Preggie Friends Since 2003

Hi Stylobb,

Haven't checked out the Mother Garden website. Maybe later. Can imagine the website must be very sweet. I can read some Jap, so need help let me know.

I just finished this Big sized kit kat bar someone bought from guilty!!! so it really tasted so yummy!!!

My son's school organising some duck tour cum hippo ride...but cost $40 per pax for him and one adult. So total $80 very expensive. Dunno whether to bring him or not. I checked website, duck tour is free for kids 3 and below leh...suppose the $40 is to cater for the tpt and Mac happy meal. Still deciding....

Hi bbgal,
gud to hear ray is getting used to it. yah..better have the cushioning below. my son just fell from the bed middle of the night. luckily the pillow cushioned him a bit. I'll send you the pics via PM.

Hi bbgal,
I can't send the pix via PM. Here's his room (or rather my room for the time being)


I checked out the Mother Garden website!!!
so nice!!!now i remember seeing the cake set at a store at IMM....

Very Nice room!
Thanks. I enjoyed decorating the room myself. Haha...i'm the one deriving pleasure out of the room, not so much my son, the intended beneficiary!!!
Hi Mummies
Brot chara for her eye review... and praise the Lord, her eyes are cleared and the docs discharged her liao.. ie no need to go back anymore!

The room is v tastefully done.. no wonder u like to sleep there...hehe..

So exp! That's why my offer was a good deal... but just too bad that jesse already went for two of the three.. still manage to save on the hippo ride..

Me also munched on a Lindt choc ball...hehe

The cake set .. I think their outlet is at IMM but not Mother Garden lah...

Yah, it's like more for me to play... not the gals... hahaha

I'm just concerned that ray does not tumble down, so must remind her to walk down only when she is fully awake... hehe

Me really thinking about berries world for jesse... need to check the timing and whether he wl be ok with it..
'Your' room very nice, even got matching bedsheets and curtains!
Do you intend to put bedguard when he sleeps there eventually?

Melody, stylobb
I want to see the mothergarden website too!

Glad that Chara is cleared!

Yah that was my concern too when hb wanted to get those full height doubledeck, worry she will slide down when she aint fully awake. Yep I kept reminding her to take off her socks and go down carefully by the stairs when she wakes up. Sometimes I get 'heartattack' seeing her goes up too, cos she sometimes will stay upright at the edge instead of crawling inwards. :p
Thanks. For Disney fans, can go check out the other bedroom sets at their store at United Square. got Pooh bear, disney princesses etc.

I even coordinated the wardrobe colour and got some door knobs from Disney online shop...really had fun!!

U MM fan or Xavier?? Looks more like u are the one leh..

Talk later... going to watch Ocean's 13 with hb afterwards...
For the catering, if the no. of pax you order is is more than a certain no. you can request them to split the main (e.g your ordered rice), into half rice and half bee hoon. If not, you ordered two as the full no. of pax, will be quite a lot.

That's a very nice mickey mouse room..

Indeed praise the Lord, Chara is okay now...

Initially after the trial, I reserved a place for Sat 11am class for Joel at Berries. However after considering for few days, I cancelled the reservation coz I am not really very comfortable with the class of 12 students (max capacity) although there are 1 teacher and 1 assistant around. Also I asked Joel he prefer lego class or chinese class and he told me every time he prefer lego class. I decided then to wait much later to revisit chinese class for him again.
Mother garden stuffs are too sweet for me.

Jas, i think i only have 30 guests and they dun allow me to split.
halo mummies
few days nebi log in liao, been bz as pf's grandma passed away on sat and bil is in town so was on leave for either reason last few days.
just to share ash's harvest from melb... mostly dora stuff hehe..

Morning Mummies
Me got backache, any cure for it?? I took panadol extend. Can't even stand straight at times or walk far... haiz... I am feeling well but the back ah...

Re ur answers: they are for Adult to Adult leh, I was asking for Adult to Child... ie what will u tell joel if he were to ask u the question?? hehe...

Oh I went to berries world yesterday to get the schedule.. when I asked jesse if he wanted to join a new class, he said no... hmm...

