Premature babies support group

Disco dancing for everyone, young and old even my pils and parents
my sils are a fun-loving bunch, last xmas one of my sil hold the party at her place, then after the dinner we adjourned to her attic and she 'on' those disco lights and everyone will start to dance, even my D&D (of cse, I hold to carry them and dance) lor

Daryl & Dylan
jacelyn ayi, terry & bryan wish two of you
Let us see the photo ha..
hi, gong xi fa cai.....
I am back..wil try to read all the post and come in again ..
now a day, my boys walk & walk in house, so i more busy...
Now they very active and naughty...
will share the photo when free...
ok, chat again...
Why with urine? Can use clean cloth to do it.
I didn't read all the posts, did i miss out something?
Nappy rash cream - this is ok. Very effective, use sparingly.
Thanks, hey, pop in more often leh
I miss you leh
same lah, now my Darryl can walk a bit so taxing for me also

ya, ws is asking mommy to eat.. actually she's such a dearie sometimes tat it juz melts our hearts. sometimes, i'm feeding her while everyone else is eating. when she sees my mom or hubby or sis finish eating, she'll ask them to feed her then ask mommy to eat.. so sweet hor? sorry har, bit buay pai seh, complimenting my own daughter

i started yoga 2mths after give birth. but now stop yoga so must do some exercise lor. since hubby jog regularly, i juz join him lor. but frankly, many pple complain abt no time 2 exercise, i find tat an excuse. i'm oso a working mother, of cos tired la, after work & taking care of a toddler, but still can squeeze out 45mins a wk? if u wan to go jog, ask ur hubby to bring bryan along, then he can watch mommy jog. when i started, ws will bring a can of 100plus & shouted mommy water everytime i passed by

re cleaning mouth, y dun u get those small towel & ask ur MIL to clean bryan's mouth? dun use the urine-nappy la.. so gross. ask ur hubby to tell her?
sticky...errrr..kkh got vaccination pkg meh? the last time they told me to go straight to polyclinic for jabs... *sayang* abt ur boy...

didi, good plan to ask for ang bao! too bad i learn this too late :p happy bd to d&d!

xbliss, totally understand... esp pumping takes so much time.. one of the reasons why i stop cos very heartpain to hear bb crying and no one to tend to her when i am pumping.... my bbsitter also suggested using fresh urine in nappy cloth to get rid of oral thrush when my bb was young but i told her no. dont know if she does it behind my back though...

disneymickey, ur ws is so sweet to mommy!
BTW, I believe there's medication (cream) for oral thrush, I think A was prescribed once before when she was a baby in NICU. Go ask KKH doc. to prescribe it, then give it to yr MIL to use on Bryan. Can work?
Thanks for the greetings

If you gg JKT, rem to bring some toys to keep A occupied on the roas, as the traffic in JKT is horrible
Yeah we know, we are bringing lap top with extra battery for her to watch Barney, which is her favourite past time. My hb said the hotel we are staying is in the shopping belt so a lot of walking, less riding on the road. So it will be for both plane rides (to and fro) and the airport transfers which we have to keep her occupied. This will be my 3rd visit to Jakarta in the span of 14 years.
Tks for your kind thoughts.
Hey DM
Just open your file and find your packing lists very organised and comprehensive. I like the way you break them into packing into luggage and packing into hand carried bag, very helpful of you!
hello mummies
thanks for your advice on oral thrush. like u all, i really find it very gross to use urine to wipe though both my MIL and mother claimed it is very effective. I am very particular about hygiene and dun wanna take the risk. just passed bryan over and i told mil to use clean cloth with boiled water to wipe.. i hope she keeps to the promise.

Dr Khoo prescribed the Daktarin gel but it is absolutely useless.. in the end, using cloth to wipe before each feed is much more effective. Bryan hates the gel too.. so no go. tks fr the suggestion of using gauze.. i din think about it.. much easier.. use and throw.. i use corners of the diaper cloth each time and mil complain the cloth too big to use. shall go get the gauze this fri.

do enjoy the break. remember to get hubby to do more of the caregiving so u can have a good rest and go on shopping spree!! otherwise go tour is no fun and no value for yourself. all mummies like that, like to think for others first.. we must learn to care for ourselves! maybe book a 1-hr massage at hotel for urself?! and dun forget extra batt and memory for the camera!

