Preggie Friends Since 2003

Good morning Mommies
Today at home with Ray cos she cough/flu. Hopefully she recovers well in time for trip next week. She watching tv now and refuse to shower.

We have 3 pax cos Ray also counted as adult rate. The agent told me room sizes all the same (think except those with balcony). But tot we should be walking ard the ship and eating so doesn't matter. Yah cannot go too many days on cruise, will be bored. :p

Hahaha I hope I wont come back even fatter!

Two meals during the korea trip not provided, and first and last are on flight. How to monitor the exchange rate? I never think so far! hahaha I tot those shown on the board at money exchangers are not what they will give us, they usually give better rates than that. We usually do last min and go somewhere convenient to exchange.

good morning mummies
juz managed to read the postings yesterday in more detail :p

wow, 2 trips now! you must hv done something to make ur hb very hapi! hehe...
my only experience many yrs back is leo cruise.. all eat and sleep all day if u all not in casino.. mayb with ray u will hv more things to do and explore.

nice to see u here again. how gla and his bb sis?
Good Morning Mommies...

Hi BBgal,
I forgot how much we paid to go Korea in 2005 liao leh but I think sure not so ex lor...

Hi Jas,
Cfm liao ah? Actually I also never go check coz still quite long away...heehee...what about your dates?

Hahaha, my coll is the 1 coordinating w Chan Brothers...they just ask for our passports to be scanned and emailed to them yday...think accomodation and details not cfm...

Hi Chris,
Your ka chew very fast man! Enjoy shopping!

Hi Hong,
Then you gg to the cruise?
Hi BBgal,
Korea trip's meals normally included 1 and the food are quite nice...accomodation-wise, no complaints too...I still rbr we stayed in a apartment w kitchenette and washing machine too...thatz where we saw snowing whole night and next morning, everywhere is WHITE!...cold...
Good morning mommies!!

I think mommies from our thread are all travel bugs. We like to see the world

Started the morning really bad! This stupid KB went to the carpark and said he didn't have the keys.. blamed it on me for losing the car keys since i was the last one who drove the car... I had to go back upstairs to turn the house upside down to look for the keys... when i gave up, i asked him to check his pockets again and true enough, the key was in his pocket all along!!! ARGH!!!! He said kept saying sorry.. but i ain't gonna forgive him (at least no so soon!).

Hi AppleG,

Thank you for your compliments.... credit goes to my new panasonic camera! hahaa.

Yeap, i went on a group tour together with Cla. It was a really good trip except that 7 days seemed a little short. If you go, i'll encourage you to self-drive... i'm sure you'll enjoy it more

Hi BBgal,

So fun!! you going on so many holidays. Korea prices really went up... almost the price of Japan liao.

Hi Chris,

Malacca brings back memories of my first overseas date with KB! hahaaa.... Enjoy your weekend getaway

Hi M2B,

I was like you! when we went to hokkaido, Cla was the one coordinating with Chanbrothers! hahaa

most likely not unless Law wanna go but he has other plan in mind.

hope Rayna recover soon. I dun think I will be taking leave this afternoon. Sorry.

KB so blur! Didnt he check his pocket 1st?
Hi Hong,

Yes.. he's very blur.... he called me and said that he drove off with joey's school bag after dropping her off at school just now. Alamak!
Good Morning Mommies..


Aiyoh... I will be so mad if I were you too. Esp mornings are so rush, every min is precious to me!! Haha...


I went to Greenwood Fish Place for dinner last nite. Food is gd.
It was oysters nite so the place was full. I like their fish and chips and lobster bisque. Very nice! My fren said Tues is the best deal. For the rest of the nites, the offer aint that great.
Good morning mummies.


Aiyo.. if i were you, KB sure die liao.
Haha, so joey go to school without bag?

Which panasonic camera you bot, i intend to buy FX12, is it good enuf?


