Preggie Friends Since 2003

Good morning mommies,

I'm feeling tired today. We had an overdose of crystal jade dim sum over the weekend. Went to the one at Vivo on Sat (we love it) and on sunday, we ate at Crystal Jade Jiang Nan at Taka.

The crystal jade jiang nan cuisine was a real rip off! I've never seen dim sum served at such pathetic quantity. Imagine 1 dim sum baskst holds only 1 crab meat bao (very small somemore)! We had to order 6 baskets of xiaolong bao coz there were only 2 in each basket!! We concluded that this place is for diet conscious pple with deep pockets. In future, we will just stick to the one at Vivocity (good view, good food and most imptly not expensive!)

Since my tummy was only half satisfied after the jiang nan dim sum, i thot i can go and sample free mooncakes and fill my tummy at the taka atrium.. who knows..... there's no mooncake fair.. only baby fair
so disappointed !!

Yesterday, we brought joey to the dentist. She was so scared. In the end, it was KB who got his teeth cleaned! But, at least she was willing to open up her mouth for the dentist to check. Good news is, there are no cavities. All her teeth are in good condition (touch wood). Bad news - the dentist told us that her teeth are very close together, so when the adult teeth comes out, there is a high chance of overcrowding and she'll probably need braces.

We asked if she'll want to go back to the dentist again, she said Yes! coz she wants to play in the playroom!

Hi Chris,

Wah.. seems like a very good harvest for you. Is the new shopping mall nice? Any riot in malacca? hahaa.

Hi Jas,

Your course sounds interesting. I wonder if they've got courses on taking photos of pple or not.

Good Morning Mommies!

Hi Chris,
You have such a good harvesy in Malacca...Raine also into stickers nowadays, bought alot for her but all used up wastefully by my nephew...hiaz

Hi Preggie,
Thatz reminds me Raine is due for her yearly dental checkup too...

BTW, we went to get our skates on Sat, bought FILA ones instead coz K2 are too exp...heehee
Hi M2B,

You can get booklet of stickers from one of wholesaler shop at Lau Pa Sat. I think they are selling 30cents per booklet. For 30cents, even if the kids waste the stickers, you won't feel so heartpain.

I think all brands of skates are ok one... it's just whether it fits the shape of your feet or not? K2 is suitable for pple with narrow feet whereas Salomon is good for pple with broader feet.
the new shopping mall nothing much leh.. still the same shops. we shopped more at mahkota and jusco.
my fil is joking never really see a lot of indians in malacca, how to have indians fighting in malays! haha, luckily we din believe the rumour and went ahead with our trip...

tink my best buy is the toilet seat sticker which is only RM$2.50... my cousin told me she bot something similar for S$7 in spore!

quite nice to shop bcoz they still having sale but diff with the kids ard... i wanted to see more but restricted by nap times, cranky kids.. sigh..
Hallo Mommies... Greetings from China!!!

Me at work now and our office here is nice and comfy. Arrived last nite and the flight was tiring cos took us 1 day to arrive. Departed from Sin at 845 am and arrived via domestic only at 630pm!! Aiyoh... but the nice seafood dinner at this super nice palace restaurant made up for it. Got a huge chandelier hanging above me when I was having my abalone.... hehehe...


Wah.. Your havest alot!! Glad you had a good trip.
Hi Mummies
Thanks for wishes for chara.. she is super ok now.... started to blabber 'aiyah!'... I think she adores hb a lot... cos she wl always go look for fact hb had a church mtg yesterday and I said I wud go back with jesse and julien first.. He told me she guai gaui sat there while the mtg was on.

Watched Ratatouille... pretty good and sweet movie lah....
Have asked my brother to lend me his Bourne Supremacy to finish off the 3 part.
Our mio is finally working... after hb kicked up a fuss..cos we had the problem if it works, internet does not, and vice versa.

Good to know u had a great time. The pjs look nice. So ash went too, along with ur parents and inlaws?? Did u all take the coach? or drive?
Got rumoured riots ah??

The gals need shoes, not sandals... I just received my loot from Lands Ends, 4 pairs of sandals and 1 pair of slippers... I went to Collettee again, nothing nice there... sian...

