Support group - Miscarriages

Dear April1976,

Sorry to hear that as well. Mine did not ask me to do a D&C, perhaps not necessary, I do not know. What he did was a scan and found nothing in the womb, thin lining and also he inserted something inot my vargina. When he drew out that thing,there was a lot of bleeding. He took my blood and said he will look into it as this is the 2nd time. Thats it, seeing him next mon as well. Never give me anything for infection and stuff. So i also dunno. Truly i was in a state of shock then.

how are u taking it april? u still bleeding?

hi april1976,

hope u r recovering.
i'm not sure wat the $5k is for.
but for m/c, usually company insurance does not cover for tat, at least mine doesn't. u might want to check wif your HR dept if u r currently working.

otherwise, the other m/c case which i know has a pay-out from insurance company is when there is an accident which causes the m/c of the baby.
hello n morning gals

hamasaki - yo! Never say give up okie, u'll get pregnant one day. The most important dont stress yourself. i share with u my mi4 ji2. (i heard from gals from other thread say Royal jelly will help in pregnancy so i try lor) hubby n i took royal jelly every morning n i drink DOM 3-4 times a week n hubby drink Yomeishu every nite
Jia you n remember that the more u stress yourself the worse it is. So must relax yeah!
how r u?
discharge all disappear liao?
ooi, cannot take cold stuff hor! notti gal!

u getting enough rest at home?
ur in-laws know? they still upsetting you?
it is something truely difficult to accept, everyone in the family had a smooth delivery and was really looking forward to having a baby as we had been trying for a year...some things are just God's will. I'm still bleeding, though very little. bookworm, did they do a blood test? was told that if your HCG(hormone level that indicates pregnancy) is 0, meaning the body had rid the pregnancy, then there is no need to do a D&C, my HCG was still pretty high then so it was necessary..i guess we will know what happen on Monday...even then i think there will still be plenty of uncertainties. Nevertheless, find out what can be done. Got plenty of advice to keep trying, God's blessings will come one day! but it is really a difficult time now for us...i really dun wan to look beyond but just to ride this tough time over

bluebells, thanks, i do know most insurance does not cover m/c but was told by the nurse that we could claim an extra amt from medisave for m/c. Thanks for your help!
<font color="119911">Good morning gals!</font>

<font color="0000ff">bluebells,</font>
For the temperature taking, I do not follow strictly to the same time everyday. Sometimes I need to wake up early at 6am, so I take temp at 6am. When I wake up at 8am, I take temp at 8am. I am not too sure how it will affect the temperature, but it will be helpful to record the time temperature was taken for reference. I did not bother to write the time though
. But still can see a trend in my BBT. I also wakes up early in the morning to go toilet sometimes... And sometimes... some bed activity in the morning... kekeke...

<font color="0000ff">Hamasaki,</font>
Thank you... Baby dust to you too
. Hope you will strike soon. I have a question and hope you wun get angry with me.
Have you measured your weight and height to calculate your body mass index before? I think you are quite lean.

Today I am running a temperature... Dunno is it due to the clomid or due to the heaty weather. This morning hubby said I am hot also...
Ok, gotta log out already. I will be teaching teachers this afternoon
Hi april1976,
Most insurance only cover accidental m/c but u might wan to check with your HR/company's insurer if they cover "miscarriage due to non-elective/medical reasons". So long as its not outright abortion some insurer does cover. I'm aware coz i'm in the corporate insurance line. So no harm trying.

For my previous m/cs, I believe n trust in GOD that He sometimes may take away what is not good but He will surely bless in His due time... get a copy of SUPERNATURAL CHILDBIRTH n you'll be comforting to know that it was NOT GOD's intention for women to be barren. No words of ours can truly comfort you except HIS n I pray that He will carry you through this difficult time as He did for many of us here... GOD BLESS!
hi qwer and bluebells, thanks for all of ur support.. it gave me the strength to carry on doing so..

hi confused, thanks so much for that tip.. i heard that be4 that royal jelly do help in a way or more.. I will be taking pure royal jelly soon which hubby bought for me in Taiwan..
hi Lyn, oh gosh.. to hear that u're not feeling well..
better take a break and rest well at home.. Hope ur temp will go down soon.. Get Well Soon...

hi Lyn, me not angry with u over the question u asked me.. Well, I have not taken and measure it yet..(hehehehhe)..
thanks! i think i will try start recording my temp soon.

oh gals, digress a little... anyone know where to get nice rice dumpling?
hi all
i am back. I went to see Dr Kowa this morning. Wow! very popular. a lot of ppl. i waited for 2hrs.

my tears dropped while telling him about the past. he did a scan for me and also insert something into my viginal to check. everything was fine. he encouraged me to start to conceive and don't wait for too long as i am aleady 36 liao. he dun think the stitch would affect my next pregnancy. i told him my former gynae advised me to consider carefully before i conceive as i may hv to go through what i had gone through during 1st m/c. he said my 1st m/c was a misfortune. low placenta, twins pregnancy, a high risk pregnancy, amnio test was the main cause of miscarriage. He wondered why kk gynae advised me to go for amnio test as the risk was high for me. 2nd m/c was not related to the 1st m/c. he gave me some folic acid to take twice a day. I am happy that I made the right decision to see Dr Kowa.

