Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

I check GlenE webbie, they dun have much info there, but i've arrange to tour their maternity ward on my next visit to my gynae, so from there i probably understand more. Thanks violet!

So u freeze the BM, but when it's in the plane it will defrost? how u make sure that it is "Fresh" i know after u defrost u cannot put it in refrigerator again right?

Thanks for the info! But don't think I'll give my bb that ... seems like too much things to give him ... don't know how the products will react with each other.

Violet Blaze
Soooo romantic to go to a small town in France! *green eye* Think not only French ... most Europeans work very slowly.
hahaha.... Mikel, i know wat u mean, actually the scenery is quite nice la. And the weather now is just rite.
But hor go work leh, not go holiday with hubby so quite xian oso.
And the things there so ex!
violet, hope u can quickly finish ur work then come back.... have a safe trip!

ya, they charge for lactation consultatn. think it's 45-50 at TMC at their parentcraft centre, not house call. but during your stay, it's free, as violet said.
ask GlenE about their consultatn charges after discharge.
Dun worry too much abt BF i'm sure u can get help from the lactation ppl to help u lor... if u get too worried n stress abt all this it will affect ur milk supply later on. In fact most hospital they support BF lor...
thanks beluga.... start to be bery moody liao as the date approaches.... alrdy starting to miss my son and gal liao
Hi all Sengkang/Punggol mummies,

I came to know abt this thread from the other SK mummies. I am also staying in Sengkang. Would like to join this thread. I am a FTWM.

My EDD is on 15 July 2006. The gender of baby is a boy.

Hi jasline... welcome

No prob at all jus give me a call when u're back... me noe how u feel cos 2 wks ago me went wedding lunch without my boy i already miss him like hell.... go back straight away carry him liao n when he saw me he so happy then i felt very guilty leaving him at home so tht's y i decided not to go back flying mah....

2day gave my boy ba bao san n he gave me a weird expression.... hahaha... so funny his looks
I scared har skali I come back then he dun recognize me liao

He is at the stage that he starts to be more mobile and I'll miss a lot watching him grow.
Last nite I put him down on a small matteress on the flow and he roll off it, half his body on the floor and half on mattress then think he is stuck and he start making noise.
I think kena his head a little la but he looksery funny lor. These are the things that i'm gonna miss.....
dear mummies,
in case u r not aware, kiddy palace havin 20% storewide.

i pass by the compasspoint branch yest.

those on nett items not inclusive.

lucky i didn't lose control, only manage to get some wet baby wipes only :p
ya our bb everyday sure got new things to show us n u will miss out alot ask ur hb flim down lor so tht when u come back u can watch mah....
Yar lor ... my boy also give me a funny look and then frown. But the second I gave him, he loves it ... he he he ...

Wah ... kiddy palace sale ... must cheong down already.
Yap.. kiddy palace sale is till end of month.. only 20% on regular items n no discount on offered n nett prices.

Anybody head down to Robinsons as well? Saw that there is sales up to 70% discounts... hmm.. tot of getting more stuff for XT.

End of month got Motherhood Expo.. can't wait for that too..

Anybody here brought ur newborn bb out shopping? I mean how old then bring out to shop?

XT feeds at every 3h and seems like shopping can b quite diasterous huh..??
BTW, anybody here noes of a good nanny in Sengkang? How much a daytime nanny cost? What time does daytime nanny start taking care of bb?

How abt infant care centre?? Any good one in Sengkang?

Tried getting my mil to keep me but so far has seemed rather diasterous.

She can't seem 2 get XT to drink more than 70ml of milk and place XT diapers wrongly till urine swipped out.. and then kept wanting us to put XT on sarong to sleep .. saying tat bed she doesn't sleep long!
Welcome Jasline! Another Jul bb! so qiao!! which hospital?

ilim, violet, ya, me too hate to miss out on my boy's development. sometimes feel guilty that i never realise he is able to do new things. then my mum will tell me that he can do this do that. makes me feel like a lousy mother... so i try to spend more time with him...

tattybear, tks for sharing! will spend $ again, haiz...

sharon, gathering sounds gd! meet at CP Mac's??? like the SAHM gathering?

koalarie, me brought my boy out shopping after he turned 1 mth... he loves going out! u can go to places with gd nursing room like CP, paragon, thomson plaza. then feeds are not a problem.

going out once in a while, kinda relieves stress and makes me more sane. heh.

you are XT's mummy and how XT should zzz is ur say. dun feel pressured to give in. it's ur right as a mummy. i'm sure u have ur reasons for not wanting XT to zzz in a sarong... just explain to ur MIL nicely.
my hubby can reach home by 9pm I can smile alrdy.
And even if reach home by 9pm, boy alrdy sleep liao. I can only get updates on wkly basis... sigh... Hope I won't be away for too long.

