Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) Guidelines on Import of Frozen Donor Eggs and Sperm

Angelica Cheng

Active Member

Use of Donor Gametes or Embryos.

Where donor gametes/embryos are used in any way, all the following additional declarations are required:

(i) The couple must provide a written declaration that they have paid no more than reasonable expenses for such use. As commercial trading of human gametes/embryos is prohibited in Singapore, the couple will be required to produce evidence (e.g. an itemised invoice) to support their declaration.

(ii) Written declaration by the overseas PGS lab and, where applicable, overseas AR clinic that the collection/retrieval of the gametes/embryos meet AR LTC2020 paragraph 5.292.1. Under the Human Cloning and Other Prohibited Practices Act (HCOPPA), only reasonable expenses may be provided for the supply of gametes and embryos. As per HCOPPA section 13, and MOH’s Licensing Terms and Conditions for Assisted ReproductionServices paragraph 5.31, “reasonable expenses” can include expenses relating to the preparation, preservation and quality control of the gametes/embryos.

In particular, if donor gamete/embryo is being used, please ensure that the following is observed:
5.29 AR Centres shall ensure that only oocytes donated by women between the ages of 21 and 35 at the point of oocyte removal


For their patients’ appeal to be reviewed, AR centres must meet all the following conditions and include all the following information, unless otherwise specified:

(i) Appeals to MOH should be raised through the locally registered AR practitioner in a licensed AR centre treating the patient.

(ii) The local AR centre must assess that it is appropriate and be willing to accept the imported gametes/embryos. The appeal to MOH should contain all the following information:
(a) Whether the husband’s sperm was used in the creation of the embryo, and if so, whether the husband was agreeable to the import of the embryos;
(b) The name of the overseas clinic/bank the gametes/embryos are stored at;
(c) The number of gametes/embryos that the patient and/or her husband have stored in the overseas clinic/bank;
(d) The number of gametes/embryos that the patient and/or her husband intend to transfer to the local AR centre;
(e) A copy of the written informed consent from the couple in accordance with the AR LTCs 2020; and,
(f) Written agreement that the couple understand and accept all riskswhich may be associated with the transfer of gametes/embryos, and accept responsibility for the proper handling of the gametes/embryos while in transit, including responsibility for any adverse outcomes.

(iii) Documentation that the donor was screened for the following transmissible diseases:
(a) Hepatitis B;
(b) Hepatitis C;
(c) Syphilis;
(d) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (and whether a second test was repeated no earlier than 6 months from the time of donation); and,
(e) Cytomegalovirus.

(iv) Documentation on whether the donor’s eggs have been used before, and if so, the number of live-births that the donor’s eggs have resulted in.


  • moh-cir-no-67_2021_1jun21_guidelines-on-the-import-and-export-of-embryos_and_annex-a_registry-...pdf
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