Premature babies support group

hehe, your WS "mature" very fast, at early 2 yrs stage, A has no problem with washing hair and shower, but for the last 2 or 3 months, she also refuses to shower, wash hair and brush teeth, everyday I have to fight with her, no wonder now I sick, cannot recover, cos every day shout at her. For about a month now, she also refuses to drink from straw bottle and I'm back to my spoon feed days. Very siong!

I'm also like you, need to have 8 to 10 hrs sleep daily, which I am not getting it... I think I'm already insane.

A is the only extreme premie in both my and hb's family. My sis' twins are delivered at 36 weeks and I don't consider them premie cos twins have the tendency of arriving earlier than single pregnancy. I think hb's sis also delivered her boy at 36 weeks.

You can't keep people's mouth shut but you can close your ears. You will be blessed with a smooth pregnancy and healthy baby soon, don't worry.

thanks for all your encouragements, really hope to be normal and can carry my next baby to full term.


ws terrible two? so cute.
Think it's the milk scent that Bryan recognises lah
not surprising, tell you someting, I have stopped breast-feeding but..... at times when I carry Dylan, he will still turn his head towards my breast and opening his mouth as if he is being breastfed

Seriously, I don't see why one can be proud, just because she can carry a baby to full-term, so lame ..... think you are the one that should proud
see how well you nurture Dash
good morning mummies

In Today newspapers, NTUC is selling something similiar to the lamp that you were looking for :p but i am not sure is it the one you wanted hehe..

anybody looking for steriliser? Carefour is selling the pigeon set :p
Good morning mummies,

I plan to send my baby to infant care once she reaches 4 month-old (chronological age). Any thots on it eg is it advisable?
I have a maid (new) with me but her duty is mainly on general house work. I don't intend to let her care for my baby esp after the recent scare in the news.

How many of you go for the pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccination?

Sorry to ask so many Qs early in the morning!

don't worry about what others' said. Like what precious said, just keep your ears close or let those unkind words float in one ear and come out thru the other. Every pregnancy is different, I'm sure your next one will be smooth sailing. Just be positive!

R u very tall? (wear specs, short hair)Your husband slim and tall? And is it your mother or MIL (also slim and tall) that come visiting almost every afternoon?
i let my ger take both rotavirus & pneumococcal.. me new mommy la, doc say take then take lor
but i think the earlier u take pneumococcal, the more jabs u need.. my ger took it @11mths.

terrible 2 is cute??? u must b sick until dunno wat u r talking is it/?? heehee.. no la, i think u r juz fortunate tat dash is such a gd boy

i call it notti more than 'mature' :p anyway, last nite i talked to her nicely, asked her y she doesn't wan to bathe. she ans me "daddy", so i ask, u wan daddy 2 bathe u? (cos hubby on reservist, din come home last 2 days) she say yes. today hubby at home, told him ltr go play w ws @my mom's place. hope she'll b ok tonite when we go home

aiya, 4got precious alrdy gone 4 hols liao.. heehee
hi sticky
i missed the rotavirus vaccination :p. but i let my boy take the pneumococal after 12 months old. hence he only need 2 jab :p. before 6mths i think its 4 jabs?...

my boy is under the care of my mum (with the help of a maid).
aiyo, so sad hear many mummies still sick. take care and get well too.

thk tt girl dun mean to imply anything.

u're such a gd mum to Dash - thk in end that's wat's impt. not what week baby was born.
Its more difficult take care of premmie baby, - there are more challenges. How abt the emotional stress. Not everyone can handle it.

I do agree c much with didi. Its really more difficult to go thru what u went thru than having a fullterm birth.

I also hope to have fullterm baby but also dunno can or not. Anyways hope for the best, and take best care. perhaps now can start taking the prenatal vits to prep body ?

