Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.


Im a rice bug staying at home wan ler.Hehe

I got no insurance, no medisave tat y quite worry tat surgery got those extra charge. If 2 much i tik my hubby will faint.
Life really likes to make fun of ppl, we are those who wanna baby so much but with so many problem 2 face B4 we can really have our sweet or cute BB, yet those who dun wan BB get it so easy. Life and Fate hor really dun noe hw to say.
No matter how, lets us b brave and fight with all the problem infront of us till we sucess.

Hehe sorry, my english like vry Jia Luck like tat hope u gals can understand.

Lets JIA YOU, JIA YOU, ganbate ganbate wish all us can be a MTB in 2010

Yo, soon is 2 mths liao before my mense come..yeah tink have to visit gynae soon if din come lor..any gynae shared when the menes will come huh?

I havent had menses yet. The jab is very potent. Can last for so long. I hope the endo is completely gone. I am going to give a call to ask why and what happen next.
This week is TCM week 15 already, no positive sign yet. Hiah....
Tell you guys something funny. Today I felt so bloated and I thought that it might be a positive sign, but i think its cos I haven't gone to the toilet for 2 days liaoz, that's why. I somehow cant go toilet daily type.
hi gals,

it's so interesting to read all your replies. For me, my menses have not reported yet. Im having a lot of clear discharge these few day.
Hi gals, i think i have discharge. Quite thick and i think i will be going to ovulate. Not sure whether i can TTC.

Does that mean the menses will follow suit?
Hi gals,

mi oso waiting for my mense to come leh ..yo, trustbaby, i oso gt the white discharge leh hehe todae marks the 2nd mth after my last jab....wondering when shld i visit the gynae huh?
ya man, maybe we shld start before the menses it a good idea? i guess no hard rules.

we have gone thru so much...a little excitement wont kill. lol. hahaha.
yes i felt bloated and i feel fat lately why ah?
Is it i eat more or just there is a reason...i need someone to assure me that i will be back to normal...i cant wear my jeans well, my pants also getting tighter...not sure anymore..
HI Gals,

i oso have the same feeling as you all leh..i feel bloated and fat too...i jus take my normal meals but somehow i gain weight abt 5kg liao leh..i dun understand this the side effects huh?
If we all feel the same means it must be the side effect of the treatment.

I guess once menses come, we will be feeling more relieve. cross fingers
mi too.. din snack at all and keep on exercising leh..tomorrow goin gym again..jus felt so big size too weighs 83 kg liao from 78kg so big increase lor...

any loveli gift ideas for ROM annversary huh? my hubby giving me a big surprise leh
for me, i had gained 1.5kg from last nov till now. I kept snacking, dont know y. Oh yes, juz now got a little cramping feeling for ard 15 mins.

Sunbelle, ask for diamond jewellery or hong bao : ))
hi gals,

i got a feeling my menses will be here soon. Cos i experience tiredness n backache similar to pms. Then i kept snacking. These few nights i woke up sweating again.
hi gals,

Guess what? my menses finally arrived today. Close to 3 mths of dryness. No wonder these few days, i had been feeling so short tempered n moody n teary.
hi all,
Hope evryone is doing great! trust baby - go for it. *baby dust to you*

I just had my hormone test results explained to me. Basically the blood test shows that I am producing good egg but problem is I have too much "anxiety chemicals" produced in my body which causes infertility.

What are "anxiety chemicals"? When someone scare you or when you are anxious to get your work done, our body produces these chemicals, and too much is not good. The TCM said this is the problem with educated women these days..I think she meant to say career women. (cos she use a cheng yu to describe)

Maybe I should really turn to surrogacy, since it is so hard and its not easy eating chinese medication and seeing TCM religiously on a weekly basis.
Hi twinstar, wow congratulation!!! menses is good can start your TTC soon. good on you! i am happy for you and hope you will have more good news to share.

HI Pipi, i think i can relate to this anxiety thing. i am always a bit kan cheong type. recently i felt that i have less confident of myself at work. I need to work to keep myself busy and i am prone to depression at times because of my past. Since i was in my twenties i have been wanting to tiring but i m still hopeful.

i have some cramp in my lower abdomen...i maybe having menses soon. The cramp is on and off like tingling feeling...i did try once during the ovulation. Not sure what are the chances. If it is menses cramp then it is also good news. AT least i know i can really really go for it. LOL.
Thanks PiPi. Baby dust to you too!
Hi Twinstars,

congrats on ur first step. hope to hear good news from u soon.

hi pipi.

long time din see you here liao :p good that ur test shows tat u are okie and healthy hheeheh guess the key tin is to relax and have a good rest..just realise tat i can sleep for 9 hours cos the previous nite lack of sleep..dun tink can tong til 12 plus then slp nowadays liao...

hi trustbaby,

i am also waiting for mine to come. contacted by gyane, he said if this week din come, have to arrange an appointment with him. i tink mine has yet to reach 3 mths lor ...

just got invited to my collegue's baby shower next sun and i am goin to share the happiness hehe

baby dust to all...

hi gals,

Thanks for all the messages. Im feeling happy and sad at the same time. Happy is of course, can start to try again. Sad is worried that endo will relapse again. 3 months w/o menses is also quite enjoying, no worries abt staining etc.

Baby dust to all too. :p Hope we will get what we desire soon.
HI twinstars, you shld be feeling happy..dont feel sad. your endo will not come back so soon. Just focus on getting PG.

I know, i kinda enjoy too the no menses period but no the hot flushes. that was quite frus. The no menses will come back again when we reach menopause.hehe. So i rather enjoy later again when i m old not now.

i have slight cramping. On and off.

