Preggie Friends Since 2003

Morning mummies,

Law and I went to Marche at Vivo last nite. I find the service is not as gd as before. Food wise is not as good.

Then went to Diaso to get some cookies containers for the teacher day.

i need a good massage too. Thinking to go Kenko for a back massage.
I am trying to find those clothes so that I can hide my fats...

My office also like my personal storage house, got lots of stuff, think if I leave this job, I will need days and big boxes to transport my stuff back...
Hi M2B,

You got the girl or the guy to teach?

Hi Jas, StyloBB,

I remember StyloBB used to store diapers under her desk last time.

Hi NOIF, Hong,

Talk abt massage, i feel like my shoulders are all knotted up.... hmm... time for a massage !
Just finished spring cleaning my office...
so clean and tidy now...

Hi Chris,
I still see pple wearing them plus stores are still carrying them leh...

Hi Preggie,
I got the guy to teach instead...which is better hah?
Good Morning Mommies!!!!!
Itz FRIDAY!!!!!

Hi Preggie,
Had a fun time yday learning but Raine is abit timid to attempt...hiaz

Had 2 falls on my bum so it hurts abit now...hahaha
good morning mummies

just to share an email i got this am..

**as forwarded by my fren. (another boring robbery incident in JB...
*sigh, whats happening in JB nowadays.)
--For those who frequents JB, please beware...

Last Sunday afternoon, I received a call from a malaysian colleague who
said that he wanted to bring me to an exclusive underground club in JB.
So i arranged to meet him at City Square in JB at 5.00pm.

When i reached JB City Sq at around 5.15pm, I called my friend and he told
me that he will be slightly late. So i decided to go to the macdonald near
to the entrance at city square to wait for him. I ordered a kiddy meal (as
i was expecting to have dinner with my colleague later) which come with a
free toy. After ordering my food, I found a seat at the corner of
macdonald. It was a corner four seater table next to a wall. So I sat next
to the wall and after finishing my food, I took a look at the toy.
Then a skinny rugged looking man came over and sat right next to me. The
conversation were as follows:

Man: Are you a malaysian?
Me: Why? (Sensing something is strange with this question)
Man: Just answer me.
Me: Pretending to be malaysian. Yes i am malaysian.
Man: So are you from Penang ?
Me: No why?
Man: Doesn't matter where you are from, we are all chinese. Can you 'lend'
me $50?
Me: I got no money to lend you.
Man: Don't lie, I can see your wallet in your pocket. (as i always put my
wallet in my front pocket whenever i go overseas)

He then reached to his back pocket and took out a small fruit knife and
pointed the knife next to my tummy. At that instant i knew it was daylight
robbery at macdonald. I was in shocked and i looked at him again.
I was trapped as I am cornered (i am am sitting next to a wall) and the
only route to escape is the seat which was occupied by him now.

Man: Don't force me. I am really desperate now. Don't force me. I am not
asking a lot from you, only $50.
Me: $50 only?
Man: yes.

Fearing for my own safety, i took out my wallet and gave him $50.
However, he wasn't pleased with the $50 and asked another $5 ringgit (to
make a phone call back home) from me, I thought to myself, what the f*ck
since kena robbed $50 liao what is another $5? So I gave him another $5.
He took the money happily and 'thanked' me before walking off. I tried to
chase him but he quickly walked to the exit next to the macdonald and make
a quick run.
I decided not to chase him further when he left city square as i was
worried about my own safety and also i was already in a state of shock and
don't really know how to react. What pissed me off at the macdonald, there
was a malay family with kids was sitting next to me and a staff who was
cleaning had possibly seen the whole incident and yet nobody was willing
to help me. After a short while i called my colleague and told him what
happened and cancelled our planned trip and headed back to Singapore . I
did not make an police report as it was too troublesome to do so.

This will be the last time that i will ever go to malaysia alone again. I
don't think it is safe even at broad daylight anywhere in JB.

On the way back i was really feeling very down as I was looking forward to
a great time and instead i had to head home, disappointed with a state of
shock and $55 ringgit poorer.

Description of the man who robbed me.
Height: about 168
Weight: 50+ (very skinny)
Race: chinese
Skin: dark tanned
Hair style: short but a little curly
He look like a drug addict, wearing T-shirts and jeans. He hid his little
knife in newspaper wrapping at his back pocket.
Hi M2B,

Glad you had a good time. I dun know the pple i recommended you leh. They are KB's friends.

