Preggie Friends Since 2003

Hi Mommies,

Sorry.. i'm in a really foul mood today... and feel like venting it here.

Am late for work today... so fed up! I make a point to wake up earlier, so that the big and small one can have more time to prepare and get ready... end up, they take it that they have more time to dilly dally, before moving their butts out of the house! Makes me boiling mad!!

Hi StyloBB,

I just noticed that its a masjid slap right in the middle of orchard road... So garuda is right behind it?

Hi Cherly, StyloBB,

Yes... $10 for replacement card. So frustrating leh.... the big and small one are both like this.... they lose things like no body's business and they dun feel bad for losing things.. haizz.....

Good Morning Mommies

Hi Minnie,
Josh really adores his dad manRaines a mommys gal instead coz hb tends to lose his temper at herimagine Raine asked me to change new daddyhow sad

Hi Stylobb,
I dun know how to speak Cantonese at all although I understd abitbut now HKG a lot of Chinese speaking people liao

Yap, toying w the idea of gg HKG w Raine manmy coll also jio me to bring our kids for a 5-days Central Japan tour

BTW, I agree w you that the Wait hah is probably what we adults told them from times to times and they picked it up

Are your kids ok now?

Hi Trans,
Now HKG having the HKG Shopping Festival so it is good for shopping w/o the kidsheehee

Hi Hong,
Hope Julian recovers soonRaine also have a persistent cough, brought her to see Chinese Physician and he said to reduce formula milk, drinks fresh milk instead coz less heatyeven my friends son PD said that

Hi Preggie,
Can get a replacement Zoo card right?
You escaped from your team-building workshop on Sat?
djd nice to go for a dip.
My two kids are down... jesse is talking in a hoarse tone and bad mood .. chara still hving fever on and bit but tkfully mild. julien has recovered. Me so tired over weekend.. haiz.
hb went for resvc liao. I hope I don't fall sick...

Yes it's there.. but don't bother going.. not nice leh. Rather eat at the nasi padang shops at Arab Street ... only tkful is w three kids, there was no queue on a Sat nite.

Btw did u join the teambldg on Sat?

So u hv 'mo' hb too.. haha... me too, I like to be up early and get going but hb's timing is different frm mine.
I'm laughing at the 'change new daddy'.. I can be quite impatient with jesse, tkfully he never said 'change new mummy'... I really dislike it when he is in his cranky mood but I guess he is not well.
We went to Kino and he was running all over the plc despite warnings frm my hb.. In the end hb gave him a hard smack on his arm and he told me 'mummy, so painful.' I told him papa did warn him but he didn't listen hence he kena lor.

Yah, I think ppl speak English and Mandarin more in HKG now ..
Btw I asked hb abt HKG and that can I bring jesse on my own and now he tells me he must go with us! Haiz... anyway discussion stopped there and he is off for resvc liao.

I'm also thinking of giving fresh milk.. Meiji milk can or not?? That time we bot this Smoo milk...

Two are not well leh.. I find I am affected when they fall sick.. my mood is dampened. Sian..

I think I wl get the Kino card lah.. saw some interesting books there... btw do u let joey choose her books? I think if I ask jesse, every book he also wants.. hmm....
Hi M2B, StyloBB,

Yes, i escaped from the teambuilding.

Hi m2b,

Change new daddy?? hahaa... maybe you can ask her teasingly, wat kind of quality should her ideal daddy have.

Hi StyloBB,

YES!!! KB is "MO" king. i dun understand why he cannot multitask.. if he talks, his hands and legs stops moving (for example, cannot talk and put on shoes at the same time). Then, before he leaves the house, he must circle the house a few times, first round to look for his keys, 2nd round to look for his wallet, third round to look for his phone, etc... i always wonder why he can't do everything at one go.

sigh.. i'm such a grump today!
Hi morning,

Julian is better, weekend were really killing me. Sat nite, he just have difficulty sleeping and make me and Law couldnt sleep well.

