Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

I've been having stomach pain since last night after eating a crystal jade bakery bun. Charcoal & panadol don't help, and no bowel movement.

I must still drag myself to work today. Cannot take MC today :(What else works for stomach pain?
You feeling better? Go see doc if still not well k?


My 90+yo grandma in law passed on ytd...the one who held my hands tightly this yr cny to ask me to giv birth fast...

Now when I looked back, I understand y she's uptight only this yr...when I looked back, I also understand y in the end a choice to cancel ET n proceed with fet next mth....coz if I did proceed, I most likely cannt attend alot of the rituals with kneelings,standings then kneelings again this week...

Really, everything happens for a jus tt at times we haven seen or realise tt's the reason for things we r goin through...

Deepest condolences to you & family. indeed, everything happens for a reason. *big hug*

My 90+yo grandma in law passed on ytd...the one who held my hands tightly this yr cny to ask me to giv birth fast...

Now when I looked back, I understand y she's uptight only this yr...when I looked back, I also understand y in the end a choice to cancel ET n proceed with fet next mth....coz if I did proceed, I most likely cannt attend alot of the rituals with kneelings,standings then kneelings again this week...

Really, everything happens for a jus tt at times we haven seen or realise tt's the reason for things we r goin through...
Deepest condolences to you and family. She will be up there to bless you and your baby...

My 90+yo grandma in law passed on ytd...the one who held my hands tightly this yr cny to ask me to giv birth fast...

Now when I looked back, I understand y she's uptight only this yr...when I looked back, I also understand y in the end a choice to cancel ET n proceed with fet next mth....coz if I did proceed, I most likely cannt attend alot of the rituals with kneelings,standings then kneelings again this week...

Really, everything happens for a jus tt at times we haven seen or realise tt's the reason for things we r goin through...
Deepest condolences
Take good care and don't forget to drink plenty of water.

My 90+yo grandma in law passed on ytd...the one who held my hands tightly this yr cny to ask me to giv birth fast...

Now when I looked back, I understand y she's uptight only this yr...when I looked back, I also understand y in the end a choice to cancel ET n proceed with fet next mth....coz if I did proceed, I most likely cannt attend alot of the rituals with kneelings,standings then kneelings again this week...

Really, everything happens for a jus tt at times we haven seen or realise tt's the reason for things we r goin through...
*Hugs* Condolences to you and your family. I do believed that everything happened for a reason. Just be strong ok! Take good care of yourself!

My 90+yo grandma in law passed on ytd...the one who held my hands tightly this yr cny to ask me to giv birth fast...

Now when I looked back, I understand y she's uptight only this yr...when I looked back, I also understand y in the end a choice to cancel ET n proceed with fet next mth....coz if I did proceed, I most likely cannt attend alot of the rituals with kneelings,standings then kneelings again this week...

Really, everything happens for a jus tt at times we haven seen or realise tt's the reason for things we r goin through...
My grandma passed away 2 yrs ago while I was intensively immersed in my IUIs. Her cremation was on the same day afternoon as my morning IUI but I still went ahead.
My grandma was a traditional woman who took great pride in the no. of descendants she had (she always boost to others abt her 9 kids & numerous great grandchildren).
Got once I wore a flare blouse & my innocent 5yo cousin went to tell her that I was preg. Grandma was so happy.. until she found out I was not.
During her wake, I felt lousy that I couldn't contribute to her "great grandchildren" column.
Yes we do have "regrets" here n there... But I still choose to believe God's timing is the best!
Thanks lovely ladies for the concern!Heartfelt appreciation...luv u all...always there for me since I joined the forum...

