he knw he gg to have a sibling. I think he too young to knw. Now when he saw my sis baby (who is 5mths) he will wan to carry her and say meimei loh..

so our kid are of the same yr. My boy is more currently 26mths. He born in Feb 06.

can i chk wf u norm how long will the on and off spotting continue after dnc? i had my dnc early tis week and til today am having a bit of spotting accompanied wf slight cramps. its not tat kinda bad cramping, but cos my gynae hasnt told me how lon i shld expect this spotting so am rather clueless... can someone advise?
rhanks jappooh....cant go to sleep cos we are catching the 0630am flight...worried both will oversleep...kekeke

Aileen....sorrie to hear abt dat...cramping is common post d&c as the womb is contracting and as for spotting it's subjective on AF took abt 7 days to be clean & sum others here take as long as 2 weeks even so it shd b quite a norm for u...take care ya..=)
piyobaby - thanks for the advice. i see, so its normal. spotting meaning it doesnt flow like menses day 1 n 2 rite, rather more like day 4 n 5, where its bit bit spotting now n then? i am still very upset and tat moment of truth kept coming back to me when my gynae said my bb has no more heart beat... sob... when are u ttc again? when gynae says wait for 2 months, does it mean after the 2nd AF can try already?
piyobaby, 630am flight super early leh. nevermind lah. sleep inside the plane till touch down at BKK. haha. enjoy ur trip ya. i will tell my hb that July having promo loh. hope he dont reject me again...hehe. btw i ask u smt ah, is it bcos u sign the package so dr woody did not charge u for the post D&C review ? cos i did not sign any package leh..i dunno next review he will charge me anot. another thing is how many days ur AF last ? today is 5th day liao but seems like still heavy flow leh...but no intense cramps lah

jappooh, ur boy really very cute leh. hehe. i also hope that u can give him a mei mei soon. we work hard ok

babyatom, so have u seen ur gynae already ? dr woody also ask me to see him 2 weeks, then another 1 month see him again. but cos i am having my 1st cycle now so he ask me see him 1 week later

aileen, me same as piyobaby. only very slight flow and cramps last for abt 7days nia. after that everything is clear liao. then my gynae scan and say my womb is fine liao. just wait for AF to resume loh. u take care hor.
hi ladies, after watching the video from the link, i'm quite anxious to insist for tests to investigate the cause of my 2 miscarriages. just wanna know, did your doctors do the tests for u at 2 m/cs or did they say wait till its 3 in a row before investigating? mine says wont investigate until its 3 in a row..

but i really dont want it to happen the 3rd time, and investigate only to find out something could have been done to prevent it from happening in the first place!

advice anyone??
Hi Porky, long time no "chat" online...just curious..YOU having your AF already? Me MC same time as you but AF still not here yet le... sigh... how come my body so retart de le. What has happen to me sob sob

How about the rest of the gals here? How long does your 1st AF report? Will anyone get preg before 1st AF reports?
Hi Porky
I have seen my gynae 2 weeks aft my DNC. but he didnt advise me to see him again until my next round of preggie ley......

Hi Jlow
My 1st AF also still not here. Its 1 month liao....

Hi Twinangels
My gynae did recommend some blood test for both me n DH. But he stated that high chances we're fine cos we have a gal 2 years back, so he believe the MC is just bad luck due to random chromosomal issues.
Hi jiow,

yes, you can still get pregnant eventhough your AF havent reported yet. So, if you "do" it during your ovulation period, you may still strike it. By the way, just for ur info, in a menstrual cycle, you usually have ovulation 1st, following by thickening of ur uterus lining. So, if the egg is not fertilised, which means pregnancy didnt takes place, these uterus lining will not thicken further and will start to shed, coming out as blood, wat we called menses. Hope this clarifies your doubts.
Hi Jlow,
my AF report after 4wk+ to 5wks of my MC.

like wat shirley say u still get be pregnant b4 your AF report after the MC.
hi Jlow, so long never see u online leh. i did D&C on 21st feb. then AF report on 3rd April. exactly 6 weeks loh. my gyane told me is about 4-6weeks. i also very worried at first and finally it reported liao. feel so relieve now. i am already 5 days today still spotting...

shirley, i also notice some egg white mucus before my AF report leh. i think should be ovulation period right ? but we did not BD so will not get pregnant loh. hehe.
Hello ladies,

Just got back from a 2 week vacation, about 3 day after my D&C. Physically tired but was kept so occupied that I had no time to think or mope about my MC. By the time I got back Singapore, I seemed to have accepted the fact of my MC and was able to look at preggie ladies and babies without tearing up. ^_^

I just seen my gynae today. He had ordered a fetal chromosomes test on the contents of my DC. (His reason for the test is that my hubby and I seems too young to have a MC. I also had a 2 yr old girl and my pregnancy with her was very smooth) The test costs a few hundred bucks but the test results show the cause of the MC (which is very impt to me, at least)

We had an extra 20th chromosome which is somewhere similar to Down Syndrome (which is an extra 21st chromosome). This is relatively rare, abt 1 in 50 MCs, according to doc. The difference between this and DS is that the baby would not survive full term pregnancy and birth. The problem occurs during fertilization and Mother Nature would have terminate the pregnancy eventually.

