Preggie Friends Since 2003

Gd mrng mummies!

Hi Linda,

U shd hv rest more rather than go back to work... health is more impt... do take gd care.


No matter how well we protect our kids, they bounce to get sick due to lots of reason. also falling sick is for them to build up immunity too. Can understand is very stress + heartpain + demoralise to see our kids falling sick again and again, all of us been thru this stage. Feel free to vent ur unhappiness here, we are listening/reading but after that, cheer up and be positive, everything will be fine. take care and hugs to u

Hi Hong,

nice pics!

Hi bbgal,

welcome back! Gd to hear that u hd fun at Bintan... maybe i shd bring my boys there too!

abt the saying - not true leh, my eldest niece is bui bui all the way since bb till now and very hard for her to slim down even thot she eat much lesser than her sister.

Do u know where is Melody? Is she very busy w her work? hardly see her here and other channel...

Hi Hong/BBgal,

Talking abt pao sheng, i just bot 2 box from JL Orchard for my sis coll during their last storewide 20% discount 'cos the promoter said is gd and cheap, each box is $48.90 b4 less 20% for 75g (is it equal to 2 liang?). the brand is called Wai Yuen Tong, HK brand. The slices are quite big. Do u know whether it is gd to hv big slices or small slices? i bot their birdnest and it is gd, taste fresh and w long stripes, not those little bits. will buy again when they hv storewide discount.

Can check it out if u gals interested.

I am not expert in this area but my MIL always get those higher grade which she claim is pretty expansive. I guess the taste is stronger. I rbr tasting it. The lower grade will be bigger in size and the slices are bigger and not as crispy.
The better grade are smaller and slices are really tiny and crispy and taste stronger.

I'm not into this but my MIL said Janelle will know the difference.

I dun really take pao sheng often during pregnancy but dun know why the kids love it so much. They can keep eating, just like eating potatoe chip if we dun stop them.

Julian see wat Janelle eat and follows. Now he also get addict to it.
You ok? Should have rest more before gg back.

Heh. yah I still remember that 'bug'! That really put me off boiling anymore such herbal myself..

CY stopped drinking that already rite? So shouldn't be the cause of current browning?

How is Clarence? Fever gone down? I think you have done all that you should/can to help the kids.. don't blame yourself.. hopefully the tcm will help build up his body.

Charlene so funny.. dirty teh.. but normal tea and the qxc almost same colour mah...

Bintan is good for bigger family but provided you planned own activities cos really nothing to do there.

You so funny! go and dig up all the juicy details :p

Yep you can actually consider gg there with your sis family.. we booked safra's bungalow cos more ppl can stay there and got buggy to drive ard. But gotta plan activities loh.. and food is exp there.. hee let me know if you want to know more..

Heh.. the saying is true for my sis and I and another fren and her sibling :p maybe ur niece will slim down when she's older? heee

Melody ah, I also hardly see her online now, most of the time we keep in contact via sms.. could be busy with work..

Yah, the better pao sheng is quite small.. almost like a thumb nail size... but I not sure abt the pricing. The birdnest u bot is ready to eat kind? you know how long we can keep those?

Yr FIL so she de to spend on KOSE or Shishedo pdts ah?


I went to have a long nap, so tired after lunch cos didnt really sleep well last few days. Each day only sleep for 3-4 hours and last nite worst, only get to sleep at 4am. Every half an hour clarence is making noise.


Will monitor his condition, hopefully TCM do him well.


Charlene don take liang teh, she said all dirty, she would rather take plain water. Also she don like barley, she said smelly. Very fussy gal.
u can try the Apple drink that Jas recommended. It was her recipe, I think is a gd one.

I made for the family. My mum said was nice, my nephew likes it. However, i need to force Janelle to take it. Julian takes it well.

1) Red apples
2) Honey Date - Mi zao
3) Figs
4) Dried orange - ji bin
4) Barley (optional)
5) North and South Almond - na bei sin (optional)
6) Rock sugars - for sweeter taste (optional)

Apples can also be green or can mix red and green apples. Wash and cut apples into halves or quarters, no need to de-skin the apples but normally I will do it.
Washed all the other ingredients.
Put all the ingredients into the pot of boiling water, once it boiled. Turn to small fire and continue for about 1 to 1.5hrs before turning off the fire.
Let it cool down first before serving the drink through the shiever.

4 apples for about 1 litres of water, and 6 to 8 apples for about 2 litres of water
Slightly more apples by 1 or 2 is okay.

