Premature babies support group

Congrats on being a mummy for the 2nd time this year! Stay relax and happy always.

sounds v complicated. i hope u can work it out and negotiate better timing or something. very tricky.

thanks. he not so chubby nowadays.
but ya i still stock up on jb neosure.
congrats on your pregnancy too!

congrats lindah. A lot of walking for teaching, must rest more. practicum next next week right? Relax and relax.

daec share the same feelings as you, but I also think guys look physically more dashing when fitter. But strangely most guys tend to grow horizontally after marriage.

Will be going for a hotel stay later with hubby only, without dash. Really feel that we are growing distant, so trying to salvage our marriage.

xiaowanzi, my boy got hernia operation before as well. xbliss's boy also. Very common.
Hi Flora
This is my 4th pregnancy
Me? Not so fortunate to be SAHM. Am FTWM but am in the insurance business so time is flexible. When Ezann was born, took care of her till she is about 7 month plus
Not much bed rest for me lei cos now Ezann is very inquisitve.. N very touchy..So got to spend time to play with her

Can understand how u feel.. but u r so much fortunate cos my premie(3rd child) is 27 weeker.(My 2 boys are both 37 weekers and they are now going 12 and 11) So I thank God for every day that passes after that. Am now approaching my 35 weeks
Was admitted to KKH in my 32 weeks as my cervix is already 2cm dilated.Took the steroid jab n Thank God BB cooperated and is till in my womb.
Think is ok to preggy cos I planned for this when Ezann was 6 months old too

Happy to hear tat Hami is getting a sibling soon!

Little Ezann has middle ear infection
She has been having cough n runny nose for 2 weeks.. Brought her to see pd and noted she had infection in the ear.. Hope it will clear soon..

Am very excited cos approaching my 35 weeks now.. Will keep u gals posted if I can hang till 37 weeks
jane.. i know in the end they will reach their milestone..but very sian with kkh neonat liao... some of the docs are very bad...

disneymickey..ahhaa.. so what did u tell her in the end re that body part? :p i will love it if my gal can say 'daddy go' when we are at ILs place :p

nana, need lah..mine is consider as pre-term leh.. :p :p :p btw boys are usually slower dont worry...

xbliss, think of it this way..we go back to work so that we can rest during office hours and be a better mommy at night :p

fairylander, congrats re cathrina!

flora congrats!!!!

didi, ur hb give u red pkt? so cute!

hope, congrats!!!!!

kkf, men grow horizontal after marriage cos happy and relax mah...
Hi mummies,

Do you all know how much is the vaccination package (6 in 1; at 1 month, 3 month and 6 month) in kkh?
Also how much difference compare between 'A' and 'S' rate? (private and subsidized rate)

Am very confused now coz the staffs all don't know and just told me for 'S' no package???
Actually every year since I gotta married, I sort of 'made' hb gave me angpao I gave the excuse that he is older than me, and seniors are supposed to give angpao, for this year he gave more cause Valentine's day in amidst the CNY lor
hi xianwanzi,
not sure if i have replied to your post here.. the posts are so overwhelming for me liao. my boy just had the hernia op nearly 3 wks ago. he was diagnosed about 1 month after he returned home. As the testes looked very uneven and swollen, we decided to have the op asap before CNY. It's a 1 hr op, where they will do 2 slits about 1cm each on each side of the groin area. baby will be put on GA and sleeping throughout. fasting about 3-4 hrs before op and can drink immediately after the op.

how is ur boy doing now? is he just waiting to grad to SCN or still got some issues? do share more with the mummies here.. it's very bad to say we have "experience" cos this kind of experience give me i also dun wan. but we have all gone thru it and may be able to help u a bit. It's been quite a while for u already that your boy in NICU. how are u and hubby coping?

congrats! hoping for girl or boy?!

hang in! little one sure is patient!

i can't help u with the price. kk refused to do immunization for my boy.. keep saying it's better to do at poly. so in the end, i opted for 5 in 1 at poly paying about $80 each time i go. I also let my boy take pneumococcal at $160++ and rotavirus (cant remember how much but not more than $200 for 2 oral doses) at pte paed.

yes, i really look forward to working where it is physically less demanding than SAHM. Then, my hubby can stop saying that i lazy never do housework. not i dun wan to do.. but bryan is going through really cranky and clingy stage. just feeding him takes 30min or more and on top of that i need to express milk and tend to my own needs. i dun even have a good lunch everyday. sorry to whine here. stress is really piling up at home and i need to offload.

