Preggie Friends Since 2003

good morning mummies!
on half day today!
yday nite went for my free facial as elements spa at orchard hotel.. service and environment not bad but the therapist will keep asking u to buy their pdts and sign package. luckily not very persistent otherwise will spoil the whole experience. today my face shd be smoother? hehe

ash speaks mandarin at nanny hse since she learn how to talk as nanny does not know english. at home, she speaks english to us but mandarin to ah gong & nai nai...
jesse understands mandarin but refuse to speak it?

Hi Preggie,
Thanks. I'm be checking out YWCA today. Hopefully it'll turn out fine. Has to be very old already since my hubby studied there b4. Thanks for the other suggestions. Will check them out. My hubby also from Radin Mas. It's a good school I heard.

Hi Stylobb,
Your girls so sweet. Identical twins right? But the pic a bit small, and my eyes not as gud as yours, so quite tough for me. But can see they are very pretty gals. So fast. The last time I saw them, they were 1 day old or less than 1 day old.

Hi Chris,
Yours is the right way. That way, she gets to practise both. I tried doing that, but my son always replies me in Mandarin. hopefully when he starts school, his English will improve.
Hi Masshiro,

Your hubby from Radin mas? Which year ah? maybe he's my classmate! hahaa..

I think radin mas is the best pri sch in that area (although it's not an elite school)... but still it's not within 1-2km from my house... my place is terrible la.. there are no schools nearby.

My first choice would still be tao nan, though it is really damm far from our house... but if she does get accepted, we will make plans to have someone send and pick her up from school everyday.

Hi StyloBB,

The puzzle is very unique.

I bought a "restuarant" and a big seal from mother garden yesterday..... it's an impulsive buy
After walking out of the shop, i sorta kicked myself for buying it. KB asked how much i paid for it (from his eyes, i know he's thinking of at most $9.90).... my response to him "DON'T ASK!!"
Morning mummies
Trying to go for midnite show tonite... hiaz.. hving little time with hb...

U going shopping?? hehehe... Enjoy ur day lah....
MC has 50% disc on some stuff but not much lah...

Yes he understands but doesn't wanna say. My dad speaks to him in Mandarin. He understands Cantonese too.

Actually the pic is bigger but for some strange reason, the system did not allow me to upload.. I tried a few times then I gave up... so I downsized it.
They are fraternal but seem to look more alike now than when they were NBs.

What 'restaurant'?? Actually my twins mummy told me it's cheaper in Japan... she wl try to get for me the next time she goes.
U going japan right? Maybe u see if they hv the shop in Hokkaido?? I'm not sure, I only know there are shops in Tokyo.
Sounds like u made a v v exp purchase! hahaha.
Hi gals,

Would like to check something with you all. Wat's the market rate for school bus now? Say 2 way for a 10-15 min journey? I was quoted like $85. Is it reasonable.

Hi Preggie,
Just signed up at YWCA. Place quite run down, but classroom very big and quite clean. And best not air-condition. Only thing is it is school hol so i didn't see how class was conducted or how the teachers are like. But never mind lah, try out first. Mainly to let my son learn how to interact.
Hi StyloBB,

I will take a pic tonite.

Hi Masshiro,

the place looks ok from the outside. Is this a chinese kindergarten?
Hi Preggie,

I think the CHinese kindergarten is probably a different building. But they are around the same place. Not really very sure cos I went to the YWCA part.
good afternoon all mummies, on course past 3 days, wow so many postings
All of you thinking of primary school liao... me still haven't think so far leh...

After the trial, I had reserved a place for Sat class for Joel. After thinking, decided not to enrol Joel for the time being. Firstly the class is quite big (full 12 students) and asked Joel whether he like it, sometimes he said yes and sometimes said no. Maybe I go check out Tien Hsia and see how is it.

My no. 2??? ... not in sight yet.. Wow you sure think far ahead, at least you shift now is better than later.

Xiavier is such a big boy now..

I know that furniture shop, I went there once to look for sofa but in the end never buy... hee hee..

I saw that bed, actually I also like it but no place to put it in Joel's room at IL's place

Now where to find single sex school? Most of them are mixed..

Yeah.. I got the same problem as you with the kid's room, wall not flat type... sian.. wonder whether all the flats at our area got the same problem.

