Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

hello all
Looks like you gals have finally gone through the tough 3 months of injection. This is my 5th month into TCM but still no news yet. I guess I got to find a womb to rent soon. *just joking* Seriously I am also looking at that option.

Ladies, funny thing is I am also getting this slight crampy pain on and off at my left side. Hmmm, wonder if the egg is trying to plant itself and is looking for a good location. Haha..

Who have gone thru HSG? Can anyone describe the process? I keep hearing it is painful.

Congrats Trustbaby
happie for u..

my menses is still not here yet. have been sick since last friday and seen doctor twice liao on cough and sore throat.

arranging to see my gynae soon on this issue of mense not here yet lor...trustbaby, when is the last date when u take ur last jab huh? mine is 23rd april leh..then up til now still no mense yet. i am worried wat is happening within my body lor.. tested on pregancy test kit, definitely not pregant it cos need to take cought mixture not suitable for pregannt lady lor...

baby dust to u all gals

pipi,my hsg was done in the lap op. so i dun noe abt the process leh...hope to hear good news from u too hehe
hi twinstars & trustbaby,
Congrats! both got ur menses. Hope to hear good news from all of us soon. :p

As for me, my menses still not here yet. But recently have been experiencing on and off pain too and with discharge not dry anymore. Think my menses shld come soon. Hope can join u all soon... :p
hi trustbaby,

My menses is just 1 wk earlier than yours. Atlas, it came ya.. So now juz do what we can. All the best. :p

hi cuteOrange,

Sounds to me u r getting the symptoms of pms. Me too experience symptoms like yours, then my menses came within 2 wks. Urs shld be soon, dont worry. :p
oh my goodness...thanks gals!
) i just pick up the clomid. 6-day course. starting today. if not successful can try to pick up the clomid again the next round (hope not :p) x 3 rounds and then i need to go for see why...hopefully i dont reach there.

Hi Pipi and twinstar, we are heading on to TTC. i m joining you gals now!

Thank you cuteorange and sunbelle, dont despair, your menses is definately coming soon i m sure. The symptoms are familiar. I had my last injecting on 4 April, so Sunbelle, you should be right after me if follow the jabs date.
We have different hormone level and body so they react differently to treatment. Soon soon. let us know! Time flies really.

Again and nvr stop, Baby dust to all!!! Muack!
Hi Gals,

I cannot believe it when i woke up in the morning. i saw one drop of blood and my menses come today. Trustbaby, seemd like i am into my menses now liao..looks like i dun need to see the gynae this week liao..i am so excited upon seeing it ..but at the one time, i am still sick with my bad cough and sore throat. doc gave 3 days MC and i am thinking i got so muchie work to clear but due to social responsibility, i tink i shld just stay clear and return to work when i am feeling muchie better.

yo, sometimes it is just hard to tink abt the striking balance of work and health. i will be a good gal and rest at home.hardly sleep last nite cos been awaken up by coughing throughout the nite. so tired. goin to sleep soon after taking medicine. i hate to be sick. i will rather go to work so that i can settle more tins cos anway things will pile up til u are back to settle them.

anyway, will like to fulfil the social responsibility of staying away from workplace when i am not feeling well.
wat are ur views huh?
hi Gals,

It's always very interesting to read the posts. Congrats to sunbelle who has joined us as well. Sunbelle, i rather u stay hm n rest. Then u can be well to ttc rite.

Trustbaby, is there any side effects for taking the clomid? How do the gynae scan for mature eggs? Is it through varginal scan? Anyway is the transvirginal scan n virginal scan the same? thanks
hi twinstars & trustbaby,
thank you. Ya my menses shld come soon. :p

trustbaby, good luck to you on clomid. Hope to hear good news from you soon. :p

Hi sunbelle,
Congrats! But currently rest more and get well soon. Take care.
Hi twinstars,

just woke up from the drownsy medicine. yeah felt so tired. not sure is from the medicine or the menses tired leh..

wanted to ask u gals, for those whom have finished ur menses after laproscopy, how many days do yr menses last huh? are they as heavy as before the laporscopy huh?