I have alot of work to clear this week. Have being disappearing from work for 3 days liao.

i hope ur kids are better. really no joke....
Sat I had an arguement with Law. There Janelle keeping asking me not to scold daddy, then she turned to Law and told him not to talk to mummy so loudly. Then she walk into the room and told me. " Mummy, i am going to Nai Nai hse. If u talk to daddy so loudly then i will have to go to Nai Nai's place lor."

I spotted this cute Simpson Tee n got a similar tee with Janelle. Got a family print simpson for Law. Too bad they dun have baby size else will get one for Julian.

Janelle still loves her friso. She just started to like cheese.
Cos he is a MAN..hahah.. they cannot multi-task..

We actually didn't wanna bring chara out but she started to cry when she saw us going so we brot her along as well..

What to do.. we are all human beings.. much as we try to avoid, me and hb also had some instances of 'battle' in front of jesse..
jesse wud say 'papa, u don't talk to mummy like this. Say sorry.'
Wah Jan so dong shi... what happened after that?

Simpson - at Bossini is it? Saw them... quite cute.
Hb bot the cheap t for jesse 'I am crispy' - french fry. Quite funny.
I stayed at Langham Place Hotel.

Lego class is only an hour. Basically the teacher will teach some concepts about 1st 20 minutes, then will go on to play the lego and build things based on the exercise of the day. So far, this is the only class that Joel enjoys most and wants to go and can happily say bye bye to me before the class starts.

Yesterday at the church service, the teacher told me Joel was crying badly and loudly when he noticed that I wasn't around during the praise and worship session which usually I will be until he went for the class, then I go upstair for the main sermon. Hiaz.. after so many weeks he still wants me to accompany.

Hee hee.. didn't really home-school Joel.. I don't have the patience to teach and am lazy.. As for signing him up for berries, not decided yet.

Hope Julian, Jesse and Julien will recover soon..

Don't be mad.. I read in a book that generally man are not one who can multitask as compared to woman who can. My hubby also the same.
Hi Stylobb,
Raine has been telling me wana change new daddy ever so often recently especially when hb scolds herI have told hb abt it lor and hb just laugh it offhiaz, he thinks it is funny what can I do

Milk I have been giving Raine Magnolia, Meiji and Smoo milk too but she prefers strawberrytrying to get her to drink vanilla flavour now

Hi Preggie,
Glad you escaped from the workshop.

Hahah, qualities ah, definitely 1 who wont scold her and have more time for usRaine has been asking why Daddy always working

Hi Hong,
Raine still w Grow too but she only drinks that twice a day as no more milk in cccc will give milo or Nesprayshe also likes cheese recentlybought her the biscuit and chesse dip, she likes it
We went her to MIL's place cos Julian was really hard to handle that nite.

When we went to fetch Janelle the next day. She asked me "Mummy, are u still talking to daddy loudly?" Haizzzz...

I brot her to have Ice-cream at Parkway Parade last nite.

I brot Janelle for a babe ballet trial on sat. I asked if she wanna continued. She asked me when am i going to get her all the ballet suite? She told me she wanna wear just like the rest of the classmate. She even asked me why the teacher never taught them how to dance like a ballerina??

Oh yes, i got Janelle another top from Daniel Hetcher.

I saw u at market yesterday morning but i look super tired so didnt call out to u and scare Joel. hahaha..

it may not be a gd thing to mult-task sometime. Dun get upset with KB and Joey.
Hong / M2B,

Charlene love cheese long time back, she take a slice every morning.

My mum also start to give clarence those cube cheese.
Hi Hong, Jas, StyloBB,

good thing abt KB is that he doesn't quarrel with me - or rather, very very seldom he will quarrel with me la.

I think i'm the problem la... placing unrealistic expectations on the Big and small one. haizz..... better reflect upon myself..

Hi StyloBB,

Abt milk, joey is on fresh milk. We only give her powdered milk in school coz it's way too inconvenient to bring fresh milk to school, monitor the consumption, and replenish. For the teacher's convenience, i have to allow joey to take powdered milk.

My mom now wanna bring powdered milk to japan for joey, but i think it's a really stupid idea coz the milk in japan is so fresh, why give her powdered milk???

Abt teambuilding, i didn't join. Told my boss i'm going, on friday.