My grandma passed away 2 yrs ago while I was intensively immersed in my IUIs. Her cremation was on the same day afternoon as my morning IUI but I still went ahead.
My grandma was a traditional woman who took great pride in the no. of descendants she had (she always boost to others abt her 9 kids & numerous great grandchildren).
Got once I wore a flare blouse & my innocent 5yo cousin went to tell her that I was preg. Grandma was so happy.. until she found out I was not.
During her wake, I felt lousy that I couldn't contribute to her "great grandchildren" column.
Yes we do have "regrets" here n there... But I still choose to believe God's timing is the best!

remembeRainbow, u really noe how I was feeling...I cried badly ytd in the car...the sense of guilt & self reprimand emotions were really overwhelming...the "not in time alr" thots were also woke up then got much better...a mentally exhausted ytd....

I still believe...there's a reason y it happened this way....I wld noe y when I managed to draw the line to connect these dots....

Thanks alot....muackz...
Oh mine...the pain subsided?do see a doc if pain still lingering ya...jus worried tt is virus...

Glad you are feeling a little bit better today. Your grandma in heaven also wouldn't want to see you cry so hard and be so remorseful. There are other ways to be filial to our grandparents and parents besides giving them a great/grandchild, for example by spending time with them, caring for them... You have cared for your grandmother and done nice things for her, which made her happy. You have already tried your best as a granddaughter, dear.

Though I can't produce a grandchild to my parents and inlaws for years, I do the other things that are within my ability for them.

Pain has subsided now. Thanks. I didn't see doctor, as I have to continue to rush my work at home to meet deadline today. While you and @happybb2015 are growing white spider webs, I'm growing white hairs lol.
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Thanks lovely ladies for the concern!Heartfelt appreciation...luv u all...always there for me since I joined the forum...

remembeRainbow, u really noe how I was feeling...I cried badly ytd in the car...the sense of guilt & self reprimand emotions were really overwhelming...the "not in time alr" thots were also woke up then got much better...a mentally exhausted ytd....

I still believe...there's a reason y it happened this way....I wld noe y when I managed to draw the line to connect these dots....

Thanks alot....muackz...
MonkeyChick, deepest condolences to you and your family. I can totally understand how do you feel and absolutely agreed that thing happened for a reason. The timing....allow us to heal and move on for the next journey.
My granduncle has passed away yesterday too and my dad had fever since Friday admitted to hospital yesterday, suspected dengue and still under investigation. My dad was very close to my granduncle who passed away, we dare not inform him the sad news, cause he will think a lot which not going to help him due to his condition. I told myself just have to be strong and hang in there despite my menses never report more than 2 months, likely cause by the stress and travelling.
You will be blessed by your granny, you are such a filial girl. Do your best with no regret. Meanwhile do drink more water and sleep well too. Take care...*bear hugs....
Glad you are feeling a little bit better today. Your grandma in heaven also wouldn't want to see you cry so hard and be so remorseful. There are other ways to be filial to our grandparents and parents besides giving them a great/grandchild, for example by spending time with them, caring for them... You have cared for your grandmother and done nice things for her, which made her happy. You have already tried your best as a granddaughter, dear.

Though I can't produce a grandchild to my parents and inlaws for years, I do the other things that are within my ability for them.

Pain has subsided now. Thanks. I didn't see doctor, as I have to continue to rush my work at home to meet deadline today. While you and @happybb2015 are growing white spider webs, I'm growing white hairs lol.
Remember to replenish with plenty of water. Hope that you are feeling much better and meeting the work deadline. Focus and finish it soon, and we can chat again ;)

The white spider webs growing wildly and intimate my white hair growing faster, like a conpetition to win fast growing award. Thinking of going for my hairdo after few things more settle down and before my stim injection start.
MonkeyChick, deepest condolences to you and your family. I can totally understand how do you feel and absolutely agreed that thing happened for a reason. The timing....allow us to heal and move on for the next journey.
My granduncle has passed away yesterday too and my dad had fever since Friday admitted to hospital yesterday, suspected dengue and still under investigation. My dad was very close to my granduncle who passed away, we dare not inform him the sad news, cause he will think a lot which not going to help him due to his condition. I told myself just have to be strong and hang in there despite my menses never report more than 2 months, likely cause by the stress and travelling.
You will be blessed by your granny, you are such a filial girl. Do your best with no regret. Meanwhile do drink more water and sleep well too. Take care...*bear hugs....
You also must take good care of yourself during this trying period k?