i realli hate the feeling of being sick cos lots of tins oso cannot do lor. yeah i prefer goin back to frens said that i am a pure workholic lor.
hi sunbelle,

Mine lasted for ard 3.5 days. Quite the same b4 n after lap. Perhaps the cramp did lessen by half. Hopefully it will maintain. U felt tired cos of drowsy med n menses together la... Tink even u go back now, ur colleagues would prob avoid u as well, so juz take the opportunity to rest well.
Hi twinstars,

thanks for your information. cos is the first time i have my menses after so long. a bit not so used to it. yeah u are rite, even if i go back sure a lot of people will shun me one lor cos i have been coughing non stop.

yeah do u gals continue to take evening primerose oil huh? can we take huh? i am oso thinking of taknig the blackmore concieve gold. issit good?
hi sunbelle,

my gynae asked me to avoid evening primrose oil, so dont take. Me aso started taking the blackmores preconception 3 wks ago, then my menses came. I thot that's y my menses arrived. I think it shld be good, u can check with ur gynae. :B
Hi Sunbelle, congrats!!! That is Now it means that my menses took quite long to come. Well, the good news is you are ready to TTC.

Hi CuteOrange, the clomid has no side effect. i asked when i picked it up. I had taken two so far 4 more to go.

Hi twinstars, i agree with you. i love reading the post here. Quite addictive to share. Everyone seems familiar with each other stories.

Hi Gals, do you know that this is the only time we will be happy for having menses...Next month menses is a no - no.

Blackmores preconception pills, interesting. I will check it out.
hi trustbaby,

I agree, hopefully, we will not get our menses next mth. :B
I bought the Blackmores preconception pills in pharmacy without prescription from gynae. I will be seeing gynae anymore so just want to make sure my body is fertile. Perhaps u can ask ur gynae abt it?
HI twinstar, i wont be seeing my gynae until i go for scan. That will be after my 3rd try. Visiting my doc will cost me a bomb.

So on my own for a while as well.
I can't believe the few of us are religiously on this forum. It is starting to become like a everyday thing we have to do - blog down our progress so that we know what is happening to each other. *cool*
I have been extremely busy at work. Recession is easing but not sure how much. Let's hope the market picks up quickly and everyone out there has a job.
I haven't been taking any stuff, except for my faithful TCM medication which needs to be boiled. *yawn* It's a long 5 mth process and I am waiting for the 6th mth to arrive and ask TCM how we should proceed (eg: TCM + Western IUI) Not sure what she will suggest but she keep asking me to relax and take it easy...
Twinstar, you not going to see the gynae, Dr C, already? Did Dr C say anything when you last visited sell you more process/treatments? Pls share share...

Trustbaby, are you on clomid and IUI combination or clomid and natural(try naturally)?
hi PiPi,

Me not going back to him, the last time i saw him was during my last jab. He asked me to see him 3 months later but i decided not to go back anymore. He wanted me to go for HSG. Will u still go back to him?
Wow it is indeed heartwarming to see the few of us posting here so often leh hehe

Trustbaby, you are rite. indeed this is the first time which all of us like to see our menses. this is oso the first time which i felt happie seeing menses leh ehhe ...yeah hope not to see it anymore next month.

gals, i tot it will be more meaningful if all of us are preggie at the same time leh..then all our babies will have the same progress growth hehe i tink too far liao.

i havent buy the blackmore concieve gold yet. jus for ur information, they have a discount at unity pharmacy. onli til july onli leh... intending to go check it out when i am better ...

oh yeah pipi, does the chinese medicine helps huh? is the wait to see the physician long huh?

i guess to see gynae is not cheap but oso hve to spend a lot of emotional time to wait. i am stressed now cos one of my collegues resigned and i am supposed to take over her portfolio oso ..i guess that is the result of my sickness as well. i am trying to tell myself everytin will be okie as i have started learning from her liao ..but havent acutalli wanted to do it. but i dun like her altitude of not revealing this information to the team cos she wanted to tender and leave on the very day. can u imagine tat?
me took the blackmore preconception gold last mth, only took half. Do we need prescription by gynae? i presume we can just take on our own?
Hi twinstars,

i just went to buy the blackmore preconception gold at $36.80 at unity ..tink the usual price is $40 plus ...i treat it as a form of vitamin supplement.