Questions re bottle refusal
bryan is now 1 mth corrected age. he was drinking about 50ml when he came back 2 mths ago. His milk slowly increased up to about 85ml until about a week ago when he only takes about 40-60ml per feed and even does not wake up for certain feeds. Did anyone experience this as well? any advice on what is wrong? some of my guesses are the oral thrush (which i have diligently cleaned off the front portion and slowly clearin the middle tongue portion which is harder to clean), his preference for the breast (he can drink loads from the breast and never fails to attack the breast hungrily...), and maybe just a passing phase? it's like that when hubby feeds too. i do hope things get better after i pass him over to MIL to care for in the day when i return to work.
How come they refuse? For my bb case they let me choose. Since I have to go back for review appts so i chose to do it there. Find that the staffs there very 'luan' (kelam kabut),rushing me like that.
xbliss, dun worry, it is just a passing stage cause I remember there was a point in time dash also refused milk. And other mummies also talking about this too.

very tiring today...hope weekends come quickly.

Mummylian, your little one is so cooperative.
When you give birth do let us know. all the best.
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Happy First Birthday to Daryl!</font></font>
<font size="+2"><font color="0077aa">Happy First Birthday to Dylan!</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">Didi

My heartiest best wishes for Daryl and Dylan on their first Birthday! May they always be happy, healthy and handsome!
Was it Saturday paper that I read on the two Singaporean being the champion of the Amazing Grace II? One of them is hearing-impaired but he is really intelligent, smart and cool. He is doing very well in life now and he achieved very good grades academically too. Very impressive and I thought you would like to read it if you missed it. Very motivational for Siang!

Our GOD is a fair one, HE always equips everyone with a skill/talent for survival unless the we chose to fail HIM.
happy birthday daryl and dylan!! yes, i echo precious.. may they be in the best of health and happy always! and may mummy daddy be happy always too!

not that no choice, but they were super pushy, almost leaving me to no choice. seeing their attitude like that, i decided to go poly lor. at least i know poly wont reject me. but of cos, the docs at poly are also playing smart.. say no need to do assessment cos the kkh docs will do. and of cos the kkh docs are too busy to do. so i have to push for it lor.

tks for the reassurance. haiyah.. terrible time with milk. i think bryan's weight has gone down. hopefully things are better after i pass him over to MIL. hey, the tortoise that dash made is cute! and the doggy bread.. so yummmyy!!! next time he can teach bryan how to make!

agree with precious too. i do hope siang's hearing improves by leaps and bounds over time with the help of technology. u are a super mum who will produce a super kid
morning mommies,

wow. so many posts.. hope i din miss out anybody

happy bday to d&amp;d..

congrats! 10wks.. know ger or boy alrdy?

erm. no leh. i think i juz ask her not 2 talk anymore &amp; to go n zzz haha. but when we bathed her, we will tell her we r washing her vagina.. think it's correct to tell the correct name.

bought 2 sets of uniform 4 ws + 2 sets of tshirt/shorts. cos the teacher there say, after bath, will change to tshirt/shorts, so i juz bought lor. wapiang. reach home let her try the uniform. she looks so toot cos the uniform so big haha
good morning mummies, last week busy week hence no post.

sorry if i miss out any earlier post..will try to read and catch up.

Making a big note to come in today. as its D&amp;D Birthday!!! happy birthday
didi, do post any picture that you toke.

diseymickey , next birthdy is WS ;) i am sure you are looking forward to it.

