Preggie Friends Since 2003

CY used chopsticks to pick up fishballs b4, but I think he is not very proficient wz it.

I've seen Joey eat noodles with chopsticks b4, she's a pro!

For keeping of toys, what I did with joel is I told that he got to keep his toy first before he can play with another set of toys. Usually he will do it, and I will help him to keep it together. So far it works for me.

Not yet getting joel to use chopstick.

The wooden toys are nice, I had been wanting to get wooden toys for Joel but sorry to say this that I had been putting it off due to the cases of high lead content found in the paints use on the toys, I am more caution now on such toys from China.

that's a very nice pic.. the name is very unique too.
hmmm but if she doesnt want play anymore leh.
I realised if i asked Janelle to keep she wun. So i always have to tell her that we keep together.

Chopstick - Janelle also know how to use chopstick is the cross stick method which i think is wrong. I also using that way so i need Law, my mum or IL to help me to teach her.

She also started to train the skill by picking up fishball.

Stylo, does the shop have website?
Hi Mummies
Feel quite tired today...

Thanx for feedback, appreciated.

Don't think they hv website.

Eureka - we msned each other at nite some weeks back..

chopsticks - never let jesse try.. I don't think he knows yet..

Me same as u, logistic arrangements if I send jesse to a class whereby I need to be there, cos that means I hv to make arrangements for the gals ie hb wl hv to take care of 2.. or maid wl hv to do it...

Yah I also won't like it if I'm pressurised to buy things...

If only ur nephew can really enjoy, then I'm sure he wl feel differently. But at least he is learning now, can't blame ur sister next time that she didn't gv him a chance to try..

Smell - I know what u mean. but these ones are ok so far.

She looks so round..hehe... so cute..
I like the meaning of her name, very nice. The last pic is so heartwarming..

Ray tried to use chopsticks but its more like shoving in the beehoon/mee. She still prefers fork, much easier.

Stylobb, Jas
My problem with wooden toys is that there will be small tiny bugs/booklice. Now I avoid buying wooden ones. Nice to see but hard to maintain. :p
Good morning mummies.

So tired today cos i got stiff neck, always have this problem, look like i got to change to neck support pillow and try out.


Charlene also not very good in chopsticks, however she likes to use it.


Let me consider first, if i want to join must join next term?
Good Morning Mommies...

Hi Hong,
Raine likes to use chopsticks but not proficient w them yet. I agree w Trans, Joey is a pro man!

I'm like you hold chopsticks the wrong way thus can't teach Raine...myself prefer fork instead...

Hi Stylobb,
Yap, my sis hope my nephew's interest in voilin will grow...I heard him play the song "long long ago" very nice...thatz his exam piece...
that is why i wanna put Janelle in the class with no parents intervention. SO i can bring Julian for a walk or i can have a 45 min break on weekend.

Janelle dun like to use fork. She will request for chopstick.

there is this pigeon chopsticks for children to learn how to use chopsticks right? I am sure mummies here have seen it.... heard it's quite useful really.

Never crossed my mind to ask my son to use choptsticks yet.... no hurry la.

Guess can wait till Jan is older lor... then she can go for those classes that dun need parents to accompany.

oh raine at seimpi? we went for a trial when my boy was much younger. absolutely put off by that place, the teacher was terrible, can't even speak proper english and it was just a disappointment. my friends and I told ourselves never go there again. haha. guess it's that teacher's fault la.

If want learn piano, i wld prefer proper classcial piano lessons. most impt is interest la... the child must be interested, if not later will give up. Wonder how many parents themselves here can play instruments?

sigh i belong to the learn halfway give up type... hope next time can pick up again! That day saw this Hello Kitty guitar so cute!!!! i want to learn how to play!
I am also holding chopstick the wrong way, so can't teach Joel. This task will leave to hubby to do... hee hee..

I saw that chopstick before. I am tempted to buy but still considering on whether is it really of good used..

Me too, I used to learn guitar and even bought one, but after few months I stopped, ended up didn't master anything and in the end give the guitar away to my ex-colleague who can play.
Good Morning Mommies...

Hi AppleG,
Yap, Raine initially w Learning Horizon which offers MIM courses from Seimpi, now proceeding to digital piano...Raine's teacher at Learning Horizon was good, think she freelance for Seimpi...havent met Raine's new teacher though...hope not too bad man...if no good, maybe change to other music schools coz Raine's interest in there...stopped for 3 weeks and every Sat ask me when go music lesson...

Haha, I learn guitar in Yamaha before coz that time, my bf played very good guitar but also gave up eventually...

Hi Jas,
Yalor, we hold the chopsticks wrong way, better dun teach the kids man...

