Premature babies support group

mummylian, are you now 34 weeks pregnant? is this your second pregancy?

i delivered in last year may (see my name on the list above) to a preemie and is now 2+ months pregnant. worry that this one may be delivered early too.

care to share if you were on bedrest? are you a FTWM or SAHM?

appreciate your advice

meanwhile, here's pics of my little trouper


see her at her blog

Hi everyone
Happy Valentine Day.

Me too, didn't start V. Day on a right note. Had a quarrel with hb when the clock struck 12 midnight on 14 Feb. But I didn't fight with him, I just kept quiet.

On behalf of A, we accept Dash's affection and kind thoughts. A sends her flying kiss over. Catch it ya...hehe

You have a pretty kid there. Mummylian is very productive, she is into her fourth pregnancy liao. She really very wei-da.

Thanks for educating me on hearing. I believe in miracle and I hope you too. Siang's hearing will improve day by day that he needs little help from his hearing aid device one day. You are doing a fantastic job there. I am very happy for Siang to have a caring and loving mum like you.

Congrats on Catherina's graducation from cardiac dept. She will be a healthy girl. I'll pray for your mum and hope she will feel stronger after her surgery. Take Care!

I hope one day I can return to the work force and I continue to hope.....hehe
mummylian, u r my new hero. 4!!! kids. wow, you are really amazing

would it be rude of me to find out which of your baby is a preemie? what are the gestational age of the other 3 babies (i know the youngest one now is 34 weeks and counting)?

i'm very worried about my current pregancy especially when the gap is so close (my first born was 6 months when i got pregnant again). unplanned for but nonetheless very thrilled.

the only worry is my womb is not given enough time to rest so am concerned about carrying this baby to full term.

was told that each pregnancy will be delivered one or two weeks later than the previous one. can experienced mummies here care to enlighten?
Hi all Mummy,

Happy New Year! Never login for quite some time.

Can i check with u'll, is it baby boy with hernia, the position of his private part looks abit lower.

My boy private part looks abit fuuny, like dragging down in between his leg.

Is it ok? need to perform any operation to adjust back? My boy has alreday go thru the hernia operation.
hi Flora
we didn't talk before. but ah guess wat - my girl was born on the same day as urs. also premmie. were u at KK ? wah ur gal can walk already. mine not yet.

all the best! I'm worried too. wat was the cause of the early birth ? mine was high bld. was doing reading abt it.
still got hrs to make up for Valentine's day!
hmm..think still possible work lah. after A more busy at school. I also plan that hopefully.
I didn't let A attend school this week cos hb said don't want. So she is off school for two weeks already like her bf, Dash. Like kkf said, waste $$. hehe Will send her to sch from next Monday.
Hi daec, what a coincidence! i blur blur didn't figure out until you point it out!

yes, i delivered at KKH. no special cause. waterbag just broke in my sleep!

no lah, my girl can pose standing only (thanks to daily exercise in an exersaucer). cannot even crawl yet :p
hi Flora

I c. Honestly still gd lah coz ur baby's weight at birth was above 2kg. Anyways, hope this time for you is fullterm. All the best! jia you!

gd lah can pose standing hehe. yea mine cannot crawl yet.
is natural birth? I think the gap shld be ok, dun worry. have heard mums whose gap between babies ard there too

good tat Angel has recovered & gg back 2 sch next wk. then u'll b able to rest more? tmrw i'll b gg kinderland 2 make bal payment & need buy sch uniform 4 ws. juz chk w u, how many sets of uniform did u buy?
i put on 17kg when i carried her so the weight must go somewhere right ;P

yes, natural birth with epidural for the last 3 hours of my 33 hours delivery!

Hope you get your flowers later, me confirm no flowers as hb gave me a red pkt, me happy liao as I can buy what I fancy and didn't grumble at his choice of pressie

If I am your colleague's wife I couldn't mind if my hb has a garden for me (means the should be landed property ?) and esp with flowers that hb planted, why not
hey, just now I went for eye-brow threading at Raffles City, and just to share with you at the basement there is a Jap-Style food court (something like marche), you can bring Zack there, you all like Jap food too, rite
yah i read d review of the restaurant, it seems quite good, it was featured in the st times a few days ago on sunday....

my colleagues landed property not vy nice..i saw before....not well maintained...and vy old fashioned looking...

maybe you can get the neo nat to check out the private parts..for gers, its near the pubic area when coughing, wld hv a lump

normal pediatricians shld be able to feel it..becuz i see the neo nat at every visit will go feel my boy's crown jewels
for natural birth, think shld be enuff time for recovery. wow 33h!