That's a very nice puzzle, seems fun and interesting. What is M&S?
Jan is taking one trip school bus. From school to IL place and they charge me $75. Two way is $90. Mine is also 15 min journey but by the time Janelle reached IL place is ard 45 min to 1 hr.
She is the last one to be unload. So dun think 15 min from A to B apply to the school bus.
They need to plan the journey and if happen Xavier is conveniently the last, haiyo.. i dun know when he will reach home.

trial at berries? How was it like? Have not let Janelle went for trial for sometime. May be i shld start looking for one. hahaha..
Hallo Mommies...

Josh napping now so drop in here for awhile.


Josh takes school bus to and fro and I pay $70. I think the cost also depends on the number of students in the bus and of course, the distance too.


Josh tried Tien Hsia. We didnt like it as the teacher is not engaging enough. Berries is v different. Its more lively and I can hear the enthusiasum of the teachers whilst waiting for Josh outside the classroom. Josh is attending Sat morning class in Orchard.


Volunteer work ah? Gotto check wif the school. Have to submit proposal one hor.. need to list your strengths and all and see if they can tap on your expertise or not. But do rem that doing volunteer work does not guarantee you a place but just a chance to register in Phase 2B. If demand exceeds vacancy, you may be subjected to balloting too.


The puzzles are 3D? Nice!! So did you buy anything from UCB?

Oh ya, JL Specialist centre having closing down sale. Additional 20% off if you have robinsons card or if you apply for their FOC valuecard. Just now, I bought 2 shorts/berms for Josh at $4 each. Usual price was $10. Heh. You can pop over whilst Joey is having class tom....

Yaman, wats the damage done at Mothergarden? Aiyoh.... You really need to see "Shopaholic Anonymous" (if there is one) for help....
Hi Mummies
Just back from church, prata and some outside play at the field opp the prata cafe... kids all sweaty....

Yah I saw it from ur blog.. I like the other sets..the cake and the tea set with cookies .. but so long they come with the container, I think it's cool... cos easy to keep...

Ha.... u went to recci bambini too.. we were down on Sat with our friend but didn't go into it in the end as we found it rather crowded and quite dark at certain corners.

Ended up at Ben & Jerry's...

M&S = Marks & Spencer.

Nope, didn't buy anything frm UCB.
kids all sweaty.. could see the gals a bit stoned after all the running (chara walking with help) on the field... cos all quiet in the car... haha.. reached home, fed them and they KO for their nap. Since it's a bright and hot day, we decided to bring jesse for a swim so off we went ... we managed our usual laps (8 for me, 10 for hb) and jesse got rather tanned after his dip.. strangely the pool was empty today..

What time were u at bambini...? We felt the Safra one is more spacious and price is cheaper too.. the space around the play area is really cramped and it's nowhere like the 1 Utama one...



chara and julien

Hopefully this one's clearer but the lighting's a bit off.. v difficult to take photos of them together..


Julien & Chara
good morning mummies

the new canadian int'l sch is near the jurong east sports/swimming complex

the mother garden set is soo... sweet...
Hi StyloBB,

I was at Bambini at abt 2pm, we left at 3.15. Yah, it was so crowded and dark, there's hardly any space for the adults to move about. KB and I didn't think too much of the place, we went to recee it coz we are looking for a party place.. but guess this one is out. KB didn't like all the signages that reads "WE ARE NOT A CHILDCARE", "DON'T LOSE THE CARD", etc - insinuating that we should enter at our own risks. We also find that the pple working there lack spirit and enthusiasm. It's unlikely that we will go back there again.

Which safra did you go to that has a nice ball pit?

The biggest difference between julien and chara is the shape of their face. Julien's face is sharper whereas chara's cute and round

Hi Melody,

Initially, she wanted an ice-cream wagon... but we thot this one is more suitable for her.. coz it comes with an apron.

I told her that she has to make sure she keep this toy properly after she plays with it.. if i see anything left outside, i will give it away to her friends. So far, she has been quite meticulous in keeping them neatly in the box
Good morning mummies.

Got horrible news to share. My clerk was admitted to TTSH, first admitted, doctor suspected she has minor stroke. Colls went to visit her on friday evening, doctor cleared her from suspected minor stroke but said its due to virus attack. She was only having flu for few days and got virus attack, so horrible. Her right side of face got no feeling and right eyes cant close and the tear keep rolling out. That's why she quickly admitted to hospital and she thought was a signal of stroke but end up is virus attack.


The set is nice.
Hi Cherly,

My father kena the same virus before too... it's called bell palsy. Half the face droops down and cannot close the eyes and mouth properly. He got it just a few days before my wedding. He was so depressed then.

You can tell your clerk not to worry.. coz she will recovery from it... just need to go for therapy. My dad went for accupuncture and it helped too.

