Sembawang MTB or SAHM

Hi pooh, bit bit & Van, thanks for the compliment.
Van, thanks for the kiss

At Day 1, everybody said look like me because of the round face and also can't see any good features from her daddy.

Now, I feel she looks more like her daddy, except the flat flat nose --> like me
hi all,

i m new to this thread and is a sahmtb currently staying at sembawang too... keke...
expecting my 1st bb edd end sept...

My girl has chicken pox on Friday. Nowadays she don't feel like eating porridge. I have brought her to see doctor on Friday evening. Saturday night high fever. This morning her temperature go down. Her face not so many and her body has quiet alot of chicken pox. I don't know where she gets the chicken pox from. I seldom bring her out.
hope your girl gets better soon. heard that the younger u r, the easier it is to go thru chkn pox...anyway after this time round, she would have immunity

welcome taslyn
my bb boy, tommy was born in March this year

your girl looks v. sweet

i just got my ergo! bought it from a mum for $90, used maybe 6 times at most! good bargain yay! but want to ask u cos i just used it for the first time yesterday and it's of cos different from the one i u wear louis quite tightly to you or loosely?? is louis able to move his arms up to his face in the ergo?? tks!
Hi mngo,

Yes, I do remember you

So how is life in Australia? The weather must be so good for doing confinement. I am rotting here in Spore weather, 12 more days to end my confinement...
Adeline - welcome to ergo club. Normally I wear him quite tightly or rather a secured feel. If you wear it loosely, I'm afraid that your posture will suffer leading to backache. My boy's hands are able to reach his face whilst in the ergo.

Taslyn - welcome to this thread. Feel free to chat with us anything under the sun

pooh - maybe someone carries the chicken pox virus. Does your MIL know how to handle her? She must be feeling terrible and definitely not eating well esp now that her tastebud is affected too.
Hi all mummies

Thanks for care and concern.

She is feeling much better now. Nowadays, she doesn't eat much(about 2 teaspoon of porridge). After that she push away the porridge and refuse to eat. We give her milk powder or cereals(she will drink the milk or prefer to have cereals than to porridge).
Hi all,
I got one pack of unopened Pampers Comfort M size 58pcs. Selling at $10. NTUC retail price is $12.60. Anyone interested? I can deliver to yr place.

Hi All!!

Back from cruise. Really enjoyed ourselves even though it was just bumming around in the cabin & going swimming with my boy everyday.
Want to plan another getaway soon.... haha.


Wow, your gal looks really sweet. When can we all see her? Really miss holding a baby so young. My boy keeps struggling nowadays when carried... he wants his 'freedom' always want to get on the floor to crawl.

Any1 has any suggestions on holding a 1 y/o birthday bash??? Thinking of booking a chalet but dunno if it's a good idea. Dun want to do it at home cos lazy to clean up the mess. =P
Hi Cin,

Must at least wait until my gal turn 1 month old

Wah, your boy looks so steady and knows how to post for camera already
So cool man!
weather here is freezing. bad for confinement.
anyway the pple here dun hv confinement thing. they dun drink wine after birth, so no open pores, so wont kena wind.
yah your boy looks v. cool haha...glad you all have a good time....makes me wish to go traveling too but now trying to save $$$...hopefully soon can travel

talking about 1 yr birthday bash....dun forget kidzloft has 50% off if your bb is one year old

so far the ergo is more comfortable than my old snugli in terms of shoulders support but hor, it is really v. v. hot front part will be wet and bb's shirt is also wet from perspiration! we are the type to perspire a lot! got to see how to wear on the hips or back instead
mngo-i thought cold weather, confinement is much more bearable. Sin very hot lei.

grace-welcome to join us!

pooh-mayb try to make the porridge more watery?
hi,can l join in too? l'm new in this forum, my second child will be due in aug. l'm staying @ sembawang too but dont know anyone in my neigbourhood. hope to know more mummies here.

I will try your method. I cook the porridge is abit dry. I add in some hot water and a bit of light soy sauce. I usually give her half a small bowl and she can't finish it. Last week, I surprised that she manages to finish all the porridge(half a small bowl).
Vineyard - Thanks

Ziyee - I'm new to the neighbourhood and don know anyone too, hope to know someone in the same neighbourhood.

Any mummies has ever tried the post natal message from House of Traditional Javanese Message? Would like to hear some positive feedback before signing up the package.
Hi Ziyee, Welcome to join us here!

Pooh - ok, hope Joanne is coping on fine.

Mummies - Anyone wanna order Benefit Cosmestics? They have free international shipping. Pls PM me if you are interested. hee...

Also, have anyone been to Jacobs Ballas Garden huh? Any idea do we need to pay or need to make a booking for it?
<font color="0000ff">Vineyard</font>
Admission is FREE to JBCG. They are open daily except Mondays. No need to book. Just pack your bag and go! Hee...