Hope rayna recover soon.
we got a 'car key encounter' yday nite too.. pf cant find his car key and qns ash if she took it.. she said yes, its in ye ye room, ask her where she said dun know and keep giggling.. we ransacked mil whole hse still cant find. we gave up and wanted to get the spare key from my fil bedroom drawer and found the key on the floor at a corner! ash got smacked on the butt by pf for this..
malacca is 1st overseas date with kb?

hope rayna get well soon...
i rbr that time we went they got this US gigantic oysters.. its $10 per pc, the oyster (without the shell) itself if abt half the size of ur palm.. pf happily ordered 4 and after the 1st one, we were quite disgusted liao.. hehe.. lesson learnt - big oysters are yucky!
Hi Mummies

I think oysters shud not be overly big lah.
Yah we like the Greenwood Fish Place..

SO did ash keep the key?
Ours is on the shoe cabinet and jesse doesn't take such things lah.

Who doesn't like to travel...haiz...

I don't think I wl ever go on a cruise cos it wl equal to putting on weight! hahaha... too scary for me liao...

Any pics to share?

Btw we let the gals sleep in the study w/o aircon. The next day, they got up with so many bites! julien had three on her hand, one on her leg. chara's ear kena like three, 1 on her forehead! So poor thing!
the waiter say until very nice mah... this pf ke kiang go and order 4 somemore!
ya, she kept the key... she tot its funny lor, pf warned her not to do it again...
aiyo, mossie bites ah.. ash everyday sleep in aircon room but still get bites once in a while...
the waiter say until very nice mah... this pf ke kiang go and order 4 somemore!
ya, she kept the key... she tot its funny lor, pf warned her not to do it again...
aiyo, mossie bites ah.. ash everyday sleep in aircon room but still get bites once in a while...
Hi Preggie,
Men ahsimmer down lah

Yalor, it is real good to sit back while others plan and do the liaising right? When I travel w my family, it will be me liaising lorheehee

Hi Preggie and DJD,
Talking abt cameras, Im interested to get a new camera too lehtalking so long liao

Hi Stylobb and Chris,
We bought those plug-on the electric socket kind of mossies repellant and so far working well coz Raine seldom get bites *touch wood*

Hi Stylobb,
Raine also dun take keys...
Hi Minnie,

YES!!! exactly... every min is precious.. and because i had to pour out my whole bag to search for the key, i forgot to put my staff pass back into my bag! Now i need to depend on my colleagues to open the door for me.. I'm so freaking mad with him!!

Hi Cherly,

He went back to the school to return the school bag lor... he's so blur sotong leh!

Mine is the panasonic TZ3. It's a little bulky but the lens very big and can zoom very far.

Hi Chris,

PF whacked ash ah?

Hi StyloBB,

Which floor do you stay on? How come got so many mozzie bites.. aiyoh.... sounds so itchy leh..
knowing pf, just a light smack lah, he where got 'she de' to whack ash..

we always leave our keys lying ard but 1st time she go and hide pf car key. she must be in hide-n-seek mood but who knows go and hide the wrong thing.. haha
Anyone going to bring the kids to the mouse show -ratatouille? Saw it has 5 stars in ST review.

Haha.. so you have made PF very happi so quickly book the Malacca trip? Heee you didnt read detailed enough, I got 3 trips.. but the cruise hb not sponsoring me.. my sis helped sponsor half of rays.

Yep i hope its better hotel since paid so much.. pray hard the foods ok too!

KB so blur! Didnt check pocket! You should do a body search next time :p

I only 1 long holidays, the other 2 short short and zoboh kind :p

There was once ray kena 14 mosquito bites on her legs when she was having her milk in the living room! It was just one mosquito and yet I couldnt kill it!

Hong, Cherly, Chris
Thanks. Shes still very active, doesnt behave like sick.
my collick burn a copy of the show for me. I havent check the quality. If not gd then I will bring Janelle to watch. She told me abt it last nite. I asked her where she picked up how to pronouned. She said TV taught her.

