Premature babies support group

really hor

today the forum is so quiet...where is all the mummies keke
Hi all mummies!

My girl can walk with some help. Can stand on her own liao... Don really know wat's the benchmark for her now.. She can say oh when something drop and mimick tiger roar and dog bark
She got a bit sick after all the visiting during the CNY..

Thank God tat bb no. 4 is till growing in my womb
Am in my 34 weeks liao. Quite surprised and i hope to carry it for as long till 37 weeks if possible
Even though now walking is a bit painful now.. as long as bb can grow in the womb, guess i suffer a bit will be ok

Will update u gals!
Yesterday not much posts hor?

Mummylian so envy. Hope I can be like you during my next pregnancy. All the best!

Jane, yesterday I met up with the hearing impairment gal's mother. She is exactly like you! So cheerful, so optimisstic, so positive! I admire her spirit and the way she coached her girl. Not easy! Somemore her hubby is always in china working, and she is working full time as well. I am not sure, but if you think you will like to talk to her, I can ask her for you.

Going to bring dash to see doctor for 3rd time for his cough! sigh...
hallo mummylian

wow ezann is progress well. i think so long as she is developing in terms of physical and fine motor skill/speech. then is ok ah. hahaha she sure have lots of fun during CNY

continue to jia you. now u are in 34 weeks..time will pass very fast. take care ah rest more

hallo kkf
oh.... maybe because my boy and her gers have hearing impairment so to us, we really don't have much choice except to strive hard to path the best development path for our kids hence we have to stay strong ah. wow i am sure the ger mum must be quite strong to be able to handle the ger by herself (since her hubby is out station). yes, i would love to talk to her if there is a chance.

oh you bringing dash to a PD? good to seek consultation. hope dash recover fast fast.

ezann so cute, can say oh when things drop
continue to talk to her, she'll pick up very fast. n hope she recovers soon. n congrats 2 your #4. dun worry so much, u can do it!

dun worry 2, i'm sure dash will recover soon.

nev c u post past few days.. u ok alrdy?

juz had a lousy fight w hubby last nite. ws has been calling my mom's frens 'ma(4) ma(4) but hubby dun like, say it sounds like ma(1) ma(1) - mother. sigh. kept nagging at me to tell my mom/ws to change. fed up, ask him, then how shld ws address them? he say auntie!! i say, if i call them auntie, how can my daughter oso call auntie!! think he's not happy partly oso ws is not calling his parents yet, but hav been calling those ma(4) ma(4) affectionately. but it's true tat these aunties dote on her more than her paternal grandparents wat!

on CNY eve when we went back 4 reunion dinner, after dinner, hubby told ws to go say bye bye then go home, i carried her there, but we were being ignored cos they were bz feeding my nephew some longan drink. stood there 4 a while n got fed up so juz walked away. later when leaving in the car, they came n say bye bye, but ws ignored them & hubby scolded her. when nobody else in the car, i told hubby he misunderstood ws cos she was being ignored, tat's y she ignored them back.

sorry 2 bore u all, juz wan to vent my frustrations.
hi good morning disneymickey

sometime...difficult for our kids to be affectional to everyone around us hor. siang also is not that closed to his paternal grandparents....

no bored at all... good to talk it out. we all faces such issues...
hheheeheh silent reader bloom talking :p

didi, my bb also drinking very pathetic amt from straw, but dunwana go back to teat just in case got to retrain her again just keep probing her to drink :p

disneymickey, ur gal is so sweet! how old is she?

jane, yeah, some pp just dont understand lah..they have the 'perfect' pregnancy and the 'perfect' kids.... its ok, we all know our bbs reach milestones with much more effort and they are such fighters... did the speech therapist say how to make siang recog the words? neo nat said have to send my bb to speech therapist if she does not speak by 18 months... feel like skipping the next neonat visit..afterall, everyone is my family started speaking quite late...

mummylian, 34 weeks! cool!
dash really good in art work ler! i notice he eat with left hand. is he a left hander? re the catch all bib...really works ah keke
hi bloom
happy lunar new year!

its ok the mummies understand can liao. its not possible to make everyone out there understand keke.

oh how ah. well, the ST told me, perservance. talk speak read to siang. repeative do for those words that i am trying to teach him. repeat and repeat. associate him with the things / words. like clock. i will point to the clock and say "what time" and not say 'clock'. then after a while, i will ask siang. "what time is it". he look at the clock. then its call recognise 'it'.

