Sembawang MTB or SAHM

ymgmum- anymore elairs? i want 2 trays lei. hehe

fluffy- wow, congrats.

Pooh- Taka having baby fairs, think i saw those bath robes, swimming costumes not so sure. i saw bugis BHG 3rd level selling bb items there have one corner selling some offer items too, last week. i nearly bought one tweety bird 6yrs old for my girl, until my hubby stop me. hehe. cost $12.90 i think.

it will be here on Sat afternoon after 3pm, so u can come by my place anytime after tat. PM me ya hp no. thanks!

Last 2 trays reserve for u la. When u coming to collect? Delivery's tmr from 2 -3 pm. PM me ya hp. thanks!
thks =)

have been fully takin care of #1 since birth, so will try to be superwoman to handle 2 next yr... think should be fine, since #1 will be abt 20mths old when #2 join in... anyway... newborn baby are pretty easy to handle not like now when i have to keep eyeing on #1's movements ard the whole hse....

jiayou jiayou.... let's have 09 bbs =)

wow it's good that you feel so confident at handling both kids!! in some ways, i think NB more difficult to handle leh, with the round the clock feeding and my bb doesn't sleep that much *haiz* and sometimes need to be carried around...of cos #1 must be entertained too but at least she goes to school for half day


My boy will be turning 1 next month. Need 'him' to help get discount from kidsloft? PM me yah.

Maybe can boil Fenugreek seeds in water & drink thruout the day. Can buy from the Indian shop at the wet market. Vert cheap $1+ per pack can last u 1 week. Called 'alba' instead of fenugreek then they'll know.
i think tat as long as kids dun fall sick, i can take care of them. think will let #1 stay at home with me =) cant bare to let her go out wo me
<font color="0000ff">Hi Pooh,</font>
Has voted for yur Joanne. Hope she wins!

Hi Mummies,
long time din visit this thread ...
something terrible happen to my girl, Hayley.
She lost her 1st upper tooth during the playgroup last Sun when she bumped into a toy truck. Been trying to calm her n sooth her pain ever sicne the terrible incident happened to her..

Got to cook very mashy porridge these days for her to easy swallow. Anyone can recommend any goood dentist that can handle tots well? We brought her to a dentist at AMK who is my regular clinic but it is not bb friendly place. The doc unable to examine my girl's gum n rest of the teeth as she refused to open the mouth. Appreciate some advice fm the mummies, tks in advance.
Hi fluffy..congrat!!!

Hi Gan,
Poor Hayley..normally our adult dentist is not specialised in young children.
You have to bring her to Paediatric dentist. My dentist at Thomson Dental did recommend me Paediatric dentist at Mt E there was once my gal having difficulty during teething of the molar.
You can try Dr. Ja Intarasoot, tel 67322112
Hi Apple,
Thank you so much providing the info.
I've just called and fixed an appt with the clinic tomor afternoon. Thanks so much sharing very useful info as I'm totally clueless on whom/ which dentist to look for to attend to kiddos.
<font color="0000ff">apple</font>
Thank God you have such useful info on hand. I'd be totally clueless too when it comes to Paed Dentist. Only know the one at NUH which says they only accept patients from age 3 onwards.

<font color="0000ff">Gan</font>
I'm sure you and HB super heartpain and poor Hayley. Is she back to her normal bubbly self yet? Can she drink milk?

<font color="0000ff">Fluffy</font>
Congrats on your #02.
<font color="0000ff">apple</font>
Can you share with me the brand/model and cost of the security camera you installed at home? Is it wireless? I'm helping my sister to source for one. She's having post natal depression and her current maid giving her some problem too, so she thought of getting one set up without her maid's knowledge. I remembered you had a pretty good system, so pls email me if you can. Thanks!
Hi all mummies

Thank you for voting Joanne.

Does anyone know if want to be a member of safra is how much? Entry to swimming pool do I have to pay again for member?
Hi Gan, you are most welcome

Hope Hayley gets proper treatment to ease the pain! Oh ya, do give her more attention..she may be emotional at this stage, due to post traumatised by the incident.
It happened to my gal afer the fall and hospital stay.

Take care
twins - I have drop you an e-mail re the cctv

Ah..I always keep useful tel. with me..who knows we may need it 1 day..hehe am I very KS :p
Yr hb has to be a NSMen before you join. He has to join as a member and sign you up as a spouse. Check for eligible first to see which category he is in.

Then check for membership fees here.

For memebership fee, if you do not have child age 5 and above, just apply one for hb and one for youself (individual charge for each card). Kids under 5 enter swimming pool FOC. If got child above 5, it may be more worth to get family membership package.
Members enter swimming pool free.