For me, it offers some closure to this painful episode. There is nothing I could have done to prevent this. So at least, I can face those 'have u shift the bed or change bedsheets' remarks with more calmness. The good news is that the possibility of it occuring again is really rare and this MC will have no impact on my future pregnancies. So now, it's just waiting for the 1-2 cycles to pass before TTC again.

To all who had MC recently, my heart goes out to you. May you be strong and recover soon, physically and emotionally.
hi gals,
i just did my D&C last wed... almost a week liao.
wanna check with u gals, must we realli do a 2 week confinement?
really veri hot lately and my hubby dont let me use the fan or air con.
everyday enclosed in a closed environment. din even open the window.(cos too hot so oni wear bermudas)
luckily my husband show his support. he also sleep with me with all window closed, no fan no air con.
but realli veri hard to tahan. so wanna check anyone here dint complete the 2 week confinement.
hi Rei-chan,
can i ask at which stage did u m/c?

i have approached my doc and asked her to run me through the basic tests and she said it will cost up to 1k all in for blood clotting profile, hormonal levels, antiphospholipid antibodies and chromosome culture.

its a pity i did not keep any of my blood clots when my body was miscarrying on its own for further investigation. i wasnt sure if i wanted all those tests then.

my first m/c was at 8 weeks, no hearbeat, smaller than 8 week's size. 2nd m/c was barely 5 week, natural m/c which did not need any D&C. doesnt sound like there's a pattern repeating.

i would really like to know the cause, if any. even if the tests arent conclusive, at least we would have ruled out some main possibilities and have more peace of mind.
Dear ladies, Appreciate so much for all the info and advice...Hope it's not due to stress. Sigh...It always cause my cycle haywire..Seem like most of you have it within 2 months. So I will just wait patiently lor.

Hi Porky, I've been always around..but just quietly reading the thread
my M/C was on 22nd Feb, I though being natural mc, my AF should come timely but it's still not here yet. Don't dare to test also, anyway I am still a bit worried after all these while. Hee hee
hi Jlow, what u mean dont dare to test ? u BD few weeks after D&C ? so now u worried that u will be preggy ah ? mayb wait for another week loh. if AF still did not report then is good news liao. scarly u strike again. hehe. must inform us ok ?
hi Tan, i did 2 full weeks of confinement. no fan but sleep with aircon. wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and wrapped towel on tummy area then sleep. mine is in feb, weather still ok not really so hot. ya these few days, the weather really bad. sometimes so hot then suddenly rain...btw, did u eat lots of ginger and sesame oil food ? and drink red dates longgan tea ? take care ok

I'm supposed to be 9+ weeks when I had my D&C but ultrascan only show fetus at 6+ weeks size. Also there was no heartbeat even though we could see heartbeat 2 weeks before.

I only did the fetal chromosome test, so it didn't cost as much as 1k. Wouldn't have thought about doing it, if my gynae hadn't suggested it.

But since your MCs are over now, no point wondering about them anymore. Your gynae is probably trying to save u $$. Most MCs don't have a definite cause anyway. Just think positively about the future. Good luck with the next one!
Hi Porky
I also not consider TTC, just doing as and when I like. I worry of getting disappointed with BFN.. But if BFP I worry I not stable yet becos everyone says must wait 1st AF then more suitable lor...anyway the last check up I went Dr says I got cyst in both ovary..lagi more unlikely to preg also...
This week I receive 2 news of fren got preg. One just got married less than 3 months, the other got preg after gave birth 3 months! ... so happy for them, but when is it our turn le..

I must leave it to GOD liao. Better his timing than mine.
going for my d&c tmr...feeling so upset now....trying not to think too much! haiz...

life still have to go on...
hi Porky,
I did ate the ginger and sesame oil food and drink red dates longgan tea. din drink plain water except when eating antibiotics.
Hi Rei Chan

Same situation as u, had a toddler with no issues previously but had a MC this time round. U mentioned that ur gynae said u're too young for MC, but issit that young ppl wont MC ? Honestly im also very shocked when I was told i had a MC when bb stop growing at 9 weeks..btw, im 26 this year, how abt u ?

Hi Tan

For me, i just didnt let the fan blow directly at me, more for ventilation in the room by blowing the fan high up. Cant expect my gal and DH to sleep in a hot stuffy room, not good for health also. Bathe with the herb water. After the spotting has cleared, my mom also got me some TCM to bu myself.

Hi Arixon

Can totally know how u feel. Cos been thru that myself 1 month ago. Veri unwilling to let bb go but dont have a choice
Hi Arixon,
sorry to hear that. We have to stay strong.
Do come in here and "talk" to us. We understnad how u feel as all of us went through it.

Take care and rest well.

Heh heh, I'm not as young as you lah. 30 this year going 31. But I think medically, young is probably 35/36 and below??? Compared to westerners who have their 1st kid in their forties, I guess we can be consider young. ^_^

Young people also will have MC lah, just occur less frequently. You are still really young, next one sure ok wan, don't worry.
Hi Jappooh n Rei Chan

Wanted to start production early then can close factory early also mar, who knows, machine malfunction leading to current downtime :p


Sometimes, ren suan bu ru tian suan, u know? For my 2nd pregnancy, I checked all the calendars and calculate the dates and stuff (I know, very un-romantic, but too bad. ^_^) Well, we got pregnant, but who can imagaine it'll turn out like this? So no choice loh, just be resilent and think positive for the future.
