Support group - Miscarriages

hi all,

i didnt go see gynae......the brown discharge is like only like instant for a day then stop, then sun i go shop abit, then saw slight only a bit or dun have at all cos i get confuse with the colur....dunno if its light brown or yellow....haha....i m on hormone pills so even if go see gynae, he will ask me to rest well cos now too early to see anything at the scan. but will go highlight to him when i see him next week, which according to my LM date, should be 6 weeks + liao ba.

Charis, not too sure if its implantation bleeding anot.....i try not to think too much now after taking to my hubby, cos after seeing the brown discharge, i keep reading up books or internet to see if can find any info....the more i read, the more worried i i try not to think too much now lo......

do take care and rest well.
good to know the 'spotting' isn't as much.
try as much to prop-up your legs and don't at all risk carrying anything heavy or walking too much, ok.
do take care and rest well.
good to know the 'spotting' isn't as much.
try as much to prop-up your legs and don't at all risk carrying anything heavy or walking too much, ok.
do take care and rest well.
good to know the 'spotting' isn't as much.
try as much to prop-up your legs and don't at all risk carrying anything heavy or walking too much, ok.
Dear gals,

Thanks for yours replies.

My menses came yesterday, the day after I posted the message, pure co-incidence?? like that I should have posted the message long time ago lah.

Hope everything goes back to normal again.

And wish all of us all the best. :p

Thanks again.

tan tan
Dear gals,

Thanks for yours replies.

My menses came yesterday, the day after I posted the message, pure co-incidence?? like that I should have posted the message long time ago lah.

Hope everything goes back to normal again.

And wish all of us all the best. :p

Thanks again.

tan tan
Dear gals,

Thanks for yours replies.

My menses came yesterday, the day after I posted the message, pure co-incidence?? like that I should have posted the message long time ago lah.

Hope everything goes back to normal again.

And wish all of us all the best. :p

Thanks again.

tan tan
hi ladies,
saw very slight pink stain when i went to loo just b4 i knock off.....kindda of worry.....then when i reach home, the pink discharge i saw diappear fr the panty liner.....either it get absorb into the pd or its just an illusion at that moment when i 1st saw it.

anyway, will go see gynae tomor instead of next week....kind of worry too.....hmmm....should be end of week 5....prob only see sac ba....n...prob also inform him abt the discharge.....i HOPE NOTHING GOES WRONG THIS TIME........
hi ladies,
saw very slight pink stain when i went to loo just b4 i knock off.....kindda of worry.....then when i reach home, the pink discharge i saw diappear fr the panty liner.....either it get absorb into the pd or its just an illusion at that moment when i 1st saw it.

anyway, will go see gynae tomor instead of next week....kind of worry too.....hmmm....should be end of week 5....prob only see sac ba....n...prob also inform him abt the discharge.....i HOPE NOTHING GOES WRONG THIS TIME........
hi ladies,
saw very slight pink stain when i went to loo just b4 i knock off.....kindda of worry.....then when i reach home, the pink discharge i saw diappear fr the panty liner.....either it get absorb into the pd or its just an illusion at that moment when i 1st saw it.

anyway, will go see gynae tomor instead of next week....kind of worry too.....hmmm....should be end of week 5....prob only see sac ba....n...prob also inform him abt the discharge.....i HOPE NOTHING GOES WRONG THIS TIME........
YES do see your doctor tmr...
take care... will wait for your update.
[cross fingers/toes]
YES do see your doctor tmr...
take care... will wait for your update.
[cross fingers/toes]
YES do see your doctor tmr...
take care... will wait for your update.
[cross fingers/toes]
Cheezel, Pregnant already?? Congrats ! happy for you!
what?? pink discharge??
i thought when going to give birth then will have pink discharge..
But you only start preggy ..
your illusion isit? make me worry also!
wont wont! nothing goes wrong. god blessed!
Take care! must be careful hor!

gd facts,
After my still birth,
menses comes and stop after 1mth later..
Now 40days already.. why menses not yet come huh?? Need to ask doc for medicine or not huh?

what does these mean??
1.Hyperirritability of the cervix
2.Your baby has already died
3.You are more than 4 cm dilated

that time i got pink discharge then contraction pain then my 'V' already open 6 cm .. cervix is what? sorry, always ask you so many questions.
Cheezel, Pregnant already?? Congrats ! happy for you!
what?? pink discharge??
i thought when going to give birth then will have pink discharge..
But you only start preggy ..
your illusion isit? make me worry also!
wont wont! nothing goes wrong. god blessed!
Take care! must be careful hor!

gd facts,
After my still birth,
menses comes and stop after 1mth later..
Now 40days already.. why menses not yet come huh?? Need to ask doc for medicine or not huh?