Ocean's 13 wasn't so bad altho no climax... things just went along ...

So that's why u hv been missing...
condolences to the family..

Wow, a lot of stuff for ash...

I bot the ELC puzzle - 28 pcs for jesse but the pces are rather big.. he finished putting them together rather fast...
Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear that PF's grandma passed on.

Hi StyloBB,

Back pain dun play play.. go see a doctor... maybe they may give you some muscle relaxants or something to relief it.

Oh.. wanna tell you that my maid is going home on Sat...
Yah, looks like I hv no choice but to hobble to see a doctor and the doctor is a few bus stops away frm my place... haiz

The 'old' maid?

tink panadol have muscle relaxant too... mayb u wanna try that 1st b4 u hobble to the dr?
Hi StyloBB,

I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamt that a cancer patient ran away with my joey! I was so desperate when i saw her red jacket on the floor. Well, thankfully it's only a dream. But this serves as a reminder to me to keep an eye on Joey at all times and dun ever entrust her to any strangers.

Hi chris,

I know pf's family is a very close knit one.. i hope they are not overly affected by the passing. Was the passing expected or was it a sudden one?
pf ah ma was hospitalised recently for 18 days at nuh. after so many days, they cant detect any sickness, only that she cant walk, talk or eat at times. a wk after her discharge, she passed away. the maid said she wanted to change her diapers for ah ma but feel her whole body cold. i guess she passed without any suffering and pain, just purely old age. it was sort of unexpected bcoz she was just discharged from the hospital and the dr say she is fine. but i guess the family are hapi she passed peacefully.
Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear about the passing.

Hi Stylobb,
Better go see dr if the pain persists.

Hi Preggie,
The dream sounds scary...but it's ok. only a dream.
sorry to hearing abt the lost but it is still a blessing to leave without pain. Not many old pple can go away like this. She must has alot of gd Karma.

i will broke out in cold sweat if i have such dream.
Hello mummies, long time no chat, been reading but no post. :p


Sorry to hear abt PF's grandma, our condolences to ur family.
but also think is very fortunate to be able to pass on peacefully.


Nice room! can see that u really put in so much effort
am organising room and hoping to move my boys out. Was very tempted to get a 2nd hand Thomas bed for Matt but the room is too small for it, so better not


u sound very painful! was the backache frequent? Pls take care!


Like to ask how much time do u set aside per week for couple time?
Hi Mummies
I went to see doc, normal pills loh.
I realise my backache is from letting my three kids sit on my thighs and gallop, gallop, gallop!!!
Sorry to hear the passing of PF's grandma...

Your back better? You better stop being a 'horse' to your kids!

Wow, you really put in efforts to deco the room!
you asked your contractor to laminate the wardrobe doors in that colours?

Stylobb, Melody
The mother garden stuff so sweet, wish I can own them!

Preggie, Stylobb
Talk abt bad dreams, I had a bad night last night. Was shaken up 2-3 times from my sleep by Ray's crying cos she was having blocked nose and couldn't sleep well. Each time I woke up fearing she had flipped over from the bed! *cold sweat* So tired to keep running in and out of the rooms.

Think we only have about 1-2hrs each week as couple time. :p

wow! better stop doing that.

was thinking abt ur qn on replying to our kids. Feel that we seem to be quite negative by replying mummy has to work for $$ to buy this and that, won't the child ask, 'Daddy has $$, ask daddy to give u?' then how are we going to reply?


tks for replying my qn... actually i meant like going out for dinner or movie, just like dating time and onli couple, not kids. Seem like here onli Stylo/Chris/Hong often do that. For us, we seldom set some time aside to go out together, onli when go shopping for some stuff. even if go out and not shopping, also don know what to do. maybe both of us are homely people, prefer to stay at home and 'nua'... :p
We haven't had couple dinner/moive for very long! we usually have couple breakfast at hawker if hb's on leave and Ray goes to cc :p I ever suggest we put Ray in cc on sat morning once a while then we go gym and pick her up at ard 11am. But haven't tried that cos feel quite bad to put her in cc for 6 days :p
Hi Mummies!

How's everyone of you?