Hope she'll get well soon

Sound terrible to me, all kind of virus ard. I think her hb wants her to rest well so we couldnt get in touch with her. My colls told me she will MC for at least 2 weeks.
Hi Mummies

Where is everyone???

Talking abt keeping things, yah I hv this problem, thinking if I buy sth like that, sure to lose the stuff. Already one hello kitty doll that my jpa collick bot for the gals is lost.. haiz...
I sim tia when I lose things...

My sentiments too.. hb was wondering how the adult can tag along inside...

Oh I meant the Safra at TPY... I recall the place is v spacious and the price is cheaper too.

Oh, didn't notice re the face ...hahaha...

Ur clerk, the one who gave birth the same time as u?? O dear hope she wl be fine. Beta don't disturb her. U hv the hb's or home contact???
Going to JB later.

Chara and Julien doesnt look alike.

saw u & family at orchard yesterday. i went JL to grab wet wipe.
btw, u rbr wat dishes ur coy normally order from Angeli? the menu dun have prawn. can i request them to cook?
Hi Hong,

You went JL too? We went to get some presents after lunch.

You gg JB for shopping?

Yes, we did request them to cook prawns before. Additional $1.50 per pax.
Hi Mummies,

Busy with work this morning. Got in a bit later as I brought my son to the playgroup - his first day today. So far so good. Still need us to be around but at least he could sit down and listen to the teacher.

Overall, a good weekend. Saturday, we brought him to Bukit Timah Nature. Didn't know dog not allowed, so only me and Xavier went up to the quarry side. After that in the evening, brought him to East Coast Park for cycling . Sun, went to library and swimming. Lucky for me, water not cold. I luv to swim but very scared of cold water.

Hi Stylobb,
Thanks for the pix..The one on the right with th book, really takes after you. Both are so sweet. Haha..can imagine how hard to take pics when they're all moving around.

Hi Cherly,
Oh dear, my aunt got that once also. Quite scary. hope your clerk will be alright soon.

Hi Hong, Minnie,
Thanx for info on bus. We decided not to use the bus as journey is 1 hour. We'll send him in the morning and MIL will pick him after tat. Class at 8.30am but bus at 7.30am, too tough!!

Hi Preggie,
Nice set you got there..saw a similar shop outside Disneyland Tokyo. Think if get from Japan, slightly cheaper..not that much also.
I always love to go to Mother Garden. The things are so sweet...but end up I'll buy for myself rather than for my son. Luv the beds for the dogs also.
good afternoon mommies...
last week was real bz with work and meetings...sianz...
had meeting until 6pm+ on Fri then rush to meet my frens to discuss abt her wedding this sat...
after that, met up w hb for midnight show...our 1st since the birth of Raine man...hahaha

Hi Keikei,
Hope your nephew is ok now.

Hope your coll will be ok soon too.
U go JB later .. and then?? Elaborate pls..

Btw I catered Neo Garden recently for the office lunch and it was good..

Can u tahan? We also went for midnite show.. "Hot Fuzz".. v funny show.
I was sleeping when hb woke me up to go.. I told him I felt quite sick in the stomach... maybe due to hunger... haha... worse, drove to AMK Hub and round and round the carpark I thot I was gonna throw up...

I am also scared of cold water in the pool...

Mother Garden - that's the thing, I can give excuse I'm buying for the gals when it's actually for me! hehe.

Funny tho, everyone says she looks exactly like me but I don't see it myself... sometimes she has dbl eyelids, sometimes no.

Looks like a greate weekend for u.. we had a great weekend too..
hello mommies,

when to Jusco only. Have lunch and started shopping after that. I only left the place ard 9:30pm. hahaha..

I got a dress, 1 top, 1 soda pant, 1 shoes from theme. only the dress doesnt have discount. I like it very much, cant be bother. It cost RM79 so it is still ok if convert to Sin.

Surprisingly, i did not get any clothes for the kids. But we get grocery from Jusco super market. The Mamy poko was cheaper there but 1 customer can only buy 2 packs.

NEO Garden is good? What did u order? can share? How many pax did u order, how is the quantity?
We were thinking to get Elise Kitchen.

Anyone try before?

I saw u when u were crossing the road from Paragon to swenson side. I was walking at opp direction.
Hi Mummies

OIC.... good that u had a good time. Stimes we shud pamper ourselves...hehe

It's good cos the food not salty and nice... u can check their website.
Good morning mummies.