what does these mean??
1.Hyperirritability of the cervix
2.Your baby has already died
3.You are more than 4 cm dilated

that time i got pink discharge then contraction pain then my 'V' already open 6 cm .. cervix is what? sorry, always ask you so many questions.
Cheezel, Pregnant already?? Congrats ! happy for you!
what?? pink discharge??
i thought when going to give birth then will have pink discharge..
But you only start preggy ..
your illusion isit? make me worry also!
wont wont! nothing goes wrong. god blessed!
Take care! must be careful hor!

gd facts,
After my still birth,
menses comes and stop after 1mth later..
Now 40days already.. why menses not yet come huh?? Need to ask doc for medicine or not huh?

what does these mean??
1.Hyperirritability of the cervix
2.Your baby has already died
3.You are more than 4 cm dilated

that time i got pink discharge then contraction pain then my 'V' already open 6 cm .. cervix is what? sorry, always ask you so many questions.
The cervix (from Latin "neck") is the lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina. It is cylindrical or conical in shape and protrudes through the upper anterior vaginal wall. Approximately half its length is visible with appropriate medical equipment; the remainder lies above the vagina beyond view. It is occasionally called "cervix uteri", or "neck of the uterus".


the mens u mention that comes and goes may not be the actual mens which we have monthly. it may still be the bleeding after the labour.

not too sure how to explain hyperirritability of the cervix....just know that if u have imcompetent cervix - a cervix that starts dilating prematurely, and Hyperirritability of the cervix symtom, do cant perform a cerlage for u.
The cervix (from Latin "neck") is the lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina. It is cylindrical or conical in shape and protrudes through the upper anterior vaginal wall. Approximately half its length is visible with appropriate medical equipment; the remainder lies above the vagina beyond view. It is occasionally called "cervix uteri", or "neck of the uterus".


the mens u mention that comes and goes may not be the actual mens which we have monthly. it may still be the bleeding after the labour.

not too sure how to explain hyperirritability of the cervix....just know that if u have imcompetent cervix - a cervix that starts dilating prematurely, and Hyperirritability of the cervix symtom, do cant perform a cerlage for u.
The cervix (from Latin "neck") is the lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina. It is cylindrical or conical in shape and protrudes through the upper anterior vaginal wall. Approximately half its length is visible with appropriate medical equipment; the remainder lies above the vagina beyond view. It is occasionally called "cervix uteri", or "neck of the uterus".


the mens u mention that comes and goes may not be the actual mens which we have monthly. it may still be the bleeding after the labour.

not too sure how to explain hyperirritability of the cervix....just know that if u have imcompetent cervix - a cervix that starts dilating prematurely, and Hyperirritability of the cervix symtom, do cant perform a cerlage for u.
went to see gynae this morning. was given hormone jan and increased dosage of hormone MC all the way till fri. was asked to rest and see him next week again.

today scan can see water bag liao.....7mm, 5weeks 3days....
went to see gynae this morning. was given hormone jan and increased dosage of hormone MC all the way till fri. was asked to rest and see him next week again.

today scan can see water bag liao.....7mm, 5weeks 3days....
went to see gynae this morning. was given hormone jan and increased dosage of hormone MC all the way till fri. was asked to rest and see him next week again.

today scan can see water bag liao.....7mm, 5weeks 3days....

Happy to know that you are doing well. Do rest well, eat well and don't worry too much.

All peers,
Things will work out well for us this time round. At least, it is a precious experience that all of us learn - not to take thing for granted.

The feeling of lossing someone so close and dear is tremendously painful, esp for all 1st time mummies,so treasure all love ones


Happy to know that you are doing well. Do rest well, eat well and don't worry too much.

All peers,
Things will work out well for us this time round. At least, it is a precious experience that all of us learn - not to take thing for granted.

The feeling of lossing someone so close and dear is tremendously painful, esp for all 1st time mummies,so treasure all love ones


Happy to know that you are doing well. Do rest well, eat well and don't worry too much.

All peers,
Things will work out well for us this time round. At least, it is a precious experience that all of us learn - not to take thing for granted.

