Sembawang MTB or SAHM

Oops, due to popular request and also for some fun & relaxation,
wanted to see if any mummies interested in cupcake demo this sat 6 sep after lunch 1pm.
my kitchen.
Do PM me by this Thursday.

Jenny - Will talk to my baby to be co-operative with me and use her own strenght to come out..don let mummy suffer too much.

I believe baby will listen to mummy cos when I was in my 16weeks, I told baby to open legs wide wide and let gynae see whether is girl or boy..during the scan, she really opened her legs wide.

Epidural - Last sat I went for the group B strep test, gynae only used a cotton bud at the V area but I already complaint pain. He told me straight that to go for epidural. Think he said take epidural before the pain starts.

twin stars - I'm very skinny one, so really cant imagine how to give birth to a 3kg next week baby sure more than 3kg. Feel like going for c-section...

Lady - I salute to you for not taking the epidural. How you do it? Is that your first child?
Lady - You know how to make cupcake huh? I'm thinking of getting some cupcake and red eggs for friends and colleagues.

Thinking of ordering the cupcake package from e-creative, have any one tried ecreative full month package before?

for me no epidural, only laughing gas.... in pain from morning 9am to 3.15pm... breathe in too much gas and screaming, fall aslp half way thru and continue after wake up... 3 pushes and out came my gal.... also induced...

btw anyone know where to get little tikes toys? thinking of gettin role play kitchen set for my princess... went to thomson... only left 1 design... the design i wanted no more... so sad..
hi Grace,
nothing to salute...many other Fluffy too...
my first child.

i know somebdy petite gave birth naturally to 3.5kg baby....size don't matter.

our moms have done it without epi.
i am just afraid of any future side effects personally...and want a natural birth if i can choose it.
once u decide, cannot change ur mind.stick to it.
yr baby will help u too.

induced at 1030pm night, 8am still not dilated enough.went holding room,...was last out of 4 patients to go into delivery room.waterbagbroken by doc at 10am...2pm delivered!!blessed smooth and painless delivery coz i was high all the way, heehhee.

my hubby was very impt pillar of support...felt he went thru the delivery bearing the pain with me pyschologically.

my fren's wife took 2 epi shots coz no relief of pain at all...rare case i think.

also depend if yr doc is pro epi or not.
mine isn't.thankfully.

hee, baking cupcake gd for de stressing.

e creative cakes not bad..see my posting pic above.i ordered the 2kg star cake for my 1 yr old bday.yummy.and cute design.
Hi Twins and Hi those new mummies that joined, I've been MIA for quite sometime due to heavy work and childcare committment.

Just wanted to update Twins and you gals, regarding my early experience with My Little Campus. I just started my elder son this week on full day childcare with them and after the 2nd day of sending him there, I kind of have a regret feeling about this childcare centre. I was quite disappointed the first day I sent him there at around 7.30am, the comments I got from Fiona was, " Oh so early, ah?" and nothing was done to introduce us to the teachers or a warmer welcome for my son. Just a basic, "come in', "take your bag" tat kind of simple comments. there was not even a "good morning". And I don't see the teachers doing the basic checks on taking tamperature, checking the hands, and mouth for HFMD symtoms. Then the 2nd day, he had bath in school which was the first time since birth taking bath in school, they just dump his wet towels wrapped up his school uniform in his bag and made the rest of the stuff in his bag wet and dirty......we got to end up washing those clean clothes as well. And we did put in a bag to keep the soiled clothing....and this morning I reminded the teachers not to do this again.......and the remarks I gotten was.....I think your child put the clothes in himself. I was pissed, it was only the 2nd day in school and nothing was teach or guided how can he knows he was supposed to put the wet clothing in the bag? And my mum told me, the way the towel wrapped up the clothing and dumped in the bag did not look like a 4 year only kid will know how to do. I was totally pissed, that they pushed back the blame like this. Was truly disappointed and now that such things happened, I read in the blogs of some pple that they do not fancy much about this child care centre. Not only the the instilling of habits of the kids are no good and seem like the teachers are not very responsible in teaching, some of the things they did not teach just told the kids to memorised. I will continue to monitor this and maybe pulled him out if its no any good.
Hi, I'm staying in sembawang but not SAHM...
I'm interested to join u gals in this thread.

Have just given birth to my 3rd child in mid July.
Hi mumof3boys

Welcome to this thread.

I am also not SAHM......overwhelming with 2 kids and work. Kudos to you for having a 3rd one. Congratulations.
Just listen to your gynae and midwife's instructions. They will help you during labour.
I very scared of cervix check one, very painful for me. But I went thr both labour w/o epidural. Dun worry so much, just relax. Jusgt like what popsicle mentioned, our mums went thr w/o epidural too. Women are strong creatures!