Hope these help.
Hi Grace,

According to the info stated on my pocket calendar, the MP (K. Shanmugam) meet the people session for Sembawang GRC is as follows:

Every 4th &amp; 5th Thursday at 7.30pm (except Public Holidays)
Blk 315 Sembawang Vista #01-173 S(750315)
Tel: 67529626

Every 1st, 2nd &amp; 3rd thursday at 7.30pm (except Public Holidays)
Blk 107 Yishun Ring Road #01-207 S(760107)
Tel: 67583039

Hope the info helps
Hi bit bit,

Thanks for the info. but since the enhancement package already backdated to Aug 17, hee hee... i don need to see MP now.
hello! haven't have time to log in for quite some time. ohhh the extras on baby bonus.

Buck up SBW Mummies!!! More to go!!!
hahah saying myself... :-x
<font color="0000ff">Grace</font>
You expecting again? Congrats!!! When's your EDD?

<font color="0000ff">Vineyard</font>
Jia you!!! Give Gracia a "Ratatouille" sibling next year. Kekeke...
twin stars - Thanks, this is my first pregnancy and is heavily pregnant, my EDD is on Sept 22. Gynae says might be early.

Having mixed feeling now...scared of contraction, waterbag burst and labor yet excited that finally can see the little one soon.

Btw, how to ensure there is enought BM for the baby. My gynae don recommend drinking milk, being a "good girl", I listened to him. Now very scared don have enought BM for my girl. Heard that fenugreek drink can boost BM, any mother has tried that?

Yup, I use the Fenugreek drink. 1st 2 months I took the capsul form from GNC. Took 3 capsul after every meal so abt 9 capsuls every day. This is to boost supply. To maintain supply, I buy the Fenugreek seeds from those Indian stall and boil water to drink. This is alot cheaper cos the seeds only cost $1 per packet can last 1 week.
But the rule of the thumb when BFing is to latch &amp; latch &amp; latch. Initally I was like feeding evey 1-2 hours really like a cow. Still BFing my 11 mth son but feel like giving up soon cos his teeth has finally grown and he is biting me alot very painful
CiN - Hahaha, "like a cow" sound so funny. I'm so clueless about BFing, but hope to have the determination to keep trying without giving up too easily.

Fenugreek Drink - How is the taste like? Heard that it taste horrible, is it bearable? Also when is the best time to take it? Paisay, so many questions.
Erm, smells like curry &amp; maple syrup. I usually add in a bit of honey. It's an acquired taste actually. I drink it thru'out the day like water. Cos 3 table spoon of the seeds to abt 1L of water. Then I'll just add more water to it n boil again after finishing the 1st pot. The seeds turn 'gluey' after 1st boil.
Cin- so you totally breastfed your baby without supplmenting with formula? Does it really increase supply? better than the green papaya fish head soup?
Hi all mummies

Sorry I don't know can post this notice at here or not. There will be a flea market at Jelutung Hardcourt on 13 Sep from 6pm to 9.30pm. Those want to book the flea market please call RC Zone 4 (67521215) at Blk 483 to register. Closing date is on 6 Sep. Please register earlier to avoid inconvenience case. First come first serve.
sorry,been mia for a while.

For BF,i use Fenugreek capsules and also papaya fish soup..
after a month, more milk came!
BTW, i saw green papaya being sold at Sembawang Mart market.

Anyone going lantern festival 13 sep?
let's all go together..
sign up at RC blk 483.
hi Grace,
U can also try Motherlove,More Milk Plus Vegetarian Capsules, to help improve the milk flow. To me .. the capsules seems tasteless, easy to swallow. I took this supplement when my girl is abt 2 month old plus and when I about to return workforce at that time. Within a week, you can see the result. It really helps to promote the milk flow. I stopped taking this supplement when my girl is 6 month old, &amp; be prepared to see yur supply will decrease once you stop taking. But I have built up my supply and manage to bf her (85% BM, 15% fm) throughout her 2nd half of her 1st year. Can save lots of $$ on fm through bf. Also, pls be reminded to drink more soup and water, to replenish the fluid in your body while you are bfing.

I'm also one of the lucky mommies who managed to bf my girl for 15 month. Hope the info helps. Good luck!
oops I forgot to add...
I am totally on pumping exclusively for my girl during my bf career. She dun like latch on. So dun give yurself too much pressure if your girl dun like latch on. Somehow it wil be best if you can latch her successfully. So less barang to carry out (minus the milk bottles / hot water / cooler bag) since you can still latch her out during your shopping trip!

Hi Apple,
Tks for your recommendation on Dr Ja. My Hayley feels very comfortable with her during her visit. The doc is very soft spoken and gentle with her.
Anyway, my girl is eating well again and playing the noti monkey role again.
Cin and Gan - Beside BM and Bfeeding, now I have another worry. Anyone ever went thru induced labor? How is the whole process like? Heard some scary birthstory on induced labor, it took so many hours to pop the baby out.

My girl is 3kg at 36weeks plus, and due my high sugar level, gynae says I need to go for induce labor next week. Is induce labor consider normal birh also? What type of things to expect? If really have to wait for more than 1 day to induce the baby, feel so scary!!