Congrats! wow...take care and rest and rest and rest

precious_one, yeah i catch that espisode. i was smiling away when adrian and collen (his team mates) came in first. i was cheering for him all the way! he is really cool hor and yes, smart (imagine he has profound hearing impairment and yet he know japanese language). yes, i am very motivated after watch that show. adrian is a live showcase...

yes, we do our best and don't failed our kids. and god will assist us in our journey.

wanted to tell you, siang is starting to love the shapes books ;) the one that play peek a poo :p. thank you so much

noted that your boy is 26 weekers. my siang is 26 weekers too. as xbliss quoted, please do come by often..perhaps just talking it out. it helps. i rattle a lot here :p

about milk feeds, i think...maybe u monitor for a while more, sometime is just a passing phrase, like kkf say. siang now is again on lots and lots of milk :p so much until i feel like introducting more solids, but i dare not tell my caregiver because she will scream the whole house down and say i am crazy to worry because siang is taking so much milk :p.

about vaccinations, siang was refereal to Polyclinic upon discharge for his vaccinatins...hence i chose the 5in 1 too. and i opt for him the puenmoccal jab too (at outside GP).

jia you and take care...cheers. and hope ezann gets better soon. ear infection must take care...
Aiyoh, Hope can only know the sex of the baby around 16 weeks at least lei.....hehehe (you forgot liao)

I agreed, toot is the word, when I put on the sch uniform for A on the first time, both hb and I burst out laughing....very toot...I thot WS on half day?? A is on half day so no need to take shower in school. Anyway, I usually do a quick shower on her in the morning. It is not a requirement for us to buy the sch T and shorts as she is on half day only, but i just buy, just in case the two school uniform didn't get dry on time, still got T and shorts.. like I said previously, I put on T and shorts on A on Fridays.

Hee alas, I'm booked for my JKT holiday leaving this Thurs evening, can put the cereals satchels to good use....let me know what are the must bring things for A, just in first time taking her on an aeroplane...I might overlook....Can?
you are mummies really is so nice. hope to see you post soon that bryan is back to be a milk baby ;). waiting to see him on his next growth sprouts (which i am sure soon).

for now, siang is on hearing aids but he is always plucking it out but i am persisting he wear it. thou, i admit that the speech therapist say he can talk (which he is) but if he does not wear it, it will affect his prounciation. SO. perservance, i will let him wear it.
hi precious_one
you are bringing Angel for holiday! cool! where are you going...i don't know when can i do that.

drive to JB i also hesitant.

hope brings hami to Batam before...when is my turn ler keke
My dear Jane
Hope and Hami are fortunate enough to go before Hami turns waited 3 years lei....kekeke

Actually, you will have no problem bringing Siang anywhere just have to create the right mood, time, place and opportunity...
I forgot to reply u, we plan to leave this Thursday evening and returning on Sunday late night. Looking forward to lots of shopping and eating.

Actually, I a bit worried, so scared A falls sick there (touch wood)....chin chum, heart wants to go, yet worry....I am a worrying person. hehe
thks for e compliment! IL was talking abt it again.never ask me wat I want. I have to ask hubby to talk. if he agree with me gd. If not, he will side with them sigh..

yes tricky, hope sort it out. just visted them. IL thinkin up ways get closer eg stayovers, go out tog whereas I think of runing away heheh. sorry but I want to build my own family. think grandparents r like desserts. some is gd and necessary. too much, emm overload. parents are the main meal heheh.

ya, ws is on half day, but got bath time leh. like wat u say, in case the uniform not dry, so buy tshirt/shorts lor. can choose 2 buy l/sleeve &amp;long pants, but i didn't cos i c some kids coming in w their own jacket. in case weather cold, i can always let her wear her own jacket.

ya lor, so toot. was telling hubby must take a pic of her heehee.

i email u a check list i've prepared when i bring ws hols. hope it's useful 4 u.
happy birthday daryl and dylan!

holiday - must start somewhere lah. start near eg JB just go for it. day trip also can. then progress to 2 days, 1nite. Do get tips frm mummies here. if scared,bring maid,parents etc - those who will help u with Siang. confidence will come with each progressive experinence ;)

have fun for ur hols! do bring all the medicine. in case in case. must be kiasu hehe
think Nada teething now. diarrohea ok. but can't sleep well at nites. that plus others symptoms show she likely teething
Jane and xbliss,

Thanks for yr concerns.