Hi all
Thanks for the valuable advise.

Hi ocean
Thanks again.

hi Belly button
hows your check up today?

hi april 1976
sori to hear that. please take gd care!
i heard abt the joo chiat. but dunno where exactly. u noe the address? thanks.

Good to hear that everything went well for your gynae check. So it's Green Light now for TTC... jia you!
Amy, dont mention! I din do much though! But i am glad that Dr Kowa give u the assurance to ttc again!
Sounds like he is really very good!
I always heard frm my SIL many stories abt Dr Kowa cos almost her whole office preggies went to him.

BellyButton, hope everything went well for your checkup today!
hamasaki - yeah! u n your hubby must take Royal jelly. And if possible drink DOM yeah!

Bluebell - thanks n sorry for the late reply cos i juz wake up (dont know y cant sleep at nite leh). i'm ok liao. Tomoro going back to work liao. i know, now i dare not take cold drink or ice cream liao.
although i crave for it.

Hee! i'm still staying at my parent's plc leh. (for 3 weeks liao) I dont feel like going back leh. My PIL still the same lor, yaya(pround - dont admit mistake) n still didnt talk to us. No hope liao lah. They didnt know i'm preggy. i mentally prepare liao, they sure call me bu3 ji1 again.
amy - glad that u went to Dr Kowa n give u hope again. Yeah! Dont give up. Try again. Jia you *Baby Dust to u*

Wow! u waited for so long ah? (anyway it's worth it)
hi bluebells
sori, i dun hv the address. do u noe where "fei fei" wanton noodle is? "kim choo" is somewhere ara there.
ocean &amp; confused
not only Dr Kowa gave me hope. you gals here gave me a lot of support and encouragement. "xie xie"

thought i can start to TTC but I am still quite worry. i am 36 this yr and have hyperthyroidism. endo asked me to continue wif my medication. Dr Kowa did asked me this morning. is hyperthyroidism one of the cause of miscarriage. i also dun know.
Amy - Dont worry n stress yourself. Then u can make it easier. btw, u got bu your health?
Aiyo! he's a gynae he should know leh. Wat did your previous gynae told u. Juz tell him frankly n maybe he'll be able to know the ans. I'm sure he can help u get preggy again.
hi confused
i think he was trying to ask whether i was having hyperthyroid during my last 2 m/cs. i told him i hv mild hyperthyroid during 1st m/c. i remembered my endo went to hospital and check on me before gynae do stitch. he never asked me whether I hv hyperthyroid during 2nd m/c. aiya.. i was very tense this morning, forgot to tell him my hyperthyroid relapsed during my last m/c and I didnt realized it.

i hv been seeing a Chinese Sinsen to 'tiao' my health since last oct. before i was under her care, i was less than 40kg despite good appetite and hyperthyroid was under control. i am 46kg now. my health improved a lot. she also encouraged me to seek 2nd opion from other gynae. i called her this morning to tell her about wat Dr Kowa had told me. she was very happy.
amy - oic. nevermind. During your next visit just tell Dr Kowa that u forgotten to tell him. (Hopefully after telling him, he knows wat causes n he can help u)

Gals- tomoro i'm going back to work liao. so i cant chat in the morning/afternoon. Will chat with u gals tomoro nite.
Good morning gals,

haiz, had a bad dream last nite.

maybe it has been sparked off by the conversation i had with my ex-colleague. she was telling me how another colleague had a m/c around same time as me.

i guess i tot 2 much about my own, that i dreamt that i also lost it the 2nd time.

bad dream... go away...
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning gals!</font>
How are you feeling today? Better than yesterday? Hope today is a brighter day for you

<font color="0000ff">Hi Bluebells,</font>
Shoo shoo shoo the night mare... Try to do some relaxation excercise n relax your mind...

I think I haven't get over the miscarriage... I cried last nite when I told my mentor about it... But now I am ok already
Good Morning Ladies! I feel great today.

Bluebells, I had my share of bad dreams too, my hubby says maybe I think too negatively in the day. So stay happy &amp; the bad dreams will disappear!! Yeah shoo shoo to our bad dreams!

Lyn, **hugz** it's indeed very difficult to get over. Crying occasionally is ok, I guess.
morning gals

Yo! faint ah! So much work to do. Stress ah!

Bluebell n Droopy - yo! *touch wood* think on the brighter side. yeah! maybe think too much liao. Try to forget the past (i know its very difficult but i'm sure both of u can do it)

Droopy - ya! i agree with u. must stay happy n soon u get good news. My sis always tell me to look at the brighter side.
<font color="0000ff">Hallo ladies,</font>

Yesterday I was extremely busy in office, dun hv time to log in.

<font color="119911">Confused,</font>
So glad that you're returning to work today. Always keep in mind to do <font color="ff6000">things super slowly</font> OK? Remain cheerful &amp; positive, ya? Smile more &amp; baby will be happy, kekeke...

<font color="ff0000">Bluebells,</font>
Sorry for my late reply. Thanks for you suggestion, Ill try to record it in Excel during lunch time, keke.

