Preggie Friends Since 2003

i just called for appt with dr ang in nov, he will be moving to another clinic at lucky plaza liao..

that means hv to look out on TV for you tonite liao. hehe...

i din ask, but for my appt, need to go LP
think no longer shenton, new clinic
i want to take leave on 9/11 for long weekend mah, so tot of bringing ash to dentist.
Good morning mummies.

Feel so tired today, both charlene n clarence are sick. Give up on western doctor as the medicine seem cure only for surface. Clarence cough come back almost every 8-9 days since he was 4 months old. For the past 5 months, he being using inhaler for 4-6 times a day but cough seem didnt cure totally. I feel so sick, tired and heartpain, have tried my very best to make him well, didnt even dare to let him eat any fruits. Well, my last resources is to bring him to TCM and i did it last nite, the first question the doctor ask is how old is he? When i told him clarence is 9 months old, he said clarence look more like 5-6 months old bb. The TCM said his lungs is very weak and have lots of phlegm, which is true. He continue to say if he didnt recover fully will be difficult to put on weight and to grow as he will keep falling sick. Haiz...mummies here sure know how i feel as all are mums. When he cough he vomitted everything, the moment i wish i am a god or have some special magic to make him well.

Now, charlene's turn to cough, whenever this gal sick, she sure got no appetite, whole day no energy and laying there. The doctor commented both my children look so pale. I am upset not because of his comments cos this is true for charlene, as for clarence i cant tell. I am upset becos i do not know what to do or how to do to make them more healthy. Yesterday, my colls asked me why every 2-3 days heard i am bringing my children to doctor, how i take care till this way? My answer to him is Haiz....i don know what did i do wrong.

Sorry for the long posting as i think this is the only place i can sound out my terrible feeling, cant tell my mum as well, otherwise will affect her mood.
Hi Cherly,

i guess some kids are just born with a weak constitution, you can't blame yourself. Some kids will grow out of this. One of my cousin was also like this when he was a kid.. and now, he's as strong as a bull!

Trans mentioned before that she gave CY echinacea supplements which can boost immunity. Maybe you can try this?

In one way or others still my fault. Pple said if child is born with weak constitution, must be me never take care during preggie time. My mum's place are full of supplements recommended by doctor, colls. All their sweets also replaced by supplements. I really feel so sian.
U wanna try Yu Guo? You can bring both kids for Tui Na.

I saw alot of parents bringing the kids there. I brot Julian there for 3 days treatment. I cant say it cure Julian just 3 days but i least we know wat to take note of. Actually Julian problem is wind in tummy and kept waking up at nite.

The Chinese sinseh did not give Julian any medi cos she felt that he was still too young.

She asked us to bring the kids back for tui na for "Bao Jian" but we didnt go back cos too lazy.

U can give it a try but be prepared to stay there for 30min or more if there is a long queue.

Cheer up, no parents like kids to fall sick. The comment from ur collick can any mother demoralising.

Dun tell your mum, she will be upset as she is the caregiver.

I brot Janelle to watch Baby Love with two of my collicks and their kids. I found the show ok only, Janelle like going thru the motion.

Then i squeeze in Ratatuille at 2pm cos at Orchard. It is a nice show but i dun think it is very exciting for Janelle. She only enjoyed those scene where there were lots of rats. The begining and the ending part.

I find the show pretty touching. Now i wish to own a Gusteau - Everyone can cook recipe book
Antono Ego was directly translated as "Suspected dog" in chinese.
Hi Cherly,

So the TCM prescribed some medicine for Clarence? U must be feeling exasperated cos that was how I felt when CY kept falling sick when he 1st started school. Hope the TCM will work for Clarence. The thg wz this TCM is u must be consistent in bringing him, I used to bring CY to see him about 2x a week. Once his medicine is completed, I bring him again. Took about 2-3 mths then the TCM 'discharged' him.

I visited Yu Guo once when charlene was young. At that time, she also got wind in tummy problem, she cried thru the whole tui na session cos she doesnt like stranger to touch her. We waited abt 45mins to see the doctor.


Yes, he prescribed the medicine for a week and told me to bring them back again next week. I kenna "scolded" by him, he said i should bring clarence to TCM earlier since he sick for so long. I told him brot him to other TCM b4 but they told me once he stop coughing, no need to go back to them so i didnt continue. I don mind bringing them back as long as they are well.