The feeling of lossing someone so close and dear is tremendously painful, esp for all 1st time mummies,so treasure all love ones

after still birth, that bleeding is not menses. so now you are still waiting for your 1st cycle... and 40days already, yet to come... (right?)

well, just hang in there and wait... don't forget if you're worried and stress - these 2 factors do cause the delay of menses.
above AngelBee, mentioned her doctor said some people won't even have their 1st cycle till 3mths later... but don't let this scare or worry you.
maybe give yourself another 1 week... then you could either call your doctor or see him, and see what he says. (i know you can't wait to try... but don't forget you really need to have your 'internal' recover first) BUT if you feel pain or discomfort, then best to see doctor soon.

cheezel gave you a good explaination (with pic) about the female anatomy.

for your next questions
" what does these mean??
1.Hyperirritability of the cervix
2.Your baby has already died
3.You are more than 4 cm dilated "

what you wrote is about incompetent cervix.
cervical incompetence is basically a cervix that is too weak to stay closed during a pregnancy, can resulting in a premature birth and possibly the loss of the baby, if baby is too small or undevelop.

if one is found to have "incompetent cervix" there are steps that the doctor will get you to take and that is performing a cerclage (stitching/sewing the cervix closed) but not everyone can have a cerclage done. so here, doctor will advise accordingly.

when you said: " that time i got pink discharge then contraction pain then my 'V' already open 6 cm "
when did is happen ? at what stage of your preg. did this happen ?
if it's at the hospital when giving birth... yes, that's the natural birth procedure... your cervix will dilate and make way for your baby to arrival.
but if you had had your contractions at home and it leds to your still birth then... you may have had an incompetent cervix.

anyway, for info, every women should build up those pelvic floor muscles by doing kegel exercises.
b'cos regular kegel exercise increase sexual pleasure for females and their partners.
after still birth, that bleeding is not menses. so now you are still waiting for your 1st cycle... and 40days already, yet to come... (right?)

well, just hang in there and wait... don't forget if you're worried and stress - these 2 factors do cause the delay of menses.
above AngelBee, mentioned her doctor said some people won't even have their 1st cycle till 3mths later... but don't let this scare or worry you.
maybe give yourself another 1 week... then you could either call your doctor or see him, and see what he says. (i know you can't wait to try... but don't forget you really need to have your 'internal' recover first) BUT if you feel pain or discomfort, then best to see doctor soon.

cheezel gave you a good explaination (with pic) about the female anatomy.

for your next questions
" what does these mean??
1.Hyperirritability of the cervix
2.Your baby has already died
3.You are more than 4 cm dilated "

what you wrote is about incompetent cervix.
cervical incompetence is basically a cervix that is too weak to stay closed during a pregnancy, can resulting in a premature birth and possibly the loss of the baby, if baby is too small or undevelop.

if one is found to have "incompetent cervix" there are steps that the doctor will get you to take and that is performing a cerclage (stitching/sewing the cervix closed) but not everyone can have a cerclage done. so here, doctor will advise accordingly.

when you said: " that time i got pink discharge then contraction pain then my 'V' already open 6 cm "
when did is happen ? at what stage of your preg. did this happen ?
if it's at the hospital when giving birth... yes, that's the natural birth procedure... your cervix will dilate and make way for your baby to arrival.
but if you had had your contractions at home and it leds to your still birth then... you may have had an incompetent cervix.

anyway, for info, every women should build up those pelvic floor muscles by doing kegel exercises.
b'cos regular kegel exercise increase sexual pleasure for females and their partners.
after still birth, that bleeding is not menses. so now you are still waiting for your 1st cycle... and 40days already, yet to come... (right?)

well, just hang in there and wait... don't forget if you're worried and stress - these 2 factors do cause the delay of menses.
above AngelBee, mentioned her doctor said some people won't even have their 1st cycle till 3mths later... but don't let this scare or worry you.
maybe give yourself another 1 week... then you could either call your doctor or see him, and see what he says. (i know you can't wait to try... but don't forget you really need to have your 'internal' recover first) BUT if you feel pain or discomfort, then best to see doctor soon.

cheezel gave you a good explaination (with pic) about the female anatomy.

for your next questions
" what does these mean??
1.Hyperirritability of the cervix
2.Your baby has already died
3.You are more than 4 cm dilated "

what you wrote is about incompetent cervix.
cervical incompetence is basically a cervix that is too weak to stay closed during a pregnancy, can resulting in a premature birth and possibly the loss of the baby, if baby is too small or undevelop.

if one is found to have "incompetent cervix" there are steps that the doctor will get you to take and that is performing a cerclage (stitching/sewing the cervix closed) but not everyone can have a cerclage done. so here, doctor will advise accordingly.

when you said: " that time i got pink discharge then contraction pain then my 'V' already open 6 cm "
when did is happen ? at what stage of your preg. did this happen ?
if it's at the hospital when giving birth... yes, that's the natural birth procedure... your cervix will dilate and make way for your baby to arrival.
but if you had had your contractions at home and it leds to your still birth then... you may have had an incompetent cervix.

anyway, for info, every women should build up those pelvic floor muscles by doing kegel exercises.
b'cos regular kegel exercise increase sexual pleasure for females and their partners.
