Sembawang MTB or SAHM

see that ur EDD is also in sept?? me too!

choosing name for bb ar? i guess when choosing names that are more unique n seen lesser, confirm hv headache when it comes to pronounciation... :p i oso hv headache in choosing name for my ger... but luckily hv decided le

Yalor,the name I like but hubby don like, name that he likes but i don like...super headache now.

How many weeks are you now? My EDD is on Sep22. Cant wait to hold my little angel in my arms.

Btw, is this your first pregnancy?
hi grace...

keke... nvm still hv time... pick slowly..
i m 32-33 weeks.. edd is 20th sept.. cannot wait for my princess to pop out..

yup this is my 1st pregnancy... so getting jittery as edd draws near.. lol
hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt .. am staying in sembawang n new to this forum.

Could anyone advise on any good student care in sembawang area around endeavour pri.

thanks & rgds.
Harlow Mummies,

Long time no post....
Had been busy preparing for my boy's birthday bash in Sep. Does any1 knows where I can rent Helium tanks to blow up balloons?

Welcome to all who just join the forum

Shall we have a gathering next wk? A playdate or lunch/tea? Missed the last gathering so seems like a long time since we last met up.
Hi Cin,

u can try this: (a review from expat singapore)
806 upper serangoon road. They have different sizes of helium tanks and a variety of balloons. What I like is that their delivery charge is very much cheaper and they do not need me to put a deposit for the helium tanks. What's more,their service is prompt and friendly. I would highly recommand you to go there and get your party needs. if i don't remember wrongly, the tel no. should be 62823916

or balloon r us

other mummies recommend:

hope this helps... ;0

I have a BP going on for Zoobie Pets and Bilibo. Let me know if you are interested. BP closes tomorrow

Would love to organise / join a playdate but baby YX sick again. But let's see when and where the next gathering is. Hope I can make it

YX's 1st birthday, I went to balloonsrus's place at Woodlands (HDB flat) to pump my balloons. Price quite reasonable
Taslyn & Taro,

Thanks so much for the contacts!

Re: Playdate
Any mummies and babies can make it this Wed abt 2pm for a playdate at my place? Let me know
My no. is 81577152
<font color="aa00aa"> Hello Mommies!!!</font>
<font color="#E77471"> how's life? me countin down on the arrivla of my #3. ^_^

hopin all of u here are doin well!!!</font>
hello mommies..
It was quite some times on my posting!
I was pinned down with work and biz trip
sob catching up with all postings..

Welcome all new mommies from SBW

I was bz and my kiddo fell..ended up spending 3 days in hospital!! Thank god she is up and jumping again..
Hi natellehcim,
My kiddo is well and jumping again

Hmm..we nvr witnessed how she fell, but where is this queen-size coil mattress, lean against the wall pinned her face-down on the floor!
My maid was cleaning the room, so she lifted the extra mattress to lean against the wall, and this lil gal went to the room and somehow play or pull the mattress, and it toppled on her flat down on the floor. We heard she wailing loudly and a bang sound, so rushed to the room.
When we pick her up fr the floor, she got a big bruise scar on her forehead and sobbing with pain. So we rang up PD and was told to send her to A&amp;E.
Due to the big bruise patch, PD decided to call neurosurgeon to attend the case..and she was required to hospitalize for observation!

She was tired, no appetite, not talking and lerthagic on the day she fell. To us and even PD felt that this is abnormal as she is very chicky and chatty active babe.
Lesson learnt..cannot leave her alone and no standing mattress lean against the wall! gosh
glad your girl is okay now. Phew, that must have been scary. My girl also had a bad accident once where she fell right next to me cos mummy was talking to another mum and not looking at her since she was sitting down on a high bench while eating. Next thing we knew, there was a loud thud and she was face down on the concrete floor! Poor girl had a cut above her lip and a big bruise on her head. Whole day i was so jittery and worried about it even though the PD said she looked fine and she was still

only just saw your invitation for playdate! but then my kids are still recovering from a cold so cannot go anyway :p