Yes, the TCM oso scolded me b4 cos at 1st I tot when CY got better I dun nid to bring him back. Who knows he fells sick again shortly after getting better. The TCM then told me must bring him back as soon as medicine finished to ensure that he is totally well.

I think that is normal. Some kids dun like stranger. Somemore the Tui Na Shi Fu changes everything u go back.

Janelle's body is under the heaty category, somemore she dun like to drink water, herbal water even barley. Only when she is going to fall sick then she will keep drinking water. haizzzz...

I suspected that I ate too much durian when i was pregnant with Janelle that was why she got a heaty base. Furthermore my MIL dun like to make Liang teh, she only make Barley. So whenever Janelle got too heaty, fever, cough, running nose. MIL will give pearl powder at the end stage. Let the western medi cure the surface 1st then she will feed Janelle to clear the inner "root". MIL said Janelle had already consume over thousand $$ of pearl powder. I dun rbr she spent so much.

Julian quite different, he is not as heaty as Janelle but will have wind in his tummy. I think cos he eat too much. He seem to eat non-stop, whenever he saw food he will goes "mumm mumm".

I don mind pple scolding me cos i am the mother, make every decision. Yes, he told me to bring them back once they finish the med.


I just told my mum n ben, clarence spent more money on medical fee than charlene. For the past 5 months, his medical fee is exceeded $1400. My grandma said can give Qi Xing Cha once awhile for them for heatiness.

Now that u mention then I rbr. CY used to take QXC daily, diluted with water. But we stopped when he turns 2, I tink. Faith's Rayna took it for awhile too.
Hi Mummies

We as mummies certainly understand what u are going through... Hugs....
my case is when one falls sick, we quickly have to 'isolate'...otherwise it'll be Do-Re-Mi... then Fa (hb) or So (me)!!!!!

Money aside, very demoralising to see them falling sick. Are u gonna bring him to TCM from now onwards?? Any way to get rid of the phlegm in the lungs?
Actually I don't mind recommending my PD cos she is v experienced.. but she only works on afternoons. Just let me know if u want to.

I think if the child's foundation is weak, if keep giving medicine to suppress, it might not work. Must find out what it is that is causing find the source.

Yah, best not to tell ur mom, she wl only be worried more...

Just when my mom told me jesse was eating a lot, he suddenly kena throat infection on Monday and now back to his inhaler again...haiz... but at least he recovered quite fast.. he is ok this morning. Funny thing was when he started coughing, I told mil I'm quite sure it's throat infection and I was right.

Ratatouille is another of those shows more for adults. I won't even bother bringing jesse...hehe... wait for the dvd loh...
Anton Ego..I didn't notice the translation... did u notice the scene when he was typing.. his typewriter was shaped like a skull and his room layout shaped like a coffin.....

I think I didn't take any durians when I was carrying the gals. No birds nest, no bu.. nothing at all..hehe... my mom was wary of giving bu/herbal stuff cos I was carrying two.. she quite phobia...
Hi Cherly,

Cheer up, dun be so disappointed with yourself ok? Since you decide on TCM, then take one step at a time. Recovery takes a while... Another factor is probably cos the 3 elder ones are in school so may bring back some virus. Not blaming them la cos its unavoidable and in turn, this virus is passed to Clarence whose immunity is weak cos he is the youngest. With time, I am sure he will be strong again. Take care and dun blame yourself k?
halo mummies
ash suddenly got fever last nite.. dr gave her a suppository bcoz her fever is quite high... last nite fever hovered ard 37.2 so still ok... lata will call on nanny to chk her condition again...

cfm ash pantang, yday chatting with u and saying she long time nebi fall sick and the same evening she suddenly got fever.. haiz...

dun blame yourself... i tink partly bcoz of weak constitution and surrounding factors (with 3 other young schooling kids at home), clarence falls sick more easily... i tink tcm will be better for clarence, since its supposed to cure the root (zhi4 ben3)... i was telling trans yday ash has been eating cordyceps every fortnightly and i tink it plays a big part. mayb u would like to give it a try... heard its supposed to 'pu3 fei4'.
oh ya forgot to say, ash was a whopping 18.8kg (with shoes on) at the clinic yday... no wonder my arms like wanna break when i carry her nowadays...
i was quite shocked to see that no. on the scale.. i tot at most she is 17kg... see the photo taken last weekend at malacca, her cousin is 6 yrs old and her mum told me she is only 16kg! she oso told me she can feel ash very 'you3 fen4 liang4' when she carried her during the trip.

anyway just chked with nanny, ash seems ok. requested for red dragonfruit after her med. nanny has to rush to ntuc to get it for her... even nanny oso treat her like princess.. haiz...

