Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

There should be a distinct increase in bbt which means you've ovulated and are in luteal phase.. Mine would be 35.8 to 36.2 before ovulation, and 36.6 to 36.8 after ovulation (assuming I did ovulate which I suspect I never did)

Some say there's a drop of bbt on the day of ovulation?

Hehe...ovulation dip...I saw it on my chart b4...but not often....I prefer to see implantation dip though...hehehaha

Will pray for u that your ovulation come fast fast. Actually my last cycle also got zero signs of ovulation but yet turns out I did ovulate. Weird one la. If u see prof maybe he can help u scan if u did ovulate.
Met Prof, he suggested a jab to induce menses or 2 weeks medication. I told him that i prefer jab :p
Prof is very nice and flexible.
I am glad that he gave me flexi plans, got plan a and plan b, even choices of induce menses this round....happie yippee :)
I read the old newspaper again :p
Saw the old posting about the themormeter for ovulation. I am "傻姑", will the thermometer show when you are ovulating?

I have been monitored my temp every morning, before get up from bed, no talking, no drinking, my temp was ranged from 35.8 to 36.2....seems like not ovulating and no sign of menses coming.....haizzzzzz :(

I also know nothing about tracking temperature for ovulation, that's why I must ask the experts here hehe.

Happy to know that prof has a solution for you today! I would pick the jab too, the fastest solution.
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Draw a centerline across ur data points, an obvious shift up in the centerline indicates ovulation on first temp data point increase...usually the shift is ~ 0.3degC n above..can try this coz mayb can visualize better...esp when having pretty fluactuating temp.....

I finally get to apply the graph theory which I learned in sec school! Wait.... I can't draw correct graphs with the 'snake ruler' and teacher always asks me to redraw.:eek:
My v@gin@l also dislikes her oral medsss...:(...lolzz

Jus seen prof n collected my fet now comes back to waiting game...Sooooo much waiting on this journey...n guess wat?i hate waiting the most..:rolleyes:
I hear you. I hate the waiting time the most too...
I am not scare of taking oral medicine, not the injection....but waiting time is killing me.
Guess both of us not working even worst. I have to find something to occupy....will pick up my scrapbook hobby again
Draw a centerline across ur data points, an obvious shift up in the centerline indicates ovulation on first temp data point increase...usually the shift is ~ 0.3degC n above..can try this coz mayb can visualize better...esp when having pretty fluactuating temp.....
I have returned my knowledge back to my secondary school teacher :p
Will try to google some sample and start drawing my chart...thanks dearie
My v@gin@l also dislikes her oral medsss...:(...lolzz

Jus seen prof n collected my fet now comes back to waiting game...Sooooo much waiting on this journey...n guess wat?i hate waiting the most..:rolleyes:
Your FET started with Mercilon? Glad that you are one step further...fighting
Will pray for u that your ovulation come fast fast. Actually my last cycle also got zero signs of ovulation but yet turns out I did ovulate. Weird one la. If u see prof maybe he can help u scan if u did ovulate.
How did u know
My v@gin@l also dislikes her oral medsss...:(...lolzz

Jus seen prof n collected my fet now comes back to waiting game...Sooooo much waiting on this journey...n guess wat?i hate waiting the most..:rolleyes:

LOL!! it took me a while to understand you! my Vay Vay (or more like me!) also dislike her oral meds!
So you'll be going for medicated?
Hi ladies! I went back to work this morning and just got off. Speaking of stress...But so far the news is good. 18 eggs, 11 mature, 11 fertilized. As of today still have 10 embies that are good. Will transfer 2 tmr and freeze the rest. Fingers crossed for happy, strong embies. Decided against blastrocyst this time. Hope it's the right decision!
Hi ladies! I went back to work this morning and just got off. Speaking of stress...But so far the news is good. 18 eggs, 11 mature, 11 fertilized. As of today still have 10 embies that are good. Will transfer 2 tmr and freeze the rest. Fingers crossed for happy, strong embies. Decided against blastrocyst this time. Hope it's the right decision!

Wow congrats on the 100% fertilisation! Your hubby's sperms & your eggs love each other deeply ;)
Hi ladies! I went back to work this morning and just got off. Speaking of stress...But so far the news is good. 18 eggs, 11 mature, 11 fertilized. As of today still have 10 embies that are good. Will transfer 2 tmr and freeze the rest. Fingers crossed for happy, strong embies. Decided against blastrocyst this time. Hope it's the right decision!
Wow! Great numbers! Why against blastocyst this time round?
Wow! Great numbers! Why against blastocyst this time round?
I don't know - more a gut feeling. Last round I transferred 2 blastrocysts and BFN, so I just decided to switch it up. Depending how many are still alive tmr and their grade, I might let it go to D5 and freeze, but it makes me so nervous. I definitely want to transfer\freeze something and D5 increases the risk significantly.
Hi ladies! I went back to work this morning and just got off. Speaking of stress...But so far the news is good. 18 eggs, 11 mature, 11 fertilized. As of today still have 10 embies that are good. Will transfer 2 tmr and freeze the rest. Fingers crossed for happy, strong embies. Decided against blastrocyst this time. Hope it's the right decision!
Very nice!! :)

How do the numbers compare to your previous fresh?

Share share how you improved the yield and quality of eggies!!
Very nice!! :)

How do the numbers compare to your previous fresh?

Share share how you improved the yield and quality of eggies!!