I also target 09. lets cheong together heheh ;)
sticky, i am already sending my bb to polyclinic for jab... but just curious cos kkh never give me the option of jabbing at kkh... *sayang*..... sick!

xbliss, i think ur boy recog ur smell so wanted bf...

kkf, proud is not the right word to use in ur colleague's situation lah... her english must be very bad... :p i also envy other pp that can bring their bbs to full term... yest went guanyin temple ... i got middle lot ..but the 1 qian said 'expectant mother will have a shock' 2nd qian said 'pregnancy may carry risks'..sighhh....
I rather a bigger gap but old lah hehe. 2008 - i target to lose weight first.hope it helps. wait for Nada turn 2.
You want a moo...moo.... bb

Ok will check out the papers later
thank you hor

Don't get upset by your friend's comment
stress is a big 'NO NO' if you are planning to get preggie or already pregnant
hi daec
i see. actually i am maintaining my weight. i hope for a cow pah... me waiting for siang to turn 2 too as by then, by right, siang development should be on par... so wait and see :p. but age is catching if i want a 2nd one, cow is a good year :p. *a bit stress* keke.
hi didi
sure. me bioing the japanese table they are selling too. intend to get a proper chair and table for siang to sit and read (instead of on the floor :p). teach him to sit haha. maybe go ikea this weekend and get a simple book rack too :p
hi mummies

on the lookout for sale already uh? metro having expo sale. the rompers are on sale at $1.20. many nice designs. alot of children's clothes too. Not so much of daily items e.g. pampers or wipes, toys, etc. plenty of women's stuff too.

yes, all the tigger babies will fall in by 09!! hee. we shall ra-ra each other on. which means, we have to start ra-ra-ing in about mid 08 onwards!

can't remember ur girl how many wks gestation? how heavy when born? becos my son is so premature at 27 wks, one infant rejected him. the principal thinks home care for premies is best. i shall see how mil copes, if she can't cope, i will send him to infant care by around 6 mths corrected age. my son takes both the pneumococcal and rotavirus. According to Dr Khoo, no proven benefits for rotavirus on premies cos no research done on that. But if ur child is going to infant care or childcare, better to let her complete that rotavirus dose first before sending. Rotavirus is 2 oral doses starting from 3rd mth or 4th month.Pneumococcal wise, the earlier u start (earliest is 3rd mth), the more u will take, max is 4 jabs across about 1.5yrs.

i am preparing to go back to work following wk. affter that no more long break lilke this anymore.. haha. will be spending my time this wk and next wk shopping like mad as bryan will be with mil.. finally i regain freedom..
wow, u alrdy came to metro sale? i'm so near expo, but haven't gone yet. this wk got many CNY lunches & farewell lunch. jia lad, must start going diet else fat again

09 shld b yr of ox rt? y tigger??
long time nvr come to tis thread. busy w my 2 kids
wish u all a well prosperous new yr!!
jacelyn, ur young boy's eye ok now?

my boy is at e terrible 2 age n he behave pretty terrible to his sis, throw toys to her bb cot, sometimes hit her when she cries....n funny things is, he put his toothbrush, cookies, water bottle to her sis mouth. full of headache n joy.
share w u all again when i hav time. take care
hi mommies,
Can I know by using the ear thermometer, what is the celcius that indicate fever ? thanks
hallo xbliss my boy grow, i realise i need lots of things :p esp noted that he seem to have a liking of books hence the urge to buy tables, chair and books and books hahaha.

i bought some books from the pelangi spree that kkf organised. hence need table now haha

oh tomorrow i maybe going to expo hehe. maybe pop by and see the sale :p. thanks for sharing the sale info hehe

hi irenelovej
really been quite a while since you pop by
take care
I'm still here lar, flight taking it off only at 6pm so will go airport about 3.30pm....sori wrong word, notti and not mature ...hehehe

Pneumococoal Jab: I let A took only 2 years plus i.e. after I decided that she is going to half day 1 dose only, save around S$180-.

I so envy you regain your freedom so soon.

I'm left with about 50% voice and have a harsh, sexy voice now.