Maybe i should get an instructor to teach joey to skate too... haha... her skates are "rusting" in the storeroom!

Hi CHerly,

I'm going to PM you my new email address

Hi Chris,

Actually, i have a personal experience, quite similar to what you've wrote. I think it happened abt 5 or 6 years ago when i went into JB with my uncles and aunties.

Then, we had 3 cars driving in together. I was seated together with my eldest uncle and a few young cousins. We were the first to clear the JB customs and parked along the bridge waiting for the other 2 cars to come.

While waiting, this middle aged man came and knocked on my uncle's window and asked him to wind down the window and my uncle did!!

The moment, the window was down, this man told my uncle that we are all chinese and insisted that my uncle give him some money as pao lu qian (runaway money). My uncle gong gong, gave him $1 singapore dollar and the man got agressive! He shouted vulgarities and said we !@#$ kan bu qi him. Threatened to hurt the small children in the car. We were all in a state of shock! Fortunately, my 2 other uncles drove over to us and when that man saw we came in a convey of cars, he quickly scooted off in his motorbike.... It was such a scary experience for us.

Since then, we've never organised another family drive in to JB for grocery shopping again!
Thanks for the info.. will take a look if I happen to pass by the outlets.

Talk about that, I also used to store diapers in my office also...

That's was really a bad experience... next time better don't wind down the window.. but then hor.. will the robber be so desperate to knock and break the window instead???

Thanks for sharing.. seems like now if want to go JB better think twice...
Hi Preggie,
You bought the skates for Joey liao? How much? Actually the instructor commented that the smallest skates are too big and heavy for Raine thus I think I will not let Raine learn until later. She is also scared of falling down thus kept calling to me...hahaha
Hi M2B,

KB paid for them.. i can't remember how much.. but i think the skates plus guards (without helmet) came up to $300+. Her skates are from K2. It's adjustable.

Hi Jas,

I also dunno why my uncle went to wind down the window... if they are hiong, there's no guarantee, they won't break the windows.
good morning mummies!
another gloomy monday...
talking abt jb, there's another article on ST home on friday saying a guy got slashed and robbed of his car in a petrol station which is right in front of a police station! these robbers are getting very daring!
Good morning mommies!!

How was your weekend?

Over the weekend, we went for a play, chilled out along robertson quay with cousins, had a party at home, cut our hair, had dim sum, watch a movie, went for family gathering, all over 1 weekend. It was so packed, we had no time to do shopping and go swimming - which we wanted to do on Sunday.

It was tiring, but certainly very fulfilling
Morning mummies
Looks like a bz week for me... haiz.... cos we hv a major event end Nov, and wl have to move office end of the year.
Didn't hv good sleep cos julien was screaming away.. I don't know if she was hving nightmare or hungry... hb/I must hv gotten up 3-4 times....

I bot the bags from Robinson's, indeed it's Reisenthal brand, the same ones I saw at Kino. Happy that I got it settled.
I also saw the fuller range at Taka basement... they hv all sorts of bags....

It was not crowded at all at Centrepoint after 8pm last nite... but ha, now we face this problem, cos all three like to go to different directions...even chara, she wud tottle her way poking at stuff... hahaha....

Went to get some Orgin's stuff cos they were hving triple Rewards... tried a new toner which was hydrating and nice.... was it called "A Different World" or sth???...

JB - Yah, scary right.. but he went at 3am leh..
Good Morning Mommies...
Another brand new week...sianz

Hi Preggie,
Ya, the instructor wad telling us the price range for the skates...think we'll be getting our own too but for Raine, think will let her learn next year lah coz she is too scared now...hahaha

Hi Chris,
No wonder hb dun want to go JB now man...but he may need to travel to JB for work soon...*pray hear*
Good Morning Mummies

Just to check, anyone received a letter from ICA few months back informing that they will be ceasing the "Changing of Passport Photo" services from 1st Sep onwards? Any mummies had any idea that this is confirmed to go-ahead?
change photo need to go down personally... can collect passport within 1-2 hrs. i rx the letter too but i just changed ash's passport photo so i taking no action.

pf gu gus just tempted me with malacca shopping yday! they said can get those 'preggie' tops at rm$20 only! heard there is another big shopping mall opened near mahkota...
Good afternoon mummies.


Yalor JB is very unsafe now, scary!


I received the letter too but i didnt take any action cos just change charlene's passport photo last year.
Chris, Cherly,
I didnt read the letter thoroughly. I have changed Janelle's photo and 1 month later i got that letter.