Mine was induced at 38 weeks. I admitted to hospital at 5am(instruction given by doctor). Doctor came and broke the water bag at 8.45am. The pain started on and off around 10am. The nurse put me on drip to increase the pain(to prepare for the baby to give birth). I used the gas mask often(I cannot tolerate the pain which were on and off). I gave birth to Joanne without epidural at 1pm.

Don't think too much. Try not to use epidural. At that time, I kept telling myself don't use epidural. If used, there would be a side effect. Let it be natural. Breath in and out smoothly.
hi...sorry, somehow i can't accept PM.
do sms me at 94768602 by today if u wanna join cupcake making.this sat 6 sep 1pm.thks.
Hi Vivi

All my 3 children are 2 years apart. It's kinda difficult to handle as they are boys and they are just too playful to listen. I'm quite lucky to have my MIL to take care of them and have just employed a maid to do the housework and help taking care of the kids when my MIL cooks.

How old are your children?

Hi Grace

I had epi when I delivered my 1st child due to induced labour and could not withstand the contraction pain. I was in labour ward for 20 hours. It was a terrible experience for me. After which, I was determined not to have epi for my subsequent child birth.

My doc ask me to start imagine labour pain when I was 5 month pregnant with my 2nd child then. Actually, it wasn't that painful. If you can withstand menstration pain, contraction pain is about 5x more painful. By the time when you are ready for labour, you just need to listen to the doctor & nurses/ midwife. However, it depends on your threshold of pain. If you have done enough exercise (walking, some say swimming), it'll help you with faster & smoother deliveries.
Hi mumpf3boys

Mine are 4 and 2 yrs. same like you. Then you are so lucky. So your MIL stay with you? Now I got great headache for my childcare arrangement. Currently my elder one being taken care by my mum and 2nd one with MIL all staying very far apart from me. Started my elder one with My Little Campus this week unfortunately he seem not very happy going there. But will try to persuade him anyhow. If he really still dun like then I got to reconsider where to send my younger one for school liao.
Hi Vivi

My MIL stayed in Woodlands. She usually will go home when my hubby comes home. If my hubby OT then she'll stay in.

Do you take them home everyday when you put your 2 children with your mum & MIL?

Which My Little Campus branch you put him to? A friend used to put her 2 year old son at the Wellington for only 1-2 weeks then she decided to pull him out cos he didn't like the environment. After that, she send him to 1 of the childcare opp the sembawang shopping centre. Till now, he's still happy with them.
hi mummies,
dropping by to say hi

wow sounds like My Little Campus quite's such a headache when it comes to child care...Chelsea still attends PCF and so far it's okay, the teachers seem quite nice but everytime i ask her what she learnt in school, she always say "i don't know" haha...but she does surprise us with new songs and new knowledge that she picked up from school even though she claims to learn nothing!

now CC fees so much cheaper! i think i only have to $112 for full day even though i take her home works out that full day is cheaper than half day due to the subsidies....of cos then the principal told me that there's news of increasing school fees :p....hope it's not too much or else i think they are just taking advantage of the govt subsidies to parents

hi grace,
wish you a smooth delivery
hope you share your birth story with us
btw mummies, what happened to those lanterns that we grow up with har???? i can't believe the lanterns these days are so crappy! maybe i got some lousy free ones at one of those festivals but they look so horrible and are so loud :p.....sorry but i am so shocked when my mum told me that those old lanterns are not sold anymore hoo hoo....actually this is the first mooncake festival i am spending in SG in 8 years!

i did find some small small cellophane lanterns in NTUC extra at AMK hub...wonder if anyone knows where to get those red cellophane lanterns???
Hi Adeline,

I saw cellophane ones at Carrefour today..opp bicycles...rooster..dragon..ones.
Try chinatown...or markets?
Think i am getting a Barney battery-operated one as spare..
in case Ace burns up all the paper ones, haha
Adeline, my in-laws also bought one with loud music for kimie. My hb paste a masking tape over the "speaker" and it's much better now. You can try.
Lady, Kimiesmum
Thanks for the help
Chong Pang mkt so big but i din see any traditional lanterns there...maybe i din look hard enuff...will try Carrefour or Chinatown if i get enuff motivation to go so far hehe
Hi mumof3boys

O lucky you. your MIL is willing to travel to and fro to your house.

My mum stays at Jurong East (JE), my MIL stays at Tampines. I can't afford the time to bring both of my sons back everyday as they are too far. So we will bring the kids back to Sembawang on Fridays. So during weekdays I will go to either place on alternate days. My hubby don't travel round Singapore he will stay at MIL place.