Thanks, cant help to blame myself cos no one to blame. Yes, will stick with TCM for awhile since i know the western med doesnt work for them.


Ash got big tummy? She looks very mature in pics. Very bak bak too.

Ash does seem chubbier in this pic which u hv posted.


U all read abt e army boy who went AWOL with his rifle? Was just telling my coll over lunch he is so silly, I would be so 'gek sim' if he is my son.
glad that ashley is ok. Must be very high fever when the doctor give suppository.

Can eat is gd right! Give her some allowance to slim down when she is sick.

I think Ashley break Janelle's record. My ger just grew upward instead of sideway.

wat is Qi Xing Cha? Medical hall selling? Bitter or not? I dun mind buying and make her drink on weekend. My MIL only believe in pearl powder. I think she wanna give the best to Janelle. I hope she has good and smooth complexion in future.

Janelle like pao sheng, so she takes it as snack. Now Julian follows the same. Both take it as tibits. My MIL spent quite some $$ just to refill that little bottle full of sliced pao sheng. I dun know if pao sheng helps too.

I think this guy is mentally unsound and luckily no one is hurt. This serves a very good example for SAF to look into their security again.
Hi Chris,
OIC, thought why must make such a appt in Novheehee

Ash looks real chubbier in the above pic lehbtw, think Raine is still ard 14kg man

Dun be upset ok, we all understd how you feel coz we are all parents tooya, like what Trans said, TCM requires longer time and wont see effect so fastRaine also w TCM more frequently now

Rbr, it is NOT your fault that they fall sick, just your responsibility to make them well again. Cheer up ok?

Hi Trans & Stylobb,
The guy took the rifle because of a gal?

Hi Hong,
Raine loves the Baby Love, was laughing and answering the actor during the show...heehee
Janelle also laughing and answering but she was like going thru the motion cos the rest are doing it. Laugh until so fake also. There was one boy behind us laugh so loudly and kept kicking on our chair. Very irriating. arghhhhh....

My collick and I felt the show was not that good. It just ended so suddenly.

i didnt notice the Ego house and typewriter but his recall memory of his mother is the most touching part in the show. AT least that is wat i think.
Hi M2B, Hong,

We didn't enjoy baby love too.. we thot it was one of the worst productions so far. When the show ended, no one clapped.. coz they didn't know it has ended! haha.... we only started clapping, when the actors came out to bow!

KB said, not bad la.. 1 out of 4 lousy production is considered very good liao.. at least the other 3 are good (or not too bad). I think by far, the "Gingerbread Man" is the best.

Hi StyloBB

Wah you are very detailed when you watch a movie... i've never noticed these details.

Hi Chris,

18.8kg??? wow... she really "you fen liang".

Hi Trans, Cherly,

I very kaypo leh.. went to check out the guy's gf's blog.. but she deleted everything liao... yawn.....

Hi Minnie,

Were you on TV last night?

Hi Cherly,

I think Charlene may be crying coz tuina us also quite painful.
Hi Hong & Preggie,
heehee, both Raine and my standards not high thus we find the play quite nice... :p BTW, Raine still rbr The Hungry Caterpillar show she went quite some time back...will look out for such shows/play for her next time since she likes it...

I read that for such offence, can get up to 10yrs of jail term or 6 strokes of cane.


Yah, it seems he went berserk over his break up which is like erm.... 5 mths ago... Hiazzz, worth it meh?


U really kpo leh. How u know her blog addy?
did u get the tic for the next show cos they having 15% discount instantly. After the Baby Love, i dun feel like bringing Jan to watch their production again.

"I don mind pple scolding me cos i am the mother, make every decision"

I dun agree that anyone can go and blame a mother cos the kids are sick constantly. No parents want their kids to be a sick baby and i see that u eat normally during pregnancy.
Hi Trans,
Ya, the jail sentence will be no less than 5 years and 6 strokes of the cane...really not worth you, I'll be real heartpain if he is my son...