KOSE - My MIL buys and both use.
good morning mummies
wat a way to start the week.. raining again...
went to co town meeting last fri, got some exciting news.. hehe.. our co will be moving office again due to expansion and they have already confirmed on the location... they are building a new building right on the land right in front of my current location! was telling my colls i seem not able to get out of this place.. hehe..

tink the developer of our new bldg is ur co.. hehe
Gd morning mommies..

The weekend passed so quickly

Hi StyloBB,

At your recommendation, we tried out tung lok at vivo yesterday.

Hi Hong,

Your FIL so modern.

Hi BBgal,

I remember you crashed the buggy the last time you went to bintan right? haha. i still remember you were very angry with having to pay them damages.
Good Morning Mommies!

Hi Preggie,
Went ECP to practice roller-blading yday, fell down and had some scratches on my palm coz Raine ran away w my palm and ankle guards...then when returning the bicycle, fell down on my bum coz the bicycle is too low for me...suffering from injuries today man...hiaz

Hi Chris,
Your company is doing well meaning got good bonuses and increment liao...
Good morning mummies.

I got a R&R weekend, lua at home on saturday, went to JL mega sales in the evening, nothing much to buy, bot the wipes and some toiletries.


So you will have new office 2-3 yrs later?

i went JL sale twice then dropby Times sale to get some books. No time for browse the books for myself.

so gd. I hope my coy has new building. Infact I feel that we shld own one.

Thanks for asking, clarence is much better.


I got no time to go to times sales as both children bedtime is 8pm+, went to JL sales 7pm+.
we dun own the new bldg, we are anchor tenant only, bldg belongs to developer.

target move in is jan 2009... so soon can build a blgd.. now still nothing going on yet...

i sure hope so.. aws this mth and bonus & increment next mth.. looking fwd!
As mummy myself, I can empathy with you as I also been through where Joel was sick every week with cough and flu in the 1st quarter of the year. No only we are physical drain and got to face those people asking lots of questions.

Back then, I had to bring Joel to GP every week for his recurring cough and flu. After I stopped him from going school completely, and his cough seems to get better, I bring him to Yu Guo to tiao his body and to build up his immunity. He is the heaty type, I have to watch what he eats. I am still bring him there every 2 weeks. Hope his body defence will be better by next year when he goes to nursery.

Wow you still can tong carrying ash..

The shots are very nice.. your ILs very young..
Julian is really enjoying himself..

Welcome back... good to know that you have a great Bintan trip.
dun tink so.. shd be spending some of it on pf's new car.... he got this and that to buy, very stressed...

she rarely ask me to carry her oso, mostly pf, my mum and my mil.. they so poor thing.. haha
Hi Mummies
Very bz today...

Went to book fair on wed as it was for mbrs.. got a few books...

How was tung lok??

We wl also be shifting office come Feb.... new ofc is quite near to my old one... so still same mrt...

Mooncake fair shud be at taka tom??

hb/I did sth that we don't do normally: queue for doughnuts at Dounghut Factory at Suntec! and u know the silly thing, we both already had sore throat! imagine queuing 20mins and then killing our throats with one doughnut! hb said he won't do it again...! Me neither11
We gave half of them to mil...

Weekend was pretty fun... we went from East to the West... on Sat, we went to East Coast Park in the evening.. on Sun, we went to West Coast.
Decided to pack all for a swim on Sunday evening as well as to kick off ur lethargy...
Glad that u had a nice weekend. I woke up at 7.30am, brushed my teeth, read papers, and after that went back to sleep!! Haha....

SO they gonna start building new building??

I coughed out so much phlegm over the past few days.
so which bldg is ur new ofc? now is city hall mrt?
the new bldg is right in front of my current one, can see the plot of land everyday. now is still a pc of grassland, heard from minnie they can build a new bldg in 8-9 mths... thats very efficient! no wonder till now still no dong4jing4.
Good morning mummies,

So heavy rain, how nice if can hide under the blanket.


Yes, now i got to bring clarence back to PD every week for follow up as well as TCM.


U not well? Take care.
Good morning mommies!!

What beautiful weather! i love it when it rains... somehow, my mood gets better when the sky is gloomy and the air is cool

Hi StyloBB,

We went swimming on sunday in the evening. Nice to soak in the water and relax.
Good Morning Mommies.
Anyone's company got alot of resignations?
My company so many resignations these few months, think job market blooming now so everyone gg for better salaries...

Hi Chris,
I understdhb also changed quite a no. of stuff for his new car the past months

Hi Stylobb,
Unwell? Take care leh.