I got the Pigeon chopsticks but also seldom use as Raine prefer OUR chopsticks...
Morning mummies...

u have that Chopstick, may have to try it on Janelle.

There are classes that dun encourage parents to be ard. Shldnt be too hard to find one.
Good morning mummies.

Was on half day to go for neck treatment. Feel so much better after that. Went to Metro Tampines, almost everything is 50%, heard the sales gal told the other customer, the later Metro will shift out is 12 August. Nothing much there but 1 toy at $5 for charlene. The rest are my eyes shallow, nail polish etc.
Hi Mummies
Not in the best of mood... feel sluggish... the weather was v v hot yesterday! I hope it'll rain later..
For some reason I also feel quite tired... keep yawning .... Not sure if I'm sleeping too much or what....

I just bot a box of grenolas... the ones that they top with Yami Yoghurt... decided to add the yoghurt I bot yesterday. V yummy.

Bugs/booklice in wooden toys??? O dear! I didn't think of it... makes it so eeeky..... I beta watch out.

Ur stiff neck beta? I had it some weeks back, so uncomfortable....

Yeah have seen the chopsticks before.

I agree teachers play an important part, tho jesse goes to sunday school and different teachers are there each week, he only rembrs one teacher who happens to be v good with kids.

I am one of them, learnt classical guitar but didn't continue.....

My guitar is still with me, it's yamaha, I can't bear to give it away.

Yeah, I'm sure there are classes around that don't need parents to accompany.

Told hb to bring them to the field to kick ball again this sunday if weather permits...

Can someone recall how did we get together? Did we join a Jan thread or was it just New Moms thread? Cos it's quite strange that it ended up most of us hv Jan babies, with a handful of earlier and Feb/Mar/May ones.....
we joined the MTB thead.

I learnt "Er hu" before but also given up. hahah...

We have guiter, "liu qin". My BIL can play "liu qin" & "pi pa". imagine my MIL actually bought one for him. Now in store room.

Yes stiff neck get better, mine not only stiff neck, the pain extended to shoulder, make me like a robot.

If i rbr correctly, i think we join a thread call New MTB?
so nice Raine will ask for piano class... i secretly wish my boy will ask too some day.... haha... dun want force him though, unless he says he wants.

This is indeed going to be a generation that everyone will be like Jay Chou, everyone knows how to play piano.... well which is a good thing. Makes Singapore a more cultured society hopefully! Like those countries with rich music culture... nice.

Learning Horizon is a cc centre is it?

no i dun have that chopstick, just remember a friend who bought it for her son and she says it's good. at least it teaches them the right way of using chopsticks! Not sure how good though cos haven't tried it myself.
I also use the wrong way of holding chopsticks! hee. hubby is correct way though.

Wow Er Hu ah.... I was in the Chinese Orchestra big part of my life..... brings back fond memories.... so i know what's a liu qin and pi pa...hahaha.
i was surprised when i knew my BIL can play that. Which instrument did u learn? I dun have genes in music, hoping my kids will have. Dun have to learn any instrument. Singing is gd enough.
Hi Mommies,

Wow...chopsticks. Seems not long ago that Xavier started feeding himself with spoon & fork. Will go check out the chopsticks. Definitely want him to learn the right way of holding. I used to hold the sticks wrongly but my dad corrected me. Really grateful to him for that.

Hi Hong, Apple G,
I was also in Chinese orchestra for 4 yrs in secondary school. Played the Zhongruan. Haha..I chose it because that was one of the cheapest instruments around. Flute was cheap, but got to buy 3, so still more expensive. Zhongruan is quite chor bor being more in supporting role. So got chance to sleep in between when the other main instruments are being trained and scolded

Hi M2B,
Great that Raine likes the classes. My son seems to be interested in piano, cos he will try to play and "sing" along. But then when I try to teach him, he doesn't let me play. Think he enjoys playing himself.

But i really believe starting them early on music is good..trains their hearing. think those that learn music from young, they're quite sensitive to haha...Raine next time will also sing very well in karaoke.
Hi Stylobb,

Hope your mood will be better. Hey..we are almost done for the week...just tomorrow left and it's weekend again.

I think the thread was New Moms, cos mine was May baby. Unlike I would have joined a Jan thread?? Anyway that was like 2003 when we started flies.