Hi Hong,
No, didnt get the tixs coz saw it is more suitable for kids 5yo and above...

When Raine gets mossie bites and swell, my mom will blame it that I eat too many melon seeds and cuttlefish when I'm preggie...hiaz, some of the elders and their theories quite funi 1...
Is ur office at Bukit Batok right! My department go there for Laser Quest today but i didnt tag along.

I love melon seed and cuttlefish. U mean dried cuttlefish??
i like the 2nd last photo, bring out the cheekiness of both kids! jan's feet looks big! or are the shoes big for her?
ash is grow both ways! hehe.. i wonder wat is her height now... forgot to measure at clinic last nite. her fever was 38.9 when the dr measured so he advised a suppository to bring it down lor.

guess i hv to resign to fate that ash is gg to be bak bak.. i guess as long as not overweight or obese, she is healthy is ok...
Hi Mommies,
We are back from bintan trip, quite a good one cos managed to do all the planned activities despite drizzles.. already planning to go again next year.

Don't be too hard on yourself ok...

I brought Ray to yuguo last time also.. think the discomfort came from having to stay/lie there for quite long and also some rubbing pains.

Is Clarence more of cold or heaty base? The QXC is more like liang cha (Trans, correct me if I remember wrongly ok), so maybe not good to take it now if he's weak/cold base? How abt environment? Sleep in non-aircon? Air the house more often?

God's watching over Chara well

Ash looks bak bak, I was looking at the cousin's arms and hers.. but she very tall for a 3yo! Your nanny feeds her very well is it?
but I heard a saying that when bb chubby, big will be slimmer.

QXC's not bitter, Ray liked to drink it last time. If drink in bottle, gotta drink some water after, cos I noticed some brown stains on teeth after she drank, but it's cleanable kind.

Pao Sheng is those oval shaped slices? think my mil gave some to Ray to try last time. Do you know if it's heaty or liang? I saw it selling at the food fair today. But the packaging didn't look nice enough for me to want to buy, it was just in those transparent food container.

Jan and Jul's expressions look exactly the same in the 3rd pic!

Yaloh, how did you manage to get the gf's blog???
Hi Chris/Cherly/Minnie,

Yeah recover well and went back to work 2 weeks earlier. Was feeling sad over my ugly marks and sitices. Becos of the sitices, the area below my tummy is not flat anymore. It pop out. Felt kinda upset over this last the few days. Thanks for asking!

On my 2nd day of returning to work, I was given additional workload again. I tried to tai chi to another girl who want to take the job to gain experience. But my manager said "I prefer Linda to do it" So I LL take it. And hor, this job scroop belongs to another section not our department! Now kinda sian. Was suppose to be still on leave. I hao xin come back earlier yet don't want me to take it easy. No time for a breather.

Hi Preggie!
Where is your territory? Me at China Square lah. Have been away for a little "4D3N holiday" and need to recover from "holiday mood" so cannot come on line.

Hi M2B,
Actually I was been hospitalize and because of that, I lose weight again. Now I don't even reach 50kg! But has been eating non-stop recently. I'm sure I will be able to put back all the weight in no time.

Hi Cherly,
Don't feel dishearted. It's all bits and pcs of motherhood. Have you thought of been a stay at home mum since your kids fell sick so easily? I feel that some of the mummies here are right in saying that it might be because of so many kids in one place thus those with lower immunity will suffer. In this case, you might want to consider to resign and take care of them yourself? Just my 2 cents worth

Ash is really PF look alike in this photo!

I also like the last 2 photos especially the last one!

Your in laws do look young. Nice pic.


Yah, I tink QXC is liang one. If I am not wrong, its oso good for kids' digestive system & let them sleep better at nite. CY used to take it cos he was colicky & doesnt sleep well at nite. I still rbr u freaked out when u saw the bugs in the pkt. Hehe...

U r rite abt the stains though. I tink CY's bad teeth could be partly attributed to that.
Good morning mummies.

Sob sob sob, my clarence is down with fever and running nose. Haiz...


The photos are nice, which studio you gone to? Me thinking to bring my kids when clarence turn 1.


Yes QXC is abit on liang type, didnt give clarence but give some to charlene, charlene don like it, she is kiasi type, she said she don drink dirty teh.

Clarence sleep without aircon, my window is opened up for air and on the fan. He is more on cold base.