My elder son was already in a CC at JE which the enviornment is much better as its more organised. The CC have individual classrooms for different levels of kids and not like those void deck CC which they only use shelves to partioned for different group. I guessed he does not like the environment as well. So I got to abandoned the idea of moving the two kids back to Sembawang and continue with the current plan of having them at my mum and MIL place each lor.

Its My Little Campus (Canberra) branch that I sent him, which Twins and kimiesmum will send their kids next year I think. So now I had withdrew both my sons from the CC liao. O yes my friend did recommend me the one opp the old Sembawang shopping centre. There are two there one is Star Learner the other one, not sure. Both seem rather nice as I heard comments that the teachers are passionate. I didn't try that then as I feel too far as the kids need to take transport.
Hi AdelineL

Eh.......I think if you ask for my personal opinion I feel its quite bad but I also don't want to be too judgemental about this CC. But then again if compared to the one my elder son used to go, really not so good. I think when comes to selection of CC after this experience, should speak to the teacher that will be teaching the kids more and not just only to view the place. Cos I only view the place then and didn't get to talk to the teachers. I feel the teachers there are not passionate enough. Which is I think one of the reasons why my son don't like it there.

Think PCF ones are quite affordable. The current one at my mum's place is $600 for full day not so bad too after the adjusted subsidy. But I think the operators are also seizing the opportunity of increased subsidy to increase their prices lor. Which to me.......sigh.....back to square one.
Hi AdelineL

O you looking for those traditional lanterns? saw alot yesterday when I went Bugis. you know the Kuang Imm Temple? just outside the hawker centre, which is under renovations now they have basar malam usually when its near Mooncake Festival. If you happen to go there can check it out.
wah Bugis so far too but will try...

actually at first i thot i would prefer the CC to have indiv rooms for the kids but after visiting both, i now like the open ones better. Feel like the kids are not so cut off from one another and you can see how another teacher is handling the kids...might make the teachers more careful hehe....

the best is those CC with internet viewing. i think kidzone and cherie hearts have that. Can see whole day what our kids are doing without letting ppl see that we are spying on them
Hi Vivi

Will you miss your kids? I will miss their noise if they're not at home. But when they fight, then I wish they behave & make no noise... Like how Adrian Pang miss his niece on "Nanny Daddy" on yesterday episode.

My friend told me long ago that she's paying 400+ including the transport each month (after subsidy). The teachers are good & environment is clean & hygeinic... Will check with her the CC.
Hi mummies,

Just dropping by to say 'Hi'.

have been MIA for a long time. Have been busy with starting up my pushcart in UE square.

Hi Lady,
Sorry that i missed out your cupcakes session. I am still interested to attend if u doing it again. please keep me update ok?

regarding lanterns,
I have bought ticket from RC for my boy to play with lantern tonight. not sure what kind of lanterns they give.. perhaps those paper type. same here, i realised that I have not seen those celloplane type until Adeline brought it up.

regarding CC, my little campus is a very popular CC. so popular that i was told by the teachers that i have to register in 1-2 years in advance. i didn't manage to register my boy YX for the playgroup. currently he's in the Care corner (canberra branch) opposite the Sembawang MRT. he's in the infant group and i find the infant teachers there quite nice. not sure about the playgroup and older groups. perhaps those interested, can try out?

Hi Adeline,
are u referring to the new Kidzone in blk 480?

Hi Vivi, mumof3boys,
salute to you mummies for having 3 kids!
my cousin also pregnant with 3rd kid. i doubt i can cope with 3, still considering if i should have 1 more cos' 1 already keeps me very busy. no time for myself. hehe..

will try to drop by often.. :p
hello all mummies!

pooh - why you chop off your head? keke

bbsg - too busy looking at your clothes that i forgot to wish you happy mid autumn day! haha

Have you viewed the childcare? sms me your comment/feedback? Thanks

I forget to ask you do you still have the swimming diapers? The size is about 7kg to 12kg. If have, I would like to buy a few pieces from you. Do you want to share? Thanks
i think that should be one of the kidszone...i'm not familiar with them, just that i received their flyer and they have 2 outlets if i remember correctly but only one has the internet viewing
recent pics


bb tommy is turning 6 mths this week and chelsea is turning 3 in Dec

just now they started to really play tommy is in his walker and they hold hands and do ring around the rosie and bb tommy is laughing away
sooo cute
Hi <font color="0000ff">Adeline</font>
Gosh! Tommy &amp; Chelsea both looking more like you. Just look at those pretty eyes!!! Lucky you!!! Must bring them over to my place for playdate, ya?
Hi mummies, my baby finally popped on Sept 14. I've a very relex and smooth delivery with the help of the Epidural. I requested for epi before the contraction started, sound quite useless but I was so afraid of pain. Hopefully epidural wont let me suffer when I'm old.

