Preggie Friends Since 2003

I too engrossed with the show to write them down. I went to the mediacorp website to get the info every week. All the recommended places look so foreign to me.. guess I don't have the chance to try them.

By the way, one of the outlet is 24hrs. Think is Mr Prata... can't remember exactly which.
halo mummies

just came back from vienna.. so full now... disappointed that i din get to eat the cheese baked crayfish today...

thks for ur info! a pity we din hv chance to try out the prata stalls this weekend.

Got electrician down to fix 2 more outlets for us.

We had dinner with my sisters and mum to celebrate my youngest sister bday.

Doesnt really do much.
Good Morning Mommies...

Hi Chris,
Had a feast again?

Went shopping on Sat, got 2 tops from Zara and also got the hand cream from M&S for Raine's teachers liao...

Sun, as usual, library and nap day...hahaha

Is Clarence better?

BTW, we manage to catch the fireworks at my mom's pl on Fri...nice!
so quiet today... got something to announce... bot some stuff recently... pf got a new car and i got a new bag... hehehe
Hi Mummies
Nothing to report... on Sat I fell down the steps of the multi-storey carpark.. with julien in my arms...

The evans rd prata is the 24-hour one..

Got my temporary pokka card liao.. bot a cake and feasted at Tonkichi...

U mean pf changed car??
What bag ah?? Not another coach??

pf's coy give BIG national day bonus for him to change car? Yah, what car he got and what bag you have?


Clarence still having cough n flu, he needs to go back to PD for review this saturday again.
tonkichi is the jap restaurant with the fried stuff rite?

the national day bonus not even enuf to change tyres. haha
they just announced special bonus... those more than 8 yrs will get a lot...

we got a new honda stream (again!).. actually already ordered last mth.. delivery shd be oct/nov..
i got a new LV speedy on sat... in mini lin material
Wow... Is pf more than 8yrs?
Are u retaining ur current car plate nos?

My sister showed us her bday gift from "friend". We were WOWing when she showed us.

U ok?
no lah, he there only 2 yrs...
actually tot of bidding car no. our current one not very swee lah, wun retain.

i din know have to q to go into LV man... actually only wanted to hv a look but i tot since hv to q might as well get it.. pf said he kena conned to go in.. hehe..
paid $1090 for the bag, not so much diff if we get it from france.
Hi Chris,
Ya, recently outside LV always a q...apparently Singaporeans like to q...went to buy a C&K bag last Fri and saw PS has a Missy Donuts...also long Breadtalk also selling donuts liao...hahaha

The model you bought is not leather? The monogram one is ard $900+...maybe now higher coz GST went up...
bt panjang plaza has missy donut too & the q is dying off liao... my fren told me munchy donuts is good. its got the most stars in a recent 8 days donuts review. i usually go for vinco donut at vivo if not much q...
so u finally got your bag... did mike make noise? hehe
no, its not leather.. its 58% cotton, 24% linen, 18% polyamide according to the website. the speedy in epi leather is $1500... i asked abt damier speedy but in a smaller size, its $950...

this is the one i got
Hi Chris,
I have yet to try any of the q-ing donuts yet...dun think I will go and q up for them lah...

Haha, hb commented why I get such a big bag is so roomy that when I go shopping on Sat, I go green by refusing the bags as I can stuffed all the things inside the bag...hahaha

so you finally got your light-coloured bag liao but must be careful with the handle man...PF heartpain w the $ that he was conned or not? hahaha
Hi mummies
Me shud be ok bah...

A $1K bag that is not leather?? My...
There is another model that is black right.. I prefer the black one...
I still prefer Tod's lah...hehe

Tonkichi, yes. but if u go to the one at Suntec, they hv the sushi, sashimi usual Jap food as well.. I am not into the pork cutlet stuff which hb likes...

U bot another LV??

Not interested in doughnuts...

Talking abt go green, me quite aunty now, wl keep a cloth bag in my bag for my purchases shud I go NTUC...hehe

What gift did ur sis' special friend give?? I'm interested...
good morning mummies!

hehe forgot u dun q for food...
apparently the staff say this colour of handle wun change, only monogram will change. but still need to be careful lah. the bag unlike coach, cant be sent for special cleaning.

i wanted a light colour bag to match my light coloured clothings.. u forgot ah, i am matching freak.
i have an overdose of sashimi at vienna on sun.. now tink of sashimi a bit scary. hehe

I havent try any of the donut yet. I am very interested to try some.

She got a A**** watch and a C**** wristlet bag. To us, it is not something a "normal" frd would give.