You ok now? Fully recover? Resign...definately not at this moment.
Hi Mummies

Linda I missing sth here? What happened to you??

O dear... hope he gets well soon.

Glad that u had a nice holiday....
Good Morning Mommies!

Yap, DSTA had an event at our clubhouse yday.
I also love melon seeds and dried cuttlefish.
BTW, the photos are very nice!

Hi Linda,
What happened to you? Anything seriousplease nurse your health back.

Hi BBgal,
Hahaha, thinking to go back BIntan again?
Bintan is a good place to R&R

Yah wat happen to linda??

QXC - ok i go and ask the medical hall abt it.

Photo - Thanks. i took a package at I bot the package from the thread. Waiting for Julian to walk so the photo session will be more fun.

My BIL graduation photo are quite nice thot.

My MIL is only 50, but my FIL is 13 yr older than her if i am not wrong. Amazing thing is he doesnt seem to have white hair. Law said it could due to the medication he took cos he got high blood pressure. Not sure is that true.

Shoes - slightly loose cos one size smaller is a bit tight for her. Very hard to buy shoes for her now. It was like inbetween but her feet are pretty big.
Good morning mommies!!

Hi Trans, BBgal,

Google is so powerful... you search wtih a few keywords, can find the blog liao... but it has been deleted though. Then i searched someone and found some quotes from the blog.

Apparently, the gf dumped him coz she turned lesbian... her father even called the police coz the guy kept harassing her.

Hi Linda,

Does your boss know that you are still on MC?

I thot you came to botanic gardens for roti prata.

Hi Cherly,

Actually, i agree with Hong.. I think it's unfair for pple to blame the parents, esp when these pple knows no head nor tail.

There are many factors that can contribute to sickness.. could be environment, the air, etc... depending on religion, some believe tat it could also attribute to the animal sign of the kid cong1 tai4 sui4 this year or not, right?

How much is the package and how many photos do you have? Yah, me also wanted to wait for clarence to walk, he is able to take up his first step by himself now but only for 1-2 sec, beside that he call mama, jie jie but jie jie is not as clear as mama. Yesterday my mum called him to pass her his old clothes and he understand and crawl over to take his old clothes n bring it to my mum, find it amazing.


Both you and hong are rite in a way but i already got no energy to argue with pple when pple point fault on me as I am mother. Pple always said you should do this, you should do that, you should know it since is your child, the fact is all the "should do" i have done it within my means. Beside blaming myself, who else to blame? I have blame "tian" cos the weather so unpredictable, this might be the cause. I think all mums here gone thru what i am facing, this morning another colls just asked me why i left so early yesterday evening, i told him i went home to see my children cos they sick. He said i think you better do something abt it cos seem that your child sick very often. I asked him back, what do you think i should do? Not that i didnt bring him to doctor, not that i didnt take care of him, not that i wanted him to sick. He then kept quiet for few seconds and said i think something wrong with your boy, better bring him for full body check up. So sad!!
I think djd more concerned that clarence has been sick more often than is the norm...

Cheer up.
Maybe a fully body check up would be good, what do u think?

Btw I keep a 'sick register' for my kids.. marking the date they were not well.

Ur cong tai sui too cheem for me to understand..hehe..

Ur fil does not look his age....

He uses KOSE or Shishedo product everyday hor. U say leh. hahaha..

Mine was $358, all digital shots back. SO very worth it. I am using David as the photographer as i prefer his style but he is more expansive. As for the package, they changes all the times so better for u to check the thread. U can buy the package and it is valid for 6 months.

Julian is a selective listener. There are times i thot there is something wrong with his hearing cos we can call him many times and when the calling came to shouting then he will turn his head.

However, when i accidently press on his toy that play music, his head turn immediately.

Julian only calls Nai Nai and he likes to play cooking very much. He will put the "food" on the plate then use fork and spoon to pretend he is eating.

He will take the toy knife and do chopping only on chopping board. Best of all, he loves to EAT!

I may have a chef in future.

Actually, u dun have to argue with anyone. Just know that they can say anything but it shld not affect u.

My collick tells me there is a very gd GP, famous too. That GP is very good, but very exp. They only bring the kids there once and was cure, at least on the surface for western medicine. If u need i go and get from her.

Ok i need to go site. will check the thread later.