then i can say "what time does the clock show' (simple english). then if he point or look at the clock, i will quicky say "oh its eg 3pm". so on and so forth.

some baby is late bloomers. for siang..i think he is talk first, physical developments he is like slower...

anyway, so long eventually they reach the same stage as all, its ok la...

its me looking at nada blog again cool! she is at 8.4 kg. good weight. well done mummy..and you can still sling her? yeah, must let her get used to stroller. don't be like me...never inisit siang sit stroller, now he does not like stroller...haiz...
I havent started on it hehe. I like slinging my baby too much as keeps her close cuddled to me.BTW we tried changing her foodmenu seems to help the diarrhoea. maybe some food also contribute to it

wah 34 weeks! congrats! still going on strong! jia you

understand ur frustration. hmm it sounds similar to my hubby. My hubby also wish that my girl closer to his parents.

Wish these guys and grandparents get and accept it that kids also have feelings. They cant be force to love someone just coz that person is the grandparent. Must put in time, love and caring. Not the kids fault. hmm ditto for IL relations too.
exactly my feelings!! must put in time, love & care!! my parents took care of her since young, even my sis oso made an effort to wake up early to hav bfast w her, or come my hse play w her if she hasnt' seen her for awhile..of cos she's closer to them la. she goes mkt almost everyday w my mom & her frens. they help to carry her, feed her when my mom bz, of cos she's closer to them la. wat has his parents done??? only wan to play w her when the other grandson is not there.

thanks 4 the compliment. my ger is gg to b 2 yrs old end of the month.

not only u, all parents must do the same things. to teach them things, must keep on repeating & repeating. even those 'perfect' kids oso need 2 b taught this way. no short cut.

btw, juz something 2 share. ws has been calling her body parts now. her tummy, arm pit, neck, etc. she pointed to her diaper/vaginal area, i blur..heehee
hi daec
what food is nada on now? good that her diarrhoea is ok. some pple say when diarrhoea good to give more watery stuff to prevent dehydration

yeah..really hor, no short cut :p. that was what the ST told me too. no no no short cut keke. WOW! clever ws (not only is she pretty). at 2 years old, she can point to her body parts liao...siang only know nose, ear and eye? keke.. but i try not to say eye because he will just use his finger and poke my eye (ouch)..
same for me. my parents take care of her while I wrk.his parents 2busy working tho wish to have time with her. wat IL say-I just keep quiet coz cannot win one. I must learn be thickskin. for hubby-yah, will scold him if he say something not fair. of coz he blame me bit coz I dun want to jump visit whenever IL are free&tell us last minute. wont have not own life if like dat.

parents, IL sensitve issue. ws ur first kid ? Nada is for me. I figure this is first experience issues to work on. teething issues like dat.siong ah. get v irritated at times2

still monitor. yesterday only gave her homemade porridge then she was ok. Norm she take Rusks biscuits and Nestle cereal. Recently changed to vege(cereal), banana(biscuit) flavours so cld be that. odd coz had changed flavours for at least 2weeks with no issues.

I added more water to her milk than norm incase dehydrate
hi daec

ILs - yeah sensitve issue and cannot win one :p siang is the first grandchildren for my ILs.

oh i see....maybe let nada eat something plain and simple for a while more, let her stomach rest. oh yes, doc also say to dilute their milk if they diarrhoea.
I also get angry coz also expected me/my girl change my timing to suit IL. so there were times when go visit IL tho its at nite. she was baby that time & I know her habit is at nite is v cranky,cry,cry. hubby/IL insist.of coz she scream away for 1+h. even now, IL dun seem understand though have seen her like that. then tell me love her? I think timing shld be best fit for all, not just for one party.

ah well.. now she dun cry so bad at nite but still have timing issue with them. really sien argue.
ya, ws my 1st kid. 1st grandchild on my side of family, but on hubby's side, she has a cousin who's 5mths older than her. the boy has been staying @IL's since birth till 2yr+, maybe tat's y they dote on him more la. but shouldn't u b fair 2 all??

dun worry, maybe suddenly 2 much fibre (veg + banana biscuit) cause the loose bowels. ya, dilute the milk.

ouch. must teach siang not 2 poke eyes.. scarly he poked his own eyes oso jia lad. my hubby will play w her every nite, play bathe pooh bear. so tat's where she learns the body parts, wash pooh bear's hair, hands, legs, face, nose, etc. u can oso talk to him when u bathe him. tell him where u r it everyday, i'm sure he'll rem.

oh...then somehow your ils will be closer to ws cousin lor. since he is always there....

don't know why todate la, he does not poke his own eye. he only finger 'point' at whoever say 'eye' :p. hey your hubby has good teaching method. ok ok, i will try that hehehe... but i don't have a pooh bear (i have a pooh bear) which hair :p

for me, everywhere i go, i will try to fit in to siang sleeping time and makan time...all 'mummies' know that mah... baby timing shld be taken into consideration.
<font color="0000ff">DM</font>
Me still unwell lei. On my 3rd round of antibiotics. A's pneumonia recovered but she still has slight running nose and cough.