Talking about food, we went to the Imperial Herbal Nan Bei one at Taka, apparently a competitor of Crystal Jade...I like their porridge and egg tarts. Hb said it was quite pricy but I find it ok leh except my duck noodle's portion was rather pathetic. ....... I hvnt tried the Crystal Jade at VC but we like the Tung Lok there..

Haha..I think the mooncake fair wl be up only after hungry ghost festival is over...

On Sat, I decided to go Pasta Cafe with jesse while waiting for hb to finish his co. event. Asked jesse if he wanted ice-cream and he said yes cos hv strawberries and bananas.. scully the ice-cream came and he refused to share with me! Kissed up a fuss, so I asked for small bowl and put his portion there... then he was happy.... so fussy siak..

jesse's going for his dental this Sat....

chara's weight is around 12kg.. not much change but next to julien, she looks bigger loh...haha

julian more or less can walk liao......

We decided to go Botanic Gardens to feed fishes as well as eat at the food court there last nite... All went well.. gave bread to jesse to feed the fishes, gave bread to the gals and they fed themselves! haha... but before we cud reach the big pond, it started to pour and we had to dash back to the car... poor hb with his backache, he had to carry chara...!!
I also made julien walk home frm church yesterday, in the end she KO for 4 hours!!! I realise the walk is quite a long one for her little feet...

I forgot u are in China! hehe... hv a good time here!
Must eat a lot of seafood!
Seafood. Yummy.

Chara look more than 12kg.
Look like Julien can walk very well now.

Janelle wanna stay with IL on sat nite. So we only have Julian to deal with. Stay in cos we are too tired. Infact, it was quite gd cos I can concentrate on Julian and have more time with him.

I will have a date with Janelle this wednesday.

We were at AMK Hub on sat nite. The yogurt at yogurt hub or somthing like that was pretty gd. Have u tired New York New York?

Janelle only like chocolate ice-cream.

Julian is getting better with the walking.
hope u have good trip in dalian! eat more! hehe

we went with my in laws and ash & pf cousin, family of 4 by car. drove 2 mpvs in. ya heard news gg to hv riots on thu, supposed to go with another 2 family but they scared so gave up their rooms. we ate supper in one of the rooms! we were joking we so rich, book another room just to have supper! haha.. anyway the riot is cfm to be a rumour on fri ST so we went ahead lor...

Thanks. This place not bad. Weather is at a cool 20-28, windy... And from here, I can see the sea!!
Lotsa nice quaint cottages too!! And their landscaping is beautiful cos their shrubs are all very well maintained. Got some in shapes of people, in animals, etc. Nice! Didnt manage to take any pics though. Perhaps in the next few days.


Be careful hor.. I read in New Paper abt the Malay family who got conned by some timeshare firm.


I like Imperial Treasure too!! Porridge and timsum is v nice.
Wow.. good harvest..

Me also forgot that you are in Dalian now... from your description, the place seems to be interesting.. also the food too...

I will not be able to take up the course unless there is a change in the schedule, as the one they have now is on Sat..

I am still very blur with all those camera terms..
Sat har. Yah very hard to do anything on sat unless hubby will help to look after Joel but he need to work on sat sometime right.

take lots of pictures to show us.
Good Morning Mommies!

Hi Chris,
Those stickers are really cheap, ya, the waterproof ones are very ex in Spore coz hb bought a few for Raine to stick in her room.

Hi Minnie,
Enjoy your work in Dalian!
Good morning mummies.


Enjoy your work there, btw, did you weight yourself b4 going? Good n nice food, hopefully you wont complaint put on too much weight when you back, hehe.


Good harvest hor.
Good morning mommies!

Hi Minnie,

Have fun in dalian.... do they have une and sashimi? yum yum!

Hi StyloBB,

Hmm... maybe i can go and try out tung lok this sat. KB was also keen eat at imperial treasures, but we were drawn into Crystal Jade Jiang Nan coz of it's decor. Regret!

Hi Trans,

We went to TP Dental Surgeons at Ngee Ann City Tower B, The Penthouse, Level 26.
why u want to change leh? tot u hapi with the dentist...

how much tp dental charge on average? i oso looking for a dentist to bring ash...

the dentist is good but somehow the stains on CY's teeth keeps coming back, plus, CY always refuse to open his mouth for her so she oni gets to clean e front teeth every time.

