Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

yeah i am difinitely looking into being a mum to be
yeah gain quite a bit of weight..i am not too sure wheher do u all gain a lot of weight after the injection huh? i am definitely...i am trying to lose weight now..standing at 82kg is not good for me..i wanted to exercise to keep it off...

pls help me to shed some weight...yeah can we take any meal replacement while on the jab huh?
yo gals, do u noe of any good travel deals huh? wanted to take a break frm work too..soon there will be a change of boss on my side so i oso felt sianz lor...and someone jus tendered and was told to double or tripe up...siaz...
hi sunbelle,

i ever asked my gynae b4 whether we will gain weight after the injection. He said no. I also felt im heavier after injection. Strange...
I feel the meal replacement is not nutritious. Better to eat healthy since we all wish to conceive. I just went to one of the resorts in Bintan n felt very relaxed. Perhaps u can consider there, but it's abit ex, i would say. They r all paid in USD.

At least u hav got a job during this time. Im trying to find 1. Sigh...
Hi Twin stars,
I personally dont feel good in bringing my hubby along of my doc appt. I kept him outside and went in by myself. Reason: i rather stress alone than draggin him along. If two are stress, chances of conceiving will be less. sometime it is hard for man...i only let him follow me to the clinic and i ask him to wait outside. Some may not agree...but i prefer. Unless hubby needs treatment than its totally a different case and unless i m pg, then he MUST be with me all the way...
Like for us we share things in forum and good thing that we do! However, man dont share their i would want him to feel free and happy and perform when he needs to..hehe
Hi sunbelle, i know a lot of ppl go for trips to try to take breaks and to conceive...i want that too. Sometime it may be difficult to do so when there is so much to do and so much to see. Best is to go to countries or places u been before and in this case it will be a casual and less stress for you both...if it make sense...haha.

Bintan is good. Been there twice and very relaxing coz nothing really much activities but good to stroll on the beach, massages and etc...try it out!
hi trustbaby,

Thanks for your comments. : ) U have a point there. Actually, im thinking if i shld go tcm first instead of waiting for my hubby who will be busy till next mth. Perhaps i shld address my problem first. Im really scared if my tubes are ok. Heard that after operation, they can become adhered together. Really hope that it wont be ectopic... touch wood..

hi sunbelle,

Go bintan as it's so near n u dont have to pack alot of stuff. It's really easy n relaxing. Basically like what trustbaby had mentioned, not much activities there. So u can concentrate on baby making.
Hi gals,

i have been to bintan alreadly and tink will try out other places. this weekend suntec got a good travel fair ..will go take a look and see got good deals or not....

as for weight gain i guess i got to manage with care cos all diseases come with weight increase lor
Hi twins star
thank you for your encouragement and replied.
i've went for the op yesterday and i'm feel alright now. it is not that bad afterall

baby dust to u all! jia you!
hello all...
For cheaper holiday destination (short, cheap and good) - try Batam. It's almost as good as or better than Bintan. More food variety too, unlike Bintan.

It's good that your hubby can listen to what the doc says too. So that he can encourage or calm you down. But I understand tt you want your hubby to be worries-free. You are a good wife.

You can go TCM first, and then dragged your hubby along when he is less busy. At least you start to "tiao" your bod first.

Basically I think the guys have less problems than women.
Hi Pipi,

Ya i agree with you. He should know what is going on. It is good to be together and help each other. May be for me i was paranoid and as u know, i had my past and my previous hubby passed on due to stress. I can confidently put the blame on TTC and work related combined. It was a trigger. We were desperate to have kids then and it has taken a toll on him as i wasnt able to conceive after lap and even after IUI. His body may also be weak. So everything add up equal negative lor.

So advise is if your hubby is a very busy person and easily to leave him out first. It all depends on how much you want him to be part of the exercise of TTC. As long as both of you are happy and worry free.

JKJT, do take care after the op. Rest well.

Twin stars, i agree you should tiao first coz man normally has lesser prb compare to women as mentioned by PIpi. Sometime man see man while waiting for your next call at the TCM, can be uncomfortable. Ego...i guess. Depends really.hehe.

