Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

haiz.... he will if he can, but his work requires him to stay a little later as he works with Canada ppl, so can't depend on him on the cooking part.

Actually I know cooking is not THAT difficult la, jus need to get used to the routine and find the best methode and fastest way to handle all the food. But that takes time to learn lor....

get your girl's ex-nanny to cook for them,
adults eat out... kekeke...
u reli gd mummy le, bake cake for ur kid. i doubt i will do dat. for makan, get lengleng to cook for u since she stay at hm most of the time, hee.
haha.... I dun mind if Leng leng provide delivery loh.... LOL

Actually my gal's nanny is my next door neighbour but sometimes I feel pai say to ask her 'cos even though I'll be paying her but that will mean that she will be house bound in the evening time. And sometimes she needs to bring her kids out mah....
And although my gal's cc provides dinner but my son is oni 2 yo when i put him there and I will prefer that he eats at home so I can 'monitor' his appetite.
I hv 11 more mths to think...

u hvn't really experience motherhood yet mah.... u will also wan to do things for your kids too.
Hi Violet, the cake looks nice lei..... so sweet of you....

My oven broke down on me last year.. I am not really in baking.. just that at 1 time before i had my 1st child, a colleague and I were crazy about baking pineapple tarts.... now no time liao.
really wanted to go over to ur placeas it will be our FIRST time meeting up all mommies here. but i have a dinner appointment i think. but will confirm again with the host. thanks in advance.

violet b
looks sooooo yummy!!!!!! i love love love nutella!!!! i can just eat it on its own!!!

heee.... talking about this, i DIY a bday cake for quinns bday last september. hope u gals dun mind i HAO (4) LIAN (4) with pix!! it takes alottttt...... hard work *at least for me*


^ i cant bake the sponge cake as my place no oven now so i rely on a bakery shop to help me with the sponge cake then the rest i DIY.
i also always tell myself 'no time no time' so do the simple simple ones lor, think pineapple tarts too much work hor?

Leng Leng,
I agree, I hate the washing too.

little devil,
WOW WOW... your cake looks really nice and I'm sure you feel so proud after you completed it.
Get a small oven then u can DIY everything liao

I oni know how to bake, dunno how to decorate and lazy to learn oso :p
ur cake looks amazing leh. im tinkin if the gatherin shld b on 24 or 25 feb, can we put down our names and date preferred so that we can decide on 1?

violet, lengleng,
me like to bake n cook but oso hates the washing, but lately on with maid, tink i will do dat again!

Re: CNY gathering
Venue: Kris Place (Sengkang)
Time: 1pm
Date: 24 or 25 Feb
hi little devil... the cake looks nice lei.... guess must take a lot of effort and patience.. i dun think i can do that man...

violet... pineapple tarts very tedious.. especially if you are doing the pineapple fillings... have to grate it and then cook it by stirring continuously until a paste.... i also dun know why, there was this year, my colleague were so crazy about this until we took leave to do it at home. then after work, the 2 husbands came back and helped us.. haha....

now that both of us are with kids, the enthusiam has died down liao.....

hi kris, thanks for the invitation. will confirm again as I may have class on 24 Feb.
Wow, little devil. Your cake really looks amazing...did you go for some lessons on cake decoration? I'm the practical kind, just buy one off the shelf....most convenient. Furthermore me also no oven....

Violet, your cake looks nice too. Actually with an oven, you can make lots of other things, chicken pie, baked rice.... yummy....

Hi Kris,
Did you realise that 24 Feb is "Ren Ri"? That's the day to "Lo Hei" rite? Didn't realize that until my hubby pointed out to me....Anyway, for me, most prob 25 Feb is better.

How's yr maid so far? Is she experienced? Enjoying life now that you've got your maid to help out around the house?
Wah ... I'm very impressed with your cake! Looks very professionally done ... Inspired me to bake my boy his b-day cake next year after seeing violet and you ...

Don't think I can make it. Sat: Aunt's house, Sun: Church Thanks for the invitation!
ya, I can imagine the amount of work required for pineapple tarts.... some ppl will jus buy ready made fillings but I find do yourself will be better lor, but will be very tedious. So I nvr imagine myself doing it..