My boy is(was) a "infection king", gonna 3x infection during his stay at NICU which somehow delay his development. Now consider a full term baby but only 1935kg.

Last week just have his eyes operation due to ROP stage 3. Tomorrow will do his eyes review, hope everything is fine for him and hope he can put on weight and proceed to SCN soon.
Yeah, i also agreed on the staffs' attitude, very pushy but luckily one of the neonate consultant let us decide.

Does your boy stays in NICU MRSA isolation room now? If so i think i may know you.
hi precious_one
sorry to say, i am afraid siang not well when overseas..that is what i am hesitant :p pai say...u waited 3 years...i dunno how long it will take for me to take that big step out :p

yeah, holi should start i only trying to plan bring siang to botanic garden (planning and planning) haha.

Oh nada is teething! do let nada bite teething ring. it help...;) i thought nada maybe teething as teething starts anytime from 6 months. Maybe thats why she is rejecting milk at this stage, wow soon she be talking hehe... not only singing liao ;). teeting can be a difficult stage (but differnet baby different). hehe cannot wait to see nada white white teeth

thanks for your encouragement...i just have to try and try and not say die :p

hello xiaowanzi
i see, your boy has gone thru all the 'infection' i am sure soon he will be totally non-infected because he is so brave to fight off all the bugs. don't worry. have faith in the doc/nurses, he will emerge as a brave fighter. keep us posted on his eye review. and ... drop by often. just type or write...
i like what you quote about uniquely nada. focus on growth and progress and appreciate her for who she is. very well quote and its a very postitive thoughts

i shall work hard to make siang stand up and walk haha. you remind me to be back on path of my plans for siang hehehe (and not only focus on his speech :p)
same here, that's y I also daren't not bring D&amp;D out of town
if really travel, must buy travel insurance
heard that in certain countries esp states and aust, medical treatment is ex, I have this friend who had LS (iirc) he went to 1 A&amp;E in New York and just some medicine, and that costs him S$500.00
hi didi
so...we share (together with precious_one) have the same worry.

now i know i am not the only one :p.

but precious_one has taken the step forward, hope has did it,... so....maybe we can really try hor :p
happy birthday to yr two was their bday celebration..busy wif work, no time to read thru the posts..

my boy had alot of infections also.dun worry..he will overcome everythg with mummy's encouragement?r u working?

his weight is not bad liao..must hang in there and give encouragement to yr bb.....wat type of infections did he hv previously?every preemie got their own wars to dun worry too much...

i may hv missed our yr posts..can update more about yrself?
heheh I just wrote that coz I got irritated with IL again. still keep on comparing her looks. This time with hubby,greatgrandmum, aunt even declare face template like hubby side.*hit head* so NOT true coz Nada unique

glad u like e entry!

just do it ;) Better soon leh, sekali u follow Hope and Flora example, get pregnant - then cannot travel hehe

What is MRSA? Sorry ha, abit mountain tortorise.
Ya, he's in the isolation room. Doctor already scare of him, afraid he will get the 4th time again. Heee..

Is yr Baby in the NICU too? which room?
i love what you wrote. so true.

eeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... wow.... thou i hope for a 2nd one but won't be so soon la. at least not this year :p

I posted earlier before. My baby girl was discharged one month already. Sadly my baby boy caught a nasty infection thru iv line while he was in SCN and passed away one month ago.