Hi Hong,

Issit the homemade icecream next to Times bookshop? I really like that one... so yummy!!
Janelle doesnt really fancy cheese. I tried the laughing cow cheese recently and surprisingly she takes that.

Janelle tried Meiji chocolate milk but she didnt finished the small bottle. Law doesnt like the idea of fresh milk. He scare his precious's tummy couldnt take it and end up lactose intorlence like him and will not be able to take milk anymore.
I dun like the ice-cream beside the Times. I went to Venercia Ice-cream. Janelle like the chocolate ice-cream there.
Hi Preggie,

I guess I must be a man last life. I'm like KB, will walk round the house a few times b4 I step out and I'm one who can't multo task. hahahaha if I multi task, then I will become a big sotong!

Don't be angry with him...

We brought ryan to the pool too on Sat around 5+pm Next time when I go I will call you. But a lot of people there...
Gave jesse a big scolding just now... found that he took out the keyboard cover and started pounding the keyboard.. we recently replaced this as he spilled water over the last one. Got no regard for things. Leaves his toys all over the place. Short cut is always "Mummy, where is my car?" While we may not be rich, we are not suffering. Other ppl and tods are suffering from not enuf, my boy does not care a bit. Felt so angry with him.
Of course he apologised to me almost immediately cos he saw I was really angry.
Good Morning Mommies

Hi Preggie,
Must appreciate that KB has such good tempermy hbs temper quite bad and especially when he is stressed w work

Hi Hong,
We are trying to give Raine more fresh milk since advised by Chinese Physician and also PD although she is still asking for Grow at timesRaine loves Meiji Strawberry Milk and I also like the low fat versionyummy!

Hi Stylobb,
Understd your angerRaine has also been telling me things like Who who has this (eg water bottle), so Mommy can you buy for me please?, my reply to her Doesnt mean others have it, you must have it. Mommy and daddy are not rich. We will buy whatever is necessary for you and replace when that thing is spoiltkids nowadays hahNow better, she will goes Mommy, who has this. Can you buy for me when mine spoilt?hahaha

Clarence is so smileyfeel like carrying him man
Hi StyloBB, M2B,

I think the kids are at a stage where they take things for granted. Joey doesn't bat an eyelid each time she loses things. When i ask her to look for it, she'll patronise me by walking very fast around, pretneding to look, then come back to me and say "I can't find. It disappeared. It's magic!".

Do you think it's becoz we pamper our kids too much? Our kids seems to live in abundance. If they can't get the stuff they want from us, they can easily get it from their grandparents.

How can we instil the right values in them? haizz.....

Hi Cherly,

Wah.. you managed to get 2 similar pictures. hahaa.. can really see the difference. One obviously traumatised and the other sits back, relax and enjoy the swim!

Hi Hong,

I don't really like gelatos. I prefer those homemade ones.

Does fresh milk trigger lactose intolerance? KB is lactose intolerant too... he'll get a tummyache when he consumes any milk products including powdered milk and ice-cream.

According to studies, males are more susceptible to lactose intolerance as compared to females.
Hi Mummies
My throat's still dry and itchy.

Laughing at the two pics... hehe... I like preggie's observation..

Yah at least KB got no temper and won't scold u...

So far I find Island Creamery nice and value for money. Imagine for the gelato types, some charge like $5!!!! Ridiculous.

Yah... even tho we may not be rich, our kids don't lack anything... but stimes they take things for granted. I heartpain when I see all the toys/books strewn all over the place, jigsaw puzzles not kept properly... his Cars toys lying about...
The other nite lagi funny, hb was with him colouring a book, after he finished, hb said leave the box of crayons and book/papers by his side... who knows, in pitch darkness, I stepped on the box... I woke up the next day and found papers and crayons all over the place.... angry..angry.. told hb that all stuff must be kept in the study, not on the floor of bedroom!
jesse hardly asks me to buy things for him, only once/twice he likes this big truck and will tell me his cars already spoilt lah, pls buy him the truck. I always say 'next time'.
Good morning mummies.


As compare to charlene, clarence seem smaller size but definately not as kiasi as his sister, that's explain why he enjoy the swim.