A is neither close to paternal nor maternal grand parents cos both sets hardly see her. She also doesn't call them but I am not overly concern. When the time to call, she will call, right? hehe

HB took leave this week also and he refused to let A go to school.

<font color="0000ff">kkf</font>
Today's mind your body has one page of article on heart defect boy (now 10 yrs old), healthy and playing badminton.

<font color="0000ff">mummylian</font>
So happy for you, 34 weeks going 37 weeks soon. You can make it. Stay positive always. Good to know that Ezann is doing well in all areas.

<font color="0000ff">jane</font>
When you say Siang has hearing impairment, does it means that he has to wear hearing aid throughout his life or is there a surgery to correct or improve on the hearing. I am impressed with Siang's learning ability. He is responding so well to your teaching so it gives me kind of feel that his hearing will improve over time. Don't know if I am right ?

<font color="0000ff">daec</font>
Count down to SAHM day....

<font color="0000ff">bloom</font>
No harm seeing speech therapist if referred, anyway the appointment usually is once in 3 mths or so. This gives you time to gauge if yr baby needs intervention or not, if baby speaks at 20 mths, then stop speech therphy altogether. Referred case, we pay subsidized rate, otherwise pay private rate lei.

Today is 7th day of the CNY, it is also the "Ren Ri" , <font color="ff0000">HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE</font>.
hi everyone,

hope all of u had a good new year...
Happy Birthday!! since today is "ren ri" as mentioned by precious one...hehe..

precious one,
u so poor thing...still sick... rest properly since ur hubby on leave...can help u with alot of things... sleep more &amp; drink more water...get well soon!!

my boy also cannot walk yet leh...

the other day (last mon) he actually took 6, 10 then 20 steps... but then hor my inlaws came fr KL in the evening... he did 6 steps to show them...and that's it... nothing for the rest of the week liao... he rather crawl or be carried... he seems to forget how to walk again...haha...think gotta retrain again... now he only take 2 to 3 steps then squat down liao..sigh...

dun be discouraged...think pp just like to compare here &amp; there... i also cant be bothered.. cos if u compare my boy to his peers..he is really slower...slower to sit, to crawl, to stand, to walk... we just take things one at a time...let them develop at their own pace... i guess at the end of the day...they sure wld catch up...

hello!! nice to see u here... i realise ur name not in our table leh...want to be included boh??
hi xbliss,
when is ur boy born har?? have included the other details in the table..