Hi Sunbelle, now left us now. so excited. lol
hi trustbaby,

Who knows u may have the good news first. U mention u got slight cramping, on n off. It's 1 of the symptoms of preg? hehe... u nv know..
Hi twin stars.. it will be the best news ever in my life if i ever get preg. hehehe.

well, something tells me i m not cause the cramping could be the pre menstrual symptom too..
do you know what are the otheres earliest symptom of preg..

i dont mind being hopeful hehehe
Hi, today i finally made a call to the clinic asking why delay. the nurse told me not to worry...if by mid next mth i m still dry, make appt to see the doc.

see how it goes. i had sharp pain once a while at the abdomen...wat does that mean?
trust baby,
I think the pain is related to ovulation. If you are ovulating,I also have these pain when it is near to my ovulating days. It like on and off pain, but bearable.
Hi pipi, i believe i had my ovulation about 1.5 week ago. i lubricated like the usual i think i shld be waiting for menses. i did have slight cramp during ovulation tho.

once the menses come i need to call the clinic to pick up the clomid.
I've been living with endo since I was 20 and now I'm 29 and have gone through two laparoscopies. Been married for only 4 months but trying desperately. :-s When I didn't get pregnant after the first month, I went for a check up and gynae found 2 cysts near my ovaries. She did a laparascopy op a week later and removed the cysts. She found a fibroid but didn't take it out though cos it was small and she didn't want to scar my womb. :-s I know people have tried for years and all and haven't given up. But I feel so exasperated. I cried when I got my period last month and I cried when I got it yesterday. The hubby was very supportive, saying that we've hardly tried and this is the first month after we have tried cos the two months after laparoscopy doesn't count as everything hasn't gone back to normal. Before I went for the op in April, so many people tell me not to worry, that it's common to have cysts and I'll be able to get pregnant soon. :-s But now it's already July and I'm still not pregnant. I don't know how to tell people how crestfallen I feel when I get my period. I can't even talk to friends or family because they keep saying that I should relax and not worry and I'll get pregnant soon. :-s But how to relaxxxxxxxxxx? What if I can't have kids? They just don't understand how I feel. :-s *sigh* I feel like giving up altogether. I've gained weight after marriage and wish to exercise and diet to lose weight but everybody keep saying that I shouldn't do all that. So I'm fat AND unable to have kids. So depressing. :-s I've already tried sticking to a healthy diet and have used the ovulation kits but everything seems to be in vain.
Ooh.. last time I was given Lucrin as well. Gosh, I hated it. I hated the weight gain and the hot flushes. But then when my period came, I felt so irritated. Ahaha, it was so convenient without the period!

Anyway, stay away from milk ladies. It's good .. but not for people with endo. That's what I heard when I went for the Singapore Endo Association Support Group meeting several years ago. I went only once, because everybody was so much older! But the milk thing couldn't be more true. I noticed that everytime I drink milk before my period, my cramps will be very bad. :-s

Anyway, I was reading your posts and I feel a mixture of elation and sadness and envy too everytime somebody announces they are pregnant. I feel angry when I see people who has aborted many times because they aren't ready to have children and then manage to have one when they decide they are ready. :-s So unfair like that.

Ok, I talk too much. Way too much.

Hope luck will be on ALL our side. *hugs* I'm seeing my gynae in a couple of weeks. I hope she is willing to suggest something other than waiting. :-s
hi trustbaby,

i had read that the other earliest symptoms of preg is the temp remains high after ovulation; tender n sore breasts. Most of these symptoms are also quite similar to pms. I would say 1 of the indicator is the temp remains high throughout till the time u r supposed to have ur menses. A good gauge as to when ur menses will be arriving is to monitor ur temp when u wake up. If ur temp suddenly takes a dive, that means ur menses is coming. This is what happens to me this month.
Hi twinstar, i didnt take temperature. i used to previously but now i didnt. I did feel feverish yesterday and lethargic. But then again...this feeling has repeated itself in the past. Not putting too much hope.

i m more excited on the clomid thingy. hope it works for me. Are you trying TCM?
hi trustbaby,

I m not taking tcm first, would like to try naturally for the first few trials. Im getting a bit worried as im can feel some pain discomfort at my fallopian tube after my 'first' menses last wk. Im worried if my tube is ok. My gynae did asked me to go for HSG 3 mths after the jab. However, im not considering as im scared of pain.
Hi twinstar, yes i agree. we should try few trials. For some reason, i feel i m the only one here being prescribed clomid...

Any medicine that you are taking to help you conceive better?

What food to watch during TTC? i have never control my diet in the past. Just eat and eat. lol Now we are closer to TTC...i believe we shld watch our diet. Any idea? or i m just worrying too much.

Baby dust to all.
hi trustbaby,

Actually im not intending to go back to my gynae, so juz intend to try on my own. Actually, like yourself, i had nv control my diet too in the past. Now i try to cut down on snacking. Recently, i had bought a pack of preconception pills from blackmores. Hopefully it does help. Oh yes, not forgetting to take folic acid too. Now i try to eat green veg as well. U r rite, we must watch our diet.

Did ur gynae specifically prescribe u clomid?

Hi twinstar, my menses finally here!!! Heavy and discomfort. We are now on the same path...i feel so excited and scared. i remember it was meant to be in June and now

Folic acid is important. i agree. i need to dig it out and start taking it.

Yes my doc did prescribe earlier told me that once my menses come, i need to pick up the medicine. I will need to visit the clinic. I may need to buy the ovulation kit and temperature thingy.

so excited but now i m bleeding. no energy. I have slight cramp but no pain.

Wish all of us well. It may be a short or long journey to TTC.

Baby dust to all!