I thot of looking for another dentist dat has better chemistry with CY and hope to get a 2nd opinion re e stains. Cla saw the stains yday, u can ask her - very ugly, like smokers stains like dat.


Yah, how much u paid?


Which dentist does Raine go to & how much u pay for each visit?
Hi Mummies
Wl be bz.
jesse had throat infection.. he went to see PD yesterday.. asked him to keep his toys last nite and he said his legs are v tired.. I went out of the room, returned and found that he had fallen asleep!

It's Lee & Ong at Far East Shopping Centre, basement, I don't hv the unit nbr. U can book with Dr Fong tel: 67360267. Down the escalator, turn right.
My usual one, Dr Lee, is focusing on braces (he is v popular) hence me also 'moved' to Dr Fong for my next appt. The last time I paid $50 for jesse, won't be surprised if fees increased liao, cos I paid $70 for mine...
I told him jesse has dental appt this Sat and he said ok!

Shud be around $50-60...

We went to the 'cheaper' version of Imperial Treasure..hehe... the open looking one.
Why u /KB so into Chinese food ah?? hehe....
Apparently ex staff/chefs left Crystal Jade to set up Imperial Treasure Nan Bei.. so now they are competing...

The yoghurt at AMK Hub is quite average cos we realise they only have one flavour! They only add stuff like strawberries, choc flakes to that flavour..haha.. did u pop by the educational toy shop??

Anyone been to the Botanic Gdns food court? The roast duck is not too bad.. I saw a stall that says Yummy Crabs or sth.. .. is a tze char stall...
Hi Trans,
Raine visits Shenton Dental at Republic Plaza. The last visit I think I paid $40+ and my sis who frequents that clinic said the next visit shd be cheaper coz must say recommended by her...hahaha...when she brings my nephew, she only paid $20+...

Male dentist and Raine clicked w him. Will open up her mouth for him to check...of coz, stickers from the dentist is the prize for co-operating...heehee
urs sound good and reasonably-priced... is he a specialist kids dentist? maybe can try him...

think pf dentist oso lee & ong.. they have branches?
Lunch time soon.

yah i went but nothing caught me so i didnt get anything. We went to check out the camera at MS Color. Their pricing is pretty reasonable.

Yogurt - yah i thot that was quite nice. We are not really a yogurt person.

I went Ma Maison last nite. Law brought me there and there is 20% discount for monday - ladies nites. Food ok.

There are many restaurant at Central, specially Jap restaurant. We saw a Jap curry resturant there and I told Law we have to go back and try that.

Dentist visit - i havent brot Jan for her appointment. Dun know shld i stick to previous dentist. Pretty ex.

where is republic plaza?
wat is the dentist name? i know a dentist called steven ang but not sure its the same person or not...

rp at raffles place
Hi Chris,
Yap, the dentist is called Dr Ang...dun know his name though...

I dun think he is specialised in kids but Raine clicked w him so I'm ok coz cheaper too...heehee
Talk abt dentist... gla is the very "experienced" and unfortunate. He has bad decays and we have not successfully fixed yet. Still trying to get him to cooperate... if not got to put him to sleep. He was scheduled to be under GA at NDC (national dental centre) to fix all his decays but we chickened out.

He is getting better now with dentist.... he is able to sit in the chair and have his teeth cleaned... we tried to fill 1 tooth last visit but he ended up crying so gotta force a bit. Really dependent on mood... once his mood change, cannot do anything to him already.

I am bringing glacier to a dentist my friend recommended, cos he's her church friend. He is pretty good and the clinic is newly set up. TOOTH ART at Wheelock Place.

So mummies, must check your kids' teeth really... esp those still drinking bottle. Really can be serious. I am still trying to fix Gla's teeth.... tomoro going again.... always hoping he'll cooperate and let dentist fill up the decay. Got to go tooth by tooth each visit.

