Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

hi trustbaby,

i dun have such obession ..but todae when i hear two of my lunch khakis pregnant..i have mixed feelings ..cos i am happie for them realli the same time, i am tinking to myself that how good it will be for me to be pregnant with them together see our kids grow up at the same time..i am realli envy lor...but at the same time, i oso knw that my health got to be built up0 first...

jus that i felt a bit stressed cos all of them r younger than mi

hi trustbaby,

I do not have that kind of obsession. For me, i get slight depressed whenever i heard someone i know is pregnant or giving birth, wondering when will be my turn.
hi Sunbelle and twinstars,
I understand perfectly well how you feel. i recently also heard one of my fren's sister got pregnant. Happy for her but sad for myself. My fren even told me its your turn. I cant promise her le.

Honestly, my hubby is not ready to have kids. But i continue to plan as my biological clocks are ticking and no time to wait anymore. Sometime men dont think too much. So i think for him. I know once the baby is in his arms. He will melt. i have been visualising this all the time.

We have to be strong coz if not we will fall ill and depress. Not good for our health.

Best wishes gals!
Have a great weekend and enjoy every minute being free now. Once u become mama wow your life will take a 180 degree turn.
hi twin_stars & sunbelle,

I perfectly understand how you guys feel. All my friends (ex school mates, working kakis are all mothers now) have their own kids now. Many times when we go out, they tend to talk about their kids or ask me when it is my turn. Hiah....I just tell them I am infertile so that they stop asking me anymore. Sometimes I really x2 think god is unfair cos even the kaki who didnt like/want to have kids also pregnant!!!!


Are you going to do IVF in private or govt hospital? Anyway I heard Dr Fong or Foong in Glen E is good, you may want to try. I also want to wish you the best!! May you be a mummy soon!!!!
I guess most of you should be trying this June as your jabs are completed. I am still on TCM and will give it at least 6 mths cos the Dr said it takes at least 6 mths to show results. I have gone for Hormone Profile A test...don't know what that is but the TCM asked me to go for it.

I think I will just tell the TCM that I want to try IUI/IVF if I can't get pregnant by end of this yr naturally cos I don't think I want to wait in vain. If I keep waiting, I may only end up having 1 kid.
Hi gals,

i understand the kinda of feelings without a kid now cos i was carying different babies at my jc gathering yesterdae hehe
all of my jc frens are close to me so of cos they din ask when i am having a baby lor...cos they are all so understanding so i just keep playing with their babies ....

yo, Pipi what is the objective of hormone profile A test huh? my menses still not here yet can i go visit the chinese physician at tong chai huh?

yeah i am tinkg when my menses will be here...i am enjoying my dry season but oso dun wan to waste the chance of trying for a baby...yeah somehow i guess time has come for me to have a young one liao hahaah
hi PiPi,

Havent heard from u for a while. No menses, no wetness, so got to wait. This 1 week i had been feeling emotional, upset over small things. Perhaps my emotions are rather unstable these days. My sister juz gave birth last week, another sis also gave birth 2 months ago. Even my elder sis who doesnt fancy kids, had 2 liao. Im the only one who has none yet. Im facing the same kind of feelings as u had described.

May i know where is the hormone test A done? Is it done at Dr C clinic?
Hi gals,

how do we take buses to go tong chai insitution huh? which mrt is the nearest huh? from the map it seemd to be chinatwn..any idea which bus to go from chinatown or bugis mrt huh?
Hi pipi, long time havent heard from you. glad that you are back...the more the merrier here. got more ppl to share the ups and downs...

i am thinking that i will try to conceive 2-3 mths naturally since doc said it is the best time. so far same as twin star, no menses, no wetness dry spell indeed. good in away but my body heat is coming into me agaijn. the weather is horribly hot. so heated up and i have been sweating like crazy.

To answer your question i will give IUI/IVF a try after i try naturally first. Hey before you try naturally maybe asked your doc to prescribe you Clomid. that may help you to produce more eggs. dont know exactly how effective. I guess no harm taking.