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Baby's DOB</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Birth Weight</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Length of Stay </TD></TR><TR><TD>kkf's mom</TD><TD>15-Nov-78</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1000g+</TD><TD>27</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloegal</TD><TD>02-Jan-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>775g</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>NICU-3mths, SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>mich</TD><TD>31-Jan-05</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>600g&amp;720g</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>NICU&amp;SCN-3.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_one</TD><TD>06-Feb-05</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>710g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>NICU-5mths 28 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>yvonne (voncm)</TD><TD>24-Aug-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1480g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>NICU-8wks, SCN-3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>kkf</TD><TD>15-Oct-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1140g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU+SCN-2mths 3 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>disneymickey</TD><TD>25-Feb-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1450g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-2.5wks, SCN-0.5wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>naddy (telly)</TD><TD>16-Mar-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1136g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-2wks, SCN-4wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>stressed</TD><TD>31-May-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1890g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>NICU-13days </TD></TR><TR><TD>costa</TD><TD>22-Jun-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>750g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>NICU-14wks, SCN-8wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>luana</TD><TD>18-Jul-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1164g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-27days, SCN-53days </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheaky</TD><TD>05-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1900g</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>2wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>jane (neoah)</TD><TD>12-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>985g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>NICU-2mths, SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>jacelyn tey</TD><TD>14-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>1510g&amp;1190g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>57 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummylian</TD><TD>07-Sep-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1034g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-38days SCN-20days </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloegal</TD><TD>21-Sep-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2000g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN- 5 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>puppyduppy</TD><TD>16-Oct-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1140g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>nana</TD><TD>13-Dec-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2185g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>myfab</TD><TD>14-Dec-06</TD><TD>Girl&amp;Girl</TD><TD>1118g &amp; 780g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>3mths&amp;4mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>lindah</TD><TD>04-Feb-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>680g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>5mths 18 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD>18-Feb-07</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>1520g &amp; 1610g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>4.5wks&amp;9wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>amy</TD><TD>15-Apr-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>641g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>80 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>lili</TD><TD>30-Apr-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1400g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>6 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>flora</TD><TD>18-May-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2334g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SCN-2 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>daec</TD><TD>18-May-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1015g</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>48days </TD></TR><TR><TD>picky</TD><TD>01-Aug-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>850g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>alicia</TD><TD>03-Oct-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1500g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN-21 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>jewel</TD><TD>09-Oct-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>45 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>cookiemz</TD><TD>14-Nov-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2260g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SCN-8 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>fairylander</TD><TD>15-Nov-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1628g</TD><TD>36</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweet_rose</TD><TD>08-Jan-08</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>2100g &amp; 2100g</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>SCN-1 day </TD></TR><TR><TD>xbliss</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>925g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-1mth SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>irenelovej</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1600g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>geraldine</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy&amp;Girl</TD><TD>1500g &amp; 1700g</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>NICU-6wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>adeline lee</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>815g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
yeah lor shld be fair. somehow just not and its not in our control. know it easier said than done but best to ignore them, get thickskin.

hmm yeah that true-maybe 2 much fibre.

I try fit in her eat/sleep schedule. Where IL/IL relatives concerned, v hard as they tend meet 6pm onwards/nite,her bedtime 8pm. obvious time mismatch. I expect them understand but they dun seem to. I find it weird coz they are parents too,wat? hubby feel bad abt it,in end I kena somehow. now he try to plan suitable timing. its hard coz his parents r very adhoc &amp; wrk shift so dunno when free. then if dun meet, he get scolding. so sienz. last meetup, supposed send us home instead drove to his aunts tho her bedtime and she already slept. so she woke up,lucky wasn't that cranky despite the noise&amp;crowd. well Work In Progress to resolve all this.

I hope so ah. but at this rate, earliest is april. hubby bz so hse paperwrk delayed yet again, so frustrating. I think concrete date is only when I tender my resignation.

Great that A recover from pneumonia. Hope both of u recover v soon!
oh yeah, then he expect me to be ok to be hijacked like dat. like dat I dun want to sit in their car. grr...hai hav to find way out. I better stop talking abt this IL thingy. it really drive me nuts.
hallo precious_one, happy lunar new year

glad that A is ok. re cough and running nose, so long keep her warm with lots of water, should be ok in no time. you take care too. wow so this week A does not need to go to school hehe long holidays for her.

about siang hearing. i 'would' say, over last 2 months, yes test have shown that his hearing have 'improved' but i would say for hearing impairment no surgery can corrected it. only reason why he can 'tune in' better is because as he grow, his ear canal actually enlarge/grow too hence he can listen better.

Right now, he needs the hearing aids in order for him to hear those very high pitch sound which is very essential for clear prounciccation. which is why i insist he wear hearing aids thou 'without' it he can hear certain level of sound but its not good for his speech development.

Was telling daec and disneymickey, i adopt the 'teaching method' that the speech therepist guide me. i have total faith in their way of pathing siang learning.

the speech therapist thinks that .... siang should be able to do better than what he is doing now. i will be honest, sometime i felt that the expectation they set is really high but i just try my best to reach that mark they set for me... i try la... if i really met difficulties or i think siang is not progressing then i will call them to seek their 'next step' keke

hi ryan mummy

thanks for updating the table. can u PM me the table? oh...i think sometime they just 'for a while' forget how to do certain things..but very soon, i am sure he will be running ;) yes, so long at the end of the day they catch up can liao.

hehe ok ok...maybe i try let him 'wash' the pooh bear too. hahaha. ;)

i think for IL, its often is Work In Progress :p. don't be frustrated. after you become SAHM, am sure time become within your control. when nada can speak..she will say 'daddy, i want to go home' ;)
oh nana _ ryan's mummy
my elder sis who boy is born in Dec 06, cannot walk yet...
so ryan development is still on par
dun think so SAHM will solve e thing. coz root cause is their habits/timing which is not suitable for Nada and me. I believe it shld suit everyone. hubby blame/scold me abt dis. now not so, but he still get cranky abt it. well Work In Progress.