For those jabbing pigus.

I found out today e nurse can do e progesterone jab.. Can skip queue to see doc and cheaper.. $12.80 where I did mine.. Hehe

Today's queues at every single clinic I walked past were horrible.

For those jabbing pigus.

I found out today e nurse can do e progesterone jab.. Can skip queue to see doc and cheaper.. $12.80 where I did mine.. Hehe

Today's queues at every single clinic I walked past were horrible.
Actually I dunno why I was not given this jab during my fresh. I was also triggered by suprefact and not ovidrel. But that time prof didn't tell me to go for progesterone jabs

For those jabbing pigus.

I found out today e nurse can do e progesterone jab.. Can skip queue to see doc and cheaper.. $12.80 where I did mine.. Hehe

Today's queues at every single clinic I walked past were horrible.
May I know which clinic you go to? I thought most of the time those sitting by the counter are just receptionist. Are they certified nurse?
May I know which clinic you go to? I thought most of the time those sitting by the counter are just receptionist. Are they certified nurse?
I was at raffles medical. Think maybe there's a high chance they have nurses as receptionists because they deal with many health check ups for companies? Since they usually help with the drawing of blood. :)
Any ladies here heard about green bean sprout water? Saw an old article about this & that a lot got pregnant with this remedy.
MonkeyChick, deepest condolences to you and your family. I can totally understand how do you feel and absolutely agreed that thing happened for a reason. The timing....allow us to heal and move on for the next journey.
My granduncle has passed away yesterday too and my dad had fever since Friday admitted to hospital yesterday, suspected dengue and still under investigation. My dad was very close to my granduncle who passed away, we dare not inform him the sad news, cause he will think a lot which not going to help him due to his condition. I told myself just have to be strong and hang in there despite my menses never report more than 2 months, likely cause by the stress and travelling.
You will be blessed by your granny, you are such a filial girl. Do your best with no regret. Meanwhile do drink more water and sleep well too. Take care...*bear hugs....

U take care too ya...hugzzz
Glad you are feeling a little bit better today. Your grandma in heaven also wouldn't want to see you cry so hard and be so remorseful. There are other ways to be filial to our grandparents and parents besides giving them a great/grandchild, for example by spending time with them, caring for them... You have cared for your grandmother and done nice things for her, which made her happy. You have already tried your best as a granddaughter, dear.

Though I can't produce a grandchild to my parents and inlaws for years, I do the other things that are within my ability for them.

Pain has subsided now. Thanks. I didn't see doctor, as I have to continue to rush my work at home to meet deadline today. While you and @happybb2015 are growing white spider webs, I'm growing white hairs lol.

Is either white spiderwebs or white hairs...any other choices in between?...both dun sound good...lolzzz
It's my 1st time doing jabs everyday from e start; did elonva e last 2 times - lesser needles, more shiok. Now a bit apprehensive...

I think e initial follicle scan not very accurate, maybe more will pop out later?

Anyway, when does hb start taking antibiotics?
It's my 1st time doing jabs everyday from e start; did elonva e last 2 times - lesser needles, more shiok. Now a bit apprehensive...

I think e initial follicle scan not very accurate, maybe more will pop out later?

Anyway, when does hb start taking antibiotics?

Ur hubby will b prescribed his antibiotics on ur 1st scan...shld start taking right away...likely given 10days...
It's my 1st time doing jabs everyday from e start; did elonva e last 2 times - lesser needles, more shiok. Now a bit apprehensive...

I think e initial follicle scan not very accurate, maybe more will pop out later?

Anyway, when does hb start taking antibiotics?

Collected the antibiotics for hubby today; and he can start today for 10 days.
Question ah. Is everyone prescribed the same inserts? Or it's customized? Or just diff hospitals?

I read fr the other thread, people seem to be talking about crinone or utrogestan.