And I reply yr mail alrdy

I know can do a lot, but I'm quite lazy to do anything else other than the basic butter cake and cheesecake. And my cheesecake is without the bottom crust layer one 'cos I lazy to make!! LOL

Thanks for the invitaition, but I can only make it on 24th as I have a family gathering on 25th. But pls decide the date to your convenience.

Re: CNY gathering
Venue: Kris Place (Sengkang)
Time: 1pm
Date: 24 or 25 Feb
1) violet, hb, 2 kids, maid(Tentative) - but can only make it 24th as got family gathering on 25th
Hi all mummies,
Have been MIA for some time liao..
Saw all the conversations going on.. seems like everyone is getting ready for CNY...

Hi Violet and little devil,
wau... both ur cakes very nice leh! I showed my collegues and they were like going "wau.... wau...., so nice hor, i also want to go and learn liao,,,"

Talking bout sprees, sometimes I will organise sprees for my collegues for online shopping, mainly clothings la from taiwan websites... I will prob start one on 1st wk of March but not confirmed la depending on my collegues response.. So if u guys are int, can PM me anytime lor... Since we are living quite near each other, we can meet up anytime to pass the items...
Don be mistaken la hor
Not earning anything here
Just trying to help out and consolidate my collegues' items.. just a small spree la... haa~
Little devil,
U cake look very nice lei!
i so pai sei all mommies here know how how bake/cook. i only know how to eat

CNY Gathering;
Hi kris, thank you for the invitation, but 24th chloe got class, 25th house gathering.
Sorry will join next gathering, thanks for asking!

Hi Wendy(wen2gal),

Im interested can email me : [email protected] thx
violet b
thanks thanks and i did consider getting an oven too but with my boy *hes very handful* i guess if i really get an oven, scared i will end up using it like another compartment in my kitchen to STORE things :p

yet to confirm both dates. can confirm later? as my mum tat side tends to have last minute gathering wan and if theres any i really dun want to disappoint her as this is the only period she has free time as shes working. but if last min. i can make it then can i just inform u and drop by?
mayeb u pm me ur hp no.?

yah, it takes alot but very fun as hubby also join in
i rem. i start doing it after my boy slept *ard 11 pm* and it took us ard 5 hours of work.

no lah, me didnt attend any classes. i just surf the web to get some ideas and this is my FIRST attempt and i dun know if i will do it again, very tedious leh.

u can try it too!!!! its fun really and after u done with ur DIY cake u will feel so good and TIRED too...ha!!!!!!

dun be paisey..... though me can cook, hubby is way better than me leh. especially after having kids, sooooo little time to do those special dishes and now basically i only cook for my son everyday, very simple food.
WAHHH!!!!!!!! SPREE!!!!!!! me really into spree and had ordered many times from those taiwan webbie. i usually goes to LADIESFIRST, they always got interesting spree wan! COUNT ME IN!!!!!!! i will pm u my hp. no. so u can drop me a sms or so if u have 1 on okie????
hey ladies,
we can confirm the date by next thurs when most of the family gatherings are firmed up. hereby wish all a hapi and healthy year ahead.
Hi little devil,
haa~ Me too.. Ordered a few times from online sprees... Find that their quality is not good and at a cheaper price...

But I heard overseas sites with non-domain names will be not allowed anymore.. Thats y decided to organise myself.. haiz...
Hi wen2gal

Sorry.. still have the chart yet to pick up from you. Would Sat morning be convenient for you? Tomorrow evening I have class till 10pm. I will sms you again.

Btw, what sprees are you organising? are they ladies or kids stuff?
Hi Wendy(cpi),
Its ok la.. Understand you shld be busy.. Sat morning should not be a problem... Can u try to come before 11am as I will be going out at noon? U sms me again la...

Oh, the sprees that I organise are more for ladies stuff, mainly clothings.. If you are int, u can drop me a mail..

Most of them are having CNY shut down, thats y decided to organise only after CNY, prob 1st or 2nd wk of March..
Hi morning mommies
sorry haven been logging in for a long time.
Hope everyone is fine.