heheh that's gd! I hope so Nada learn say that soon
Actually hor, ws can address them as 'por..por' (not sure if it is ok ?) for your pil
s episode
I will sure say 'just now, we wanted to say good-bye but you are too bz',
me bad...bad.... btw kids are very smart one they know who sayang them, like Dylan he is very manja with my dad, when my dad carry him, he will stick his cheek to my dad's
hello mummies,
finally i am back. no mood to post as been busy this few days. CNy drove me nuts.. with all that visiting and having to incorporate feeding/changing poo/pumping, it was such a mad rush. i really havent recovered. and sad to say i was not assertive enough so bryan kena kissed quite a bit. these few days, bryan is so clingy and i really dun have time for housework or myselff. put him to sleepbarely 30 min he gets up to scream again. some nights just drive me nuts. but he is a real cute bundle of joy. he can express his anger through screaming now.. hehe. and he frowns if he doesn't like what u are doing. nowadays he grabs the tissue paper from his neck (we lazy to put bib.. so follow SCN style) if he doesnt want to drink and pushes bottle with his hand. very challenging.. keep jumping with his legs too. hai.. i am totally physically drained. will be returning to work in march.. somehow i look forward to that but i think i will miss a lot of his milestones.
hi mummies,
juz a quick update on cathrina.she has graduated from cardiac centre today so no need to go for review yay!!.all the holes in her heart has closed up.she is 4.7kg.
i wont have much time to post recently coz my mum was admitted to sgh on the 1st day of cny during midnite.her hand was shakey n leg feels numb and she fall down luckily no severe told me tat she had a lump inside her brain but its unlikely cancer has to go for more detail scanning 3 weeks ltr.most likely she has to undergo surgery.wil keep u all update wen im free.

take care all mummies
precious one really? I missed yesterday straits times. opps.

daec, nada is of very good weight!

fairylander hope your mum is ok. Scary leh to operate on head.congrats that your gal's holes in heart have all closed up! yippee!

Nana, boy doesn't walk so soon. My boy started walking only 17months I think.

Xbliss, yes, sometimes kids will drive us crazy, but they are also very cute and fun to be with at times.

DM, understand your fustration. But your hubby very cute leh, I think calling other people mama is quite a small issue leh. Why did he get annoy?
But actually dash also call my mum's and in laws friend aunties uncles. WS so cute, how can your in laws ignore her?

Precious one, hope you are better. Dash is still coughing, sigh...and he will vomit at night when he coughed too much. I am so worry! He took soooo long to recover from the cough. He has been missing from school for 2 weeks liao. basically wasting money only.

Jane, I really admire your spirits. I will ask the mummy whether she minds me passing her number to you. Dash is a right hander.

Today is valentine day, but I have no mood to celebrate. You know I feel that life is no longer the same after married, after children. Me and my hubby seems more and more distant, and quarrel more often. sigh. sianz. I think I am a bad wife anyway. My hubby is actually very good. Most of the things are done by him, washing milk bottles, changing diapers, preparing milk etc. Good man right? I still can quarrel with him.

didi you are right, kids are very smart. My boy sticks to his grandpa like superglue as well cause he knows he will never scold him, and his grandpa loves him very very much!

But strangely, daddy loves him so much as well, but he doesn't stick to daddy. He will always tell daddy to go away when reading books or playing. haha. He picks up our language very fast, now he will say "bu yao ga jiao (disturb in dialect) wo". :p learn from me.

Happy valentine's day, all mummies, enjoy your day with your love ones!

From dash to angel: happy v day, sweet angel! haha
good morning mummies
Happy Valentine's day to all

don't worry..soon nada will pick that phrase up ;)

you are right, kids are very smart, they know who sayang them and who they can bully :p


bryan is sure a bundle of joy. who is going to look after bryan when you are back to work?

oh hope your mum get well soon and congrats on cath progress

ok ok...if she don't mind. today was reading today's newspaper. got one singpaore team, one of the team mate is a hearing impaired participant at the Asia Amazing race and seem that the 2 men is going to emerge the winner. i shall try to catch the show tonight at starhub channel 19. i think i know this gentleman.