I had c-section coz cervix not dilate yet but e bld pressure 2high so affecting baby and myself. dr says e 'cure' is delivery. if c-section, the gap recommended is 1yr
me also wanna try but maybe when the crowds die down

sorry, neo nat means the doctor who was assigned to my son during his nicu/scn days and after he was discharged...the neo nat still sees him..

for tt matter, even normal pediatrics doctors shld be able to feel for any abnormalities..if there are, touch wood, wld hv told my fren's full term kid, got pblem wif his privates (not hernia) and the doc told her long ago....

but to assure yourself, bring yr kid to see doc n highlite to the doctor yr concerns..hp tis can allay yr worries...

got eyebrow threading @raffles city? i only know (besides those in little india) in coronation, but it's not opened on sun..urrgghh.. wan to try leh..pain or not har?
the shops name is browhaus under the spa esprit one at raffles city, paragon and wheelock i think.....and the cathay also has one but i dun noe if the cathay one has threading or not

its not painful..i only go for the eye brow threading but not the face threading ,they say facial threading is good remove the facial hairs so tt cosmetics and other facial products get absorbed faster n better
daec, gynae had to delay my delivery so that he can administer the two steroid jabs to mature bb's lungs so i was put on a drip to delay labour.

but my contractions still came fast and furious despite the drip and bb was delivered 33 hours later. the jabs worked wonders though cos bb didn't need help breathing when she was borned. i count my blessings everyday when i hold her in my arms. our babies are especially precious since we were so traumatized by the very real prospects of losing them, right? so i think my girl will be spoilt rotten

how's your little one doing? have u introduce solids? mine is a small eater and will throw up if we feed her too much.
Yup, not painful lah, compared to brazilian wax, hee...hee....
I have done upper lip threading, not painful too, think thereis is 1 at little india, couldn't recall the name, heard that it is much cheaper
the Cathay one has threading too, I just heard from the girls there
and they are opening one at Raffles place soon....
I bought two sets of uniform for A and another set of T-shirt and a pair of short (which is not really necessary for half day student) but I still buy. I let A wear the T-shir and short to school on every Friday.

I wash the school uniform every day cos her school has outdoor program and the little kids really know how to make themselves dirty. hehe.

You must be feeling excited. Even buying the school uniform can be joyful. I had that feeling like, wah my little girl is growing up. So nice!
Hi good morning everyone. Hope you all enjoy your v day yesterday!

Hi xiaowanzi and flora.

xiaowanzi, why not bring your boy to let doctor check?

flora, 33 hours! wow say! want my life! I had contractions for 6 hours, and I was already telling doctor, please just cut open my womb and bring my boy out. haha. but of course, cannot lar. In the end got to endure the contractions I can still remember the pain was wow!!!!! want my life. Your girl looks like of very good weight!

disneymickey! ws starting school liao, you must be feeling excited.

Precious one, so coincident one, both angel and dash missing in school for many weeks, haha. Will try to let dash go back school on monday too.

Thanks for telling me about the straits times report.
It makes me feel more at ease now.

Actually the cardio did say patching up the hole is to let dash lead a normal life, go for reservist, go running etc. But then how will I feel safe to let him do that? But then hor, I always think guys shd do more exercise, looks fitter, and dashing!
Btw, flora, think you shd't think so much. Since you are already pregnant, why think so much! Stressing will cause premature labor one, read from one of the book.
relax, and your baby will be just like mummylian's baby, very guai guai stay in the womb till full term.
kkf, thanks for the encouragement. can't help but worry cos of the ordeal i want thru last year and the memory is still fresh. maybe you're right, i should chill a bit
I had those jobs too but few days before.yes, introduce solids. same here, eat/drink too much - will vomit.

same here, the ordeal still fresh in my mind. so much so, come her birhday - i bit scared of how I I will react. I prefer a small thingy but I'm not sure if can be like that - coz IL first grandchild and its a day after MIL birthday. Hmm I not happy if they keep saying that its near MIL birthday seein that that on MIL bd I was admitted to hospital,horribleday for me and they never took care of her.

Of coz I am happy that she healthy. I still wish it didn't have to be that way.Before the c-section, they tried to treat me for the bld pressure. the bld pressure came 2mths before so stress for some time
oops typo jabs not jobs

i prefer a small thingy coz then its just few of us and I can be more relaxed in case memories flashback not 'wear mask/on guard', hav entertain others coz so many people ard.

My boy still in the NICU. Just find it weird and curious whether other premeies have the same issue?