I think the one that ilim mentioned is near my place, just next block. My colleague puts his 2nd son there now as he says it's not bad. His 1st sons also went there but now in regular cc.
If you interested I find out the number for you.

Try asking your hb to talk to yr mil instead? Maybe she listens to him more? Own son mah...

sometimes hor talking to ILs about baby care is a bit difficult..... unlike talking to our own parents.
I just remembered about the bubox shoes!
I am flying off on wed 24th and coming back either early or mid Jun leh.

I'm still collecting for ez_mum after I return fm the trip and I can still collect for u if u can wait, otherwise u may wan to re-arrange with the BP organizer? Pls let me know ok?

I got to contact the other mummy now....
violet, u collect for me cos anyway, the shoes arent here yet.

ya talking to ILs not easy i agree... such is life...
I brought my son out when he's only 2 weeks old but just to my mum's place. His 1st official shopping trip is when he is 1 mth+ and since then, he's been going out quite regular every weekend. he absolutely loves going out ...

Me really going mad.. staying either home or at mil's place. Really feel like going out to walk walk a while.. juz taking lunch outside would b glad too. But seems like need to carry lots of things... diapers, water bottle n if any feeds etc. Also if pram etc..

How u do it by yourself?

yes. pls. let me noe the phone number I'll ask.

Thanks to both of u... hb will try 2 talk over the matter with her. Afterall she's juz trying to help out to save costs for us too.. but with her health a prob, think we should b able 2 convince her.. I hope.
Really wonder why most MILs are so hard to communicate.

So none of u place bbs with nannies?

Sharon, what type of outings u looking at?? We can start having ours first... once i m more confident bringing XT out alone.

Really getting forgetful since pregnnacy.. n after labour worse.

First time went out with hb n bb... forget 2 bring her milk powder.. n we had to go around Chinatwon to look 4 similac and yet can't find any infant can one! So got to make a detour home instead.

Second time went out... n tix time we 4got 2 bring out her face towel (used as bib)... n so got to make do with tissues.

Any of u noe if a mother of more than 6 weeks should have continous menses-like flow n not stopped??

I dunno if mine is still locia discharge or menses.. not heavy but has nv stopped since after XT's birth. Then, found tat lately got some pain underneath my tummy area but above the C section cut... dunno if should ask gynae.. scared later she wants me to go back for checkup but got to place XT alone in MIL's place.
thanks for yr advise on BF-ing,I will try not to stress so much. I heard from an aunt today that GlenE focus more on the mum... so they might not have a lactation consultant to go rounds, nevertheless i will still check during the visit.

Ya, I regretted.. coz i bought 3 rompers costing over $60 for my bb on wednesday and saw the sale on Friday. The musical mobile that i wanted to get is out of stock liao. It cost $79.90 at kiddy palance but $90 at robinson. i wonder if e stock will arrive soon and if there's any disc on that.

Kaoalarie, I heard from my SIL that my little cottage is quite good. 1 to 2 infants i think. but it's quite ex, after subsidy ard $700. good luck w yr MIL issues too!
Koalarie, maybe u can do up a checklist to help u to remember what to bring, so that next time u can jusr rely on the checklist to help u remember things.
GlenE got lacation consultant. But she only worked on weekdays so if weekends give birth, only nurses can help. But most nurses are quite good.. I stayed at level 6 maternity ward.

A pity tat should ve sticked to 1 bedded so tat got more privacy n no worries that bb's cries would wake other mommy n her bb.

Little Cottage..?? Is it? where is it.. I'd try to look up later.

Checklist .... tat time too busy to create.. so on adhoc.. later on, got create a written one n pasted on the refrigerator.
Pls help... if anybody knows.