Just to wish everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year

Hope to see all soon
Hi everyone!!

I'm going off to Malaysia later so in case I dun get to log in I would like to wish everyone HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR too!!

Have fun and enjoy your holidays....
Hey everybody,

Wishing you all a Blessed & Happy Lunar New Year and Kuai Gao Zhang Da for your kids too!

Violet, have fun in Malaysia and drive safely!
Hi Mummies,

Anyone has any opinions on getting a savings accounts for your kids? eg POSB or other banks? Any good recommendations? Me intend to open up 1 savings account for my son after this new year with his ang mo money.. hee~

Hi Wendy(cpi),
Are you coming to collect the DHC from me this wk? I am having company shut down so I won be working.. Drop me a mail or sms ok?
Hi Mikel,
You open a POSB kids account? Does your kid need to be ard? Cos me intend to go nt wk but am thinking if my son is not ard, can i just bring his BC?

I'm not sure which bank acct is good. Just want to hear any good recommendations..
Thanks ar..

Kris, sorry that I can't join you this weekend, I have other activities already, hope you all enjoy!
Mikel, i have more if u want i can forward to u

Wendy (wen2gal)
i open with UOB, its a joint btw mummy and baby. just bring birthcert (if i remember correctly) i remember reading somewhere the bank with the higest interest rate for children acct is ABN 6.8% pa. let me go back and c if i can find the mag and let u know again
Dear all, I have unopenned milk powder below:

1 tin of Frisco 0-6th Month, 900g
1 tin of Dumex Mamil Mama, 400g

I am giving them away free, anyone interested? Please PM me. Cheers!
I oso opened with POSB and u jus need to bring the kid's birth cert with u. I forgot if u need to bring a copy to give the bank, no harm jus bringing an extra copy there though.
Hi Gals,

Anyone interested to buy fluid proof mattress protector from King Coil? I was shopping around for one to put on my son's single bed when I came across King Coil. It is their new product, terry cotton quilted with waterproof lining at the botton. Can be put on like a fitted sheet. Original Price - $69. They gave me a 20% discount as I am buying one for myself and my cousin is also getting one. I've reserved them already and waiting for them to revert on giving me a 30% discount. Anyone interested to piggy bag and buy? Let me know, they will call me back soon to confirm my order and transfer them to United Square for me to pick up.
the bank has photocopying machine lah... hahaha...

I custom made for my Queen size,
it's PVC type, was about $60 each
haha leng leng,
me not nice la... jus dun wan to waste my time there lor..... u know how fast they are at doing all these paperworks la, i jus hate going to the banks. Orm maybe they are better alrdy? Anyway i always keep a copy or 2 of their BC at home in case need to use for watever thing la.
I will be back on Fri so I collect the old navy fm u maybe next wk after work? I sms u then la.
Good nite, i going to sleep alrdy
Hi Cholemummy,
Thanks for ur help.

I might just drop by POSB branch at Compass point tml to find out a bit more. But they open so late.. Only at 11am.. Luckily I'm off for this 1 whole wk, if not, I cannot imagine going on Sat and having to queue like maybe an hr just to get to the counter..
Hi Leng Leng,

At the moment I'm using those PVC type from Spotlight for my son but a bit warm and have the rustling sound. It's tearing up now so have to change. Thought of letting him have some comfort this time so change to a better type. : )

Wow, Wendy, be prepared to queue even for weekdays. People start queuing outside as early as 10.30 am. I always end up waiting for at least an hour before my turn Remember to go straight to the information counter, you don't have to wait at the long line for your turn. Hehehe, I'm a SAHM so frequent Compasspoint and the bank during weekdays.
u dun hv to join the normal queue for opening the kid's account. You can go to the information counter and ask the lady to process. But sometimes they oso hv 'queue' for that but not as long as the main queue though.
No min sum required for the account and the bank will put in a $1 for the account out of goodwill.
I link my kid's account to my account so that it's easier for me to do internet transfers to them.

Hi everyone,
Have a happy n prosperous pig year.

Wah... ur co so generous give the ee off for 1 week. Siok har..
I open my kids acct with RHB.

Ur cake looks so yummy.