Yes call me for dip. I didnt go to Geylang East one, i went to Tampines pool, not as crowded. They do have children bathroom as well. I might be going again this weekend, wanna join me?
Hi Mommies,

Feeling a bit sian. Made a small blunder at work this morning, luckily my boss discovered it b4 our guests arrived. Stimes real disappointed wz myself, I made sure I chk & chk but still hv mistake.

Ladies, how to be free from mistake ah?

Preggie, M2B, Stylo,
guess wat Janelle always ask for. XBOX!
She always asks me if I can get her XBOX. My reply is always. "AH, why XBOX?" hahaha..

I agree male are more pro to be intolerance to lactose. Law cannot take fresh milk, yogurt but he can take kopi leh.

May be u shld spend lesser on Joey? U see if she realise you stop getting her new stuffs.

I like Meiji milk. I find it really taste like milk but i dun have the habit to take everyday.

Clarence is so cheerful. Julian also like to play will water. He can splash the water during his bathe and then give me the cheeky smile.

why dun u convert a room for Jesse? I setup the shelves and drawers for the kids. So I make Janelle tidy up her books after reading. However, she doesnt like to tidy up her things herself, i must tidy up with her. She is making me to "BOND" with her. hahaha..

Me same as you, after my minor renovation, i make charlene keep her story books in shelf. I told her must put it back the place that she took, so far so good for her. She will keep her toys but at times, she will tell me she is the one to take out, so i must be the one to keep. WHen i asked her what kind of logic, she told me sharing. However, i told her who take out, who got to keep, she got no choice but turn to me to say, mummy help me abit cos too many toys, she keep till her hand tired.


Cheer up, everyone make mistake in work, remember my those past experience, more terrible rite? At least your boss discover it b4 the guest arrives.
Hi Cherly,

Hope, we went to Tampines nowadays. But last sat, the children's bathroom needs to q! So I asked Alan to bring Ryan to shower together as I didn't swim. Ryan just kena flu yesterday. If he has recover b4 weekend, why now? Give me a call when you are going ok?

Ryan will always said "I want mummy to keep for me" When I asked him to keep his toys after play. I need to raise my voice or even threaten to cane him b4 he will keep himself.

Sometimes I feel that I do not know how to deal with children. Always threaten with cane or lose my temper and shout at Ryan. Hazi......


Everyone make mistake at somepoint. That's why it's called human error. Sometimes, I do the checking for the same pcs of work at different interval. Or I take a rest b4 I do a double checking. You will tend to overlook mistakes when you have been doing the same pcs of work for some time. But if you take a rest or do other work, you tend to spot the mistake when you come back to it later.

Cheer up!
Hi Preggie & Stylobb,
Yap, dun know how to make our kids appreciate what they havetoday, she told me daddy goes to work and earn a lot of $ so that can buy me Baby Alive (the doll that she has been longing for but costs $125+ and I refused to buy)

Hi DJD & Hong,
Raine so far getting better with keeping her books and toys toono prob at our own place but must reinforce when back at my moms plI think itz becoz my dad spoilt her by helping her to keep so often

Hi Trans,
Yap, everyone makes mistakesI did once with staff bonusesI apologized to my GM and he said it is ok, just be careful next timeheehee

I guess even greatest people make mistakesCHEER UP!

Hi Hong,
You try the Meiji Low Fat Strawberry that can be found in 7-11, very nice...I bought just last Fri at $3 for 2 packs...

or using super nanny method. U will keep all the toys and put it in confiscate box. Only when he starts to clean up all the toys then u will add the toys back to his collection.

My MIL also keeps the toys for Janelle. I dun like strawberry flavour leh. U mean for me or Janelle?

just learnt from mistake. U will do better next time.
Don't feel bad about making mistakes. Sometimes mistakes are good coz we can learn from it and will not repeat it next time.
Which room is there in my flat? My maid is occupying one room ..hehe...

Yah.. since u have tried ur best, then don't blame urself loh. Btwn my boss and I, we hv to churn out letters, I gv to her and she gvs back to me, stimes I find out mistakes too... even both of us check also like that.. haha..
I like linda's suggestion, stimes leave it and come back again to check wl ensure more accuracy... or get someone to look thru.