Can't imagine me not reading this thread for the next few days. Everyone take care and by the time I return, hopefully can see many many good news from you mummies.
i think 4 ear thermometer, it's 38deg then considered fever?

u coming metro sale? maybe me oso gg.. maybe can c u.. haha

welcome! ya, terrible 2.. sigh .. my ger alrdy gg into tat stage, though she's only turning 2 next wk
hi daec

well, whichever healthy ok liao. work hard
.. hope nada have a sibiling soon.

yeah, i think for ear thermometer, its 38 deg then considered fever..i think so...i always use the arm pit type of thermometer :p thou i got a ear thermometer :p

wow you must be excited now..imagine in a few hours time...flying off ler. have a good holiday!

haha, actually tomorrow morning thinking bring siang see the black knights at thought if got time, go by metro sale going during lunch hour (via your lunch hour bus)?

siang is only turning 18mths..i wonder does terrible 2 start as early as 18 mths hahahaha...:p
no time to tell u during my son's last OT session, he showed off his terrible temper yet again to the OT lady..she told me tt she tot terrible twos start at two but he is not yet two, hw come lidat?

i said he is a premature bb, so everythg also earlier than other pple, including terrible twos stage has come much earlier for him hahaha....the ger really buay tahan...

how are you huh?was tinkg of some of the mummies who were earlier here and was tinkg about it..hope tis post reaches you in good health, happiness and everythg good for you...and your family
do join us here if you are free..although i noe its not easy for u to find time.....
DM, Jane,
Thank you

Actually, I felt more assured with the Terumo Arm-pit thermomoter but it always take a long time for the readings, so fed-up, use the ear one instead
hello costa
oh my instinct is right. siang is already at terrible 2
oh....i thought that is my own personal guess...gessz.....

no wonder he can shout at my brother when my brother say 'siang mouth is big' then my dear siang kept on pointing to my brother mouth (indicating my bro mouth is big). then...both start to shout. then .... siang go and bite my brother :p..... then the the fight go on and on.

so far for the OT and PT far ok ok la. but then...most of the time siang is not co-ooperative too :p. my next OT appointment is this saturday keke... but i like my this OT lady..she is nice hehe. i hope siang get to sit the big tyre swing again keke.

true ... the arm pt thermometer i like too. but then my collegues told me, the ear thermomtoer is more accurate?? i am not sure...but i always use the arm pit type :p. my braun ear thermometer is like a white elephant. i am not even sure if it is still working keke
Ya lor.... my braun thermometer, my hb bot long years ago, but we removed the batteries cause not using it, must remove the batt if you not using
wat's black knights?

no la, frm my office, it's abt 7mins walk to expo mrt. no need take bus. but tmrw got the 20cents bus gg tampines..maybe will go tampines shop shop instead
black knights are the SAF pilots who are performing dare devil stunts in the airshow..the most famous of them is the husband of TCS's ah jie..
hi DM,

:p yes the black knights. they are flying during the singapore airshow. hence thought of bringing siang to see the big planes hehe...

and like costa say, one of the pilot is TCS's ah jie zoe tay husband
that time my dr told me to get ear thermometer coz more accurate. it meausure the 'core' temperature. surprised when I heard that.
she say sometime when use armpit one, maybe we think kid has fever but its not true as the core temperature maybe diff.

hehehe hope Siang have sibling soon too ? ;)
hi daec
yeah...i think i heard of that too...

hmm...actually i do hope for a 2nd one within these 2 years :p. but..see how la keke.
i oso not sure leh...maybe smwhere near the venue?where exactly is the venue?near spore expo?its not cheapo lah......if the kids dun appreciate it then dun need to bring ..haha..
Actually hor, Siang see the Black Knights or you like too huh ? (just kidding ?)