Couple time ahhh.... I think you might want to change the question to me to "How many times do I see my hubby per week?" Just kidding. Well sad to say, my answer is zero.

Hi Chris,

I just remembered my hubby told me that he saw you in hospital. That's why you are there. My condolences to PF and your family. My grandma passed away some time ago while I was having my exam. But my loss is nothing compared to PF as we are not as close.


Shawn is out! Wahhh... I like him the most! So sad... sob sob.


Your back is hurting hurting recently? Is it also because you do not have enough rest? Cos my tend to be very painful if I do not have enough sleep. Take care ah!

To the "Old" mummies, welcome back!
Morning mommies, TGIF!


Why the sudden qn abt couple time?


Yah, Shawn is out. I am not disappointed but more surprised cos he seems very popular. Anyway, still hv fan shen sai, so hope he can 'fan' back into the competition.
Hi StyloBB,

Issit 3 kids or 4 kids galloping?? hehehe...

Hi Cla,

Couple time? ermm... it's 1.5hrs a week on a Sunday during Joey's berriesworld class. hahaa..
The 1.5hr is very precious and we will enjoy each other's coy like going for breakfast at toast box or sipping coffee at coffee club. After just 1.5hrs together, we usually feel rejuvenated!

Hi Masshiro,

I also noticed all the mickey accessories on the table. wow.. you are very detailed

Hi BBgal, Hong, Masshiro

I had a hard time falling back asleep after i woke up from the dream. Somehow, it felt so real! I think i have an over-active imagination. Last night, i dreamt of aurora borealis!

Hi Linda,

I think Shawn's supporters thot a lot of aunties will vote for him, so didn't bother calling.

Is your nephew still in running?
Good Morning Mommies

Hi Hong,
Sorry, didnt reply to your msg coz didnt log in until today

Hi Masshiro,
Your Mickey Room is really nice!

Hi Chris,
Sorry to hear abt PFs granny

Ash has a good harvest from MEL man

Hi Cla,
Actually me and hb have little couple time and since he started this new job, worse
He has been working late daily and can only meet us for dinner on SatSun is free but will let him spend with Raine insteadOnly last Fri, we went for our 1st midnight show since Raine is bornhahaha
Good morning mummies.

TGIF...any plan for weekend?


I think the xiao bu dian will come back in fan shen sai since he seem quite popular.
Hi M2B,

Seems like mike's new job is really taxing. Must be quite tough on you and raine to see so little of him.

Hi Mommies,

Zara having summer sale. I've harvested from there last night already.
What will u answer if Matt ask u the same qns?
If Janelle was to reply me that way then i will have to tell her that I need to share the load with daddy so she must learn to share her toy with Julian.

Couple Time - both of us dun want to be overwhelm by kids. Law and I are not the parently kind of person. Marriage is not abt having kids. The reason to get together cos we love each other so this passion shld not die off after we have kids.

Janelle will get jealous when daddy hold my hand so we must "Get rid of her" so she wun disturb us. hahaha..

its ok. I have settle my dishes.
Sorry to hear of the demise of PF's grandma

Oh I see... hmm.. haven't thought about that really but most probably will tell him I need to work to pay for his maintenance cost (food, clothings and most important to him is toys)

By the way which M&S branch you got the nice puzzle from?

Maybe you should get the Osim igallop for the kids to gallop on instead of your thights..

For me, no couple time.
Hi Mummies
It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks...I'm better. Must get well to enjoy my weekend....
At least I can stand upright, imagine I was bent and cud not stretch myself on Wed....

That's why.... I also feel that telling them about the $$ part is a bit strange...
Then I will say "daddy does not hv enuf $$ to gv to me." hahahaa.... o dear, I'm making it worse!
jesse ever told me he has $$ and he wl give to me... haha

Yah, why the question ah? Couple time - actually also not much... stimes we try to meet for quick dinner after work, even that, we hv to rush.
So we have to resort to midnite shows and leave. My hb is always enthusiastic about us going out, but the problem is the kids' caregiving issue... we hv to make arrangements for mum or mil to be around.. and stimes I feel bad cos they are tired out.... lately my brother did tell us to put jesse with him if we need to go out on Sats.
If we nua at home, we usu end up doing our own things: surf the web or read....