So do i need to change to biometric passport for Janelle or i can continue using the same passport?
Hi Mommies

We finally booked our korea tour from Hong Thai on saturday, going in mid nov. I also booked a cruise in mid sep, going with Ray and my sis, really looking forward to this one!

I also updated Ray's passport photo last thurs, took 2hrs+, lotsa ppl.

Ray's passport photo was also updated mid last yr. But I decided to update it again cos she looked more toddler then. Scare later they again tell me it doesnt look like her then gotta change to biometric one, very wasted.

It's confirmed no more updating of photo from 1 Sep, the staff was telling me this will be the last update.

You probably can continue using the same passport since you update Jan's photo not too long.

That time I also asked abt the kids skates/blades, smallest still too big for Ray. The shop assistance said the best age to learn is abt 4-5yo when they can understand the instructions better. I let her tried the blades at carrefour cos got her size, but she went V-sliding all the way :p and too heavy loh.
Hi BBgal,

ICA very near to where you convenient for you

For me, I think must take half day to go and update passport.

Typed a posting yday but sthg was wrong wz forum & I could not post. Anyway just wanna let the mommies who are updating their kids photo know. May b better to take leave this week & go in the morning. I took leave one fri & went in the afternoon, had to queue for an hr but my request can't be processed on the same day cos too many ppl and they cannot handle. So they took all the passports and photos and asked the parents to go back the next week to collect the updated passport.
Good Morning Mommies!
Not feeling well last night, faster popped 2 panadols and go to bed

Hi Hong,
Think you can continue to use Jans passport since just updated. I updated Raines early this year too, dun think I will go againthe q sure horrible these few days

Hi BBgal,
So you gg w Hong Thai...How much is your pkg?

Yalor, the skates are too heavy for our gals now, thus mommy learns first then next year then Raine can learnheehee

BTW, how much is the cruise pkg hah? Actually thought of treating hb for cruise since he never been b4...
If the existing pic don't have a great difference to how Jesse look like now, then no need to change. Change photo must go down personal together with the child. I haven't change Joel's pic since guess I have to change the photo to his recent look so that it can last till passport expiry.

Wow you have two holidays awaiting for you... must be very excited.. enjoy your trip

Huh.. morning better is it? So in this case, those parents must bring their child back to the ICA again when collecting the passport next week??? Very troublesome leh.. I am thinking to go in the afternoon on Thursday or Friday...
Hello.... long time didn't read the posts here again.... my regards to all!

Talking about passport... I keep putting it off.... oh dear... i haven't updated Gla's passport.... when is the deadline?

<font color="0000ff">Preggie</font>
Actually I came by here to look for you. I want to tell you that I viewed your Japan holiday photos, esp the recent trip. I really enjoy viewing your photos so much and I want to thank you for showing it.

Hokkaido is really my dream place to go with Hubby one fine day.... we've always loved the sunflowers and the scenery. One day when we have the money we would love to go there.... so looking at your photos make my day really. I really enjoyed every photo and the food looks good too! What a nice holiday.
So you went with a tour group?
Hi Mummies

So is it ok to submit the form by post and then later when it's ready, we go down to collect with our kid?

I assume morning will be better cos I went in the afternoon and it is jam packed. For my case, e officer noted that she had seen the child in the acknowledgement slip so I do not need to bring CY back for collection, just nid to bring his BC, my IC and the collection slip issued to me.


Nope, u must go down personally with the child to update photo. It cannot be done by post.

Usually the update can be processed within the same day but on the day I went, it was so crowded that the ICA can't do it within the same day so we were asked to leave the passports with them and collect it another day.
Hi Mommies

Talk about it been near my place, I had to run back with Ray in arms when I realised I forgot to bring her BC! Luckily I made it just in time, 2 more numbers and it was our turn! Then the staff told me it was ok even if forgot to bring, can show parent's IC! -_-

That day I checked the peak hours for ICA, you happened to be there at the most peak - Fri and 12-2pm.

The korea tour was $1349 + 290 (tax) for adult and $1064 + 284 for kid w/o bed, for 8D.. Gotta pay for ski equipment if we want then.

The cruise was $1314 for 3 pax, everything included, its a weekend cruise. When you planning to go? I think there are some promotions for Oct.

Yep I look forward to the cruise, cos no need to lug too much stuff :p hee actually we going to bintan next mon-wed with mil/sils, booked quite sometime ago.. but I havent start packing!