Here's a photo of baby Kaer saying hi...

Hi Grace
congratulations! Baby Kaer looks v. sweet
how do u say her name har?

same here, chelsea drives me crazy with her neophobia which I found out is the fear of new foods...actually most of the time, she doesn't even like the old food that she used to eat
v.shang nao jing....last time my PD said to give her multivitamins and not worry about it since it is just a phase

Adeline and pooh : thanks! Kaer is pronounced as K-year.

BM : I don have much BM, the most I can pump out is only 40ml. When I Bfeeding, baby normally will take 1hr to suck and most of the time was half sucking half sleeping...feel so bad seeing her sucked so hard yet at the end still hungry, have to supplement with FM.

Tummy : Anyone can help me, my tummy look like I'm still 4mth pregnant, how to get rid of it?

Hiccup : Is it normal that baby keeps having hiccup problem? Also, is it ok that her breathing is heavy when fed with FM?

Sorry girls for asking so many questions
Hi Grace,

Just feed &amp; feed &amp; feed.... try not to supplement with FM as it will be harder to build supply. Drink hot Milo before BFing everytime. Try taking Fenugreek tablets can buy from GNC. 3 capsuls 3x daily.

As for tummy, dun worry lah... it;s the womb will shrink soon =p

Hiccup is normal cos their oesophagus still not developed. So dun worry too much abt it. It's a passing phase.

My boy is down with viral fever
after visiting GogoBambini on Sunday. Sigh....
Hi mums and babes!

BBSg: nice seeing u at Lantern Festival..
Just give me a date..anytime for cupcakes is great..teatime saturdays ok w me, esp if Ace napping.

Pooh: nice pic of Joanne enjoying her swim!!
dn't worry, Ace also fussy nowadays..but i find that he likes whatever we are eating.
and he will eat if he feeds himself.
so this week, i am trying to make sushi w salmon for he doesn't make a mess, i hope.
sometimes i put chunks of potato, carrot, fish..on his highchair and he helps himself.
or i put a spoon in his hand, scoop thick porridge in it, and direct into his mouth.

both charming eyes and bb tommy so handsome.
must join bb newphew joined before. chongpang bb contest. last year.

Grace: well done!!congrats. own record was 1 day 17 times BF.
1st mth only...the milk flow will patient and persevere.Cin gave u all the tips liao...
Lots of fish and papaya soup too.
i have GNC fenugreek tablets new btl if you like.give u big discount lah heehhee

u can try post natal massage for a week at least.

CIN: sorry hear looks like such a fun place.

Twins: playdate ace will be happy to join too!! hehee

Welcome, Rainne...neignbours huh? me at 484.
See u at park sometime..on wkends evenings.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Lady</font>
Can't have playdates for now. My girls are still recovering from viral fever to. Now struggling with runny nose &amp; cough. Arrgghhhh...

<font color="0000ff">CiN</font>
Understand what you're going through. Its really tough when kids are down with fever. The constant monitoring and administering medication can really drain us physically &amp; mentally. Take care!!!

<font color="0000ff">Rainne</font>
Welcome! Most of us stay pretty near one another. Lady, Pooh and you in one cluster, whereas BBSG, Kimiesmum and myself just across the road.

<font color="0000ff">Grace</font>
Kaer is so gentle looking... Infant days are best!!! Persever like what Lady suggested. Your BM supply will build up and probably established by the 3rd month. Jia You! ^.^

CiN and twin stars - Hope your 宝贝 get well soon.

When Kaer gets hungry or wet, she cant wait for a minute one, she will just keep crying and crying as thou someone beat her up like that and her little mouth will shiver also..feel so helpless, especially when I latch her unsuccessfully. Not sure whether it was becos she got tired of latching on therefore prefer bottle feed faster, maybe to her latching on is too tiring or it was becos I placed her at the wrong angle or becos I smell so she don want to be near me..hahaha, I'm not suppose to bathe everyday leh..

Fenugreek capsule : I took fenugreek last night and managed to pump out 65ml of BM. My mil keeps saying i don hv BM, also commented that only 40ml where got enough..arrrgg

Vineyard : My tummy not only big, it look yucky and blacky, wonder whether the stretch marks will disappear??

Lady: How to make nice papaya fish soup? My mum ever cooked once but doesnt taste good.