oh.. nowadays me too often quarrel with my lao gong... last night was complaining me tired..then he say "who not tired".... haiz... today is V day .. yet no love mood ler

hehe i see dash and i know he very smart ;)
Good morning, mummies,
Happy Valentines also no love mood..just argued wif my ah lao tis morning haha..wat a way to start today...

did you read ytday's Mind yr body segment..there was an article on a boy who had congenital heart issues but now he is doing vy well and even can play sports in dash wld be okay, dun worry.....even if its congenital, it doesnt mean tt bad..but one thing i read fm the article is the boy has to be concerned about his brushing of teeth or smthg incase bacteria gets into his system..thk same as my time before dental procedures nd to take antibiotics..

yr ah lao so good can wash bottles ah lao most of the time is i guess yr ah lao is really a gem...

sorry to hear tt about yr take care of her well and cath too....keep us updated.
just now i cannot tahan. i decide to call my lao gong and tell him that my boss (who is in his late 40s) send flowers to his wife ler! kekekeke... then i say, where is MINE. then my lao gong say, flower expensive....

then he say, ok. tonight we have dinner keke. then i feel happier haha

maybe hor, with men, we just have to be more direct hahaha

yeah kkf lao gong is a gem.
u like flowers ar?
for me so so nia lah......nowadays valentines day so commercialised.....correct?wun wanna get "chopped" by those retailers, manz...

my colleague lagi worse, when his wife asked for flowers, he planted some in his garden and asked her to look at it herself hahaha....hilarious right?
Morning Mummies

yah I read somewhere with men need to be direct coz they dun get our msg I wonder where is the borderline though. If I angry, I direct. then he get angry coz I too direct. hehe

same same me no love mood. also keep quarrel w hubby. so sien. so wish get more pampered.

yea kids kno who pamper them. I sorta dread if she too close too IL. can imagine more quarrels arhhg..becoz -> have u come to the situation where u scold e kid for rite reason but grandparents just cannot stand it so endup you kena scold or strongly persuaded let kid off ?

I dread if have to go thru that with IL. now already get scolding sometimes coz dun meet often and I dun think its our fault totally.

hmm I dunno what I would want for valentines'day. I guess some gift that I could appreciate according to my taste, not his. Doesnt have to be valentine's day. Its nice to buy each other gifts once in a while. I bought him a mat yesterday which I know he likes-for not reason other than that. I dunno why when he buys me stuff - not2happy coz its not my taste

Yay! great for Cathrina! hope ur mum get well soon!

that fellow gd idea ! but e wife must be so frustrated with such a 'clever' idea heheh
he do those is gd father, gd help to u with kid. that is one part of 'jobscope' perhaps u quarrel over other scope.
yeah understand. festive season is hard for young babies/mums.hari raya was hard for me too for the same reasons and her 1h cry at nite.Wat an introduction to the IL relatives. next CNY will be better. Cheers!
morning mommies,

happy valentine day. me oso no flowers, no present. dun quarrel tontie w hubby v gd alrdy haha. but we did go out 4 a dinner last nite.

aiyo, dash so cute, can speak hokkien so well. ws can only say 'mai' (as in dun wan). haha
hi costa

i do not exactly like flowers kekeke. but must ask for something from my lao gong mah :p. i also dun expect him to give flowers... so expensive and not worth it.

i thot the planting flowers part quite funny haha...

i just want 'something' anything hahahah...:p. we agree to eat a nicer dinner (maybe just call in KFC keke) then siang can eat the potato keke

yeah...really must be more direct with men. unless that men is very very automatic type haha.

well, my mama sometime don't agree when i bite siang (lightly) too :p

normally we shop for things that is practical. but i think the taste of men is different pah...

yeah...if i don't quarrel with my lao gong tonight..i think that is an achievement liao :p.
my granny advised me/sister not to scold our kids in front of grandparents coz they feel like they being scolded. there is a malay proverb saying a parent love grandchild more than own child, can't bear2 scold.

yea la nowadays I also feel its accomplishment just not to quarrel and talk abt non-baby/work/money stuff. well gd luck tonite
hi daec

opps...i just beat (lightly) him once at my mum house as he wanted to go and touch a very dangerous household equipment... hmm.. i shall note that. my maid also disapproved me of beating siang :p

yeah..really hor, think is the tension around us that cause us to be so hot temper at times :p
that sounds ok leh. well, my granny say my grandparents v sensitive if grandkids scold in front of them so better not to. she advise on seeing friction between sis&amp;parents. best to bring kids aside. its weird to hear this coz our own parents used to scold us heheh