not sure leh
thot of gg, but my boys too young to appreciate
not cheapo, you can leave when D&E gets bored
hi mich, costa, didi

the airshow Venue is Changi Exhibition Centre. my collegaue told me for watching of the black knights stun, we can watch it from outside haha (don't have to buy tickets to go into the exhibition centre) :p

didi - me and my lao gong is the one who like to see the black knights hahaha. siang been like imitating how a aeroplane fly recently hence thought it be good to bring him to see a actual one haha
bloom can't help but say comment about your qian. Last year, I went to guanyin temple to ask as well whether I can have a rat baby, in the end, I went to two different guanyin temples, and got the same qian! It says "pregnancy will bring disaster", that is what holding me from having year 2008 baby, will have a year 2009 instead, hopefully, so I am next in the queue!

haha. wait let me browse thru the posts before i post more.
hello finally glanced thru all the posts. Precious one, I lost voice for 2 days liao, now went back work, scold children, then sore throat now again, haha.

Yeah! My p5 went for excursion, good thing is mother tongue teacher dun have to go cause now our schools have teacher assistants! so I am free with many periods. I am free from now till 6pm which is my last period from 6-630pm.

Jane, good! siang loves books? so do dash! next time I pass you more books when you collect from pelangi spree. I got a lot of books that dash outgrows leh.

So many mummies planning for year 2009 babies? xbliss, jane, daec...(got miss out anyone?) Must include me! I am planning. but must ask guanyin first, me very patang, cannot afford to take risk.

have wanted to go to the airshow, but then I guess dash will be terrified! he already very terrified when planes fly by my place in sengkang (sengkang always got a lot of planes flying pass).

talking about ear thermometer, I use that leh, I was 37.7 degree yesterday, and doctor said I got fever. I also felt so cause body aching. 38 degree and above is for babies right?

hahah yes they are on display at the airshow (inside). apparently, can meet face to face with zoe's husband ;)
hi kkf

oh u end class so late (hahah really long time no study until i forgot what time Pri school class ends)

haha...pai say ah. actually it was by accident i realised siang seem to have an liking to books. but i don't want him to become a book worm. so i am still trying to introduce toys to him. but then..on the other hand pump some cash to buy books for him lor

try for baby (no matter year of 08 or 09) and thereafter, just take care rest and rest and sure all will be plain smooth for your next preganancy.
my colleague say jsut right outside the area of the exhibition centre can see the black knight stun. but the timing is a bit..not here not there :p unless u let D&E skip class :p
yeah..he is a LT COL ;) my colleauge say he is very handsome :p

yes, the airshow is till this weekend. and oh you can bring the 2 boys go see hehe...(then don't have to skip class) then after that go changi airport jalan jalan see bigger plane (maybe the A380) hehe. the A380 is also on display at the airshow :p
U r rite man, am very busy w 2 kids. i think even working is more relax. sometimes both of them cry together, then is really no joke

i missed lots of posting before, but u seems like planning for 2nd one?? jia you then

em... u all seems planning for some show ya, i dun hav tat kind of time now, even go out to get grocerry is a challenge

talk to u all again. take care
i went for airshow previous year.. very long queues just to sit in the planes, esp those very "hot" designs. So if u know the design you like, go queue for it immediately. best is hubby queue one u queue one..then can sit 2 types of planes.. heheh. when we brought the kids (not mine lahhh) there, it was chaotic... cos the crowd is so huge, weather is so hot, and the venue is so huge that kids find it very tiring to walk here and there. But there were many fun booths, including those air-filled huge floats for kids to jump around, game booths for older kids. smaller kids i dun think they get to do much excecpt sit in the planes.. the smaller ones can't even follow the airplanes that are in the air cos they are not so "fast" and they get scared by the loud sounds of the planes.. so be prepared! MUST BRING CAP!

i thought fever is more determined by child's temp cos all children's temp different? For bryan, his ear temp ranges around 36.7 to 37.2 at variouos timings of the day. Anything above 37.5 i take precautionary measure like changing to light clothing and wiping face already. Ear temp is easier to measure cos bryan fidgets and gets upset when i stick the thermometer under his armpit..