Wow Minnie in China for work ah? So cool..... first time I hear you travel for work Minnie..... enjoy yourself! Josh at nanny's?

how are you? What happen to Chara?
Pics ah... hmmmm.... hard to post here leh. Haven't seen Jesse and ur girls for a long time too.
saw from the website can bring personal cds to the clinic. they have tv for the kids to watch? i know there is some clinics with tv to distract the kids...
I'm quite concerned abt Raine's teeth too...coz I dun have nice teeth, hope she will maintain her white teeth man...heehee

I think the dentist will play the disks using laptop...Dr Ang showed Raine some pics/cartoons too...

I think more like lose weight here leh... Lunch was miserable yesterday and today I had Macs. Have to skip dinner tonite cos rehearsal is from late evening to nite.
But I had Jap dinner last nite. Ok only, nothing fantastic. Then my ulu office got no shops so nothing to snack. Luckily I bought some biscuits for today. I think I eat more in Sin than here. Then work till 8pm yesterday and today will be later.... Bo pian cos tomolo is event leowz.


Josh is shuttling between nanny/MIL/my parents' place. All wan to take him so got to plan a schedule for him. Hah.

Josh teeth looks ok. Maybe cos he dun snack?? He will brush his teeth every morning, after lunch and after his milk at nite. Hopefully, it remains this way.

Decay can affect future development so gotto take care of Gla.


Hope I have a chance to take pics. So far, havent got chance to venture to town yet.
Teething - I realised Julian's teeth are very close to each other and they are BIG.

Janelle very lazy, i have call n call for her to brush her teeth. Stime even fuss and refuse to brush. I think i must go and collect some ugly decay pictures to show her. The result of not keeping the teeth clean.

i read abt gla teeth problem. We have a frd who have to put her daughter to sleep so the dentist and remove the teeth cos it was so badly decay. Now she only have 4 upper and 4 lower teeth. The little ger tells her ah yee she is an ugly ger now cos she has no teeth. I dun know how she chew her food. She is 2 yr older than Janelle.

when are u coming back? Do u fly back once the event is over? Whats for lunch? Pack food? How is their working attitude? Are the pple efficient?
Yes, shud hv other branches...
The one I go to has VCDs, music, but where got time to really watch and listen??

I was kinda laughing at ur miserable dinner..being outstation is like that stimes..... when the event is not up, usu don't get to eat.... I rembr we had pathetic sandwiches for our event!! Most of the time we went hungry cos we were bz with the work...
Are all ur meals catered for or do u get to go out to eat?
When do u fly home?

I think 8 Days featured some shops at Central... one is the pasta by Waraku which chris wanna try.....
and yes, the curry one that u mentioned....
Ma Maison good???

Republic Plaza is kinda next to UOB... there is an Awfully Choc shop inside...oops, not supposed to talk about cake cos we are supposed to talk about clean teeth..!

Oh, Rive Gauche has opened an outlet at PS!!!

Hmmm....wonder if BIG teeth and SMALL jaw wl affect the teeth or not...

Me too, wl ensure my kids have nice teeth... cos I used to hv crooked teeth, made me v self-conscious... that's why I made braces once I could afford.

Wow!!!!!!! So scary, the way u talked about gla's come so bad ah? He likes sweet things??? jesse already has one tooth about to decay.... haiz.... that's why I monitor it...

Chara ah - where to start ah???
PD found her head circumference to be big (abv 97 percentile) at I think eight mths. (she had what we would call 'kok tao'.) But she has always been on the heavy side...weight always abv 90 percentile. She could not pincer pick and had a squint. She suggested we take her to polyclinic with PD's letter to get referral to KKH for follow-up cos wl be cheaper. The doctor let her take a CT scan (quite poor thing one, sedated and pushed into the big circle.) Doc measured hb's /my head, said we hv big heads so cud be hereditary but to make sure, she had to go for therapy. CT scan showed higher fluid level in brain.... If the situation does not improve (fluid not drained off), it means her devt wl be affected and they may need to put a shunt in her to drain it.

So all the months, she had to attend three therapy sessions: physio (gross motor skills), occupational (fine motor skills), speech therapy AND saw the doctor, saw the eye doctor.
First few sessions for occupational therapy were quite stressful cos she could not pincer pick, could not stack cubes.
Not walking while julien started to walk at 13mths. (of crse being twins, got comparison.) It was at 16.5 mths there were some progress.. finally early August, she decided to walk w/o holding on to any of our fingers.