Luckily your girl is okay. There was an accident happen to my girl also. She was sitting on her baby chair(fasten her to pretend her from falling) watching video. She finished her lunch and I went to kitchen to wash up. Before I went to kitchen I have placed a rubber mate on the floor. I forget to ask my hubby to pay attention to her. She manages to turn round and stand up and fall down(her face is facing up) knock her head on the floor. Luckily I had placed a rubber mate on the floor. If not I would immediately bring her to A&amp;E also.
ya... my in laws always very particular about kids' safety. Remember once when my girl was age of 2 or 3 (now is 5), she had a fall in the toilet and knock her forehead against the toilet bowl and a big bump come up immediately... after so many years there's a dent in her forehead till now.
aiyo how come till now still have a dent on her forehead??! did u ask the doctor

and mummies! today bb tommy had an accident too!! he fell out of the bumbo chair and hit his head on the chair next to him!! good thing it wasn't serious and his face just had some red marks on it be careful if you are using the bumbo chair!! i dun dare to let him sit in it now
nat, maybe u shd check with PD on the dented forehead? Children skull usually soft..maybe medical device can help to suck-up the dented part?

adeline, now bumbo actually has an additional tray which u can purchase seperately. I believe with the tray attach, the accident of falling can be minimise! give a try
HI mums and babes!

AWay for so long...coz work.

Welcome to all new mummies!!

Please see pictures of our Sakae gathering in private room....and my boy's bday.

Ace turned 1 on 24 JULY, had a home party for him.
And this week, trying to stand on his own.
THis morning he stood on his own for 2 seconds.

By evening, my mum called me and told me he had walked 5 steps between herself and my dad...back and forth and clapping to himself!!

I missed sad.

BUt glad my parents had the honor to watch him take his first steps.
Like to share that with all mums here

I have to wait til tomorrow to see him walk on his own.can't wait!!
Last day at my current clearing stuff.

Hope to catch up with you on playdates, etc.

POoh:- Hope you are holding up well.
13th mth i will bring my boy for chicken pox jab and pnemoccocal as well.

SAd thing to share- my neighbour's son just turned 4 and suffered a few chest infection and pnuemonia..ended up in KK ICU for 10 days..and counting.
i am not sure if he's back yet.
I really adore him.Pray for his recovery.

With kids below 5 yrs old, i think we cannot afford to take any chances.
hi mommies,

can anyone tell me where to buy those tea to boost up the breast milk supply? my princess just arrive yesterday on 8.8.08. been such a long gap since my first kid. already forgotten how to handle a bb liao.
<font color="0000ff">Lady</font>
Ace is so adorable!!!
You're turning SAHM as well, quiting your current job? Hehehe... One more SAHM added to SBW now! ^.^

<font color="0000ff">ziyee</font>
Congrats! You princess really know how to share the joy of the Beijing 2008 Olympics. Did she arrive at 8:08pm as well to catch the grand opening of the games? Or did she outbeat the Olympics by making her grand apperance at 8:08am? Hehehe...
hi mummies

I got some extra trays of choc eclairs from Rebeccarios over at local BP which i'm ordering for my girl's full mth party. Anyone interested in taking over?

1 tray of 12 eclairs = $3.50

Self-collect at my place @ Wellington Circle on 16 Aug (Sat) afternoon. Pls pm me if interested. Thanks!
patricia here. I stay in Wellington Circle (sembawang). can I join this thread? My child is one month and 7 days old
Wanna get from you lei but Sat me at chalet le. Anyway pooh chops first la =P

yummy right? Me having cravings for it too

I stay Wellington Circle too
Btw, is Van still in Sembawang or has she moved? Me have not been following this thread until Gan told me about it
hi pooh &amp; taro

I got 12 trays of choc eclairs. Some guests last min not coming to party on Sun so I'm left with a mountain of eclairs! *sigh*

Me stay at 509B. Sun/Mon collection should be fine. Cross my fingers tat my fridge can squeezee in the eclair mountain. :p
Hi <font color="0000ff">yngmum</font>
12 trays extra? That's indeed a mountain of eclairs to store in the freezer! Hee... I have a few friends coming over for tea at my place on Sat afternoon. If there's leftover after pooh &amp; Taro's order, I'd like to have 3 trays too. What time will the eclairs arrive on Sat afternoon, by the way?

<font color="0000ff">Taro</font>
Van had already moved. But I believe she'll still "drop by" whenever she's free.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Patricia</font>
Welcome!!! So you've just completed your confinement huh? Is this your first child? A prince or princess, may I ask?

Twin would like to have 3 trays, and how many trays do you want? I would like to have 4 trays. It is too many for u?


May I know how to contact you? I will pm you my contact no.
hi grace

eh, I'm at blk 509b, near the wet market. Your's is near the mosque round at the back issit?? I think it's walkable. Still got eclair available if u r keen.
Hi yngmum, mine is near to the town council and sunplaza, I don know where is the mosque and the wet market. I think is walkable too. Keep 1 tray for me pls and when can i collect from you?