when i read the folic supplement, it appeared to be more than the required dosage i tink when we take this we need not take folic acid liao....
lucki todae felt so muchie better jus been coughing non stop again last nite when my hubby woke me up and ask what happen. i oso dun noe cos i hve been coughing non stop liao
jus a thot, will u gals change gynae after u are preggie? cos the present gynae wait is realli a killer lor and my hubby threw temper asking why do we pay so muchie and yet still have to wait for so long ?
thanks sunbelle for the advice on blackmore. I think i bought at this price too last mth when it was having promo at watsons. I will definitely change gynae once preggie. Currently im not visiting any. I also waited very long for mine previously. Same thing happens to my hubby who also couldnt stand the long wait. Take good care.

do ur stools turn black after taking this blackmore pills huh? i am shocked when i went toilet jus now and stools are watery and like almost black and grey in colour leh.

i am goin to monitor again tomorrow.. wondering whether issit normal.
hee sunbelle, now that u mention... my color of my stools is indeed similar to what u have described. The moment i dont eat, the color turns back to original. I think it shld be fine leh. By the way, u eat everyday? I ate like alternate juz in case it gets too strong for my body...
You gals are really amazing.

Hi Pipi, i m taking clomid and try naturally...i guess if for 3 consecutive try and still not successful (choi choi), i may go for clomid + IUI. I am now all the way to PG. My last attempt before i reach my age limit. :p

So i wanna enjoy my moment with you gals! I hope we all can conceive around the same time and we can continue to share and share.

i have been eating lots of fruits. cherries + grapes + blueberries + cranberries + apple + mango. Any concern abt certain fruit that we cant eat? i just eat to keep me healthy.

Sunbelle, try not to work too hard. Your health is important to keep you going into TTC. Drink more and eat more fruits.

I am not at the moment thinking of changing gynae. Coz i know that my doc is okay so far.(eventho i hvt seen her much).
i try not to see my gynae unless necessary.

It feels funny and low when you are surrounded by pregnant ladies in the sofa lounge with their husbands happy and cuddling. It definately feel tense and awkward for sure.

I bought my ovulation kit. Have you guys heard of pre-seed intimate mosturizer? Its sperm friendly. I bought it just in case la..hehe
Hi twinstars,

yeah my stools realli got the black colour .i tot is my own reaction. after reading what u have written, it affirms the belief.

yeah trustbaby, is good to eat fruits but tink too muchie mango is heaty so have to take care in that. is good. for me, i seldom eat fruits cos always din buy leh..tink i have to go buy and keep stock of fruits at home.

yeah i will try not to let stress affects me and also for the fact that TTC is more impt than anything else lor.

yeah i bought clearblue ovaluation kit. havent fig out how to use it cos is my first time. should we test from the day where menses end or wat huh? any tips to share huh?
HI sunbelle,

i will be using the ovulation calculator to identify the ovulation period. Then you can use the kit when you reach the peak just to make sure.

My menses are over and now waiting period to O. lol
hi gals,

so sad to see the bombing news is actualli my neighbours. felt sad for the hubby cos the hubby is a nice and friendly person. vice chariman of RC somemore. hope he recover fast.
hi gals,

I had reached my mid mth cycle, but i do not experience the wetness. I suspect Im not ovulating this mth... no chance liao...
HI gals,
i am down with sore throat. so hope to recover fast.