I need a haircut. Thinking to go Jeri or MASA today.
Halo Mommies...
On MC today due to cough and flu...
Must work even on MC coz can access emails at home...

Hi Stylobb,
No lah, I got a BIG C&K bag for my barang barang on weekend...can't afford another LV bag coz saving to go Japan in Nov...heehee

Hi Chris,
Yalah, we dun q for food most think will buy from breadtalk instead...heehee

Yalor, light coloured so must take care man...talking abt washing, I havent send my bags for washing sis sent her prada wallet for washing and it was as good as new after that!

Hi Hong,
Yaman, such gifts sure not from "normal" friend...
I had tried donut factory which was given by a relative of ILs. I find is okay, texture is light. I also wouldn't queue for the donuts. Few weeks ago went to Suntec and saw a long queue at the donut factory.. aiyo..

Me also.. will bring a cloth bag with me when I go NTUC just in case I need to get something.
good morning mummies!
rainy day today... shdnt hv worn my white pants.. argh!

is it ex to send bags for washing?

i heard munchy donuts at katong no q... funny last time pple not so crazy over dunkin donuts..
Gd morning mommies,

It started to rain since the first day of my work at this new place! Luckily the carpark is sheltered

Hi Chris,

KB brought home some donuts a few days ago when he went shopping with Joey at Vivo. It's not bad. Is there a krispy kreme in singapore?

Hi StyloBB,

For this year's xmas presents, i'm gonna get all my aunties a green bag.. I saw some nice ones at Robinsons which can be folded into a very small bag... i'll wait till they have 20% then i go and do a "bulk purchase".
must be vinco, the one we usually buys...

now that ikea dun give plastic bags, i bot a bag there at $1.80 only, nice, big and sturdy...
Hi Chris,

I think i know which bag you are talking abt. It's one of those retro looking nylon bag right? I bought one too (i bought the beige one with red flowers).... to pack my stuff in my old office. I could fit everything into that bag! Amazing!
Good Morning Mommies

Hi Stylobb & Jas,
You both very green people, I dont bring bags when I go supermkt lormaybe I shd do that from now onwardsfeel that using so many plastic bags very wasted and unfriendly to the envt

Hi Chris,
Washing ah, must ask my sisthink it cost her $20 to clean her Prada wallet, if Im not wrong

Hi Preggie,
You at new office now? How is the new company?

I got a lousy start this morning. Raining right so Lawrence drove the car and stop at the cover link that link my blk and the carpark.

Then this woman who is bringing her daughter to work was complaining that we were inconsidered. I told her that we only stop for a while and will be leaving soon. She still dare to tell me off that it was raining and my car shld move away. I told her I also have small kid and my Julian is even younger than her ger, why cant she just waited for a while. I am not going to park there for hrs.

Hi M2B,

My new coy ah? so far so good... i'm looking forward to the bonuses! hahaa..

At some point in time, i think we will still need to get plastic bags from the supermarket.. otherwise, how are you going to dispose of our rubbish at home? Cannot just pour the rubbish into the chute right? Must still wrap them up in plastic bags. So i also dunno whether to go green or not. KB for one is not going green! hahaa...

Hi Chris,

Issit pink? alamak, maybe i colour blind liao. The only complain i have of the bag is that there's no velcro to secure the top of the bag...

Actually for me, i have very little stuff.. coz i dun like to "customise" my workplace. I dun have pictures or dolls in my cube one. Only have essentials like a mug, calendar, tissue box, toiletries.

Hi Hong,

The woman brought the daughter to school or to work? Is the covered walkway for cars or for pedestrians?
$20 is not ex leh.. can u get the contact? i wanna ask abt their services.. thks!

i oso need plastic bags for the rubbish.. jia luck if ntuc dun give plastic bags in future.. hehe..
i same as u.. i only got a A4 size family photo in hard case and the stuff u mentioned...

i encountered pple who parked their cars at the shelter and the driver is nowhere in sight! pf always curse and swear if he sees such people.
Preggie, for both.
Infact the cover link is so high it doesnt really shelter pple away from rain if there is heavy down pour. She make it sound like i have park there for very very long.

That woman is bringing her daughter to nursery.

Tok abt gg green, me all the while quite 'green'.

If I go to shops jus to buy small stuff, usually I'll tell e cashier I dun nid a bag. If I can, will jus stuff my purchases into my handbag or just carry them hm by hand.

These days we go to the Ang Mo Supermart which is jus abt 5 min's walk away, and we'll bring along our market trolley so we dun nid so many plastic bags.