Clarence will get better with your TLC, dun worry.
good morning mummies!

men & their toys... waste of $.. hehe

i dun like rainy days bcoz i always fear i will fall down the steps on the overhead bridge everytime it rains. i have to cross 2 bridges daily to work...

I dun like rainy mornings cos my way to my pick up pt is not sheltered so I gotta walk to the feeder bus stop (which is only partially sheltered) to take the feeder bus to my pick up pt to catch my transport.

Like Chris, I oso scared I will fall & very stressful if I miss the feeder cos it will mean I will miss my transport too. If I miss my transport, it means I siao liao.... $20 will go into e taxi driver's pocket.
my side yes but they recruited many new graduate to cover the "predicted" number of "leavers".

I asked if Law wanna bring me to Munchy donuts which is at Katong. hee hee... I havent tried any yet.

My youngest sister told me she went to Q for the donut at City Hall is that Donut Factory? She got a dozen n she finished them all by herself.
On her bday, her friends when to get two dozen of donut for her instead of bday cake.

U sound serious. Did u see a doctor?

i believe spore has a very high standard on every building. If u say Msia, may be have to reconsider.
Hi Chris,
Ya, really waste of $ to spend on the car...tsk tsk tsk

Hi Chris, Trans & Preggie,
I also scared of falling down when it is raining...pain plus very paisey leh...also I'm very lazy to bring umbrella... =)

Hi Hong,
My side this year already have 8 resignations already...scary man...
Chris, M2B,
Law also like to change stuffs on his car and I always able to spot them. If he was on leave or MC and telling me meeting my BIL then i knew they were up to something but not so frequent now. May our car already 2 yr old.
hello mommies,

the forum down for so long.... finally it's working again.


you are the first to report again! haha
HI mommies,

I asked Law to drive me to Munchy Donut last nite.

We dun know why it was rated the best by 8 Days.
I still prefer the traditional sugar donut. I still think they taste the best.

I still prefer muffins and brownies.
Halo Mommies...
Finally forum is UP!

Hi Hong,
Hahaha, I simply bochap, didnt realize hb changed the audio system and rim until he highlighted it to me...he will be adding additional things again...
Hello mummies!

I've been trying to read the forum since yesterday but cannot come in.

Both your kids better?

My side here a lot of resignations. I think this year along is around 10 or more. More resignations are expected to come too. Now all of us at work are speading out the workload. Very siong.

My friend just gave me mini dounuts from Central. Not bad leh. Very nice in fact cos the chocs and nuts are plentiful.

I have finially booked my HKG trip in Nov! Have been thinking if I should go as work wise I really can't get away. But hack care lah! Looking at the resignations, I can no need to think of holidays in the furture if really worried about work. Now so happy that I have made the decision!!!
good morning mummies!
yday took leave to relax at book. spent the whole day finishing a book hehe..

i tried that mini donuts b4. i tink its very nice!

hv u tried vincco or donut factory b4? i agree sugar donuts are the best but these donuts somehow diff bcoz they attract pple with their many diff flavours. i like any donuts with nuts.. the almond flakes with white choc one from vincco not had.
Good Morning Mommies!

Hi Linda,
U ok already?

Hi Chris,
Wow, took leave to finish a book at home ah...wasted man...

I tried the mini donuts at The Central b4 too, Raine and my nephew loves it...
Gd morning mommies,

This morning, i felt my house sway while i was doing my "business".... initially thot i was going to faint... but i felt very well leh.. so i attruibute it to another round of earthquakes.. Later need to read the news to see if there are new earthquakes this morning. Finally!! i've experienced a real earthquake!

Hi Linda, Chris, M2B,

The mini donuts are japanese ones right? Think KB bought them for me once.. but i can't remember the taste.. hehehe

Hi Chris,

I think vincco has changed their name to munchie donut or something... due to some legal issues.

You know, if one day i ever open a shop selling donuts, i want to call my shop "Chubby Rings"

Hi Chris, M2B,

Talking abt Bochap. Last night, i scratched the side of my car while parking.. There's a deep scratch now.. but i really bochap and dun feel heartpain! haha... Car to me, is only to bring me from Point A to Point B.. whether it's swee or not, i really dun care. haha
hehe woke up and din feel like working.. oso bcoz the nite b4 din sleep well bcoz woke up at 2am+ with gastric pains...

ya jap ones.. its more crispy than the bigger donuts.
i din go vc for a few wks liao.. din know abt the name change.. 'chubby ring' hehe... fits u leh..
abt the car, if any scratches that is very obvious, pf sure gek sim and cant sleep and needs to do something immediately...
Hi Preggie,
I oso felt the swaying last night while having dinner...initially thought why I suddenly so giddy...hahaha

Scratch and you not gek sim ah...