Hehehe all of us could BFP in 2 weeks so I don't know if I have anything to share. It's an equal chance game. :) Last round I actually had more eggs retrieved (26) and about the same mature. But this time the fertilisation rate is higher, so it could be better egg quality, sperm, or just luck. Hopefully in 2 weeks we will all be congratulating our embies who are comfortable in their new homes - certain a much better place than the petri dish! :D
Hehehe all of us could BFP in 2 weeks so I don't know if I have anything to share. It's an equal chance game. :) Last round I actually had more eggs retrieved (26) and about the same mature. But this time the fertilisation rate is higher, so it could be better egg quality, sperm, or just luck. Hopefully in 2 weeks we will all be congratulating our embies who are comfortable in their new homes - certain a much better place than the petri dish! :D
If only there's a technology to 'implant' the emmby directly onto our womb.. Haha..
I hear you. I hate the waiting time the most too...
I am not scare of taking oral medicine, not the injection....but waiting time is killing me.
Guess both of us not working even worst. I have to find something to occupy....will pick up my scrapbook hobby again

Can u see spiderwebs on me alr?o_O:rolleyes:
Soon..can see mushrooms growing alr...
I also know nothing about tracking temperature for ovulation, that's why I must ask the experts here hehe.

Happy to know that prof has a solution for you today! I would pick the jab too, the fastest solution.

I did alot of silly things when I first started tracking....hehehe....:D

I covered myself from head to toe like spring roll to take temp coz worried air-conditioning cool my body down...I took at different timing so temp flying all over the place...I used normal thermometer...I almost wanna insert vaginally coz online said very accurate...I took but forgot to chart...every small slightly hi temp,i bd...poor hubby...lolzz...:p
I did alot of silly things when I first started tracking....hehehe....:D

I covered myself from head to toe like spring roll to take temp coz worried air-conditioning cool my body down...I took at different timing so temp flying all over the place...I used normal thermometer...I almost wanna insert vaginally coz online said very accurate...I took but forgot to chart...every small slightly hi temp,i bd...poor hubby...lolzz...:p

Your hubby ENJOYS the frequent seductions and bd ok! ;) He's such a lucky man.
Haha... I am all the while around as a silent reader. Recently fall terribly sick while starting my injection but Prof said as long as I recovered before the ET then should be fine. @MonkeyChick, really 佩服 your memory. Still can remember who I am cycling with.

Coz I kay poh match make u 2 once mah...:Dhehe...ya leh...mus recover much as u can for a healthy environment to welcome ur embie baby...;)..u nearing ur ER soon?
Get well soon...
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I've been having stomach pain since last night after eating a crystal jade bakery bun. Charcoal & panadol don't help, and no bowel movement.

I must still drag myself to work today. Cannot take MC today :(What else works for stomach pain?
I've been having stomach pain since last night after eating a crystal jade bakery bun. Charcoal & panadol don't help, and no bowel movement.

I must still drag myself to work today. Cannot take MC today :(What else works for stomach pain?

Gosh..go see doctor?dun sound like food poisoning coz no diarrhoea...go see doc in case is stomach virus...nowadays all kinds of virus...they may prescribe some pain relief for u meant for stomach...take care ya....lotsa water...
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I've been having stomach pain since last night after eating a crystal jade bakery bun. Charcoal & panadol don't help, and no bowel movement.

I must still drag myself to work today. Cannot take MC today :(What else works for stomach pain?
Go take warm drink to make your stomach feel better. I think if really not well then you better go see a doc and rest at home. Take care!
Scan still ok but a bit disappointed coz my afc drop from baseline scan. Only have total 3 follicles. Sob sob...
Prof is quite encouraging as he said only need 1 good one. Now can just pray and hope for miracle.'s very true one...all in all,only 1 good one is needed to make a happening..hard to say mayb 2 happenings...ladies here mentioned this a few times...Prof also told me this ytd...

Prof really encouraging...ytd I asked.."can we still remain hopeful?"...he replied.."of course!u shld..."...I accidentally asked wat Im thinking deep inside

So do remain hopeful ya....

My 90+yo grandma in law passed on ytd...the one who held my hands tightly this yr cny to ask me to giv birth fast...

Now when I looked back, I understand y she's uptight only this yr...when I looked back, I also understand y in the end a choice to cancel ET n proceed with fet next mth....coz if I did proceed, I most likely cannt attend alot of the rituals with kneelings,standings then kneelings again this week...

Really, everything happens for a jus tt at times we haven seen or realise tt's the reason for things we r goin through...

My 90+yo grandma in law passed on ytd...the one who held my hands tightly this yr cny to ask me to giv birth fast...

Now when I looked back, I understand y she's uptight only this yr...when I looked back, I also understand y in the end a choice to cancel ET n proceed with fet next mth....coz if I did proceed, I most likely cannt attend alot of the rituals with kneelings,standings then kneelings again this week...

Really, everything happens for a jus tt at times we haven seen or realise tt's the reason for things we r goin through...
Sorry to hear that... condolences to you and your family. Indeed many things are not in our control but will happen for our own good... We only realize it in hindsight.

My 90+yo grandma in law passed on ytd...the one who held my hands tightly this yr cny to ask me to giv birth fast...

Now when I looked back, I understand y she's uptight only this yr...when I looked back, I also understand y in the end a choice to cancel ET n proceed with fet next mth....coz if I did proceed, I most likely cannt attend alot of the rituals with kneelings,standings then kneelings again this week...

Really, everything happens for a jus tt at times we haven seen or realise tt's the reason for things we r goin through...

Deepest condolences.

Take care; and stay strong for your family.


My 90+yo grandma in law passed on ytd...the one who held my hands tightly this yr cny to ask me to giv birth fast...

Now when I looked back, I understand y she's uptight only this yr...when I looked back, I also understand y in the end a choice to cancel ET n proceed with fet next mth....coz if I did proceed, I most likely cannt attend alot of the rituals with kneelings,standings then kneelings again this week...

Really, everything happens for a jus tt at times we haven seen or realise tt's the reason for things we r goin through...
Condolences to you and your family..

Take good care of yourself during this trying period ok? Hugs