U counting ur eggs b4 they are hatched ah? U jus joined leh, looking fwd to bonuses liao? Will u be getting prorated 13 mth?
Hi Mummies
Feeling v grouchy today.... haiz.... still hobbling a bit... hvn't seen any doc cos wanted to monitor condition...
Went to mom's that day and jesse, when he saw me, asked me "Hello Mummy! How is ur leg? Are u feeling better? Let me give u a hug." Made me feel so good....

Brot chara for her check-up with the doctor and doctor was pleased to see her walking into the room, as well as stacking four cubes when asked to. Only need to see doctor in Dec to monitor her progress. julien, when she sees me, will call 'Mama!'.

Btw the silly mio is still not working! Hb has told them if they don't fix it soon, we wl cancel our subscription.

Btw what is the A**** brand? Me so blur....

Sorry, didnt respond to ur sms... rushing some stuff for my boss as she is flying off later.
Don't be angry lah, put urself in her shoes and maybe u won't be so angry... we all want the best situation for our kids....

U reminded me of an incident when hb/I went to Oriental... we walked into the lift. As hb saw this woman approaching us (but she was quite a distance), he pressed the lift button for her... she walked in, with her hp to her ear, did not even gesture anything, in fact kinda stared at us. After she finished her conversation, not even a word of thanks.. after the door opened, she just marched out! Just so rude....

Cos I had to pay for plastic bag when NTUC has their last Wed day of not supplying plastic bags.. so decided to keep a cloth bag in my bag loh...good habit too.... hehe

Funny thing, is, yeah, we still need plastic bags for garbage disposal.

Me not donut person, but I think vinco is not bad leh.. but hb thinks otherwise...

Krispy kreme - not in s'pore yet. Hb read before that they are not into franchising either.
Dunking donuts - they hv delivery online... done by this guy.

Hope ur LV bag is not dirty becos of the rain this morning...haha

U gave me an idea..wonder if the teachers wl appreciate these bags as pressies? How much are the ones at Robinson's? Not too exp, I hope.

I don't blv in keeping anything personal at my desk... learnt frm lesson from last co... the day u leave, u leave with little things to pack... so my table has nothing personal, pc has nothing personal, no wallpaper of kids and no photo frames... hahaha....
i still tink mister donut in jpn is the best!
hard to believe, but i hv not started to use the bag. hehe
why no photos? i have ash photo as my wallpaper too.. when u feel sian, look at her will be happier... hehe
Hallo Mommies.

Wah.. talking abt workstations ah? Think I am quite nua. I have photos of Josh/family and gifts from my colleagues on my table. Didnt bother to bring some of my presents home so just decorated them on my table.... Then got mug, spare pair of shoes, tumbler, bag, etc some more.. Hahah... Accumulated over the years..:p


Nice bag! But must take care loh...


Take care of your leg too. Nowadays always rain so walk slowly hor...


Cool down.. Maybe the lady was in hurry so abit man zhang? Dun let her spoil your day, over leow...
Hi StyloBB,

Hope you are not wearing your geox.. coz now raining and the shoes very slippery, later aggravate your injuries.

You also gave me an idea... maybe that should be the thing i buy for the teachers! instead of plants! hahaa...

Joey's school is closed on 31 Aug.. the teachers and principal are going out for buffet. I better remind myself not to send joey to school. It has happened to me before.. i sent her to school on a day when it was closed!

Hi Chris,

Mr donut is in Taiwan too.. i tried it before.

Hi Trans,

I will get pro-rated. Unless, they fire me before then la.. hahaa

Hi Hong,

I think i know what you are talking abt liao. Actually, if i'm the woman, i'll also be a little frustrated coz that means i gotta walk out into the rain. Maybe what Law should have done is to drive the car out first, then when you and jan are ready, then reverse the car back into the shelter.

We've encountered similar incident before.. our car was parked at the sheltered walkway coz we wanna unload pple.. so KB took out a big umbrella and shelter the other pple who wants to cross so that they dun get wet becoz of us.

Hi Minnie,

How many year have you been working in your current organisation?
cos we are walking just infront of that woman and my MIL already board the car and i am getting Jan in. The woman and the kid are hold on to umbrella. Arghhhh...

I dun know is there anythign wrong with my eyes. I mistaken a lady pregnant and i wanted to give up my sit to her and she told me No Thanks i was not pregnant so loudly. Ok.. i was wrong in a gd way.

Anyway i was mistaken as pregnant woman before.

BTW, can i collect the tix from u later. Can u come out for a while?