Hi Chris,
OIC, I HATE gastric pain...cannot tahan man...

Hi Preggie & Chris,
Hb likes to spend on rim and audio system, even want to instal VCD player in his car but I told him, Raine only sit his car on weekends so whatz the point??!!
Hi Chris,

Hahaha.. the "chubby rings" is so me right? i can feel the "rings" around my tummy right now
sigh.. no thanks to the greentea mooncakes i've been chomping on nonstop.

Hi Chris, M2B,

The scratches are quite obvious... but no leh.. i not gek sim at all, and KB also didn't care.. haha... we are a wierd couple hor? We didn't lose any sleep over it.. hahaa..

Hi Mommies,

Just checked CNA... really got earthquake this morning.. This KB really understand me very well.... he just called to ask if i'm happy to finally experience my 1st earthquake. Haizz.. I'm thrilled to have experienced it, but feel sorry for the pple who are affected by it.

Now that i've experienced what an earthquake feels like, i'll like to see a real tornado next!
good morning to all

This morning I also feel it, it was my sis who discovered it then we realise, else I am too busy cutting fruits to take notice of it.
Good morning mummies.


Hope you can fulfilled your "chubby rings" shop dream.

Talking abt earthquake, one time my colls was in Jakarta for business trip, her hotel room is on 17th floor. She experience terrible earthquake for slightly more than a min and all guests were rushing to leave the room, she got panic and cried and told us she nearly faithed. My ex-boss was with her and told her to relax, after the incident, she wont like to go jakarta anymore, if she got no choice but to go, she will choose not to overnite, if she needs to, she only want to stay at 3rd floor.
Hi Preggie & DJD,
My sis experienced the real earthquake in Taiwan a few years back and she recounted to us that it is REALLY terrible and how scared she is...somemore she was alone in the hotel room...poor gal...
gastic pain is very cham.. esp after u take med and pain still throb for whole night

so wat will upset you? if someone finished your whole box of green tea mooncakes? hehe

Ard 7:50am, i heard this cracking noise from my dining aircon. I thot the fixture is going to break and my aircon is going to drop. I didnt realise that was an earthquake yet cos i couldnt really feel it.

7:52am, My wind chain was swaying. This was not normal cos my wind chain in my toilet dun really swayed and make the sound. I thot that was the wind but i dun feel any.

Then I felt the real shake and i felt giddy. I asked Law to feel it and he said that was earthquake. We waiting for it to stop but it didnt, then we realised my handing chopping board was swinging as well. I asked Janelle to wear her shoes and get out of the house. (we wanna go breakfast downstair before sending her to school).

This wasnt my 1st time. My 1st was at Taiwan airport when i was leaving for spore. I asked the counter if we were experience earthquake. He looked very paiseh and told me yes...

The next working visit to Taiwan, i asked the taiwanese counterpart there wat will they do if there is earthquake. They cant answer me! It was not like Japan where the pple knew wat they needed to do.

I dun like almond and white chocolate. U shld read my blog. Janelle spit out the Chezz donut immediately.

may be we think of something that is very new in spore. May be some finger food that will make a big bang. Dun sell donut anymore lah.
Hi Jas,

So early in the morning and you are cutting fruits?

Hi M2B, Chris, Jas, DJD,

When i told KB that the building is swaying, he told me to quickly run out..... but how to??? i'm in the middle of my business leh!

Hi Chris,

No one in the house dare to touch my mooncakes! ahhaa.... KB ordered somemore for me at the Taka mooncake fair, so that i will have a constant supply of greentea snowskin mooncake. He knows that his wife will be very angry if she's not provided with the food she wants! hahaa... now you know why my "chubby rings" are "upsized" type.

Hi Linda,

Yah.. you should take a break from work... make them compensate you for coming back to work during your MC.

Hi Hong,

What should i sell? To fit into my concept of Chubby Rings, it has to be something round with a hole in the middle.

i have a sweet tooth, so mayb thats why i like these kind of donuts. vincco oso have cheese donuts but i nebi choose them, just felt cheese and donut dun mix well... donuts shd be sweet.. not sour or salty...
read ur blog, so disappointing ah... mayb u are not a flavoured-donut person lah.. swee heng sells nice traditional donuts, soft and fluffy... pf told me the sugar donuts at the cakeshop at hotel phoenix is very nice, tried once din really like it, its bigger and harder than the normal ones.

funi that i am sweet tooth but nebi like mooncakes.... so u have will chubby ring waistline and mooncake face soon? hehe