My bb drinks her Similac infant milk very feriously for the first 40~50ml and then slows down a lot of that and her feed lasts at least 30 minutes to 45minutes as she falls into deep sleep.. was told by somebody tat mayb it is her teat problem.

She's only a month old and currently using NUK milk teat (for 0-6months). Should she change to the NUK thick feed (for 0-6 months)? Or NUK milk teat (for 6 months)?
Koalarie, i didnt know u gave birth at GlenE too!! Can u share with me how much u paid during yr stay (if possible to include breakdown too) .Do u have problems BF-ing?

My little cottage is near fernvale.

Hehe, I guess i also have to create that checklist during my confinement mth coz i also a blursotong even when i am not preggie.

I not very sure abt yr bb's drinking habits, but from what i know normally BB will fall asleep halfway thru their feed and will normally take ard 20 mins to finish them. Not too sure if it's abt the teat.
Hi Koalarie,

i'm also bery forgetful during and after pregnancy. Think it's normal. I remember it's worst off when I had my first, this time can feel that it is not as bad. But dun worry la, will recover one.

I put my gal at nanny's until she goes cc at 2yo.
She is quite good and orginally suppose to take care of my boy oso. But we got a maid instead.
Letting other ppl take care has pros and cons, even with nanny and infant care. To me is so long as they can take care of my bb well i'm ok.

If I'm toooo fussy over how to take care then better take care myself lor. So you got to be prepared lor.

My boy now also take about 1hr to inish all his milk. Like yours, drink very quickly for about half the bot then rest and drink later. I also thought of changing teat but haven't try yet.

menses -
Better call the gynae to ask her opinion. If really need to go back maybe ca ask h to take 1/2 day to help take care of bb? Or if your hb don't work saturdays then arrange appt on sat?

I'll find out the infant care no. and let u know as soon.
But i'm working mommy liao, can only meet up on weekend or public holiday.
i got a few suggestions..
1) Meet at one of mummies house
2) at Compass Point MC or BK
3) Book a function room @ somewhere , But cost is Ex
4) Just gather @ punggol Park

I got one nanny recommand , she just opo our Block only, may be you want to take a look . but i don't know is it still avaiable liao
My BB last time also drink milk will falls into deep sleep , but TMH and mine massange lady teach me just "nodnod" the milk bottle, to make a sound to give them awake then the BB will continuel to sack.
I bring my ger out after full month and w/o my HB
i'm also very forgetful during and after pregnancy,my boss tell me it's normal hehee.she got 4 children.
aiya.. you are not alone la. when during my ML , i also worries a lot of things. like don't know my BB enought sleep or not ? enought milk or not ? when she never make noise i also worries , making noise i also worries, can't sleep every time need to check on she...maybe we are too stress on our no> 1. , I also take care my BB alone for 3 mths.
now i know be a mother not so easy.
I agree, being a mother is not easy. Now I appreciate my mother even more. Try not to make her angry as much. And now I know how I broke her heart when I was so rebellious last time :p

I meet up with some mummies(a diff group about 6-7 of us + bbies + prams!) during my ML in Apr. We just 'hogged' one corner at BK but that was a wkday and not too crowded. It was fun...

Punggol park is a good suggestion for wkend gatherings and the kids can enjoy the nature as well.

If you guys are organizing one, I hope to be able to join u.

1st time mummy is like that, everything oso worry one. I remember I'm the same, got noise no noise oso worry, esp at nite. Now hv 2nd one is seasoned liao so more relaxed....
Me beginning oso forget to bring bb's milk powder out but heng ah we manage to rush back b4 he cried for milk. Me always bring bb out alone cos hb not in sin most of the time.... me will always bring MIM sling n his stroller... in case he gets cranky n wan to b carried or i jus bring the sling alone if i go nearby place... for me it's quite convinent cos i drive so dun have to worry abt taking public transport wif so many things lor... But beginning not used to it lah but the more u go out u'll get more confident lor
u drive? Since ur hb not ard, then ur bb b in the infant car seat, rite? Ur bb k with tat?? I'm scared tat if I drive in the middle of nowhere, bb becomes cranky leh.=p

Tot of getting a mirror to see her from the driver seat as well... now no time to buy.. trying to catch my rest.