Hi twinstars, i thot we ovulate every mth that is why we have menses. i may be wrong.
hi trustbaby,

did u have too many mangoes tats y u have sorethroat? My understanding is we may not ovulate every month even if menses comes monthly.
Hi twinstars,

no i didnt take mangos recently. I ate the you tiao on sunday. Must be the heatiness. I havent seen the doc. I just try to get better naturally. i feel i m lubricating. Does that mean i ovulate or not ?
hi trustbaby,

take good care so that the body will be in the best condition to conceive. It should be quite safe since wetness should be a sign of ovulation. This is my understanding, hope i did not get it wrong.
morning ladies, hope everyone is well and all ready to make babies.

just when I thought I may be pregnant, my menses came today (4 days delay)...the joy just turned to sadness.

hope to hear good news from you guys soon. *baby dust to all*
hi gais,
I am really down from sorethroat, slight cough and really sick. I went to see my doc yesterday evening right after work. I told my doc i m on clomid so she prescribed me pregnancy safe medicine. Interesting.

i have this feeling that my ovulation is at the corner. it supposedly at its peak on sunday so i used the ovulation kit and it gave me a smile a few mins later.

i know i m sick and trying to conceive is madness. I tried and took the chance. Hehe.

Hi PIPI, hang it on there. Dont give up until you achieve it. Baby dust to you too! Creating life is not an easy task for us. so much emotion involve and endurence involve too. Once you achieve it, its all worth it. Look forward to that day. I am sure all of us will be experiencing ups and downs. One day we need that one day.
Hi Gals,
I have my period today. :p

Mix feeling. Happy that menses come. Sad I didnt succeed for the last 2 weeks ago wetness for making baby.

Anyway hope everyone include me have good news soon. Jia You :p
Hi Cuteorange,
Congrats to you first on the menses. I understand how you feel. I felt the same. Mix feeling too.
Well look forward now like us. TTC now. Dont be like me...fall sick on the 1st of month of TTC. The worst part is during ovulation period. I didnt have the mood to do anything at all but to sleep and sleep due to the drowsy medicine.

However, i tried eventho i was feeling not best. Desperate i guess. Dont wanna waste my clomid.

I was wondering why must it be at that time. Is this a sign that i m not supppose to conceive. All the negative thoughts came into me. Am i destine to be a childless? I am feeling frustrated and disappoined with myself for falling sick.

Sorry gals..i m a bit down. i look forward to next month oledi. just to stop myself feeling any further.
Hi Ladies,

Just got to know that I have fibroid. Me considering to remove them or not? Sigh..Afraid that remove already, will affect fertility.

Any point that I should take into consideration?
Any good gynae to recommend for removal of fibroid? Pls advise. thanks.
Hi tiramisu,

It depends i guess where your fibroid is. If you have failed to conceive for long, then perhaps removing it a good idea. I removed mine when i had laproscopy. They sent the fibroid to test for any cancerous cell. Fortunately, it was okay.

If the fibroid gives you discomfort then why not consider. Sometime you never know that there will be more inside your womb then what show on the scan. Mine was not shown on the scan.

My fren has the same thought as you and she hasnt had the cyst(in her case) remove due to being afraid of fertility. Well she is still trying after 2 years. It all depends. No hard rule.

Everyone here use different gynae. I believe strongly that most gynae are capable to do a good job. Best to check around the the fees and the location whether it is convenient and their facilities and services. I cant strongly recommend now coz i havent conceive yet. My doc is Ann Tan
Hi gals, how are you gals doing? so quiet...

I m now on my after ovulation phase. I had cramps yesterday however no lubricant. i wonder why. i believe the cramps was ovulation. my wetness was way earlier and no cramp at all. So when the cramps come, the wetness is gone. any idea what is going on?

I read somewhere that the clomid will cause less wetness.
Hi Trustbaby,
ya now looking forward to TTC.

U take good care of urself. Dont disappointed. Try out next mth... Cheer up... Stay happy always. we will succeed soon. Dont worry so much.
Hi cuteOrange,

Thanks for your comforting words.
Yup, if this month no mth then.

TTC can be quite exciting. But failing can be quite devastating.

Baby dust to you!
hi gals,

These days I had been having cramps on n off. Perhaps it's because my menses will be here next week. But i have more worrying fears that the endo has returned. What do u gals think?

Hi twinstar,

Me too. i have cramps too. like a bit here and there and stop for awhile and come back. I was reading the internet and realise there are many reason for cramps. As for the endo, i m sure once you are not on medication and not pregnant, they will come back eventually. Diet plays and important role as well. So best to be pregnant as soon as you can so that the endo can be avoided for good and hopefully be cured. That is my thinking. Baby dust to you!