Yah, managed to TBF my boy 100% after his 2nd month. 1st month I dun have enuf cos my MIL did my confinement and I was super duper stressed out. It's only when in the 2nd month that I stayed at my mum's place that I managed to TBF.

I also have problem with my sugar level in the last few weeks of my pregnancy &amp; my boy was also induced. Erm, not to scare u lah but I popped the 1st tablet in at abt 10am 24sep, 2nd tablet at 3pm. Only gave birth on 25sep morning at 9.11am. So almost 24hrs labour. Wanted to do without epidural but by 11+pm, I surrendered to it.
In retrospective, everything will be worth it once u c your baby cos u'll forget about all the agony u had gone thru. so JIA YOU!!!

Yah, induced consider normal cos u r already in the 37week.
Both my deliveries were induced.
My 1st one, waterbag burst w/o contractions for many hours, hence was induced via drip. Partly because my BP kept going up. It was quite fast then. Waterbag burst at midnite 12am, I admitted hospital at 8am then induced at 10am, 4 hrs later gave birth via assisted birth (vacuum cos I inhaled too much laughing gas and was on the high side, no strength to push).

My 2nd one, contraction pains started for a day before delivery. #2 went thr induced via drip as well as pill. My contractions started at 3pm (just 1 hr after my checkup), admitted hospital at 10pm, induced via 1st pill at 12am, the pain got even stronger and tense attacking me every few mins, next day 8am to delivery ward, then induced via drip at 10am, 2 hrs later given birth via normal delivery.

Dun worry so much, and dun listen too much. Not every delivery is scary. My 1st delivery was terrible and I had complications after delivery. My 2nd one was a breeze. Bb came out after my 3rd push and everything was so fast, that my gynae got a shock. He said it was his fastest delivery so far.
Jenny - I hope mine will be a breeze one too. Btw, what u mean by induced via drip and laughing air? Is it via drip and pill will speed up the whole process? I'm planning to admit hospital at night and have epidural before the start of contractions pain. Don know got such thing one anot?

Water Bag - Isnt that for induce labor, gynae will burst the waterbag for you? Or can wait till the waterbag burst by itself then admit to hospital to induce?

CiN - After giving birth, it took how long for your sugar level back to normal? Actually i need to prick my finger after every meal, but have not been pricking for few weeks liao. Gynae says baby will get very big if sugar level is high. My girl is 3kg at 36weeks plus, is 3kg consider big?
Talk to your bb to co-operative with you. Dun let mummy suffer too much kekeke...

There's 2 ways for induced. 1 way is via drip, the other way via pills (inserted via virginal). For pills have to insert twice if 1st pill doesn't work (I think interval time is 3hrs if I remember correctly.)

Laughing gas is the gas mask that you will be given by midwife in the delivery ward. Some ppl said not effective for them. You must know the correct way to use it. Do not use it when the pain is still bearable. And when you use it, use it only when the contraction pain comes in, then you inhale (long and deep breathe). Practice your breathing technique now, do the long and deep breathing.

As for waterbag, it all depends if it burst on its own. Like my 1st delivery, my waterbag burst at home. My 2nd delivery, gynae burst it.

Whose your gynae and where will you deliver?
so fast you are thinking of getting epidural already?

BTW dun use too much gas mask, it makes one get high and no energy to do the pushing, will ended up with assisted birth like my #1. I learned my lesson, so for #2, I didn't use much of it, and the breathing tactics helped me. I just do the long and deep breathing on my own, didn't attend any class before.

If you are delivering at TMC, and will be admitting at night. Then do so after 10pm.

As for the weight of bb, dun worry too much. The scan may not be accurate. Also depends on how gynae did the scan. Some gynaes (or rather most) usually tell us bb is big, and will want mummies to control diet. Personally I feel the weight is just nice, usually plus minus 200grams. FYI, my #1 was born at 2.86kg at early week 36, and #2 was 3.06kg at early week 37.
<font color="0000ff">Grace</font>
3kg is a nice weight. In fact, its easier to take care of baby of good weight.
Be more positive and don't worry too much. Just go with theh flow and relax. Baby will be cooperative if mommy is in relax mode. Hee!
Yes, Jenny is right. Don't be bothered about the birth stories of others. Even the same woman will have different birth experience with baby #1 and #2, so no one is alike. Just go with your instincts and do what you feel is good for you. Every new mommy has different stress management and pain threshold, so just take the advice from the midwives and your gynae, okie?

Take care, jia you and enjoy your baby's arrival! ^.^

Hi Grace,

Mine was induced w pill at 40th week, admitted at 1030pm TMC by Dr Lawrence Ang.
No epi..relax, take laughing air when you need.
i was high alrite...but you will do just fine.
Have confidence in your doc, midwife, and yourself.

Enjoy delivery..