Thanks.. ladies.. My bb cranky again in the middle of night ard 4am+. So.. it's like my sleep really lacks. She kept making noises, no crying.. but then after a while stops; and then starts over again after 3~4 minutes. Try waking her but like no used.

I was so tired tat I ignored the sounds and dreamt... Dreamt saw my mom (Who's now in China touring) and asked her why bb like tat.. n she told me 2 give bb water.

Me woke up n gave her water when she made noises again n then after tat she didn't make noises till next feed.

Strange huh??

me tried tat lor.. not sure if i told u... but my gal can b really bochap even with noises.. she "pretends" to sleep.. to really wake her, is to burp her till the gases all come out then she smiles n then I can continue feeding her... But these few feeds, she's only taking 60ml+ leh.. I am really worried..


Being a mommy really not easy..
couldn't pm u leh..

I did a Elective C section and total bills for mommy was ard $5,115.14 and bb was ard $938.12. Cash paymt in all was $2,194.53 and Medisave used was $3,858.73.

Breastfeeding wise, the nurses were really nice actually. One or two may not be good.. but the staff nurses were great.. juz tat I was sharing room with another mommy n I scared tat would disturb the other mommy if bb cried n so didn't try very hard.. Add on to my phobia was I didn't noe how to handle my bb (didn't noe how to carry or where to hold or how to change bb to other side after breastfeed at one side). I couldn't sit up properly then as I was on drip. At nights were tough as only few nurses ard and only during tix time, most mommies would do breastfeeding n so the nurses were really busy bringing bb to the mommies' sides.

So, paranoidmummy, if u re staying in one bedded room.. ve somebody with u who noes how to handle bb so that the bb can b brought to u at ease to breastfeed as well as encouraging both u n bb to breastfeed.

To remember to request to see for lacation consultant to staff nurse, k?

BTW, u doing natural delivery?
Hello Everyone ! I am also first time mum and also learning alot of things from experienced mothers. If there are gathering, pls keep me informed too. I will be glad to organise gathering at my place/Puggol Edgefield Plains but will confirm once I discuss with hubby.
halo apricot, welcome n tks for offering yr place...

I went to the infant care centre just down when I brough my gal to the playground.
Couldn't find the number but they are also next blk to the NTUC childcare so I got the number which is 63158138. The infant care centre oso run by NTUC, think it's at blk 230.
Me also forgot towels during my first visit out w bb. Did not even bring tissue! Heh, we are only human. After the first few times, you will have a standard bag packed. Dont worry about not getting it right the first time.

Memory loss
Me also not so good liao. Perhaps cos most of my thoughts are on bb. You will adjust one lah. Just make an effort to remember, slowly learn how to handle bb first, gain confidence, then you will start getting it back.

ilim, me also like you, bring sling and stroller out with bb. but i dun drive. i take cab everywhere now! slowly got used to it. but most of the time i'm with my mum so she helps me alot! guess for me it's easier cos i TBF so dun have to lug milk powder n hot water around.

BTW, found that suntec and parkway's bb rooms are not bad. got hot water.

sharon, ya i think better to be on PH or wkends... so more of us will turn up. i like punggol park too but i prefer morning or evening else bery hot leh.

koalarie, me also like you in the 1st 2 mths... go crazy and kept crying... but still survived! so u can too! just relax and try to understand your bb... if bb dun wanna eat i think it's okie cos if hungry she will cry to let you know!

i think the real BFg challenge for me was after i returned home. in hospital bb zzz and did not suckle much. it was after my discharge and at home did the engorgement become real bad. looking back, i should have kept letting bb suckle, even wake him up to feed. cos my engorgement was v bad, breasts machiam 'rocks'! so no milk could come out...

apricot, tks for offering your place. i volunteer to help you clean up!
Ya my bb will be in the car seat n when i drive i will play nursery songs for him n usually he will sleep. N i will hand some toys for him too.

Sometimes he will eheheh lor n will tok to him after awhile he will KO liao but if he cry very loudly got to find a carpark to chk on him *touchwood* so far dun have....Oh ya i nv get tht mirror.

Have not went to Suntec n Parkway bb's rm yet will go chk it out...