But we have crinone and utrogestan and estrofem?
thanks monkeychick and babiesjj2015! means he will finish taking before ER hor?

chloe_ng, yes yes!

anyway, juz told hb abt e antibiotics and he complained why so troublesome, wasting time, blah blah... so I told him, he already has it gd. at least he doesn't need to jab himself everyday, and I dun require him to follow me every time. so how can he still complain? then he went oops... yah, messing ard wif a woman whose menses is coming. 不知死活
It's my 1st time doing jabs everyday from e start; did elonva e last 2 times - lesser needles, more shiok. Now a bit apprehensive...

I think e initial follicle scan not very accurate, maybe more will pop out later?

Anyway, when does hb start taking antibiotics?
Yes, more follicles may pop out later. I had 14 new follicles at second or third scan.

Haha I like the phrase 不知死活 on the men!
Question ah. Is everyone prescribed the same inserts? Or it's customized? Or just diff hospitals?

I read fr the other thread, people seem to be talking about crinone or utrogestan.

But we have crinone and utrogestan and estrofem?
I think in NUH we are generally the same, except some don't need daily shots. I have the same as you. It's definitely different in different hospitals. I read some prescribe baby aspirins. Not sure if it's certain doctor or by hospital.
Question ah. Is everyone prescribed the same inserts? Or it's customized? Or just diff hospitals?

I read fr the other thread, people seem to be talking about crinone or utrogestan.

But we have crinone and utrogestan and estrofem?

I suppose different hospitals shld b different bah... different for patients as well...based on assessment & our reactions...personally, I hav pretty different protocols from the norm...even if they r same med...the sequence that I administer mine is different...

Ya..I saw different meds n protocols as well in another until I blur blur...hehe...
thanks monkeychick and babiesjj2015! means he will finish taking before ER hor?

chloe_ng, yes yes!

anyway, juz told hb abt e antibiotics and he complained why so troublesome, wasting time, blah blah... so I told him, he already has it gd. at least he doesn't need to jab himself everyday, and I dun require him to follow me every time. so how can he still complain? then he went oops... yah, messing ard wif a woman whose menses is coming. 不知死活

Lolzzz!!!!tell ur hubby time bomb has been activated alr...when to bomb, u duno...soon,anytime or nvr...ask him dun play play....he can help to decide when...

My hubby was sulky taking the med, tcm n vitamins...he mentioned he's also doing wat Im doing...I think he wan me to sayang him...but instead I replied, not yet...he's missing the jabs...told him if he wan equality,I can get empty syringes...everyday I poke myself,I will poke him on his belly as well....I can giv him great discounts..n spare him from bts, ER n ET....he quickly changed topic n "ran" off....

I very de bad....i noe....lolzzzzzz...disturbing him....bad hormones-charged
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Lolzzz!!!!tell ur hubby time bomb has been activated alr...when to bomb, u duno...soon,anytime or nvr...ask him dun play play....he can help to decide when...

My hubby was sulky taking the med, tcm n vitamins...he mentioned he's also doing wat Im doing...I think he wan me to sayang him...but instead I replied, not yet...he's missing the jabs...told him if he wan equality,I can get empty syringes...everyday I poke myself,I will poke him on his belly as well....I can giv him great discounts..n spare him from bts, ER n ET....he quickly changed topic n "ran" off....

I very de bad....i noe....lolzzzzzz...disturbing him....bad hormones-charged
Eh we have so many sterile needles! Just use them, don't need empty syringes!

Hormones r really scary...w/o doing anything...after stopping hormones weight dropped 1.3kg in a week....:confused:...
Yes ... hormones are scary stuff ... The day of ET and the day after my weight dropped more than 1 kg also

I find myself looking weird because my shoulders and legs don't seem to have changed all these weeks ... but the boobs and trunk hor ... but I think i'm losing muscle mass from the lack of exercise haha

Really going to look like a minion if this expansion goes on ... arms and legs small in comparison to the body - pretty sure it's the progesterone lol