WS so cute leh!! can be your pom pom lala dui when u jog!! next time i must train bryan to do that!

hi hi!! ur kids are walking already? u must be busy busy childproofing!
jus saw ur blog. who bite dash!? cannot be teacher rite?! must go and measure the teethmark against the child already!

no prob. glad tat it's useful to u. however, frm my 1st experience in bringing ws onto plane, she poo A LOT!!! like 4 times in the 4hr plane ride 2 taipei. maybe u need bring extra diapers. oops, i 4got, angle is alrdy toilet trained!!

think u hav heard it many times, but again, try to give her something to chew or some water while taking off & landing (unless she's sleeping alrdy). this will help ease the pressure in the ear.

enjoy urself.. n do lots of shopping!!
hello dropping by to leave a note, will post more when my boy zzz.

I got sore throat and lost my voice, so never go work today. Today must give spelling to all levels, if I go, the children still complain saying "teacher, cannot hear you", haha, so might as well take mc rest home. Since school starts, take two mcs and 1 childcare already, so guilty, but dunno why, me and dash kept falling sick, sigh...dash still have not recovered.

I just bought hou zao san for him to eat, but he hates it, and is not cooperative, sigh.

will spend time reading the posts later.

I just saw sticky saying your boy passed aways from SCN because of infection? did you sue KKH? They mishandled the equipment wat thats why got infection! My boy garna before too! SCN is normally a place whereby babies about to go home, you must be very very heartbroken.
I lost my elder before you need somebody to talk to let me know, anyway, you still have to take care of your gal.

xbliss, I also dunno who bite him. sigh, must go find out from teacher, but I am sick so never send him school today.

Happy birthday dylan and Daryl!
yeh, so happy. juz ordered swensen's ice cream cake 4 ws' bday. having a small celebration w my family at home this sat. now gg to order some 933 golden pillow curry chkn & old chang kee can liao.
Hi kkf
What a coincidence again. I am also showing signs of sore throat all over again today plus a blocked nose which just refused to go away. Damn sian!

Gee, who bite A and WS's bf in school? Must tell the teacher, make sure it doesn't happen again. I used to have a cousin who went round biting everyone of us when he was a child. So when we see him from afar, we all run away and hide, boy.

HB suggested that he would ask his distributor's wife to bring me to a good SPA. How thoughtful of him right? I'm going to hold on to his words and make sure it happens, hopefully.

Yeah, Daktarin was the cream prescribed previously for A. Yes, use and throw the gauze, easy, I used so much gauze previously because they are sterile. I was hyper hygiene consicious then too.

The oral thrush will go away with deligent cleaning with water.

Wah so much nice food, too bad I won't be in Singapore, otherwise, I'll come uninvited...hehe, joking lar. Happy Birthday to WS in advance. May she stay pretty, guai guai, clever and healthy forever.
My data: Gestation age: 32 week, gender: girl, weight: 1.4kg
Stay: SCN-1 week, NICU-1 month, SCN-2 week

I really admired your strength adn optimism. Keep it up coz when i feel really down, i kept telling myself i have to be strong. It has been a very trying and difficult time, not a single day passes without me misses my boy. Always tell myself that he is in a better place and now an angel watching over his sister.

Yes they have vaccination package. Will let u know the cost after my visit.

Yes, when born both my bbs was healthy (no issues with breathing and etc). Placed in SCN and was told that they just need to gain weight for discharge. You can imagine our heart pain when out of sudden,one week later suddenly my boy became very sick and later found it was due to infection. I thot I can bring 2 bbs home (as weigth wise and size, they are a lot better than most premmies, even my gynaes told me they will definitely survive) but fate has it otherwise. Worse is nowadays everywhere i go, i meet lots of twins and triplets. I will feel sad immediately and sometime tears just flow down.
i know what u mean. i was already under monitoring at delivery suite when my smaller twin passed away in-utero. I wanted to take action against them for not being vigilant, but come to think of it, i really heartpain and no energy to do so. I understood then that my smaller twin if born may have a lot of health issues too.. so maybe it is fate too that he had to go. honestly, on some days, both hubby and i really thank goodness we have only 1 to care for.. cos bryan is so cranky that "want our lives" (quote kkf). but of cos, we know that is just an exaggeration.. how good it is if we have 2 handsome bryans.