Your baby in NICU isolation room or SCN pink?
sorry for yr loss
my apologies for not rememberg yr getting old and forgetful...

let me read yr posts when i got time...i cant find yr details in the table...can u let us noe yr details like term of stay in nicu/scn, gestational age etc...just like in the table we always hv...
hi sticky,

sorry to hear about your loss... there is some mummies here who been thru quite a lot too. take care and do write often here.

may i know how old is your ger now?
hi precious_one,

oh i see. u must be feeling quite excited now. i am sure the trip will go smoothly
get packed get ready. so happy for you
sigh..plan to go jogging tonite. my mom juz called n say my dad needs to go c doc again, cos he's still coughing &amp; now his leg pain..hope it's nothing serious.

when i called back, ws ask me " mommy mum mum" cos my mom ask her to ask if i'm gg back 4 dinner
so glad u and A finally get to step out of SG! is jkt a nice place to go? i'm kinda worried about security issues when i go asian countries. re travel, i am sure all of us here are KS mummies, sure got bring medication along! hee. dun forget to make a trip to doc's to ask for those wonder medicines that always work for A! And dun back out lah.. i am sure she is so looking forward to it! just keep reminding to rest well drink warm water if she wants to make it to jkt!

u are a fighter mum like ur daughter. i can sense more optimism in your posts nowadays though i know the grief will always be there. just like me, i constantly moan for the loss of my smaller twin. But u know, it's this kind of thing that makes us strong. I have cared for bryan for 2 mths since his discharge now. Pple are so worried i will kena post natal and that i can't manage him well.. but thanks to support here, both bryan and i are still coping!

i believe costa has a lot of experience with infections..u can share more with her. actually i seem to gather that u have already overcome all those fearful and sad days at NICU and is more optimistic about your boy's discharge. Nearing bryan's discharge, we were in a big panic to buy a lot of things.. dun repeat my mistake! just be KS and buy watever u think u need even if in the end u dun! your boy's weight is great now. he will just need a lot more encouragement from u all the time. remember to kangaroo him when u get to SCN. excellent weight gain and security for him. are u sahm? after bryan's discharge there are so many appointments and reviews for him i found it helpful to take one month more leave just to settle into the routines and for myself to adjust properly too.

wah, can go jogging.. i so envy. i really getting fat, so tired caring for bryan physically that i keep eating to replenish energy. i starting work in 2 wks and now starting to cut down on carbo intake. ws so cute.. mommy mum mum?! sounds like mummy "eating". hehe. all this relative calling very confusing.. for my sis in laws, they are so confused being "ah yi" and "gu gu" so they dun mind being called anything! one of my sis in law even called herself "mummy" to bryan cos she is used to doing that to her son.

ILs never fail to compare. i am passing bryan to mil to care for soon cos going back to work. i am sure i will hear a lot of irritating stories soon too. haha.

Re oral thrush
i am about to pass bryan to MIL to care as going back to work soon. I am pretty sure she will use the diaper cloth (with bryan's urine) to "wash" his mouth even though i am going to tell her not to do so. Can i know if any of u have done this to your premie and if u will advise for it or against it? i am really very paranoid about introducing foreign things to bryan, even his own urine. even diaper cream, i avoid using as much as possible.
Thanks for the birthday greetings for D&amp;D
ok, the party was held on last sat, 16 Feb. We invited only in-laws/ my parents's relatives, that make up a hugh amount of people, so siong cause got so many kids, luckily one of my sils organised some games for them, then after the cake-cutting, there was some sort of like disco-dancing,....ha...ha so retro
so siong, I told hb next time do the party at Macs/ KFC easier

When A was a baby, I used those cotton gauze rinze with cool boiled water to clean her mouth. The brand is Propax (Non woven swabs 40gsm 7.5cm-4 ply x 5's). KKH pharmacy sold it at S$1/- per pack but I bought it a Unity Pharmacy and it was sold at 76 cents per pack. Now I use tooth brush or cotton gauze or her personal hankerchief.

Wah, got disco dancing .... you mean the children disco or adult disco.... very fun lei.