Sometime i feel whether i m unlucky or life is unfair, i immune. i went thru so much to reach this stage of trying to conceive again. i will treasure the moment and the trying period.

wow, TCM is a long process. Good but long and need a lot of patience. i dont think i have that anymore. my is on urgent case. this year just turn 38. Young on the outside but old organs. LOL
I was asked to go to Parkway(east shore, glen e, mt e) to do this test. I don't know what's this test for, maybe to check my hormones or find out if I am really ovulating! Hahaha, I am already on week 11 TCM, havent got any positive sign yet. Hiah....

Plus nowadays I need to work late most days in a week..dunno how to conceive. Maybe I will ask my TCM if I can go for IUI if I can't conceive naturally by August.
I am thinking of combining TCM with Western medicine. But wonder if there are anyone who is doing it now to increase the chances of conceiving.
Trustbaby, when and whr are you going to do the IUI/IVF?
HI Trustbaby

u have a good sense of humour leh

Hi Pipi,

i tink is good to combine..but whether do they work hand in hand together huh?
i haf searched the web on when my menses will come and it seemd tat the following extract will explain :


All the GnRH agonists work in exactly the same way. When used continuously for periods of longer than 2 weeks, they stop the production of oestrogen by a series of mechanisms. This deprives the endometrial implants of oestrogen, causing them to become inactive and degenerate.

Most women will stop bleeding within 2 months of starting treatment. However, some will experience 3–5 days of vaginal bleeding or spotting about 10–14 days after beginning treatment.

You should notice an improvement in your symptoms within 4–8 weeks of beginning treatment, but some women will experience a temporary worsening of symptoms in the first 2 weeks. This is because it takes a little while for the body to clear out its hormone production, and during this phase oestrogen levels will actually increase and may therefore stimulate the disease until the stabilising effect of the GnRH agonist kicks in.

The return of ovulation and menstruation is very variable. Most women will menstruate within 4–6 weeks of their last spray of buserelin or nafarelin, or within 6–10 weeks of their last injection of goserelin, leuprorelin or triptorelin.
Hi Pipi, since i m on high risk group due to my age, i may still continue to be with my current doc whom is known to deal with high risk pregnancy. She is seems confident and i trust her for that. wil do IUI / IVF with her. Unless cost is an issue. I havent really asked her yet on the possible cost. IUI is not an issue but IVF can be very ex. Not sure when exactly i will do. I m waiting to try naturally first for a few rounds and decide then.

What abt you? Combining both are good idea. Unfornately, i dont think i hv time.
Hi Trustbaby,

will like to know which doctor are u seeing huh?

i support natural first lor..waiting for menses to come now
Hi sunbelle, i am seeing Dr Ann Tan. Have u heard of her? My fren recommended her to me since i will be high risk potential.

see how it goes. Natural is always the best.
I havent had my menses yet. My last jab was on 4 april 2009. i was told that once my menses come, i need to inform the clinic nurse so that they can arrange appt for me to meet my doc. does anyone have similar arrangement?
I havent had my menses too. Yesterday is my full 7 mths from my jab. (passed 4mths which the jab is for 3 mths period).

Quite worry what going on inside my body. hmm... will have ultrasound this mth end. Hopefully everything is fine..
Hi cuteOrange, not to worry okay. The good thinking is your endo is really suppressed to the core.

Of course, we must have our menses back to conceive. let us know once u hv the reason. 7 mths is a long time, i agree.

i hope is not overdose case.
hi Ladies,

I had 2 'menses' after my last jab in Mar then stopped till now, so it's 2 mths w/o menses from Apr. Let's pray that our menses will return soon.
Hi Trustbaby,

how muchie is the consultation of seeing dr ann tan huh? hrd of her in the magazine ..yeah and her website always pop up when surfing net.

yo, wondering hw come our menses havent come,until when i read the article in web. jus came bk from a one month old full mth party. as usual everyone was asking hahaha
told them soon liao hahaha

yo, cos if no menses no chance of conceiving leh realli...
Hi Trustbaby,

i am seeing dr loh at KKH now cos he is the top gynae for the lap operation .he did ask me to try ivf but jus tat we havent come to try natually first lor..