Of course we were concerned but we always trust in the Lord. I have a grp of ppl praying for her daily.
As a parent, u know how I felt at times? I was always claiming "Chara is fearfully and wonderfully made." It is our faith in God that brings us thru.

Imagine at 12 mths, they told me she was at 8 mths' capability. The therapist even made the remark, 'if she can't pincer pick, she can't go to school." In my heart, I said "I bind that in the name of Jesus."
So slowly thru all the exercises, she improved. (Must give credit to my maid, mum and mil for helping her.)
Had an assessment and found to hv narrowed the gap to 2 months' delay which was ok.
She went back for the eye review and was found to hv perfect eye alignment, so they discharged her.
She walked into the doctor's clinic and was able to stack 4 cubes.
Last visit was another breakthrough, cos she did everything that was expected of her, and both therapists were plsed, one even remarked she picks up things fast, tell her once and she can do it.
She is perfectly ok now and doctor blvs so. I mean, she is functioning as a normal tod would, she can take instructions, she can pincer pick, respond, run, etc. Maybe she was a late bloomer...or maybe a bit bui bui so movements a bit slow..hehe...and God has certainly healed her.
What can I say, trust God! and He wl make everything straight. and btw her 'kok tao' no longer so protruding...
Actually she is quicker than julien at some things ...hee...
Joel never like to brush his teeth. Every time I got to do it for him and most of the tiem he only opens his mouth for me to do quick brushing.. sigh...

Oh dear.. my boy still drink from milk bottle but is not milk, only water.. Think I better start looking for a dentist who don't charge too exp and is good with kids to bring him there.

Praise God.. Chara is in good hands and she is perfectly okay now..

We leaving on Fri so have a day on Thurs to venture around (hopefully). Lunch is catered canteen food which even my local staff here say not nice... Luckily today my boss brought us to Macs. Macs is cheap here. 5pcs of mcnuggets costs 6yuan which is S$1.20 only. Mac chicken meal costs 16yuan or S$3.20.

People here are polite and nice. Working attitude is ok. Efficiency of course Singaporeans are better. Here, they work slower and dun really take instructions well. My china boss here got to scold the contractors everyday!! But taxi drivers are polite and helpful, service staff are nice too. Not rude. In fact, this place is known to be the more livable city in China.
But I think for work is ok, for holiday, not sure wat it has to offer.


Wah.. such a long posting. But glad Chara has pulled thru and all is well. Guess the docs are just being concerned and cautious which is not a bad thing. Just to be safe, if you know wat I mean.

Only lunch is catered and we have to pay which is ok. But not nice. Hiazz... Dinner we eat when we leave office. Nothing to eat here cos its v ulu....

It is a long wait but really worth it. Next time Chara will protect Julien. hahaha..

I am serious to gather those disgusting pictures to show Janelle. If i did, may be passed some to u so u can show Joel too.

MAC is pretty cheap there but cant be eating it for all meals.
Hopefully u get to see more things on thursday.

Dun say Chinese contractors, I scold local contractors too. Thats reminded me of a incident recently. My contractors entered a site on weekend but they are not suppose to be there. I got right, left, up, down from my building infra collick for not controlling my contractors but i cant be at the site all the time.

SO i called the supervisor, told him to be more "guai" dun anyhow enter site without getting approval from the right authority. If not we will not give them the job anymore.

After that i got to call and go down to apologise to my collick. I feel like a contractor myself.
I already try to shorten it haha....
yes, in a way no regrets cos it made us more aware of her progress and we were able to help her along the way......

MIC mac's?? hahah.. joke joke.....


The contractors go there on weekend for what purpose?
Me still stuck at work. So hungry. Eating sweets to keep myself sane...


Fortunately, I dun tink will eat Macs again. Tom food is catered for so should be alrite.

Hahaa... Its ok. I also scold my suppliers v often. Think they also numb leowz. But I know its v inconvenient when they dun follow the rules. Everybody ma fan.

Aiyoh... Dun scare Janelle la. Why dun show her nice clean teeth instead? Perhaps tell her she will look prettier w whiter teeth? Unless this dun work, then use the decay teeth pics.