Don't stress and relax. Everything will be fine then.
hows yr boy now?notice tt we do not hv yr details....can furnish us details like date of birth, etc etc like in our table...

maybe ask the neo nat doctors when they make their rounds..every neo nat is very good so dun worry, do ask them if least yr queries wld be answered...
daec, yeah think my girl's bd will be a small family affair. don't want to stress myself too much with the preparation and cleaning up. that said, my own family already has 7 adults and 7 kids (excluding hubby, bb S and i ) so it will be a medium size party after all. hopefully by then (6 months pregnant), i would still have energy to organise something for S.

my girl is also my IL's first grandchild. what a coincidence! again

do u have high bld pressure before pregnancy? or only during pregnancy? maybe that's something i should look out for. my family has a history of high bld pressure *touchwood*

can post pic of your girl? i want to see what she looks like. i LOVE looking at bb photos

xiaowanzi, thanks for the encouragement. will try to relax as much as possible. just feeling so tired these days. had to drag myself out of the bed every morning
xiaowanzi, of the mummies will be updating the table..not me, heh heh, my computer skills vy poor, one.....later, let us now, length of stay post her or PM me if you need anything i can help...

Oops. i noticed i wrote the DOB wrongly. It should be 31/10/07. HaHA...i always so blur.

Anyway, if my boy discharge, i'll sure announce to the whole World, " He's back Home"

hi Flora
her blog is

if I can help it, I only wan immediate family for party ;) but where IL is concerned - I dunno. She had a big party lasttime - for malays, tradition to have a party for newborn. hubby insisted it at IL place. I just dun want to go thru that again so soon esp when I may sensitive that day. for my parents, she is #4 grandkid.

my family have history of high bld. but the high bld I had is only when pregnant. gone after preg.
dun worry abt that since u didn't have it. pls dun add on to ur worry.

best is rest, eat ur vits, relax. dun stress up, k. esp these first few months.

my girl also had hernia. when I talk to those people I know - seem that its quite 'common' for premmies. not sure why le. hmm perhaps coz that area is supposed to close naturally in the womb but our babies not in the womb for full term.

hehe so coincidence ur boy bd same as my sister.
me too think guys must exercise then more dashing ;)

I guess - must find level of exercise which is safe and challenge his health at the same time. exercise is gd for health. for eg, my hubby have asthma, always have flu since baby. his parents sorta scared, dun let him exercise, get out much. so he overweight which lead2 more health issue.

In NS - forced to exercise, he say that his health is best at that time. after NS, former bad habits come back again. Now he still get sick every once in while. I wish he more active, it will help his health..

I know it not exactly the same ah. but hope u get my point.

hmm try ensure gd enuff magnesium, fish oil and calcium in ur diet. no proof that it helps. but some articles on net suggest it does. above all, dun stress and focus on ur and baby health. I also always try to think what I wld diff to prevent same thing happen but in the end - we do what we can, hope for the best.and stay relaxed ;)
hi mummies,

popping by again. i have news. i am 10weeks pregnant. i am taken by surprise. hopefully this one can get to full term. hami has been notty lately - my mum say cud be because he knows he's getting a little sibling.

wah, flora, i see your daughter stand, so envy leh, my son at 8 mths corrected still cannot pose standing.
she looks very sweet and I like the sitting pose too!

hami's bday party was at the ILs. ILs arrange everything from food to cake. but it was only family lah (that's like 8 adults and 7 kids - to me, noisy enough - haha!)
Hi hope
wow! With God's help, I hope it will be full term for u. All the best!

If IL, for me - again - will encounter timing issue. meaning Nada's bedtime but they wan to play with her. last time, keep complaining why she cranky tho I keep say its her bedtime.stressful!
for my boys's sleeptime I am quite firm, if missed their bedtime It will be terok for us, we are the ones that got to take care of them, not the ils rite ?

huh? can push up nada's celebration to earlier timing? actually my mil is ok if i tell her bedtime. she dun mind we go home. the hubby is the one who like to delay. haha. but i just pass hami to him. i drive, he take care. hah!
yeah lor! me too but hubby will override me coz of IL.IL still dun get it until now though they have witness her screaming for 1hr at bedtime. sigh. lucky she dun scream like dat anymore but I still scared she will.eitherway she's not ready to play at bedtime.

I suggested earlier time many times to hubby. say cannot. tell me his relatives work shift, pls understand them, only meet at nite,blah blah. I insist that she baby - so they must understand too and I'd rather we meet them when she is not cranky. Dun tell me they everyday work nite kan. well they still dun understand. they old cant change habit like dat

only i can drive. so I drive, he take care but he can't tahan if she cranky. I dun mind take cab but think dat his folks wont let us. so must wait till they ready to send us. late ah.
hope, congrats! so there are 3 of here preggie (including mummylian)! what great news!

hopefully, we can be like mummylian carry bb to full term.

i remember your boy. u r the mummy who will stock neosure when u go grocery shopping in JB, right? your boy has the chubbiest cheeks i want to KISS

daec, love bb nada's eyes. so big and expressive!

it's your bb's bd and u can do wat you like cos u r the mummy... but i know sometimes ILs can be a bit sensitive. at least still have 3 more months to sort the details out
