Preggie Friends Since 2003

Good morning mummies.

Last day of work in office for this week, on outdoor course tmr n friday.


I post liao so you can post later. Tmr n Friday i wont be able to post, so u keep this thread moving ok.


You better watch out your diet, hehe.


Yap, maybe too heaty for him.

Good morning mommies!!

This week seems like such a long work week for me... tonight, i'm meeting my dissertation supervisor, BUT... i've not even done any research or written a single word... dunno what to say when i see her. Alamak, i'm such a slacker!

Sat, whole day involved in stupid team building with my office.. My weekend will be so short

Maybe i got bad work attitude, but i hate it when i have to be engaged in office/work matters on weekends.

Sorry to make you all listen to my grouses early in the morning.
Hi Mummies
chara slided down the bed and knocked her head last nite.. haiz.. the thing was I didn't know she was there and maid was bz in the kitchen. Not easy watching all three.. my hb is away till thu...
But at least I didn't KO at 10pm.. haha

I didn't bookmark the page mah so need someone to do it before me...hehe

On leave ah??

Love the calamari at Spizza... still find it's the best around ...

Macham we got nothing much to tok about re our tods.. haha..

Haha... u sound quite sian...
actually I think now as mummies, we don't like to hv anything to do with office on weekends.... we rather hv time with our families right.
We watched the 11pm one, still felt a bit tired tkfully got up after 9am.. hahaha.

Apparently Die Hard 4 is also quite good...

Not worry abt it, i hate to engage with office or work matter on weekend too. B4 i got married, i got no weekend one, everyday is work work work.


You are rite, now we as mummies would rather have time with family.

Not on leave, on course. See if able to meet u for lunch tmr, will sms u.
Hi Cherly, StyloBB,

For FTWM, weekends are super duper precious. For me, it's the only time i have to give my full attention to joey and bond with her.

Honestly, I won't even consider taking on a job that pays me very well, if it requires me to work half day on sat!
Sorry, I forgot u are on course, u told me that day... ok, sms me..

Work on sat !! no way.. I hvn't worked on sats for many years liao... haha... yes, even if I get a better job but requires me to work on sat, I won't take it.

That time we were reqd to be standby on sat due to conf, but in the end we were not needed.

How is ray taking to her 'high-rise' bed??

Me also... I think I need to get L size now for tops... haiz... hence I hvn't shopped for clothes for stime... demoralising...
Preggie / stylobb,

me too, wont accept the high pay job but got to work on sat. In fact, i am too comfort in my current job, wanted to change job but then afraid the slightly higher pay job will make me work like shit, cant go home on time etc, thot of those hold me back sending out my resume.


Yr finger like to shop so much, how come didnt buy for yrself?
So good on course for next 2 days

Hi Preggie,
My job also requires me to attend meetings/events/functions after office hours and weekends at timesalthough we get off-in-lieu but same like you, I think weekends are still the MOST PRECIOUS!

Cheer up, at least you have Sun free and also not every weekends are burnt.

Hi Stylobb,
Dun know what show hb has in minddun know shd go or not coz Raine looks fwd to gg back to our own house on Fri lor

BTW, how is Chara?
It's finally raining!!

Cos I'm a self-sacrificing mum (hahahaha!)... get things for my kids first mah... I need to gv myself some tender loving soon.. haha

So are u on course today?? U can log on ah?

<font color="0000ff">Btw did anyone watch news last nite about this mum who gv birth to twins and passed away? Can fill me on the details?</font>

Weekends just come and go so fast ....

Got a baluku at centre of her forehead loh..
This am I don't know what happened to her, I heard some noise and the next thing she was sitting in the middle of the room.. so I brot her to my bed.

I know what u mean.. cos jesse wl tell me when I'm early that he is happy to see me back early.

Case Study:
Let's say ur tod guai guai does the things u tell him. eg keep toys, go and pee.. but stimes he does not do it.. and he asks u after his not so good behaviour, 'Mummy, are u proud of me?' How wl u answer????
Hi StyloBB,

I get this "Are you so proud of me" question all the time. Only difference is, she won't ask me when she knows that she's not behaving herself. So i can't answer your question. hahaha

no, on course for next 2 days.
I heard abt the news but don know in details too.
Case study - my answer is of course proud of her so to motivate her for better behaviour.

if he did not behave himself, i will tell him no but must explain to him.