Do take care of your neck. I was on MC earlier this week for bad backache. Now back better but pain shifted to neck also. Giving me a headache also. Somehow feel that bones not as good as before..lack of calcium??
Good Morning Mommies
Yday stayed late till 9pm+ for a meetinghb brought Raine to pick me upsiaz, make Raine miss her sleeping time and she slept in the car on the way back

Hi Apple,
Raine started asking for piano lesson when she was much younger, since she has the interest, I just provide her the avenuehope she will make the best out of it

Learning Horizon is an educational institution, think affiliated to Learning Vision (Raines cc)actually Raines cc has the MIM classes too but as she started way earlier, she is into more advanced stage now, so cant join her classmates

Hi Masshiro,
Hahaha, ya, Raine likes to sing a lot toosometimes hb got to ask her to keep quiet in the car coz she cant stop singing :p

Your neck better now?

Hi Chris,
Where r u hah?
Good morning mummies.

TGIF, this weekend will be quite busy for me cos hb go to a resort in Malaysia for company retreat this morning, wont be back till sunday evening. Tmr got some function to attend and sunday also got something on.


Yes, neck better.


You got backache very often, better take care.
Hi Mummies
I think I wl have a bz weekend too.... hope I wl hv enuf energy...

We intend to watch Transformers tonite...

Excuse me, but what is a zhongruan???

Masshiro has some spinal problem.

SO good that raine asks for it...

yah, where is chris???

I think it was a MTB thread...
good morning mummies
This week is a busy week for me...

I ask Joel whether he wants to attend music class and he said yes... I asked him he like to learn which instruments - guitar, volin or piano, and he said piano coz he can bang bang bang on the keyboard... oh my..

Yesterday went for the Dim Sum dollies show... as usual, it was very funny..
Hi mommies,
very tired today cos did some cleaning at home. Resting at home...

wow.... u are from Chinese orchestra too.

hope u like the show.
Tomoro is THE day for weddings! I think many caesearians too and induction! haha... everyone wants to get married or give birth on a nice date like 070707!

Who got wedding invitations? I must be old now... though tomoro is a very popular date for weddings I dun have any to attend.... but I do have a kiddy birthday party and a full month party to attend over the weekend! haha....that's my age i guess.... always full months or kiddy parties.

A zhongruan looks abit like a guitar...but it's round, the "rounded guitar" in the chinese orchestra.

So nice u can still go for movies ah.... i missed so many shows, no way to go movies... I really hope to bring Gla to watch Surfs Up though cos he points to the posters... but so far no chance... unless i take leave.

I played percussion! hee. Nearly took up the guzheng.... but shifted to percussion.
I got no kakis to go and watch leh...

Yah been hearing good reviews about it.

U on leave today?
I'm not bz today...

Btw I think nepia on promot at NTUC...later I go and take a look.

Hb/I are movie buffs....
I don't think Surf's Up is good leh.. heard some ppl talking about it..saying storyline is flat.

Me waiting for Ratatoullie leh....

WHere is everyone else ah???
Hi Stylobb,
Wow..gud memory. You remember I have spinal problem. Yalor..very cham. Everytime got backache I also get neckpain & headache...guess they all link through the spinal code.

Yup, like what AppleG said, it's like a guitar. The rounded part is good, when I tried to steal a nap, I'd put my head on the rounded part & zzzzz

Saw nepia's promotion at NTUC.

enjoy your movie tonight!!!

Hi AppleG,
Percussion is cool....but very stressful. cos one wrong beat & everyone knows...but have always like percussion.

All mummies,
have a gud weekend.
Hi Mummies
Hope u are all having a nice weekend..the weather's so hot.. the kids were playing ball again.. everyone perspired so much... anyway... I wanted to say... Transformers ROCKS!!! I wanna see it again!!! haha... hb/I hv gathered our friends to watch next week.
Good morning mummies.

Its Monday, anyone got monday blues?


I wanted to watch too but both me and hb are too busy for movies.

Must make time to paktor mah....

We were so bz yesterday with the kids.. whole day tending to their needs... end up in the nite, hb and I said we didn't have time with each other! sianz.....

I was watching some andylau/sammi cheung show on tv last nite... find that the ending is so stupid... wasted my time...

While on the subj of paktor, u going hokkaido soon w ur hb right? Must ensure u spend ur er ren shi jie albeit a short time well...
Gd mrng mummies!

How's everybody's weekend? We went to Sentosa on Sat afternoon, HB's co had their family day there. Matt had fun playing w the sand. Nic was not used to it and cling on me thru out the session.
On Sunday, brot the kids to playground and they had fun time running around. hee, at least better than staying at home and 'nua' :p


Yes, this mth end going to hokkaido, 1st trip w/o the kids. We are trying to make the dating weekly, not so keen in movies 'cos cannot really talk, usually will go shopping and hv dinner together.

But this week may hv to stop for a week as hb is going to China tmr till Fri/Sat, me will be home w the kids.


me! Not too well, starting to hv running nose.