Ryan got flu ah then better keep him away from pool this week first.

U got cane at home ah? My cane is mainly to deal with J&J, for charlene just need to raise voice or stare at her will do.
Dear all,

my 1-yr O nephew who is diagnosed of Leukemia AML, has to undergo a 6-months Chemotherapy and he is still under blood transfusion. I ustd that there is currently a shortage of B- blood and platelets. Therefore, I am appealing for blood donors. Let me know if you or your friends are willing to donate their blood. Pls pm me for more details.

Much tks
Good Morning Mommies

Hi KeiKei,
Will help to spread the newsso it is B- blood group right?

Hi Hong,
The strawberry low fat meiji milk is really nicebut it is for adults as kids dun need low fat lahheehee

Hi Stylobb,
Raine dun like vanilla leh, unless strawberry dun have then she will talk vanilla
Sometimes she can finish the big bottle 830ml in just 3 feeds

Now I tell Raine if I ask you to do something and I need to repeat it twice, I will take cane far so good...
Hi Kei Kei,

Can he accept O blood?

Hi styloBB, M2B, Hong

Do you find that Meiji plain milk has a little coconut taste to it?
Coconut? No leh.. I am extremely sensitive to coconut taste, coconut oil, mutton smell.

How are the kids? Are they better? Julian has to be given antibotics now.

Has Clarence started teething?

I am O+ blood group leh. Are u able to provide more details so we can send out as email?

I am O+ but hb is B+ group.


Yes, his lower teeth come up half, nowadays on strike, reject milk n solid, qi si wo le. Don know is it due to teething or he come up new pattern. What abt Ju?
3 more teeth erupting now so he drool like waterfall. His tee is always so wet at the front.

He always fall sick during teething. So sian.
During teething, he will reduce his milk intake but his solid intake still maintains.

only reduce ah? Clarence whole day only take 2 feed, these 2 feeds are at nite while he half sleep. Last time charlene also like that but he is slightly better at least when he open his mouth, he finish his milk in 15mins.
Hi gals,

Long time no "see". Been very busy with work. So is our outing on 4th or 5th Aug on? Say we meet at Botanic Garden at 4.30pm. Can we have a quick poll who can make it on which day?

Hi Chery,
The pics of your kids so contrasting.
Morning ok? I prefer morning sun. Infact, Janelle school is organising a picnic on 28 July at Botanic garden too. We have to come along.
Hi Mummies
Just saw doctor.. throat a bit swollen.

I'm beta for am too...but can only bring jesse.

Just ran into ur hb ....
He told me where his office and I so blur, muttered sth about the korean shop.. he must be thinking I'm mad..haha

Yah I was about to ask same question as djd...

U not at gtalk?
Hi Mommies
Didn't post for awhile cos pc siao siao, hb's trying to fix it.

May not be able to join picnic if it's in the morning, cos Ray's berries ends at 1030am. Go by majority bah.

Hee regarding fresh milk, I'm wondering if it will be very zhong4 ben3 to drink fresh milk than powdered milk? And do you all leave it outside for awhile to 'warm' it up before giving to the kids?

When are you gg to get the choc eclair? I like the mini choc puff too.

You quite strict! If need repeat your words then you will cane? I often find myself repeating 3-4 times before Ray gives me an answer/respond/action. I try not to use cane, cos if I do cane, the mark can be there for a few days! And it's really cane on the kid, pain in mom's heart.

Clarence looked so relaxing.. like very xiang3 shou4 in the float
ok, shall we have it on Saturday, 4th Aug morning since most seem to be able to make it in the morning. So the confirmed ones are:

i) masshiro & Xavier
ii) Stylobb & Jesse
iii) Hong & kids
iv) Preggie & kid
v) Cherly & kids

Anyone else? Should we do potluck, everybody bring something simple to share? Aiyo, i haven't been to botanic gardens for ages. so I dunno where to must help me out. give ideas.

THinking of going tomorrow. Got mini choc puff ah?? How long wl they last if I keep in normal compartment, not the freezer?? Cos I'm thinking of getting the 12 x 12.. wl take up a lot of space...