My boy on FM so my bag always heavy ah.... so if my boy not sitting in his stroller my bag will sit...heeheehee..
Really confused as to whether I shld deliver in GlenE... seems like they are not as pro BF-ing as TMC or MtA. I wish to go on natural if possible... Alot of ppl I know get difficulty in BF-ing if they are on C, coz of the wound pain n difficulty.

Beluga, didnt u use the pump to express out your BM?

Koalarie, sorry, My little cottage shld be in Rivervale instead of Fernvale.
Blk 195 Rivervale Drive,
Tel: 6881 1631.
Kaoalarie, thanks v much for the info.....Just wanna check, I always thought the medisave deduction max is $1500, Koalarie, hoe come can claim $3k+??

Mummies, recently i have difficulty sleeping. O always feel food is coming out frm my throat and feeling v uncomfy at around night time even though i had early dinner and didnt eat much. Is this consider as heartburn? but my chest didnt feel hot... just abt "men".
hi ,
morning everyone. i was not in a few days ardai has so many mssg. Gathering , i love to. i think we can try in compass point or ponggol park , void deck i dun think so in case too many mummies gathering together with kid , later police will come and question
why not we set a date for gathering.
do it on a weekend like sat. ok for everyone
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>Mummies' Nick</TD><TD>Kids' Name</TD><TD>Kids' DOB</TD><TD>Kids' Age</TD><TD>Location</TD><TD>Job</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>anissa</TD><TD>Clarence</TD><TD>22/08/05</TD><TD>9m 00d</TD><TD>Edgedale Plains </TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">apricot </font></TD><TD>Aston </TD><TD>19/04/03</TD><TD>3y 01m 03d</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>3</TD><TD>beluga</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>06/12/05</TD><TD>5m 16d</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>WFHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>4</TD><TD>caymom</TD><TD>Cay</TD><TD>01/05/05</TD><TD>1y 00m 21d</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5</TD><TD>chiart</TD><TD>Javier</TD><TD>03/12/04</TD><TD>1y 05m 19d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>Fiona (funkychick)</TD><TD>Joshua</TD><TD>03/12/04</TD><TD>1y 05m 19d</TD><TD>Buangkok Link</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>7</TD><TD>flolai (mashimaro771)</TD><TD>Zavier Tan</TD><TD>21/05/05</TD><TD>1y 00m 01d</TD><TD>Punggol Field</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>8</TD><TD>ilim</TD><TD>Keagan</TD><TD>21/02/06</TD><TD>3m 01d</TD><TD>Punggol Field</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>9</TD><TD>jadonmum</TD><TD>Jadon</TD><TD>04/11/05</TD><TD>6m 18d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>10</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Jan06Mum</font></TD><TD>Glenna</TD><TD>05/01/06</TD><TD>4m 17d</TD><TD>Punggol Field</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>11</TD><TD>Jas</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>~ 15/07/06 ~</TD><TD>counting down</TD><TD>Sengkang East Way</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>12</TD><TD>Jen</TD><TD>Jeannieve</TD><TD>11/12/04</TD><TD>1y 05m 11d</TD><TD>Anchovale Rd</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>13</TD><TD>kiami</TD><TD>Aeron</TD><TD>11/06/05</TD><TD>11m 11d</TD><TD>Anchovale Rd</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>14</TD><TD>Koalarie (evonlimsy)</TD><TD>Xuan Ting</TD><TD>11/04/06</TD><TD>1m 11d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>15</TD><TD>lauran</TD><TD>Yu Ping</TD><TD>21/08/03</TD><TD>2y 09m 01d</TD><TD>Compassvale Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Yu An</TD><TD>21/07/05</TD><TD>10m 01d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>16</TD><TD>linda</TD><TD>Dawn</TD><TD>20/05/05</TD><TD>1y 00m 02d</TD><TD>Punggol Central</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>17</TD><TD>linsaw</TD><TD>Denzil</TD><TD>31/08/05</TD><TD>8m 21d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>18</TD><TD>mikel</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>14/01/06</TD><TD>4m 08d</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>Temp SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>19</TD><TD>mooon</TD><TD>Aeden</TD><TD>26/09/05</TD><TD>7m 26d</TD><TD>Punggol Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>20</TD><TD>MTDT </TD><TD>Zavier </TD><TD>~ 07/07/06 ~</TD><TD>counting down</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>21</TD><TD>mum05</TD><TD>Girl-private</TD><TD>01/01/05</TD><TD>1y 04m 21d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>Freelance</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>22</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">phoebesmum</font></TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>01/01/06</TD><TD>4m 21d</TD><TD>Anchorvale Dr</TD><TD>?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>23</TD><TD>paranoidmummy</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>~ 16/07/06 ~</TD><TD>counting down</TD><TD>Anchovale Rd</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>24</TD><TD>samval</TD><TD>Valerie </TD><TD>26/10/01</TD><TD>4y 06m 26d</TD><TD>Rivervale Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Kimberly </TD><TD>08/07/05</TD><TD>10m 14d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>25</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">serene (soffie)</font></TD><TD>Brandon</TD><TD>07/01/06</TD><TD>4m 15d</TD><TD>Edgedale Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>26</TD><TD>sharon (gracemum)</TD><TD>Sabrina</TD><TD>20/09/05</TD><TD>8m 02d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>27</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">stephenniris</font></TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>01/12/05</TD><TD>5m 21d</TD><TD>Punggol Central</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>28</TD><TD>newss</TD><TD>Keith</TD><TD>22/04/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 00d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>tanlengleng</TD><TD>Athena</TD><TD>22/05/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 00d</TD><TD>Compassvale Rd</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Besper</TD><TD>21/12/05</TD><TD>5m 01d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>30</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">tattybear</font></TD><TD>Raphael</TD><TD>16/10/05</TD><TD>7m 06d</TD><TD>Punggol Drive</TD><TD>Temp SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>31</TD><TD>violet_blaze</TD><TD>Yi Xuan</TD><TD>24/07/02</TD><TD>3y 09m 28d</TD><TD>Compassvale Walk</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Feng Kai</TD><TD>09/02/06</TD><TD>3m 13d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>32</TD><TD>Wendy (cpj)</TD><TD>Joshua</TD><TD>01/03/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 21d</TD><TD>Compassvale Street</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Jerome</TD><TD>06/03/06</TD><TD>2m 16d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>33</TD><TD>yvonne (geoks)</TD><TD>Hunter</TD><TD>24/01/05</TD><TD>1y 03m 28d</TD><TD>Fernvale Link</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD></td></tr></table>