My backache not frequent at all, I am usually v healthy... hehe

U and chris the same ah, mind is crooked....

Alan's not back from KL...???

Nope, not becos of rest but becos the kids sat on me... imagine 16kg + another 10kg, 11kg ..... and on my thighs and stomach!!!!

Wah, u have 1-2 days per week for coupletime.... !!

jesse also only wants to hold my hand....

Recently when my hb worked late, it was quite bad too cos we hardly hv time for each other.... thus that day he left work earlier so we could go out a little while....

Zara has sale? Their stuff on sale is still not cheap..... any nice tees????
I just did stocktake for my kids' clothes...

Actually I had a very bad nightmare stime ago which still plays in my mind.
When I told my hb, he had to pray with me against it.
I dreamt that I was in a pool.... playing with the kids... holding one gal in one hand, jesse the other... don't know what happened... the pool was deep after one point and three of us sank and I cudn't hold on to two.... eekk...... this is the worst dream I ever had...

I hopped into Growing Fun that day but didn't see anything that I like.
I got ur card, thanks!

No plans yet.... what about u????

What! That obscene gallop?? !!! No way!

Oh, I went to M&S to check, no more liao. They usu have these stuff during Christmas... so watch out for it in Dec...
is 1 - 2 days alot? If my PIL agree, i dun see why not?

MIL is reporting that Julian wakes up at 2am till 5am. I told her i have no problem with Julian on weekend. I wonder why.
1-2 evenings is more than the average... haha
Can.. can.. good that u have PIL who wl take care..

2 - 5am is v siong... did he drink milk?
my 1 -2 days meaning evening. hahaha..

after he drinks his milk lor. I told MIL julian didnt do that to us.

Yesterday we saw him doing hangon to the side of the playpen and carry himself up. like a little monkey swinging himself.
hi mummies
TGIF!! had a busy week, wonder how i get by!

hey i like your reply! are still "in loved"
most of my friends, even those without kids are not doing much couple things liao.

I get backache and will rub muscle relaxant..or get zoie to chui2 bei4!
Hi Trans / Preggie / Cherly,

I was shock to hear his name cos he's very porpular and also he has the highest vote on net. fan shen sai ah, I still hope that the tall guy will fan shen leh. Not interested in boys :p just feel that shawn is not bad.

Yeah my nephew is still in the running I hope that he will not be out b4 the guy in white spec. Cos I really don't like him!

Yeah he's still in KL and in genernal, we get to see him 1.5 days per week if we are lucky.

Oh, why not you go and by the I-Gallop and give your back a break? haha
Hi Preggie,
Thanks. Yah..i pick up Mickey stuffs here and there so collected quite a bit. His clothes, sandals, stationary all Mickey also. Haha..poor boy! maybe next time he'll blame me when he see all the make him go thru the Mickey craze!!

Hi gals,
Hmm...couple time..very little really. My boy so active, so sleeps very late every night. Only Friday night when he sleeps over at my parents' place, we have some time together. Wah..midnite show, too tiring man!!

I basically just get DVDs or Jap dramas to watch at home.

Hi STylobb,
I also get frequent backache cos I got slight scoliosis. So when it gets really bad, I put those Chinese big plasters...the heat helps to ease the pain a bit. Hope u get well soon.

Oh, wanted to ask you gals. Are you as irritated as me over the ICA's decision to cease passport photo update. My hubby actually wrote in to complain. It's so unfair, they only give $10 discount for the new biometric passport when we have paid so much for the old passport already. My boy only 3 years, still got like 7 years of duration to go, face features so change one what.
i got the same letter as u from ICA too. I think they shld give discount according to the number of yr left on the old passport.

7 year - 70% discount?

It just happened after i change Janelle photo so meantime i shld not have any problem if i need to bring her oversea.

My hubby cant take midnite show too. Althot i dun mind.


I got the same letter as well. I just changed charlene photo last year, like hong i think meantime i shd not have any problem if i bring her for holiday. Maybe ask you hb to write to ST forum to catch more attention.