<font color="0000ff">Adeline</font>
No need to travel overseas lah. Come to my place for entertainment instead. Hahaha... My kiddos are recovering from flu. Will organise playdate when they are fully "sanitised". Kekeke...

<font color="0000ff">ziyee</font> and <font color="0000ff">Grace</font>
Are both of you full time working moms/mtb?
hi all... sorry i missed the last gathering.... been sick.... so sorry....

i also wan to go ur hse.... ginelle loves to play with jie jie....

welcome all.....
l'm a working mum, just wonder if any of the mum here have kids studying in endeavour pri sch? my gal is studying in pri 1 over there.
Hi lil' twin stars,

I'm a working mtb. Expecting my first child this Sep. Very excited and scared, not sure what to expect when the baby arrive..luckily my mum is helping me out, or else my head sure big big :D
it is v. exciting to have a new bb! v. life changing!!!! hahaha...hope i din make u more nervous...but i felt that my life changed so much since the kids, but overall it's been wonderful lah kekeke
Hi Adeline,

The feeling is so wonderful having a baby inside my tummy. Especially now at week 31, she is so active kicking and acrobating inside me. I'm sure going to miss her kicks after she pops.

I'm still exploring of how to be a mother...very clueless now...excited, scared, nervous and blur blur...hahaha
yah in a way i miss being pregnant strange!!! but then my pregnancy was super easy, i was active till the day i advice though is to enjoy this time getting stuff prepared and also to take time out for yourself and to spend time with your husband cos when bb comes, it'll be some time bfor can relax
<font color="0000ff">pooh</font>
Take good care of Joanne, your HB and yourself! Must be really hard to have to handle them after a hard day at work.
twins - ok, shall pack my bag and go one of these days. thanks for the infor.

oh ya i miss being pregnant too. i think 1st pregnancy is especially sweet, cos it's still couplehood with bb inside tummy. hehe
Hi mummies,
I stayed at Admiralty, my mum stayed at Semb, my mil in Yis. I will be shifting to Yis pretty soon cos is within 1km fr chongfu &amp; my mil hse. I hv 2kids, boy 06 and ger 04, 3rd one due in jan 09 but experiencing low placenta tis tis time hence was hosp &amp; was on mc now due to bled. Personally I love babies &amp; be preg but haiz..not every time round is a smooth sailing one.
Rebecca and Twins

Thanks for care and concern. It is not a easy job. Nowadays, my girl sleeps quite late. These few nights after feeding her with milk, she is active still can playing with her pacifier or milk bottle. We put her to sleep inside the dark bedroom she don't want. She wants to climb out of the bed. When we are going to sleep, she still playing inside her play pen.

I have the same experience as you for the low placenta. I admitted to hospital about three to four times. There was one time I was in hospital for about 5 days(max). After coming back from hospital, I had to rest on bed everyday. I was on mc about 4 to 5 months and cannot go to work. At that time, I have a hard time. At home I think about work and nobody takes over my job. I think of money also because stay in private hospital also not cheap. The first 10% for Healthshield I cannot claim from insurance and I have to pay my own.

Thanks. For your care and concern. Her chicken pox is over and easy for me. Because when she goes to childcare she won't get it from other children. The chance to have it twice are very least.

take care... dun overwork and overstress... think in this way, since she is younger, she wont scratch her wound and leave a scar... and like wat u say, unlikely to get chix pox more than 1 time

so ur princess will be very pretty =)
you must be very tired
Me truly understand...

My boy been sick for the past month with bronchitis and cold. Been on the nebuliser on off too. Then suddenly one night high fever.. most likely inflammation ba. That cause me to lose one night's sleep. Just last week, no more cough from him... but then two nights ago started coughing again! me and my dh also not feeling too good either. Where did all the virus come from?! though I'm having a very sexy voice now. kekeke.
Hello Rebecca / Grace / Ziyee / natellehcim / Jershem

congratulations to you! seeing your little baby gal makes me feel like having one myself too

Thanks for care and concern.


Your hubby and you have to take care of yourself also. If both of you are sick, it is difficult for both of you to take care of your boy. I myself experience before.
Adeline - I really hope my labour is as easy as you. I'm so worry that I cant go on natural birth due to my high sugar level. Hopefully my girl be good and stay in my tummy till God's timing then pops.

Taro - thanks. Quick quick plan for another one! Think during the national rally, they will announce the new baby bonus scheme.

Does anyone knows how to pronounce the name..Kaer

Thanks Taslyn, I quite like the name Kaer but different ppls pronounced differently so quite worry that it might cause confusion.

K-year sound nicer, at least better then one of my friend pronounced as "Car"...hahaha, I almost fainted..