Just sharing. Everyone is different. i love to hear other ppl views and share mine too. Life can be complicated and sometime knowing others share the same prb and willing to share their thots and advises to me is simply heart warming. I truly pray that all of us will conceive healthily and happily. Jia you...continue to share..
hi PiPi/ Trustbaby,

thanks for all the advice. I will heed your advices to go ahead first. Im spotting very frequently very often these days. Dont know when it will ever end? Really need to go tcm liao. Btw does hougang tcm use nets?


So good to hear from you again. You have a good rest and U will recover very soon. Everyone of us here is willing to share all that we know. Me too learn from their experiences. Im so lucky to find them here.
hi trustbaby,

Sorry for the late reply. I saw your post but couldnt post my messages for the past 2 days. No idea y?
Anyway, my menses has gone haywire after my last jab. Came twice this mth.
By the way, are you buying any insurance to cover for women's health? Im thinking of getting one but dont know which one is good?
Hi twinstar,
Can we still buy insurance that covers endometriosis? Are you referring to general health problem? i had endometriosis and fibroid, if i buy surely they sure will exclude these two. sigh...i dont mind getting but me too..not sure which one is right.

Do you feel mood swing lately? i feel annoyed easily and anxious at times...just not so me.
hi trustbaby,

Actually im not sure if we can still be covered for the existing conditions. Im thinking of buying 1 for pregnant insurance. Not sure if i need to declare my ectopic which happens more than 3mths ago?

I didnt quite notice there is a change of temperament in myself. Is it due to the hot weather that causes ur frustration? Or hav u been worryinging alot these days? Or is the workload too heavy for u? I just feel very dry down there, no mucus.
Hi twinstar,

ya you could be right...maybe the weather..i m feeling back heat hot!

Dry it is. Kinda feel weird. I wonder whether we will ovulate and feel mucus...i m on my 3rd week after the dont think there any drop.

Pregnant insurance is great! This is my first time getting to know this. when can we buy, is it before PG or we can buy during....if u know which one is recommended that will be harm buying first since we are planning to have.
hello all...
this is my 5th week of TCM already and TCM Tan told me my temp is not high (only at 36.7 max) and she said that it should be 37.3 max. Maybe I blew my chance again and got to try next month.

i am thinking of drinking mutton soup as it makes you warm...maybe that will help. But my tummy somehow feels empty.(like nothing inside)
HI Pipi,

Jia you...! Dont despair. It will jackpot one day...fine tuning

I like mutton soup but some ppl find the taste or smell too strong.

Is this your 1st attempt after TCM?
hi trustbaby,

Hope to get an insurance to cover pregnancy complications cos i kana ectopic once, scared liao. But dont know which has it? wondering anyone else knows?

Hi PiPi,

Do u mean our temp need to reach 36.7 in order for ovulation to take place? Otherwise y did TCM Tan said ur temp is not high...
Hi,when we TTC is it advisable to take temperature to be more accurate?

Is there any other method used?

Does the temperature applies the same to everyone or its a guideline?
Does anyone here uses ovulation kit? If what so what brand and what type?
Hi gals,

long time din log in liao ..due to busi work schedule leh hehe
good to see so many posts here ..miss u gals...

yeah went to take the 3rd jab yesterdae and guess wat? last nite was so hot realli ..under air con somemore...

hi twin stairs,

the prushield plan does cover the ectopic leh ..i tink so leh..u may check it out.....

hi pipi,

dun despair. is onli the beginning.. i am looking forward to having baby too...yesterdae when i went to take injection, the nurse was teasing me tat a cheerful lady like u shld be able to concieve easily hehe ..i luff luff hahaha

wat do u gals think abt the ovaluation kit that is sold in parmacies or watsons huh? do they help?

can we on GNRH jab drink red wine huh? tonite my fren's wedding leh..dun noe can drink or not leh..wat do u gals tink?
Hello everybody,

This is my 2nd mth ttcing under tcm tan. She said that my temp is not high (as my highest temp is 36.7)
I finally had my mutton soup yesterday night at bedok hawker. This morning, my temp is 36.8 - increase by 0.1 for CD19.

I take my temp every morning at 7am cos its the time I wake up to prepare for work. I remember tcm tan says that it doesnt matter, but just remember to take temp before you wake up (like stand/sit up). I do use ovulation kit - sold on internet. Its call OKT- it will test your urine to find out your ovulation day. Hmmm...I have used it since I was ttc-ing and yet to conceive, so now turn to tcm tan. She actually pin point which days I should BD.