Charlene went home to tell JN, if she don eat fish and got elephant skin, xx xxx auntie said got to go to zoo and call elephant mummy, oh oh JN u become elephant daughter liao. Hahaha, she still rbr what u said to her.
So far Joel didn't ask me such 'deep' question leh... so I can't answer you. But maybe I will reply to him, No but will explain why, same as cherly.
DJD, Stylobb
So sad.. my pants already getting tighter and tigher! I'll need to shop for new bottoms if this goes on!

Hahaha this Aunty Trans sure made an impression on Charlene. She must have been frightened by the thought of having an elephant as her mommy! hahaha :p

Ha high-rise bed! So far Ray's ok, once awhile will sai nai want me to pat her but I will tell her she's big gal now, should sleep on her own, she's usually ok after that *TOUCH WOOD*. But 2-3times/wk she will wake up earlier than us, then scream for music and aircon(I timed it to off 10min before her waking time). Now hb trying to brainwash her that she should just get back to sleep even w/o the music and not cry for us. :p

The case very sad
wonder how the dad's gonna cope with 2 NBs and 2 kids...

Heh so far Ray hasn't ask me if I'm proud of her, though I'd tell her so if she did something out of goodwill/thoughtfulness. But she once told me she was so proud of me when I mopped the floor (cos I did housework!). As if I never do housework when she's ard! -_-
halo mummies!

ash dun ask that, instead, she will ask 'mummy, u like me or not' when she knows i am angry with her..
the twins mummy case is sad... saw it over the news yday nite... wonder is it the hospital fault - too slow in getting more blood for her...
Good Morning Mommies

Hi Stylobb,
Raine will tell me to come back early from work and fetch her from cc but unfortunately, Im unable to achieve that unless Im on leave/off coz by the time I reached home already 7pm liao

Regarding your case study, I will tell Raine Im not proud of her and explain why with reference to what she has just done

Hi Chris,
Raine will tell me very loudly Mommy, I love you when she knows Im angryheehee

ya, the case is indeed very heartbreaking...
Hi all,

i was sick. Din manage to clear my work on tuesday. Doctor gave me 2 days to rest then Janelle's school called and told me they spotted one red dot on her hand and one on her foot and told me they suspectedJan may have HFMD as there is one case in her class.

I got to bring her back and observe but she is still ok today. No more spots and no fever leh.

To play safe, i think i better keep Janelle at home this week. Got to sms my boss to ask him to give me childcare leave for tmr.

if u purchase $100 they will do delivery but that carton only cost $38. The shop is behind the ICA building.

Wat abt the death of the mummy who gave birth to the twin? Spore is an efficent country, such thing shld not have happen here.
Hi Mummies
Just recvd email that Banana Republic is at Paragon.

Thanks for reply on my case study..
Feel quite grump today.

About what tods say: jesse tells me he loves me everyday. Also misses me. Stimes it's quite funny, before he sleeps, he will tell me "I love u, u know." Do they tell their daddies that???

Ur aircon bill must be high every mth.

Nice to see u here again...

U were on gtalk, what happened???

So u gotta look after her ?? Must isolate her frm julian??

OIC... the shop easy to get to? I feel like buying leh.

I haven't read any update on the case.. cud be that she was bleeding excessively and didn't stop.. maybe even with the extra amt of blood it may not help.. not sure...
Cos it reminded me I was also bleeding excessively that time....
Hi Mommies
Ray will tell me 'I love you' whenever she needs something so it's usually followed by a request :p sometimes she says that too when she knows I'm angry.

Hong, Stylobb
Heh. I'm so near the cake shop but I haven't got the 'energy' to walk over to check it out! hahaha so lazy :p

We haven't gotten the bill since she shifted out. Think likely to hit $200 liow! Siong! If hb can tahan no aircon, I don't mind sleep with fan just to cut cost!
Quick one cos dead bz.

I will say yes I m still proud of u but it really made me very sad when u did not xxxx. or yes I am still proud of u but I would be happier if you had done xxxx.
Hello mummies,

My course is fun and times pass fast.


sorry didnt sms you cos the class was drag till 12.40pm then go for lunch.


I got stuffs for u 2.


Nice to see you here.
good morning mommies,

Since i came in early for work today, i decided that i should make history by being the first to post in this thread! hahaa...

Yay!!! it's friday. I'm thinking of a way to "escape" from tomorrow's teambuilding. Wish me luck!
Good Morning Mommies...
So happy itz FRIDAY again...

Hi Stylobb,
Yday went dinner w hb and reached home at 9pm+...Raine refused to go to bed coz she wants to wait for us...when I reached home, she asked me why eat dinner so long, next time must eat fast fast then come back, dun come back so late ok...
was telling my coll now she so young already controlling parents...