My colls ask me to help her to sell off First Teeth toothpaste here, toothpaste with finger toothbrush @$8.50 per tube, let me know if anyone of you keen.


Look like you have good harvest in Jusco.
Good Morning Mommies
Any1 went Mango sale?
Went w my sis on Sat morning to avoid the crowd and got a glittering cardigan at $29 which we saw the previous week at $60so happy mangot some camisole and tees too.

Hi Stylobb,
Hahaha, I was tired out coz whole day rushing for meeting and presentation then after work, rushed to meet frens for wedding discussions and then 10pm+ met hb for coffee before proceeding for the show. Reached home at 2am+, showered and sleptnext morning, Raine woke me up at 8am asking me to bring her go outaiyo, not enuf sleep man

Hi Hong,
Wow, you have a great harvest in JB
Forgot this:

<font color="aa00aa">Top Tip: Don't keep your affection to use as a reward - spring it on your child as an unexpected surprise!</font>
(Oh forgot that this book on tips is actually for dads to read but I find it ok for us mummies to follow some of the tips as well.)

Tough question to answer:
<font color="0000ff">"Mummy, why do you have to work?"</font>

To answer "To earn money to buy your things" ... (sounds mercenary)... cos the reply was "Mummy, I don't need things!"

Sad, sad.......

What would your answer be????

Err....did someone look after raine while u/hb were out???

Yah, siong leh... btw what movie did u watch?? Find that a normal 2 hr movie is still ok but not 3 hrs...

The toothpaste -- unltd stock? .. cos my twins mummy gf might be interested...
Hi Hong,

You sound chirpy today after your retail therapy! RM79 after conversion is actually very reasonable
Good buy!

Hi StyloBB,

Talking abt double eyelid.. When joey suddenly gets double eyelid, i know that we are in for another bout of flu or fever liao. It's like a sign that she's gonna get sick.

Hi Masshiro,

I hope to find something similar in japan. The last time i went, we only got 1 box of wooden puzzle which has interchangable clothes and facial expression. Hope to have a better harvest this time round.
Hi StyloBB,

My answer will be "If i don't work, who's going to buy you toys, clothes, pay your fees and bring you for holidays"! ARGH!!!! It's definately an answer that will FAIL the test..... *guilty*
Good Morning Mommies...


We ordered Neo Garden many times. Their curry chicken is nice. Price is also reasonable. I prefer NG to Elsie Kitchen.

They limit MP purchase? How come? Thought they only limit milk, oil, rice, etc. But one can pay a few times if one really wans to stock up rite? As in go in and out of the supermarket a few times...

Giant is selling 400g of Friso 4 at $6.99. I find it v gd for travelling. Jan still drinking Friso?


When Josh asks me last time, I will tell him Mommy needs to work cos if not, Josh got no house to stay cos mommy no $$ to pay for the house. No aircon, no TV to watch cos no $ to pay for electricity.... He never asks me anymore after dat. Heh. Perhaps he understood???


I went Mango sale on Fri and Sat. Bought 4 pants cos I only wear Mango pants for work. I find its the most lasting as I have been wearing them for years and even after machine wash, they dun lose their shape.
Dbl eyelid - quite true for jesse and also when he is v tired.. they wl appear.

I checked the website for the Mother Garden stuff. My fr said the shop at the airport is v small. But u are going Hokkaido, I'm not sure if they have. Must ask Girl to appear and help us to read the website which is in Japanese...haha

I need to get some shape sorters for chara... prob. wl go to the Better Toys Shop or ELC..

hahaha... u know the first thing that zoomed thru my brain was 'to have adult conversation' but I doubt if jesse wl understand that.. second of crse was the 'so that I can buy u things and pay your fees'...

Toothpaste-Ok you let me know.

My answer is if i dont work, got no money for her to take kiddy ride. She love it and she will never say she no need things cos she ai swee, she also waiting for me to renew my passport so to bring her for holiday, she knows all those need $$. Nowadays, i also told her, i need to work so i got money to buy diaper, milk powder and clothings for didi. I know sound abit mercenary but to me we are not work for fun or for love, so this is the best answer.


My answer is similar to Cherly's lor, so far CY hasn't said he doesn't need things.

Once he told me no need to go to work, he will go to work so that po po & mommy can stay at hm to play with toys & watch TV. So sweet hor, I hope he'll still think e same in 20 years time. Hehe.