Just remember dont be stress by work, cos if you are under stress, its hard to conceive. I think everyone works very hard these days cos not enough ppl to cover the workload. Maybe come June, you will be less busy cos I heard news that our economy not exactly doing well. (unless you work in keppel)

TCM tan didnt say when the temp must be high (so not sure if she is referring to ovulation period or implantation period) but based on the timing she said it, it was ard my ovulation period.

I think (if I am not wrong) insurance will not cover you till 1 yr later if you have gone for lap. Cos I was trying to upgrade my medical insurance too.
hi Sunbelle,

Thanks for the reply. I think I know the plan u r referring. Do u think i shld tell the insurance co. that i had ectopic b4 since it was past 3mths? Dont know they will exclude? If exclude, then no point buying. If based on what Pipi had mentioned, then most probably i wont be covered. Sigh...

Btw, i personally dont think red wine has any effect on the Gnrh jab leh.
Hi gals,

i kuai kuai last nite and did not drink the red wine lah hehe take a sip but still dun feel safe so i dun drink liao ..

twinstars, i tink they have a way to check with insuance companies whether have u claimed from them etc? i guess hard to say no to insurance company abt my illness, i did ask my insurance agent, if i will to buy another one, they either exclude the endometrosis condition or makes u pay higher premium leh..

okie, time to meet my parents for lunch liao.

hi sunbelle,

I didnt manage to claim a single cent from the insurance co. When i submitted my claims, they said cannt be claim since it's pregnancy related. Anyway, thanks.
Hi twin stars,
I submitted my insurance thru my company...i heard they are in the process of sending me the chq. I hope i have received it. Not sure yet until i receive it.

Hi sunbelle, I heard from my other frens, that wine is good for body too. it keeps your body warm. So not sure also la. My frens is the wine drinker and i see that she is able to have 4 kids and whenever she has the time she will go out drinking...i wonder how she can conceive. so weird. Ppl like me dont drink much and dont party and i find it hard to
Hi trustbaby,

Im kind of upset that i was not able to claim for any of my medical bills which amt close to $20k, for D&C and ectopic. According to the insce co., they dont cover pregnancy related claims. I had been paying for the best plan for many years. Anyway, forget it.
Hi twinstar, its okay. i was mentally prepared to pay for the 10K+ if not for my company. i didnt buy hospitalisation insurance at all for i know i need to. Once you conceive, all are worth it. Meanwhile at least u get back your good health and free from problem. The best u can be at the moment.
Money come and go.
hi trustbaby,

thank you for the listening ear and advice. : )I agree with what u had said. Hopefully we can conceive soon, and all is worthwhile.
Hi twinstar,
Hope to hear good news and share one too.

now i m enjoying my dry spell in May. I really feel burning sensation at the back of my body. hot and cold llike ups and weird. Feeling hot in the aircon room. Not sure why. I know the weather is hot lately...just wondering whether the jab has contributed the hot sensation in me.
hi trustbaby,

i experience the same feelings too this mth. I guess the effects of the endo jab is still in our body. Wonder how long it will take to diminish..
Hi twinstar, thank goodness i m not alone. i hope it will soon be over. i m so tired of being hot hot and hot.

Happy Labour Day gals! enjoy the break.
I havent receive the insurance $$ from my company insurance too. I need to rush them...$$ is very important nowadays.

Today is my 25th day and my menses came....and I am having a plitting headache....hiah, 2nd month failed....gotto try for 3rd month again...

Yeah happy May day to all!! Me so happy that it is a holi.
i hvnt been shopping a lot lately including today..a very hot day. No menses for me too. On temp menopause.

As long as there is determination...there is hope for success. I m determine to get myself pregnant. As long as we dont give up there will be a way to get there.

Be it thru natural or IUI or IVF, there is still hope.
Hi gals,

I just realised that i m not just suffering from hot temperature but i m actually sweating profusely on my back...i can now relate to those who have experienced it. It has to be the jab!