Been here for seven years. My dept all long stayers la, my boss is 12 years, one colleague is 10 and another one is 6yrs... All nua here.. Hahaa... Dats why I can accumulate so much stuff over the years!! But my boss gd la. Takes care of us so wan to go also always bu she de. She is quite pro-family which is gd.

So you on leave next Fri to bring Joey out?


If people mistake you as preggie woman, just sit down lor... Hahaha.
Super cold at office today... freezing....

No photos cos just don't hv loh. Only hv one pdf one that I did recently.

I'm craving for Rive Gauche cakes again... haha.. might drop by Taka afterwards..

I was like u, accummulate so many things over the years. When I had to leave my ex-co, I could not take everything back as heavily pregnant... left the remainder with my ex-collick, months passed.. never missed what is inside. Went back one day to throw most of the stuff away... so now I learn a lesson.. don't keep. Don't want, then gv away.

So how? Can u find out how much are those selling at Robinson's? Good idea, right?

Stimes can be quite blur as to when they don't hv to go to school...

Aiyoh I wearing Geox today indeed! Umbrella is my walking stick! Hahaha..

Wonder who is more embarrassed .. u or that woman..haha.. I only gv seats to those really pregnant... I mean, in maternity wear...

The problem is I clear periodically but cant seem to clear fast enough. Christmas/Birthday comes and I will have new stuffs. Sometimes will clear watever I have.

Becos of my job nature, I have many many samples and stuffs from suppliers. They like to give and never bother to collect them back. So I have many many stuffs lying around which I clear every year-end.... From t-shirts to jackets to pens to bags, I have them all!! Hahaha... Dats why my colleagues love coming around to my desk to check out my "junk". My junk is their treasure indeed... Currently, I have 4 bottles of red wine for my dept sampling!!

Alamak, you wearing Geox so better walk slowly and carefully....

I tried Canele cakes yesterday. Quite nice!
I forgot the nature of ur job... no wonder u hv so many things!!

Yah Canele cakes pretty nice. Try Rive Gauche next time... cheaper and just as good.

I went to see the reflexologist near my place.. He's pretty good... told me ligament stretched or sth and kneecap injured.. must seek treatment.. pressed certain points which indeed were painful He did like 20 mins or so (I didn't time so don't know how long) on my legs, arms, back, neck, forehead... after that my body feels 'softer' and not so tense...
Told me to eat more fish and veges, sea cucumber (which I utterly dislike!). Avoid beans.
Cost me $18.
Good morning mummies,

Was on 2 days leave to run some errands.


Haha, i think i am same as you, only 50% go green cos i need the plastic bag for rubbish at home. Maid been telling me we got no enuf plastic bag at home, keep remind me to take extra when we go ntuc.
Hi Mummies
Decided to take mc today... let my leg rest a bit otherwise wl keep moving everywhere... this morning quite painful leh.

Hi! Why are u asking ah? TPY Central has some right. Here it is.

Thomas Teo
Tiger Foot Reflexology
Blk 85 Lor 4 #01-320 TPY
tel: 6258 0942
Got email somemore..haha... [email protected]
mon-fri 10am to 8pm
sat/sun 10am to 5pm
closed on PH

I also tend to buy the plastic bags from the SKP plastic supplier... hahaha....
Hi Cherly,

I have an ex-colleague who goes to giant to "kope" plastic bags! And he's a man!

Hi StyloBB,

They've got a few sizes... the smallest one (which i think is good enough) is $9.90, the larger one is $12.90. You can find them at the homeware department, in front of the escalator.

Abt geox... everytime i wear it, i must keep reminding myself that i'm on "rollerblades" and must walk slowly and make sure dun step on puddles.

Hi Hong,

My size makes me look like i'm perpetually pregnant
good morning mummies!

hope ur feet feel beta soon so u can go out in the weekend! hehe

nowadays a lot of clothes make pple look preggie but hard to make sure unless their tummy is really big...
Good Morning Mommies!
Thur liao, weekend is comingheehee

Hi Preggie,
If nothing goes wrong, we will start our lesson with one of the contacts you gave me tonightthanks!

Hahaha, just joined and you thinking of bonuses liao ah?!

Hi Chris,
I will get the contact from my sis and let you know.

Hi Minnie,
Same as you, my workplace is full of personal stuff accumulated over the yearsbcoz I have my own office, I have all kinds of rubbish heretime to spring clean liao

Hi Stylobb,
Your leg better? Must take care ankle is ok by itself liao...

Hi Chris,
I agree now many preggie clothings ard so diff to tell man...