i know how it feels to see twins everywhere too. dunno how they do it so easily. sigh sigh.
will love to hav angel & u to come. nev mind. u go enjoy ur spa & shopping @jarkata. we can always meet up at the playground
32 weeks babies have very high chance of surviving. Your boy, sigh...has went to play with my jared and xbliss's son.
my voice is really bad. wonder how I go work tomorrow. the kids will shall be very happy with my lost of voice, cause they usually think I have a loud voice and will frighten them at times. hahaha.
You are not sick alone. Me too, just returned from doc. (my 5th visits since 26 Jan). I am also having throat inflammation, blocked nose and cough started all over again. Damn sian, I am going for holiday tomorrow lei. Doc. said lucky no fever so still can travel. I'm on my 4th rounds of antibiotics. Super sian.

btw, is Dash still coughing? A still cough a little....sigh!

A's school gave me a list of books from the Scholastic Book Club ytd. Apparently the scholastic book club is exclusive only to schools where grade-level appropriate books are sold at great discount (40% to 80% lower than retail price). It is not compulsory for parent to buy these books but since they are termed quality books by the school, I'm so tempted to buy. Have you heard of scholastic book clubs?

yeah, any recommendation for chinese books suitable for A's age?

Since we live so near, we can buy different titles and may be lend to one another. What do you think?
DM and precious_one

hahah gotten hurry if both of you is keen to jump onto the spree. i think kkf is closing...

but the idea of sharing the books is very good idea :p

i am busy browsing haha
so much event to run this week...

re cough. mummies, maybe you would like to try make hot yin hua and chrystamum flower help to remove the phelgm and such. sooth the throat too.
Sticky, thanks..will get one of the mummies to update the table as my computer skills dem terok...

i lost a twin also at 21wks....water bag burst...he couldnt make it...then i was given an emergency cerclage (more on cerclage was featured in todays mind yr body segment today...and i was put on bed rest..unfortunately, more infections set in and 3wks later, i delivered my born at 24wks....

our bbs are playing together in heaven...dun tink so much...

my hp crashed n i din back up...cld u text me yr hp number again. thanks.think fairylander's number also i lost liao..hp she can read tis and text me..other mummies who got my hp, please text me yr numbers also..really handicapped without my hp contacts
hi mummies

congrats! eye reviews are so terrible.. they get their eyes pried open forcibly. Let's hope your boy grads from it quickyly.

happy packing and happy holidays. I agree with kkf.. can try some chinese herbal tea. except u must know the type of cough.. e.g. chesty or cold cough, or phlegmy or hot cough before u can buy the right type of tea. i drink a lot of chrysanthemum daily as i am very "heaty".

re babysitting at mother in law's place
yesterday was quite fruitful.. went to MIL place with bryan and he drank all the milk that MIL fed. BUT horror of horrors when i started feeding today.. he refused all the bottles and only wanted to be breastfed. I didn't give in, and neither did he. so he went to bed hungry. Out of guilt i breastfed him. sigh.. dunno when tis is going to end.. i think he recognises this house and me. i'm going to try half bottle and half breast later.
sticky, costa, xbliss and are all such brave mummies.

hi xiaowanzi
great, so happy you and your boy. am sure slowly gradually he will received the all clear from the eye doctor
may i know which eye doc is your boy under?
Hope you get well soon
Think you haven't got enough sleep, maybe that's why heaty

Think Bryan recognises your scent
that's why he wants to be breast-fed

of cos we can do tat! tat's a great idea (2 save $

supposed to go jurong factory 4 a meeting. then planned to go jurong point popular bookshop to buy some books 4 ws, cos the popular @lot 1 closed 4 renovation. but meeting cancelled & postponed to tmrw.
Hello disneymickey and precious one,

pelangi have a lot of chinese books. I think the cai hong xi lie is not bad, dash likes it a lot.