You better don't go on Fri, that's the peak! maybe mid morning. I always see long queue moving in the morning when I send Ray to cc.

This Fri is the last day!

But I was there abt 2-3pm leh, after peak liao. hehehe...

Like wat Cherly said, crowd is prob due to sch hol. Parents wanna bring kids overseas during the one week break so all rush to update photos.

If u wanna change e passport to a biometric one, then u can use the form. Else, if it is just updating photo in the current passport, then u will hv to go down personally with Jesse. Updating of photo is a free service.
Hallo Mommies...


Trans is right. Cannot update photo by post, need to bring the child down to ICA. Took me 2hrs on a Fri morning though... Changed my ic at the same time too. Heh. Realised they dun put our blood group on our ic anymore. Hmm....


Wah.. from 1 trip become 2 trips!! Enjoy yourselves. Josh wont be attending class this Sat cos got company event so wont be seeing you leowz. But when I ask him who is his fren in chinese class, he always says Rayna instead of the rest of this classmates... Hahahaa..
I didn't notice that they dont put the blood gp in new ic now..

Hee the cruise was quite impromptu! When my sis told me she's got the fri free, we went to book it the next day liow!
After we booked, she then told me she'll only be back in Sing from her jp tour in the wee hours on same day as cruise.. I pray hard her flight won't be delayed!

How come huh! So funny that he says Ray is his fren in chinese class when they aren't even in the same class! Heehee...
You mean we bring the kid down to ICA they'll take the picture for us and update the passport? Will they change to the biometric passport? I am so blur now regarding the procedures. My son's passport is still his very baby-ish photo so I think should change.

Wow so nice you going for trips! Must tell us more when you get back. I think cruise is very fun. Went myself last year, it was for the very first time i ever went on a cruise, was quite impressed. Hope one day can bring my family there.

why must change IC?
unless u wanna change to biometric passport that will cost u $80. However updating of passport photo is FOC.

Yes new NRIC have no bloodgrp. I changed my IC less than 10yr cos my bag was stolen so i was not recalled to renew my NRIC.

happy for u. Going for tour soon.
My office also offering some offer for cruise. Which cruise are u going? Destination?
unless u wanna change to biometric passport that will cost u $80. However updating of passport photo is FOC.

Yes new NRIC have no bloodgrp. I changed my IC less than 10yr cos my bag was stolen so i was not recalled to renew my NRIC.

happy for u. Going for tour soon.
My office also offering some offer for cruise. Which cruise are u going? Destination?
Hi Chris,
U tempted to visit Malacca liao? Hehehe

Hi BBgal,
Wow, Korea trip pkg also very ex nowthe airport tax is higher than Japan too

Wah, cruise oso not cheap hor???

Hi Hong,
My company also have some offers for cruise but the traveling period is within my Japan trip thus cant enjoy that
You can choose to just update the photo, no need to change to the biometric one. We have to provide the photo, ICA will not take for us. Yep better to update the photo since you haven't update Gla's one before.

Hee I think nothing much to do on cruise, but I don't mind gg, very relaxing, just eat and walk around.. haha..

I gg for weekend cruise to no where, no destination one. You taking up your co's offer?

yah loh, the korea pkg more exp than last yr. It was abt 900++ to 1k+ when hb checked last yr.

Cruise gets cheaper if go with more ppl staying in same cabin. It's very exp if only 2 pax gg hb doesnt like cos he thinks with that price, better to go some resorts than stay on ship :p
hi mummies
just finished clearing my work as got meetings this am and pm...

just to answer ur qns, we hv booked 1 nite this sat at malacca. will be gg in early sat am and back sun pm.. hehe... action very fast rite?
You only have two per to a cabin? although is more exp but I think the cabin should be of a better one - more space.

The previous one I went is 3D2N to Rendang, it was very relaxing, nothing much to do in the cruise except eating eating and eating... The food is quite nice. If ask me to go to the cruise for more days, I think I will be very bored.

I think your Jap trip is confirmed coz I saw in Chan's Brother advert that they indicated 2nd Nov as one of the dates under "Confirmed Dep". By the way, do you have any idea which hotel will you be putting up?

I think we have the same offer for Cruise.

go and enjoy urself. U deserve it. Cruise to me is eat eat n eat. hahaha..

Your korea trip is full board? All meals catered for? The tax is so high hor. Must monitor the exchange rate now. Once gd rate must change.