Any idea how to cool down yourself? In the aircon also i felt the heat. lol
hi trustbaby,

I suppose in this hot weather, we can take some cooling stuff like green bean soup. I cooked some yesterday n today. Think it helps.
HI Gals,

long time din come into this post liao..yeah trustbaby, u are rite, the injection will cause a lot of hotness within ourselves...

i am feelng the heat too and also sweating profusely these days.guess wat? i have a big blue black at the location where the injection is being done. did u gals experience that huh?

jus recieved my prushield extra premium notice ...the fee is raised to $300. i am surpised ..which means that once u have started claiming, they will increase the premium huh? did u gals experience that huh? is this a normal?
i havent called my agent and i guess is related to the claim lately...
Hi sunbelle,
ya everyday at work, i have this back heat that come on and off and i can even sweat every now and then. so tired and so frustrating. at night i cant sleep well. i really hope this is over.

I dont have blue black but i can feel the slight swell around the area. After a few days it will go away. Not to worry.

Its better that u check if yur insurance cover again the same claim or exclude. If exclude i would thing the premium should remain. Only subject to exclusion clause.
HI Twinstars,

good to hear that u are not suffering any blue black. yeah i do feel hungry and i put on weight after taking the injection leh....

trustbaby, i share the same symptoms with u leh..sweat sweat sweat ...hmmhmm wondering when we can go see the chinese doctor at tong chai huh?

i took my 3rd jab on 23rd april, when mus i go see huh? or wait for menses to come first huh? is good to be menses free but mean lose the chance of having baby hehe
hi twinstar, yes i do! i have been eating and eating. hungry half the time. i even thot i could be PG...even tho i couldnt be. Why ah?

Hi sunbelle, yes..once the menses is here better inform your doctor and see if you need to take clomid. It the next step to TTC. i was told that i will be taking. Not sure whether it is similar to yours. i put on weight too! must be the eating disorder that i had recently.

Hey twin star, i had receive the claim from NTUC under my company but its only 60%. there is a cap to the claims so only managae receive partial. Better than nothing.

the weather is killing me,. I slept in aircon yesterday. no choice..too hot..i will be losing it soon. i m half the time being annoyed over small matters. madness. help!
Yup totally agreedl. definitely put on weight liao lor..trying to get rid of sum weight to regain some energy lor..yeah been eating healthy breakfast these days..i am tinkng how to slim down further..

do u gals trust the protein meal replacement huh? saw the meal replacement selling at $99 under zenxdo company ....tempted to try but afraird of side effects lor..
hi gals,

i thot i was the only one who kept feeling hungry.. haha.. so u gals did too. hehe me thot im pregnant too.. but cannt be lah. I dont have this hungry issue until recently. Dont tell me this is another side effect? I had my last jab in mar leh... wonder how long the side effect is going to stay...

hi trustbaby,
Good for u to b able to claim some of the bills.

hi sunbelle,
My advise is not to trust any slimming/meal replacement products. Since we are trying to conceive, we shld eat food that are beneficial to our health.
hi sunbelle, i agree with twinstar.avoid replacement food. eat real. even if u r putting on weight i guess still ok since we are planning to TTC. when PG, we still need to eat more than usual.

Eat well, rest well and be healthy. (i m telling myself too) lol

have a great weekend!
HI Twinstars, yeah i guess feelng hungry is realli part of the side effects i guess.. i am trying to pick up some exercises to streghten my body now and at the same time, try to lose some weight before getting pregant. but din noe is so hard to lose weighgt leh ehheeh

yeah i guess a lot of replacement pdts got their own side effects like sprining back to their original weight after stop taking the pdts lor..

trust baby, my inital plan is to lose a bit weight so that when i am pregannt, i can be less conscious of my outlook lor....wanted at least to lose 10kg but guess i better work towards smaller kgs lor..i have lost 2 kg liao so happie abt it lor..guess maybe is water loss..i will definitely keep up my weight loss wk trying new yoga exercise, so excited abt it..

sometimes i jus find tat i tink too muchie abt work matters like how my big big boss look at me etc..actualli dun noe why i feel this way hahhah
is it so impt to care how people look at us huh? mi somehow felt is impt to leave a good impression lor hehe

how do u gals treat work as part of your life huh?

Don't go on diet cos it is not good for us who wants to conceive. Just eat normally.

Do you think you are stress from work? Cos I also put on some weight previously when my body was stress (even though I don't feel it). This is verified by the doctor cos I also felt bloatedness.

If you want to treat work as part of your life and enjoy it, it is important to do something you like, and also haf a good boss. I think boss plays a very important role. If you have a lousy boss, don't think you will feel happy working. If you have a good boss, you will enjoy coming to work. -my 2 cents worth-