Hi Preggie,
Wish you can escape from the event tmr!
Good Morning Mommies... TGIF!!

Been soooo busy with work that no time to come here. Anyway, we are off to Phuket on Sunday for a short trip to celebrate mua's bday. Heh.


Hahaha... Raine misses you lah. Josh also will question us sometimes. When he comes home from school, he will ask his nanny if she has mopped the floor, wat did she do when she was away at school, etc. Very kpo.


Are you Harry Porter fans? Watched the sneak preview on Wed and found the first part pretty draggy... Ending was pretty expected as usual.
Hi Minnie,
Advanced Happy Birthday to U!!!!!
Enjoy your Phuket friend coming back on Sun from Phuket too...

Was telling hb that I feel like bring Raine to HK myself coz she has been asking to go HK again...hb too bz to take leave...

Ya, can tell she misses me, reached home, she dashed to hug me...the kind of feeling is so heartwarming...she doesnt like me to be late lor, expect me to be home at 7pm...she asked me to bring her to cc again to explain to her that mommy got to start work early...
Hmm.. 'escape'... think the easier way is to get MC..

Enjoy your trip and advance happy birthday to you..
Hi M2B,

Thank you!

Hope Phuket is ok though. Dunno how the place is like after the Tsunami....

Now HK having Summer sale, good to go for shopping!! I think its pretty easy to navigate around HK w Raine. When we were there, most of the time I was walking around w Josh, just the 2 of us. They are quite frenly towards kids, even the food outlets we went to.

I think now that they are older, they wan to spend more time with us. Cos they will wan to tell us all abt their day in school, their activities, frens, etc. Very nice to hear them talking abt it actually.... Just hope this will carry through teenagehood!! Hahahaha...



Is Joel attending school now?
Hi Mummies

Alamak, can u go on an assignment and check out the shop for me?? hehe

Aircon adds a lot to utilities bill. beta watch out..

Ur xxxx is x-rated like that.. I know what u meant lah.

Happy Advanced birthday... !!
Must update us when u are back.. is the beach clean and nice?

Nope, me not fan of HP.. never watched any.
Tonite gonna catch Transformers again....

Ur course over liao?
Today I can't meet u for lunch if u need to .. sorry.

Ok, wl arrange.

U can't beat djd...hahaha.

I agree w u the nice feeling u get frm ur tod hugging is unbeatable.. and btw it's only reserved for mummy hor... "I only love mummy."

U wanna go to HKG alone with raine? I wudn't mind doing that with jesse man....

Then why dun you arrange w M2B? Both of you go together with your tods. Hehehe... Then 2 kiddos can accompany each other.

Eh, Preggie was No.1 today mah... Let her be happy today lah. Hahaha... DJD posted last nite...

When I tell Josh I love him and asks if he loves me in return, he replies me: Ya, I know you love me but I love everybody..... *boring*
Sorry, u are indeed nbr 1 today!

U all really spend a lot each time for b/days go overseas to celebrate...

I don't hv to ask jesse if he loves me cos he tells me he loves me everyday!
"I love mummy. I don't love papa." Poor hb...

We dun go far places lah, just nearby countries cos I hate long haul flights. Ya, I havent celebrated my bday in Singapore for many years oredi. I always travel in July!! Hehe...

Aiyoh.. why he dun love Papa???? Josh adores his dad even though hb dun spend much time wif him. He wanna ask his dad to bring him for the DHL balloon ride, said Mommy wait downstairs..
Then he says he wanna buy a sports car for his dad next time. Mommy stay at home, he goes out w daddy in the sports car. Poor me...
Hi Mommies,

Later this afternoon, i will know if i can "escape".

Hi StyloBB,

Yesterday joey said something very rude to me when i asked her to do something. She said "Shut your mouth!" I was quite taken aback. Later she apologised and told me that she learnt it from one of the japanese girls in school. I was surprised when she told me who said that.

Do you think i should feedback to the teacher?
Nope, Joel is not attending any school. Had enrolled him for next year nursery at PCF two blocks behind my parent's place. Now only bringing him for weekend Lego class.

Hmm.. maybe both of you can go to HK together with your tod without hubby.
He loves papa but he just won't verbalise least he will hug hb now ....
Wah, josh so good ah, buy car for ur hb...hahaha..poor u indeed... and u spend so much time with him...heee

External influence.. more to come leh.
jesse also went 'What the hell...???' wah, hb/I are so shocked...
A milder form was 'Can u pack ur things?'... Answer: 'Wait ah.. I'm bz.' and continued to ignore me.

