Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

Hi Pipi,

Yeah singapore got too muchie good food liao and i am definitely a food lover hehe now goin to meet my frens for dinner liao hehe....

pipi, it is posibble cos i tink stress and working life is closely related hehe i share the same sentiments as u ..i have a new boss whom jus take over a few days i have yet to know ex boss was super good to me

hi Sunbelle,

i couldnt find any information abt the hunger as the side effects after the jab. So decided to check with u gals. Guess it's really got to do with the jabs. I can feel my tummy growing bigger... sigh

Like u, i m quite concious of how others look at me, especially it's first impression that counts. I tend to worry alot so in work i always feel very stressed.
hi gals,

Im missing my menses for 34 days. Still feeling the side effect of hot flushes. Wonder how long will it go away... like that how to try conceive? Not only feeling hot flushes, experience backache also... help
hi twinstars, I think it's a month to two month things just hang on. I remember my doc asked me try in June. The flushes for me started in April so by June is two months should be over. I hope. Maybe this way will keep the body warm too which again crucial. Despite me drinking cold water to cool down.
You are not alone we r in the same....
thank goodness in a way.
hi trustbaby,

Thanks for the advice. My last jab was taken on 3rd Mar. I only started to experience backache recently. kind of felt cheated by my gynae who told me there are no side effects... if i know all these will happen, i will not even take the jab. I had read somewhere that after taking the jab, it will also cause some bone loss. Regret taking the jab.
hi twinstar, oh i m taking off just to take a break.

come to think of it, my doc didnt say much at another jab...i feel that being on menopause has its side effect. hormonal change and the suppression maybe the cost of it. i try to look forward to my next menses. i think u should be able to TTC. Have u had your menses yet? Once u have had, then the temperature will be back to normal

Fine things to occupy yourself so that you will not realise so much of the effect... hope this helps.
hi trustbaby,

It feels good to take a break rite? Actually my menses already came on Mar 28 and Apr 8, then it never come again. I am feeling so dry after my last menses on 8 Apr, till now my menses is not here yet. I dont even hav the signs of ovulation (wet mucus). I suspect the side effects will drag on...

Everyday, im watching tv or surfing the net. Difficult to find job also..
To add on, i only experience the backaches these 2 weeks. It's like more than 1 month after my last jab... Dont know how long the side effects will last leh
Hi twinstars,
Yup its good to break. I was coming down with slight fever and body ache because i sweat too much or work too much for the past weeks. i was so tired due to the hot flushes that when u sweat too much and later go into the aircon room can spell trouble...can catch a cold.

i also only not having menses in April...not having backache side effect so far yet. you perhaps can give a quick call to the clinic and ask if it is the case. If i continue i may double confirm. so far i m hanging on there.

now time are down in the employment market...just be patient. u may like to take up any offers first or contratual basis to keep yourself occupy. i m the type of person that i cant stay at home too long. a tendency for depression. My hubby said i m pathetic. lol. dont know how to enjoy life at home. maybe i am just the restless type. Looking for job can be quiet stressful. as long as u keep yourself occupy that is meaningful, things will just fit in without much stress or much worries.
thanks trustbaby,

Take good care, dont worry abt work.

It is a pain to call my gynae cos the nurses are not able to convey the messages. The gynae cannot convey his reply to the nurses n tell the patient. Sometimes, got to wait till the gynae not too busy then can return my call.
Hi gals,

u are not alone..mi feeling hot flushes for the past few nites i woke up middle of nite..affected my slp..hope to have a good nite of slp....

trust baby, mi like u can onli try in june i guess. i hvent tink of when to go see the chinese physician leh..

mine is red in colour too...hope all of us get over this hot season soon.wonder will the menses be as pain as before the operation huh? i scared of the painful menses..
My hot flushes are not even done yet accompanied by backaches n dryness. Sigh... any idea how long it takes for menses to arrive after the last jab? I couldnt find any info on the web.
my colleague says her stitch melted and her stitch scar is white in colour....mine is thread stitch and now my stitch scar is red...
hi PiPi,

my stitch needs to be removed and is red too. I thought i may have eaten some foods which may have caused the color, e.g. seafood
hi gals,

i m back..been sicked and now recovered not 100% but getting there.

hi Pipi, my scar is red...i know i had my thread taken out a few days after surgery. not sure whether the thread is white or red. Does the colour of the thread affect the scar colour? new to me.

hi sunbelle, i dont think i m going to see TCM. i may just straight western medicine. time is the essense and to me its my last try to TTC. i m not young. tomorrow is my bday and i m turning 38. i m scare actually...if i can PG will be a high risk..sometime i m frustrated with myself when i m down that i had to go thru so much.
hi gals,

trustbaby : hope u are feeling better.