Like wat jane said, I am closing the spree. Very time consuming. organising my final spree liao, cause I forgot to use up my balance with them last time round. Anyway, for my previous spree, got gst charge somemore of 30 dollars plus! want my life.

I didn't buy the whole set of cai hong xi lian I just bought a few from popular. I bought more english books cause dash's english is lousier.

Precious one, how come we sama sama one? haha. Gf bf same, even in laws same also. haha. I thought not lucky to see doctor during chinese new year, but bor bian, fall sick during chinese new year, sigh.

Precious one, Scholastic Book Club, heard before. I got the clifford phonics sets from popular. wat books the teachers recommend? wow! your school so professional got recommend books one. Some mummies said their kids' schools recommend some of the books from pelangi also leh.

Hey mummies, recently a lot of my colleague are giving birth. I feel so envious cause they all carry babies to full term so easily. One of my colleague is also premature baby herself, and she wrote in her blog "she is very proud of herself because being a premature baby herself, she carries her baby to full term". reading that made me so demoralised. I did tell her before that genetic factor may lead to premature labor, so is she trying to imply that I am useless? haiz. I know she doesn't mean that, but reading that still makes me feel like useless.
hey kkf, thanks for organising the spress and PM me (i really no time to log in this week)

yeah hehehe..this time round i bravely order chinese books for siang :p.

Don't have that envy feeling (cast it away). you are doing so well. so is clever dash.
kkf, don't say that. you have been a source of inspiration and help to other mummies here so don't say you are useless.

i believe we mummies here are tasked with the job of taking care for a preemie because God believe that we are able to offer love to these precious ones.

my two sisters also carried their babies to full term and my bb is the only preemie in the family (both hubby's and my side) so sometimes there is no explanation to why such things happen.
Since you are closing the spree, I will not tax on you this time cos I'm also unwell to go through the web-site. There's always opportunity in the future. May be A's school, chinese teacher might send me another leaflet on books, I'm just guessing. The leaflet I received ytd was English titles from her English teacher. But I also so tired to read. Cos I'm also having headache. The deadlines is 28 Feb to order so hopefully I get well enough to go through the books next week.

Yeah so many coincidences between your family and mine lately. May be this is what people call "Fate". hehe.
i remembered in the early days after my bb's delivery, reading posts from costa, disneymickey, lindah and you gave me a lot of strength and made me feel that i can do it if so many other mummies have done it.
yes, agree with flora whole heartedly. dun be bothered by what ur colleagues say. myself and my brother are both overdue bbies.. how come i will deliver premature? no scientific proof i think. concentrate on building up your body and ignore all these 38 crap. me will start trying middle 09 for a little tigger to add on to my collection of my piglet! heee. we must ganbatte~!
i think so too.. hai.. i even tried changing body foam ..hahahha.. but i doubt it works!! aiyoh such a headache cos going back to work real soon. if he expect breastfeed everynight, i will pengsan in no time cos i am the kind need 8hrs sleep before i can be sane! else i may turn into a crazy n abusive mother!
flora(miss shop a lot),
hmm.wat a nice comment fm you in the midst of a tau gong gong day for me in the office.......

tink im gg to float after readg wat you wrote.....guess every mum here is wei da in their own ways...

we shld meet one day......for those of us who hvnt met each other..

wah, gg for a little tigger....pig plus tiger....

dun care wat yr colleague said lah...i got a full term kid plus premature it happens watever and whenever and not within our means of control..u read the mind yr body segment today of the straits times?anyway, maybe you can get more close attention when u next become pregnant?

think i'll oso give ur spree a miss. but will go popular bookshop ltr to chk out the cai hong xi lie u recommended. cos wan to give to ws soon, as present frm ah gong.

aiya, dun care abt wat other pple say la. u r a v gd mommy & dash can verify tat, we oso can
like wat costa say, it happens watever & whenever & not within our control. n it's definitely NOT YOUR fault!!

aiyo, last nite, ws cried big time, for abt 15mins, cos she doesn't wan to bathe. juz now, my mom called & complained cos she's crying again, again it's becos of bath.. she's not even 2 yet but alrdy entering the terrible 2s!!! want my life!! (borrow kkf's words)