U think I don't wish ah...
Aiyah, stimes really miss those 'carefree days'.... plan trip, pack and go loh.
Now I wanna go, must 'beg' again, get comments like 'u can bear to leave the twins behind ah.'
Let me go suss out the 'atmosphere' first...
Don't say liao, I let u all know only if there is progress... sigh..........
That aside I need to keep my leave for chara's appts this year ...

Can u speak Cantonese? U need a Canton guide?? hehe

Yday nite I was jus toying wz e idea of gg to HK wz my younger sis without CY. Hehe...


Somehow I tink boys will 'idolise' their daddies. CY will say I wanna grow up to be big & strong & can drive a car like my papa.


I nearly laughed out loud when I read Jesse's response. I oso get that from CY, "Wait for awhile ah"... Me: "Wait for what?" CY: "I am so very bz now". Duno bz with what when half the time he is just walkin ard the hse.


Thanks, I will arrange collection wz u.
Helo mummies,

Now time for Julian to fall sick. Started on his bday somemore. wat a 1st bday to rbr with.

Wat a scare Janelle is not having HFMD. Haiyah...

my mum suggested we go holiday without kids and hubbies. hahahha...

Yalor, sad hor... But this truly shows the special bond between a child and his dad. I enjoy watching Josh interacting w his dad. I think dads have a knack of playing w them in a way Mommies cant. Hahaha...

Then whenever he goes out, he always wanna buy something for his dad. Like go Watsons buy toiletries, he would ask me: Then we buy wat for Daddy? Me: Daddy doesnt need anything. Josh: No, we must buy something for Daddy....


Ya, think boys really idolises their dads. But gd lah, let the men teach the boys how to grow up to be a man. Haha.

Actually, it can be pretty entertaining when they answer back. Dunno to laugh or to scold on so many occasions.


I think complain to teacher also no point. Just have to tell Joey she shouldnt talk like that cos its rude. I know some lower primary kids who uses vulgar words v freely... Classmates influence is v strong.


Good to know that Jan is ok.


Oic. So you home-school Joel? Do you intend to sign him up for Berries?
I second ur mom's suggestion!!!

Hope julian recovers soon.

IF ur mom is ok, then no problem for u.

IF no travelling companions, we can advertise here... hehe

Josh really has daddy's heart.

U seriously wanna hkg with raine??
I kpo went to check SQ fares online.. hehe...
Hi Mummies
Hope u are having a nice weekend.... we went to catch Transformers again.. hehe

All is not lost .. I was bz nearly the whole day and hb brot jesse out after our lunch.. well at nite he told us "I love mummy. I also love daddy." In one of his moods and told me he doesn't want me to dress him.. I said ok loh....
I told him he enjoyed his 1 to 1 'date' with him.. hehe

"Wait ah" maybe we were the one who cud hv told them that..

How is julian?

My kids are hit by hb's virus leh.. throat infection like that... after julien.. then chara.. chara no throat infection but had fever.. this morning jesse nearly lost his voice.. haiz... and super grouchy the whole day.

What do they do at the lego class???
Oh yeah, do u hv citibank credit card?
Gramophone is having 15% for cardholders and now they hv new method of using fingerprint to pay for ur purchases.
Apparently they had 10 helmets with the dvd purchase but no helmets.. only 300 helmets islandwide..haha
Forgot to mention: we went to Garuda Padang.... and the food is terrible! So salty and the meat (chix) is hard. Imagine bill was nearly $50 .. we can get half price at Hj Maimunah or the River Valley nasi padang and much beta food.
Hi StyloBB,

Is garuda padang at bideford road? the building next to heeren?

We were at the zoo again. The kids spent time at the pool, then the bubble bowl. Haizz... only when we were making payment at the gift shop, did KB realise that he lost our zoo card!
Morning mummies
I'm first today...
V restless nite for me.. jesse and julian made a lot of noise leh.. I didn't get good sleep plus my throat's itchy...

It's where the mosque is.. I think u are correct.

Huh? Lost zoo card??? O dear.. then how???

good morning mummies.


You are the no.1 today.

I brot my children to pool yesterday pm, all of them have fun. Clarence is so much better as compare to charlene 1st dip, he enjoyed the whole session, wanted to go into pool again after i bring him up. Was telling hb can bring him again this weekend.


Can get replacement of the card or need to pay again?