yo, i tink the colour of the scar is okie so long as we are recovering well. i guess the most impt tin that we need to do now is to build up our health..

ask u gals, for our condition, can we take eu ren sheng bai feng pills huh?cos prior to the operation, i have bought 2 boxes so is like quite a waste if din take ..maybe i will pass to my sis in law i guess..

have u gals hrd of herbal life huh? mi tinking of taking to slim down. my weight is now 82kg fat...bei taihan my own weight realli....yeah i woke up in middle of nite last nite saying i want to lose weight. i went jogging for the past two days...

i seldom go toilet so that explains why i am fat ..i store water and lots of water rentention lor ...wonder how? how?
hi trustbaby,

Happy Birthday to you! The color of the thread does not matter. What PiPi is asking is the colour of the scar now. I rem my thread color was dark blue, close to black.

I can understand your frustrations. However do preservere on. We are all here to support one another. Who knows u may strike after u try next month! : )

hi sunbelle,

my gynae advised me not to take bai feng bills, so better to abstain for our condition.

Yes, heard of herbal life, but not sure if it is good for body. Im quite skeptical of slimming prodts. Last yr i took detoxplus for detox purposes for ard 3mths, my waistline did reduce an inch or so. But stop taking cos im worried if got side effects. Since u seldom go toilet, it may be the toxins that is accumulated and water retention. Im prone to water retention prior my period. Do u take lots of fruits n green leafy veg? Guess it will help cos of fibre.
Hi All,

I would like to seek advice fr u gals here. How do you doctor access that you have endo? My gynae suspected that I might hv cos he say 1 of the symptoms is retroverted uterus. Can share with me. Appreciate very much!
Thank you twinstars!

i know its really comforting to have all you gals in here with me.
and i promise i will preservere. At least to give myself another chance.

Yes, u r right. we are not advisable to take bak foong pills. it enhances the blood circulation which i believe it is bad for us. maybe i took too much when i was young that i had endo. who knows. sometime we dont exactly know how we can subject ourselves to endo so much that others dont...

now i m waiting for my period. i was told to inform the clinic. have u had yours?
Hi All,

I would like to seek advice fr u gals here. How do you doctor access that you have endo? My gynae suspected that I might hv cos he say 1 of the symptoms is retroverted uterus. Can share with me. Appreciate very much!
Hi BBAngels,
My doc also claimed that i have retroverted uterus. It is consider an advance stage endo. It can be corrected through laproscopy surgery by removing the cyst as much as possible. Most of us here have gone through the lap and take the necessary treatment thereafter.
Does that mean ppl with endo will hv retroverted uterus? Sob sob...
Can I actually go for the HSG test to check if my tubes are blocked bef deciding if I should for the lap. Can I jus check what's the cost like. Thxs
Sinking n sinking more into depression... luck jus nt on my side
Hi BBAngles,
Not necessary. It depends on where the growth is. Early stages of endo may not lead to retroverted uterus. Whether to go for the HSG test or to do the lap, it is best to consult your doc. He/She will advise you according to your situation. Dont worry, its not end of the world. Go for 2nd doc opinion if you have doubts. read more about endo on internet. may give you more info. best wishes and take it easy.
I am new here. Have been reading through the thread. I have endo too. Have ops last Nov and with GNRH inject (3 mths in 1jab). Have experience hot flashes and dryness over the 3 mths. Now have passed the 3 mths and my period still hvnt come yet. Over 3 mths plus instead(total 6 mths plus after the ops). Ask doctor there is no definite answer when the period will come. Still waiting.

Just wondering anyone experiencing this?

Have been seeing TCM for 3 mths plus. Hope TCM can help me to build up our health and prepare for pregnancy. Wishing to get conceive soon.

Oh regardings the above about bai feng bills, my sinseh said cannot take bai feng bills as it contains Dang Gui. Those who have endo cannot take those stuffs contains Dang Gui.
Hi Trustbaby,
Thxs for the advice. I'm kind of worried, cos I'm full of prob and my dream to conceive seems so far away...

Hi Cuteorange,
Aft lap, still hv to wait so long for period to come. Feel like fainting...
Hi BBAngels,
initially my gynae said 1-2mths to come back. Went back followup checkup, I asked her again she said depend on individual. Some 6-9mths to come back. I heard I almost fainted... Why she didnt say clearly in the 1st place. Now every things she said I will doubt abit... aiyo... fainted...