Actually i also don know what is 'zhongruan'. What's the diff between zhongruan and pipa?
Agree with u that movies is not on the top of recommendations to do with spouse.. so after and before movie, chat loh or got for early am (2am) makan at mc's.. haiz... my hb has been so bz w/ work lately.. what to do..

Sat we had dinner at BJ with a grp of friends.. a fr helped to jagar the kids.. I ate my burger but I was hungry an hour later...

What u doing now? Ur exams over or coming??
Hi Cla,
Zhongruan and Pipa both string instruments, but has round base. Pipa you shud know the shape, the one Wang Zhaojun played.

Oh dear, running nose, better take care. Enjoy your trip to Hokkaido. Lovely place. Gud time to catch the lavendar right?

Hi Stylobb,
Went to Marche at Vivo yesterday. Had rosti, soft shell crab & calamari & my hubby ordered steak. Steak was really gud. Soft Shell crab so so leh...think that time we ate one better.

So today must diet already.
Morning mummies,

I was down on sat evening. I feel i got backache and i was shivering the whole nite. Nap on sunday and feeling much better but i feel the mucus stucking at my throat again.

Eyes watery again.....
Yeah once I had the s-s crabs but they didn't cook them too well so it wasn't nice.

I tend to get hungry easily...think my stomach expanded haiz..

U fell sick suddenly?? So strange.
julien was also coughing.. think hb passed to her. Put her in the study and he voluteered to sleep with her.. end up is on aircon and sleep...! Of course germs wl spread.. haiz...

but both of u like movies, so is also gd past time.
i can't sit still for long hrs, also there isn't any show that catch my eyes. :p wanted to watch Spiderman 3 but now not so keen. Is the transformer really very gd? Do u think our boys will like it?

my exam over liao, now tidy up the house, hoping to move the boys out of the room. Are all ur kids sleeping in the same room as u too?


u also not well? din hv enough rest is it? ur symptons sound like mine.


hee, yes, now is the lavendar season, we r going w Preggie n hr family

Must search for the pic of Zhongruan then know what is it. :p

the sympton started on sat but i "tong" till evening. My back was aching till i can even feel it at my joints. I popped two panadols and told Law to send the kids to sleep. Janelle wanna followed PIL back so Law jagar Julian only.
Good Afternoon Mommies

Hi Stylobb,
You make me wana watch Transformers toobut must see when hb is free and sure gonna be 9pm+ or midnight show againhiaz

Ya ya, Im oso waiting for the Ratatoullie movie to bring Raine to

Hi Cla,
Must enjoy your 2nd honeymoon w hb!

M2B, Cherly,
thanks for asking. No leh.. may have to take MC tmr to rest. Trying to clear some work today.
Hi Mommies,

Recently our thread moving so slowly....

I'm feeling quite tired today, haven't been sleeping well for some time.
Hi Hong,
Take care. Have a gud rest at home.

Hi Preggie,
maybe take a quick nap during lunch. I'm tat kind who needs a power nap. A 10-15 nap really works for me. Keep me productive in the afternoon.

Well, your Hokkaido trip coming. So rest well b4 the trip so u can have a gud time there.

My boy got high fever, so got up in the middle of night to watch him. Must be the calamari he ate on Sunday.
HI Mummies

I was waiting for u to post.. hehe
Yah, so quiet lately.. our lives so boring meh?
I KO at 10pm last nite... haiz...

How come not sleeping well?

Still sick ah??

If I nap during lunch, I'm afraid I won't wake up on time.. haha

Fever.. scares me .. how can he chew on calamari??
Transformers, don't know if the boys wl like it, don't intend to let jesse watch.. doubt if he can understand it.. more afraid he will disturb other ppl watching.

U also not well?

We already organised another viewing on Friday for Transformers.. hahaha..
Hi Stylobb, Cherly
He slowly chews the calamari. But he likes the cripsy batter more. Think the calamari & rosti too heaty already, so he developed sore throat & fever lor..our fault really.

The thread like very slow hor.

Can't wait to go home..very sleepy.
Hello mommies
The thread's indeed abit slow.. I've been reading but been feeling tired too so didn't post.. worse is I kept munching and eating and no exercise! aiyo put on weight liow!

How are you now?

Your boy okay already?

How's your day? Hope your boys guai guai don't give you too much stunts!

Good Morning Mommies...
This Fri got to go Raine's cc PTC...Time flies, half year gone again...

Hi Hong,
Hope you are feeling better now after some rest...

Hi Masshiro,
Your boy ok already?

Hi Stylobb,
Hb suggested watching midnight show this Fri...I'm still thinking whether to go coz Raine has piano lesson on Sat although at 11.30am lah...