now waiting for menses to come come so long huh?
why is dr loh asking you to try ivf? i thought drs shd always ask couples to try to conceive naturally first before resorting to IUI then IVF.
hi sunbelle, ya i also want to know why he ask u to try ivf first. my doc did mention to try naturally first.

same here menses not here yet. so long and so frustrating. for the first time i look forward to menses
Hi gals,

i have emailed dr loh again and glad to see his reply. he mentioned that menses maybe delayed for 1 mth which is 2 mths after injection. that sets my mind at ease now.

i guess can be becos my endo is at stage 4 so trying IVF is like an option i guess....but mi and my hubby prefer trying natural cos we hardly put in efforts to try natural before goin for the lap to remove the 2 cysts...hope to go for chinese medicine to help after menses is here and that is why i am so anxious for the menses to come cos it will mean more chances to try.
if delay means miss one month to try....

i am wondering how to make it come earlier..should i take evening primserose oil or wat huh?
hi gals,

that's the dilemma here. If we try to make it come earlier (although dont know how), will it defeat the purpose of the jab? If it's really like what Dr Loh has mentioned, then mine will be here next mth, but i think it depends on individual bodies. My last jab was in Mar, but i had 2 menses after that( 1 in Mar n 1 in Apr). May n June nothing yet.
Yup, i had my jap in apr means July and not June. sigh...i have the similar prob too. i want to try naturally first at least a few mths.

i am not sure whether i can email my doc. she nvr say or mentioned that before. i guess i will get charge for emailing her.

This month is June, we are getting closer to our TTC.

sunbelle, which tcm you will go to?
Have email my gynae. Asking her is it normal for the menses to delay so long from the jab. She said yes. In some individuals may take much longer than expected for the menses to come back. So I have no choice have to wait then.
Hi gals,

can i know how you gal know how big is yr endo and its grow on which part, i was dignose by Dr frm KKH with endo base on my CA125 blood test lever & experience vry painful menstration but dun know how big isiit and got how many all this type of detail, he jz tell mi to go for lapo surgery, but question is i dun ever know how big and whr the endo is jz tell mi opts, pls help if anyone know abt this.
is it pain to undergo the lapo surgery, and do u gals hv any idea how long the surgery take.
hi shirely77,
You dont have to worry about the lap, they will put you to sleep before they do the op. You will only feel a little cramp. Other than tt, all should be ok. All of us here(majority) has gone through the lap, just to try conceiving. Welcome onboard!

Hv you read the article on surrogacy on Sat ST? I hope they approve it in Singapore. For ppl like us who are dying to have children and not getting real help from gynaes (sometimes I feel tt some gynaes just want to make you cough up more money,rather than help you conceive) that may be the option.

Surrogacy in India is very popular nowadays, we are helping the poor women there to earn their keep to give them/family a better future. At the same time, we are borrowing their womb to have a baby (if you are wondering what is the colour of the child - its going to be the same colour as your hubby and you if you use your egg and his sperm, and plant it into the surrogate mum's womb).

Sometimes I wonder if it is our food, diet and way of living(work, work, work to pay for hse, bills, etc etc) which is causing us not being able to conceive. The stress of living in wonder most of my friends are emigrating to Australia.(most of them are applying now)
Regarding my Hormone Profile A test, its to test my blood. I am not sure the exact reason/purpose for the test as this test was suggested by the TCM for me to take. I need to take 2 blood test and this is the first one. Another test is progesterone test, which is next week. I will update again once I have some facts from the TCM.

It's going to be my week 14 for TCM, nothing has happened yet. This is such a long marathon...
hi pipi,

i truely agree with what u have written and also for the fact that nowadays a lot of ladies are trying hard to have a baby.

dun give up on this journey. i am strongly believe that we will get to our destination one of these days. as long as we maintian our health can liao

do u noe of anyone who wans to buy the eu ren shang bai feng pills huh? wanted to sell off the boxes cos of miscommunication that my frens helped to buy too muchie boxes now...

selling at 20% off the retail price so is about $36 dollars a box...wondering any of ur frens interested huh?
Hi Pipi, i also agree that women nowadays are having difficulty conceiving. I strongly believe the combination of stress, lifestyles, genetic and food we consumed throughout our lives have created this outcome. It is so sad and frustrating.