Anyway maybe individual body react different... have to wait patiently for the period to come back lor...
Hi BBAngels,
I am seeing a gynae at KKH. Have requested the gynae to do another scanning for me. She schedule another 3 mths time... fainted...

yes I hv gone to see TCM for abt 3 mths plus already. Sinseh said the same thing as the gynae. Need to wait. different ppl react differently on the hormone injection. So no choice cannot do anything. Abit worry through.

Just asking here wondering anyone is experiencing the same situation as me.
Hi cuteOrange, welcome on board.

i hope i dont have to wait so long for the menses to come. 6 mths! i also want to faint I remember my doc said that i can start conceiving in June. Will see what happen.

Hi BBAngels, be patient. You will get there. your dreams will come true. Dont despair and Dont faint...
Hi trustbaby,
how long u have been on the injection? great that doctor said u can start conceiving in June.

my jab last for 3 mths. then i over 3mths plus. so total 6 mths plus...

during my last followup, my gynae said my hubby and me shld start trying even through there is no menses currently. She said who know we can strike "jackpot". So we r trying for 1 mth liao...
Hi cuteOrange,
i had my first jab in March (2 weeks after my lap )and my 2nd jab on 4th April. Thats it..others have 3 jab but i guess not for me.

I did try but i dont know when is the ovulation is. so far nothing. its totally a dry spell. do you ovulated yet?
hi trustbaby,

sorry for the late reply. Motherhood forum was down yesterday so i didnt manage to reply u. I can see there are new pple joining this thread. Well, i didnt know if my menses is considered here when i had it on 28th Mar and 8th Apr after my last jab on 2 Mar. Till now, i have not had any and it's totally dry like what u r experiencing. Im shocked to read what Cuteorange had mentioned abt 3-6 mths to come back. I do not even have any ovulation yet.
hi CuteOrange,

Welcome to this thread. Do u mean u hav not had any menses after your lap in Nov last year? I had a lap done in Nov last yr too to remove my ectopic. Then my gynae to me I have endo so I also took the GNRH jab in jan this yr. 1 per month until Mar. So total took 3 jabs. Through jan to mar, my menses did come during these 3 mths. This month is totally dry. My last menses was 8th Apr. I wondered if the GNRH works for me becos my menses still come when i was on the jab.
Hi trustbaby,
me too try but dont know is there ovulation. hmm... during the 4-5mths I still feel quite dry. After that not dry liao... hopefully the medication is clearing off soon.

Hi twinstars,
yes I dont hv menses since last Nov. I have my jab immediately 1day after my ops. After the ops there is 2 weeks spotting. Gynae said is normal. After that there is no menses at all till now. Mine is 1 jab for 3 mths. There are different GNRH which some are monthly and some are 3mths.
thanks cuteorange for your reply. I guess ur menses shld be coming soon. I think mine is juz the beginning, may come few mths later.
Hi twinstar,

Ya man, when i heard about cuteOrange on the 6 mths thingy, i freaked out. Oh gosh, what about my June planning. Is it going to come? tick tok tick tok

Thanks cuteOrange for sharing. Great to know that different ppl experience different road of recovery.
hi twinstars & trustbaby,
u are welcome.

Anyway not to worry so much, different ppl react differently. Both of u may not experience the same things as me...

hope all of us recover well soon and be mummy soon. :p
hi trustbaby & Cuteorange,

Im really curious what's going to happen to me in the next few months. If the menses really comes 6 mths later, and gana strike end of the year, the baby will be sept baby... hahaha, me thinking so far ahead... How excitable
hi twinstars, i beginning to feel less. Just that today the weather is super hot so i gather i m being normal for feeling hot too.

So far i m feeling okay...good thing it subsides faster than i expected...

hope it doesnt creep up again...
Hi gals,

i no longer experience hot flushes.. was wondering whether issit possible to get pregant even though menses havent come heheeheh
how i wish to get pregnant and continue to enjoy the dryness of the month hehe

how soon will the menses come after our 3rd jab huh? 23 rd will be the end point for my 3rd jab...any comments huh? yeah i am tinking when menses will come ...wat are ur experience after the final 3rd jab huh?
hi sunbelle,

We are also waiting for our 'menses' to come. My last menses was on 8th Apr after my last jab on 2nd Mar. Perhaps they were only spotting previously. I believe now is the beginning of my dryness.

Hi gals,
i have this obsession on watching shows like bringing baby home, deliver me, jon & Kate plus 8, adoption stories and etc...i must be desperate and longing for a baby to care for.
Do you gals have similar obsession?