If u wish to join the list, pls send ur details to me:
- Mummy Nick
- Kid's Name
- Kid's Gender
- Kid's DOB
- Blk No &amp; Street Name (Only Street Name will be published)
- Job
- Email address
- MSN address
it really depends on individual with regards to bf'g. Some've n some dun. Even my cousin's first was on Emergency C section at KKH, had little bm then for her 1st child; but for the second child, despite she's premature, my cousin manage to do TBM.

U dun think too much. Juz try ur best n do lots of homework.. if u noe how to carry baby, not a prob even if u re uncomfortable after ND or C-sec. Can always ask ur hb 2 help.

Somebody shared with me tix website.. Do read up more.. n relax. How I wish I noe tix website earlier.. =p

Why Medisave more than 3k?

Well, first, u request to ve mommy and bb's bills spilt n so can claim two separate medisave amt... secondly, for c section, there is a cap of claim up to 2.6k n plus the medisave rebate (if u took up the gynae's checkup of $450?)

U may want to check up tix website for more info.

Dun worry abt hospital where to stay... the most impt thing is where ur gynae is n operating at... then he/she checking on u b easier since his office is ard there.

Me got 2b at GlenE as my gynae only did at GlenE and her office is there.

Any queries, u can feel free to ask.. = )

btw the prob u'd's indeed heartburn. Got try taking raspberry tea? I bought a pack with another mommy n took almost everyday. U can either order from Momsinmind website or get from NTUC pharmacy.

thanks. I ve been tearing quite often as really not enuf sleep n bb seems 2b up to mischef.

This morning 5+ she seemed hungry n gave her milk n she split the milk out n kept having face red.. then apply ru yi oil n pat her to sleep.. n she didn't drink any milk again till 5th hour after her feed. Then she's fully awake...

Very very siong.

Is it normal tat bb at 2nd/3rd month would suddenly ve a decrease of urge to finish the milk? E.g. normally was taking 100ml n then now only 60ml??