Ya, Lyn has helped to answer your question on taking BBT already. I'm not sure how the temp will be affected if BBT is taken at different timings in the morning. I'm very <font color="0000ff">discipline one</font>...cheay.... I always take my BBT at the same time every morning. If really have to wake up &amp; go to the loo, I think cant be help lah.cos sometimes I also wake up to make milk for my gal, then I continued to sleep &amp; wake up again to take BBT.
<font color="aa00aa">Confused,</font>
Dun stress hor....relax..... Tell yourself, work cannot be finished one, everyday will have work to do one...juz take it easy. Do work slowly at your own pace.
Hi hamasaki and droopy,
Thank you very much...
Today no fever already
Last nite slept under the duvet and kept myself warm

You gals are such an angel
I think I have been finding things to do to make me happy and not solve the problem. I gotta solve the problem now in order to move forward...
hi qwer, confused, hama, lyn, Droppy...

i could always count on you gals to "chase away" my bad dream.
yah, i agree it's the negative thots during the day tat caused the bad dreams at nite...

okie gals, i wouldn't be logging in tomorrow. HB coming back tomorrow, i'm on leave! yeah!
hi Lyn, take extra care now and build up ur body strong esp: u just recovered..

Great to hear that and we will be the pillar of strength and support to U..

wow bluebells, ur hubby is coming home soon... yipee... Finally, ur long wait for him is over..
wow bluebells,
Your hubby finally coming back! You must be delighted! Enjoy your "er ren shi jie" again

I also think it's the negative thoughts that is in our subconscious mind that cause us night mares...

Yap... I will
Thank you
Dear gals,

For those who are taking BBT, if I remember correctly, not only you have to take the BBT AT THE MOMENT you wake up, i.e. BEFORE ANY ACTIVITY, you should also have at least 4 hours of sleep before taking the BBT. This is to allow your body temperature to come to the stage when only your metabolism is causing the temperature, any activity will cause the body temperature to rise, so you should have minimal activity after you wake up and before you take your BBT.

I got the information from the web and from the manual that come with my basal thermometer, but didn't use the BBT method because it's so troublesome.

Hi Gals!
Sorry have not popped in here recently. Have been really down with morning sickness. Feel super tired. Baby dust to all of you!

Hi Bluebells, dont think too much of the dream. Enjoy your time with your hubby.
<font color="0077aa">Wah Bluebells,</font>
Your hubby is coming back!!! Njoy yourselves hor!!!

<font color="ff0000">Hi Yasmin,</font>
Take good care. Maybe u can try to eat some crackers b4 u get up from bed every morning. This method may help to reduce the morning sickness.
I read about that too... I used to tell myself that it's so troublesome to take the temperature becos of all these requirements... But I still take the temperature for the sake of taking. The results that I got is BBT that can be used by my gynae

Sometimes we have some bed activity in the morning, but my BBT temperature does not vary too much... That's my experience la...
Aiyoh...the sky is so dark &amp; gloomy but it's time to knock off! Hope it won't rain till everybody has reached home, kekeke....
wow, didn't know that Dr Kowa is so popular, i made an appointment to Dr Ho at Mt alvernia for 2nd opinion( also have to make appontment 2 weeks before. Aiya, shld have gone to Dr Kowa.Is his apoointemnt full? perhaps i give him a call to see if he has free slots next week

Do u know what will the doc check in this case, like the reason for m/c? by blood test or?
<font color="aa00aa">Gd day ladies,</font>

<font size="+1">TGIF again!!!</font> <font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Hurray!!</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">Good Day everyone!</font>
This morning woke up then started doing housework till now... so much to do...
At least now, the floor clean already
... Gonna iron the big stacks of clothes
Then go groceries shopping...
hi all,

just to keep you all updated, i've scheduled for termination tomorrow.

this heartbreaking decision was arrived at after a long long struggle. my last check-up with Dr Ann Tan showed that the water level had dipped again, and from all the results and symptoms, it was concluded that there is a high likelihood that our bb's kidneys are not functioning and therefore not compatible with life.

Although we came back to square one after one big round, we were glad we did the additional procedures and tried our best as parents to give this precious child a chance to live. There are less "what ifs" in our mind now and this is probably the best decision for us and bb...

hubby and I will probably take a break before we start again.. afterall, this is our first pregnancy and a very traumatic one...
well, sometimes i wish if it might be better in this case to have a miscarriage than an abortion coz at least we dun have to be the one making the decision to end the little life that is within this case, i think it may be better to have no choice than to have a choice that leads to nowhere. well, this is just my thought..

just want to thank you girls for your support, prayers and listening ears during the past month.. for those who are ttc, baby dust to you all. i'll be around anytime to lend my support.

Hi Bellybutton,

Sorry to hear that. PLs take great care of yourself. Please do a mini confinement.


After reading the past few days posting, understand that you are having the 2nd miscarriage. Why didnt u ask yr Dr to perform DC?

If I am not wrong, after you have a D/C, the Dr will clean the Uterus. Once the Uterus is clean, it is easier for you to conceive.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