Good home support helps alot, I guess.
And of course, blessings from above.
Hi Everyone!

How are you guys? Didn't managed to caught up with all the postings. Just read the current ones

I know Republic Plaza! Finally I'm not blur
always go there cos my coy's bank is located there. it's just opp my office leh. M2B, next time call me for coffee if you are there during weekdays!

Ryan also don't really take care of his teeth. I'm guilty to say that he don't brush his teeth every morning :p cos it's carry and go most of the time. Think gotta make an effort after reading the postings here! I got beautiful teeth hope Ryan will follow me in this area!


Miss you leh! so chaim ah there? But at least it's a different kind of experience. 9pm still havn't eat your dinner? Didn't park maggie mee there ah? hahaha Hey, you are so skinny. Please don't lose weight anymore! If not, I got to hold you the next time we go out cos I don't want you to be gone with the wind.

I went to Botanic Gdns food court and was so fansnitic by the indian stall which sells all kinds of pratas!

Waraku sound familar to me. Ahhh... there's a branch at east coast right? I love their Salmon cheese! Yummy! Today I also had jap food for lunch.. at shushi tei. Suppose to treat my colleague, in the end, another colleague treat all of us. Haha no wonder it taste especially good!
Good morning mummies.


Glad to hear that chara is progressing well.


Outstation always so chiam hor, got to work till so late n got no dinner. Take care!


Perhaps try the method that minnie suggested first, don frighten her.


How are you?
good morning mummies!

how r u? bk to wk?

this dr ang... is he pui pui one?

wah such a long posting.. hehe
vcd/music can distract the kids mah, make the dentist and equipmt less intimidating if they are distracted...
Hi Minnie,

Aiyoh.. now you know why they treated you to very good food on the first day, coz the rest of the days, food is terrible! haha. Hopefully you get to go out on thursday. Otherwise so sayang leh.. fly all the way there and don't get to do some sightseeing (and shopping). You work hard, must also play hard. Tell your boss, need some worklife balance

Hi Linda,

You sound so chirpy today
How have you been? Haven't "seen" you online for so long.

You come to my territory for lunch ah? hehehe..

Hi AppleG,

wah.. gla's condition sounds bad. How did you discover the decay?

Joey is still drinking milk from the bottle. And the dentist did tell us that it's a cause to be worried!
Hi Mummies

Alamak, my sharing.... paiseh... really so long ah... some of u know abt chara's condition but not Apple mah...

Nice to hear frm u again.

The pratas nice ah??

Waraku?? Yeah, now they have the Pasta shop, Jap version... I hvn't tried either.. the last time we went to Central, not all the shops were open.

Teeth - so must we change to cups for them then?????
Good Morning Mommies!

Hi Minnie,
Work sounds hectic in Daliantake care
Ya, Raine also brushes her teeth 3x a day and I really hope her teeth will be well-maintained

Hi Stylobb,
My teeth not white plus upper teeth abit crooked but I cant bear to invest in braces lehheehee

BTW, I have stopped Raine from drinking milk with bottle liaonow into cup aldy

Hi Linda,
So long never see you herehow are you?

Hi Chris,
Yap, Dr Ang is pui pui onehahaha

So happy here, so you have recovered well leowz hor...

Eh, me not skinny hor. You are talking abt yourself, now super lightweight.... Tsk Tsk..


Yalor, bo pian. Company pay you to fly, means they will make you work work work!! But today is event so hopefully, tom can have some fun. Me gena arrow to welcome the VVIP leh... Alamak, stress..


Yes, you are right!! Nice welcome dinner and slave driver for the rest of the days. :p


Drinking from bottle is fine. Just give them water or brush their teeth after milk. Gla's prob was falling asleep w bottle in the mouth, i think. Thats why it caused the decay.
pui pui one! sekali the guy i know! he used to do some consultation for my ex co... or all steven angs = dentist= pui pui??? hehe

wah welcome VVIP ah.. how come u? u chio-est? hehe

Hi Chris,
Hahaha, ur equation so funi!!!!

Hi Minnie,
Ya, sure chose chio-est to receive VVIPs 1...treat it as a compliment lah...

Enjoy your R&R day tmr!

Hi Linda,
You unwell recently?
Still losing weight ah?