I am thinking if i really really cant conceive after trying IVF which is my last resort, i will consider adoption. i have so much love to give. why shld i keep it. It just wont be fair. My thots.
hi friends,

i m new here. it is gd 2 find a support grp like this n i've enjoyed reading the posts here.

i had a cyst removed last mth n was told to hav endo too. e op went well, n i had my menses 3days aft. however, 2 days aft my menses, i experienced uterine bleeding, n it hasnt stopped since. its been abt more than 3 weeks. i've seen gone bk 2 e hospital n have been scheduled 2 c an endo specialist in a few days' time.

i also hav severe bloating problem, my tummy still look at 3-5 mths pregnant aft e cystetomy. is it normal? usu how long will i b normal again?

appreciate e comments.
hi pipi,

thank 4 replying 2 my query,i have read most of the thread on endo liao. Nw hv more confident in the surgery.But still 1 more thing i not very sure regarding the opts, can u tell mi abt tat. From wat i know when opts the doctor or nurse will put one tube in yr throats as to help u breath (general anaesthesia), can i know whether u feel pain when the tube go into yr throat, or u already sleep & dun eben feel anytik.

Im oso trying 2 conceive 4 few years liao still no sound till i go KKH regarding my painful menstration dun got 2 noe tat endo might affect diff in conceive. Hopefully after opts will conceive soon.
Hi Cath,

After my laparascopy last year to remove ectopic n endo, my tummy was also quite bloated due to the dioxide gas being pumped in to enable better view during surgery. My bloatedness went down after close to 2 mths. U shld called up your gynae regarding the uterine bleeding.
hi Shirley77,

Dont worry abt putting the tube into the throat as the nurses will only do it after the patient is unconscious after GA. U will feel the throat is very dry n coughy n cant really say a word when first awake after surgery. After 1 to 2 hrs, it will be ok.
Thanks Twin star

Can i know u gals need to admi hopital or not after the opts or can jz go back home after tat, and so anybody know the charge for the lapo surgery in KKH. As for mi im a housewife so dun really have medisave. So the surgery i be paying by cash and i really so scare as tis is the 1st time in my life to do surgery, i dun really dare to stay in hopital so my hubby say if need to stay choose the ward A so he can accompany mi. Pls if any know the fees pls tell mi, thanks
hi Shirley77,

I am able to go home on the same day, but i just stayed for a night juz in case i feel unwell. I m not sure of the cost for KKH either.
Hi Cath & Shirley, welcome. It feels great that there is this support group. Helps me a lot. At least i can find someone to share and confine my problem.

Me too, i stayed for a night. Its better. my body needed rest. For me at home no one there to take care of me. Furthermore if there is complication your doc can be around fast.
Hi trustbaby and twin stars,

Thanks alot 4 replying to my query. Mi 2 feel so great, cos get 2 know ppl with the same problem as mi. As we can really understand each other feels more clearly, and support one and other with our own experience.
JZ get to know the fees liao, as my cousin friend oso KKh sum more same Doctor. She tell mi will be ard 6k till 7k. Can i know is tat expensive. Thanks
Hi Shirely, it cost me ard 10K . You claim through medisave and insurance (hospitalisation), if u have. For me it is very ex. i m not sure with KK.

Make sure you ask the fee is inclusive of doc fee and hospital fees. I remember i ask how much, the nurse said 2k plus end up 10K...i almost died. Well i question the back but the nurse just said sorry due to incomplete information given earlier. What can i say. At least can claim so i m not so concern now
HI Gals,

my op costs abt 5.5k and injection is abt 900 dollars for 3 KKH lah hehe

yo, congrats twinstars that is a sign liao

jus to share, that we can use medicine to induce the menses to come..

jus wondering whether hve u gals use ovaluation kit huh? which brand is good huh?
hi, for medical cost, i think i could claim back everything except the charges my gynae charged when he write/stamped the form.

hi gals,

the wetness is similar to what we have during mid cycle, clear discharge. I dont use ovulation kit, i usually rely on the mid cycle discharge.