Oyster - I tired the palm size oyster before but we have it at a Chinese restaurant. The owner told us was from Canada. It cost $8. I have 1.5 of it. Very fresh and doesnt taste jialat.

Mossie - my IL live at the highest floor but that area is infested by mossie. They have called to complain, althot action taken but it doesnt improve. I guess govt alone cant do much, the residents must help to keep their compound clean and dry.

Jan n Jul sleep in the mossie-net if they are at IL place.
Good Morning Mommies!

Hi Preggie,
You forgive KB liao?

Hi Chris,
Sometimes the kids just want to have some funya, PF sure bu she de whack Ash 1

Hi BBgal,
Dun wori, the food and accommodation shd be ok 1actually, always eating meat in Korea lorif Im not wrong, we changed 2 or 3 hotels in our Korea trip and all are quite good.

Yap, will bring Raine to see the Ratatouille movie but maybe next week coz this Sat, we gg for a play

what play are u watching? Baby Love?

I am so blur. I keep seeing the wrong date. I thot the teacher's celebration is tmr. MIL remind me and i check again. OMG is today.
I rushed the cookies last nite and only sleep at 3am. Luckily i am on leave today. *yawn*
good morning mummies!
no mood to work liao... thinking of my shopping this weekend. hehe

i juz got a free movie ticket from one of our corporate hotels.. will prob bring ash to watch next sun am.
Good morning!!

Hi M2B,

Yah forgive him liao.. he came to deliver my staff pass yesterday and this morning, he woke up earlier than me, so that we won't be late again! He also cut short his poo poo time, so that i have more time to bath. hehee

Hi Chris,

Wah.. today is thursday only leh.. you thinking of weekend shopping liao? hahaa

You so good.. always got such free lobang.

Hi Hong,

I brought 3 bouquets of chocolates to school, only to realise that i missed out 1 teacher! aiyoh.... so paiseh!

Hi BBgal,

I went to watch ratatouille already. Nice show! it deserves the 5 stars. hehe.. the quality of food in the show also 5 stars type leh.
Hi Hong,
Yap, watching Baby Love this Sat with Raine, my coll and her son...

You baked cookies for Jan's teachers? Thatz thoughtful...I just bought M&S hand lotion for them...heehee

Hi Chris,
Hahaha, thinking of shopping liao ah? I also have a movie tix to use before 30 Sept so will use that to bring Raine for the show...

Hi Preggie,
Glad KB makes amends to you and makes you hapi again...

My 2nd blading lesson is tmr...heehee, last week fell down twice on my bum and till now, cannot do my daily sit-ups leh...heehee
Morning mummies
So fast....September is round the corner...

Hopefully we can go for a swim this weekend..... been lethargic due lack of exercise...

14 bites is a lot!!!!
Dare not put any cream on julien's hand in case she uses it to rub her eyes.....

As usual, must update us on ur harvest... hehe.. I'm finding less and less of nice kids' clothes here.

Chara's shoes are falling apart, I need to buy. Went Collettee but didn't see any nice ones...

Hb said maybe can go morton's again, I said, did he just said he wanted to puke .... he said it was the choc cake that killed it...haha

Btw did ur ex-maid ever go home for leave? If yes, is 2 weeks the norm?

Btw, do they also hv saba fish meal in Korea???

Yah it's today...u so blur.... no school for jesse tom.
I wrapped the pressies last nite...

Intend to watch tmw .... Btw is the Shin restaurant nice??? (chris? preggie?? advise pls)
Won't bring jesse.. wl wait for the DVD to buy.. also waiting for the Transformers DVD...

Mummies, as I told trans and cla, chara did v well at her therapy sessions on Monday.
They are ready to discharge her liao!
good to hear chara will be discharged. dun need to worry liao!
u mean shin kuriya at vivo? i tried once.. find not bad but the meat in the set may not be enuf for you. need to order more from ala carte menu! hehe
i bot ash sandals from oshkosh at tangs 1-2 mths ago.. not bad lah... white with some flower design... $30+ nia... can consider..

nowadays movie tics so ex so good to have free ones! hehe..

hope i can find shoes.. i need shoes!!! (actually its want more than need. hehe)
Hi mommies
We should be watching the ratatouille with sils and nephew.. wonder if shd get tic for Ray this time.. she always surely sleep in the show though...

Me kept getting the days mixed up.. kept thinking yday was thurs and tday is fri...

So you will use the free ticket to watch the ratatouille? So nice. Yah now movie tics so ex esp weekends.

KB is very nice to realise his faults and change for the better!
definitely forgivable.

Hong, Preggie
We made bookmarks for rays teachers. She named 10 of them and we made 10! Then this morning I called in to report her mc and shun4 bian4 ask about the names of teachers, in case missed out. Realised some of the teachers she named dont even teach her, but those who pass by and play with them.. now got another 5 more need to make cos she got a few she forgot to name but did support her class one.. faintz!

Glad to hear that Chara can be discharged! Relived and free up your annual leave.

Can apply aloe vera? It eases mosquito bites very fast.
Yeah I think so coz in the papers is stated as confirmed departure. For mine it is not under the category. So funny that they don't let us know which hotel we putting up, coz I need to know early so can plan where and what to do during the 2 days of F&E.

Oh yeah, I remember that time we went on cruise, joel also paying adult fare as it is on promotion, so child fare not applicable.

Wow that mossie is comando is it? can make so many bites...

You got a new panasonic camera? I am also holding one (FZ1) but it was 4.5yrs liao... was thinking to change but then it was still in very good condition and it had serve me well, so better resist the temptation... I like their camera and that time I bought it because of 12X Optical zoom which meet my criteria.

The place you went is it recommended and shown on TV?

I will put the mosquito patch when joel is sleeping in non aircon room.. I scare of mossies bites on him

I tried Shin before, not bad, I like their mixed grill set.

Wow PF very good leh.. made so many sacrifices to make up to you... no wonder must forgive...
Hi mummies,

Was busy with some works whole day.


Preggie n PF indeeh very funny.


KB knew if he don make up and do something, his life will be miserable?


Yes, tmr is teacher's day, this year i prepared earlier, lesson learnt cos last year totally forget abt it and asked my mum went to 7-11 to buy chocolate n wrapped it.
Hi Jas,

Did you eat too much seafood yesterday? How come you so sotong say PF is my darling? hahaa... PF and I not into any underground relationship leh.. Later chris will come to my house with her gang and beat me up.

Talking abt camera hor... my old panasonic also in good condition.. but the prob is the pics dun turn out well in low light condition or when there're rapid movements.

Hi StyloBB,

Shin ah? The food is nice, we like the dessert alot. These days, we dun dine in anymore.. we will buy from Shin takeaway which is at least 10 - 20% cheaper.

Hi Cherly,

Hhaaa.. you really understand me! ahha

Hi BBgal,

I wonder if citronella plant can drive away mozzies..

I was quite a zombie yesterday. I went to get something at Concourse then head to Suntec to meet Law for lunch. Suntec was so packed due to comex.

Jan n I slept from 4:30pm to 7pm.

Cookies - Not as gd as the bunch that i made on friday. May be too tired so some of the cookies are a little burnt on the top.

I wanna make cupcakes but i must ensure there are pple help me to clear the food.

i cant prepare cookies too early, must keep the cookies fresh.
Morning mummies.

This morning forget to report here, hehe, anyway, TGIF and i will be on leave on next monday to bring clarence for 9 months assessment and bring 3 kids out for ratatouille.


I intend to go to comex to get my camera tonite, guess will be very peaked too.
good morning mummies!

comex was very very crowded yday. the roads to suntec are jam and my fren was late for more than 1/2 hr to meet us for dinner at raffles city...
Hi Mummies

I think I hv been a zombie nearly the whole week..when jesse slept, me also wanna sleep...

Last nite we went jalan to the pasar malam.. met mil's neighbour, he looked at chara and said, 'wah so plump!' hahaha.

I asked maid to apply the aloe vera gel on julien.

Beta don't go near there or park there.. it was already v crowded yesterday when my collick went.

All ready for tom? Brot ur shopping bag?
Yah go by train. Get ur extra memory card at the fair too.

They dun have the model we wanted and I havent look thru the offer. We bot a portable hardisk yesterday.

How heavy is Chara now? She must be very chubby. hahaha..

I got Julian a sandal yesterday. It was too small and we brot the kids to Parkway for dinner so i took the chance to exchange for a bigger size. The moment I put Julian down with the sandal on, he dashed out of the shop immediately. I got to catch him back many times.

He probably realised he could come down and walk, so we let him do so. Janelle volunteer to hold his other hand while i was on the other.

Make him walked alot last nite, he was so tired when he reached home. Laying on the mattress and refused to move.

Hmmm, in that case, i think i better go on sunday morning.


Julian can walk liao? Must be busy in catching him. Clarence like to play with water, that day crawl into bathroom secretly near fall into the toilet bowl. My mum's place common toilet is those sq one, also now he can crawl high n low, make my mum very busy.


glad that chara is well now.

Julian still very wobby. We said he walked like a toddler who has an overdoes of alcohol.

When we let go of him last nite. He simply just dashed ard. The shoppers got to avoid him but they all smiled cos he looked very cute and comical.

The funny part is - Janelle will sit in the toy stroller and Julian will push her. He is strong enough to make the stroller move.
Halo Mommies...
On leave today coz Raine's cc is closed...
Went OG with my mom just now coz she wants to buy things...
I bought an Addidas watch from a shop near OG, really cheap leh, selling $118 at City Chain and I got it at $79...hapi

Hi Chris,
Ready for your shopping?

I also want to go get my camera but scared of teh crowd leh...

Hi Stylobb,
Hapi that Chara is discharged liao!

Hi Hong,
Soon Julien will be running liao... :p

Hi Jas,
Me and my colls are always talking abt our japan trip although it is still long way...heehee

Hi BBgal,
Thoughtful of you to make bookmarks for the teachers.
ya man, will go change $ tonite.. hope got good rate!

forgot to report i got ash 1 pair of sandals and slippers each from accessorize at RC yday at 70%. both pair only cost $14+..
Oops.. I am really sorry... think I better don't take sotong.. must that the fish & Co seafood platter causes this blunder...

I meant Preggie & KB..

9 sessions of 2hrs of photography course at $193 is it reasonable?
Where is the photography course? I'm not sure of the market rate leh. Must know wat they cover.
Nite shot, day shot, Indoor, potrait, moving obj, still life???
The photography is organise by my coy. The details below:

1) Basic Fundamentals (Camera, Aperture, ISO, Shutter Speed)
2) Basic Fundamentals (Depth of Field, Composition rules, accessories)
3) Revision on Lesson 1 and 2
4) Understanding the camera (hands-on)
5) Flash Photography, Other Techniques
6) Outdoor outing @ botanic Gardens (transport excluded)
7) Night outing @ singapore river (transport excluded)
8) digital software enhancement part 1
9) digital software enhancement part 2
U think can take up, as long as there is a practical lesson to follow up.

I am still figuring out the AP and SP of my camera.

I am suppose to go for a day shoot at Botanic Garden but it was held on sat.

good morning mummies
here to report my harvest from malacca! bot 5 pairs of shoes for myself at vincci, think total spent abt S$120 only. for ash, bot some pjs, finally found disney princess ones at reject shop, RM$19.90 only, pity left only 1 set for her size, lucky its her fav princess. found ON tops at RM$10 (purple and blue) and a set of homewear (pink/purplet set) at RM$7 only. as ash's latest craze is disney princess, got her lots of stickers (those booklet on RM$1 each!) and oso a few bags of diff sizes (din take pic)...
quite a relaxing and fulfilling trip! talking abt gg again soon already.. hehe..