BTW I saw u crossing the road to go hm with Jesse last evening at abt 7pm. I was on the other side of the room, tried to catch your attention but u were engrossed in talking to Jesse.
somehow i decided to take a peep at the new mums thread today, and realised it has moved!

hi everyone.... so wonderful you are all still actively chatting and keeping in touch.

regards to all!! Hope you all keeping well. Dun mind me "dropping by"...

i've used Elsie Kitchen before and they are good. Chicken wing, bee hoon and otah very nice. But i've heard many good reviews abt Neo Garden too.

hi come asking such questions?
Hi Stylobb,
Hahaha, my answer to Raine is also mercenary

Yap, Raine was in my moms pl while hb and I went for showwe watched Ocean 13so not so bad

Hi Minnie,
Yap, Mango pants are good buys during salebut I was lazy to try pants that day thus just bought those that I know the size and those that I can just put on and tryend up with cardigan and tees
Hi hi...long time no hear.. pls come in more often to join us. (Hoping more missing mummies wl appear......)
How is Gla??? How is Anne (hope I got the name right) Aurora? Any pic to show us?? I also hvn't visited ur blog for long time....

Why I ask ah... cos jesse asked me .... so I thot I wl ask the mummies.
Mixed feelings when he asked me loh..... haiz ...stimes wishing I can afford and can tahan to stay at home....

So sweet of CY ah....
I rmbred jesse ever held my face and said "Mummy, why are u so sad? I take care of u ok."

Haha.. me too engrossed and tired liao..... Yah I enjoy chatting with him when we are going home.. he will tell me 'we are best friends...'
U know lately at times he wl tell me 'I want papa, I want him to do this and that..' I will say 'pls go to papa... leave me alone.' hahah... maybe he didn't expect my reply...
I was v happy to hv a moment of peace....

We wanted to watch Ocean's Thirteen... then hb suggested Hot Fuzz... the other day talking about another show.... and I asked him when then can we watch Ocean's Thirteen ah...

Maybe u frightened him into thinking he wl hv nowhere to stay...haha... joking.....

So our answers are generally the same: earn $ to buy things and pay for house, fees.... haiz.....
there are so many dishes at the NG website. so i need recommendation. So beside Curry chicken anymore/

Minnie, M2B, Jas?
I know u all order many times.

i dun think i have a gd harvest at Jusco. Law said nothing for him to shop. SHld have head for Carrfore and The store. He found that the things at Jusco is more expansive.

AppleG, thanks for the feedback. How are u and kids?

Why must mummy work?
I will tell her if not we cant afford to buy her milk and bring her out to shop and cannot get her anymore books and toys. I only need to tell her once after that it will auto program into her brain. hahaha...

Law wanna watch Tranformer so i will keep my two movie vouchor for that show. hopefully is nice!
i missed the Spiderman 3. Think i will ask my sister to accoy me to watch Harry potter cos Law never follow the story. I dun want him to keep asking me WHY WHY WHY while i am watching. I hate him doing that especially watching DVD with him at home. He tend to go back to the previous scene to try to understand wat the person is talking or doing and he can do that many times for 1 show. imagine 2 hrs show can extend to 30 min more.
The sze chuan fish and tempura prawns are nice.

I am rolling in laughter about the WHY WHY WHY part....
For me, it's if we watch a movie at home in Mandarin or Cantonese, hb wl ask me .. (wl be at its worst when there are no subtitles...)
Cantonese, macham I have to translate every line... hahaha

I also wanna watch "Transformers"...!!!
Hehe do you have pic of the mickey bed? Can post here? Must be quite cute!

Ray cried on the first night and I stayed ard for awhile. Now getting more used to it. Maybe the stairs help cos she enjoys going up and down it. I still pull out the pull-out bed just in case *touch wood* :p

I saw the restaurant set when we went vivo on sun. Nice! I was expecting the price to be at least 10x of what KBd thought. :p

Eh must submit proposal somemore.. then can forget abt it.. haha I thought just choose from a list.. :p

Same thought as Hong, find Chara and Julien look quite different now, at least can tell them apart now.

Im one who will rewind if I dont understand a scene or forgot abt something while watching vcd at home. I did that when I was watching DCJ and Winter sonata. Hahaha :p But Im the only one watching so ok lah.. haha
I went for the trial at Berries Orchard branch. The class is N1 which last 1.5hrs. The teacher will teach two words every weeks and example they will try to have the real thing for the word to be taught. Example: milk and bread, they will have the real milk and bread for the kids. They also have story-telling and songs. At the end of the class, there will be material of the class to be brought back.

We tried Neo garden and Elise Kitchen before, prefer Neo garden and we are a supporter of them.. hee hee.. If you need something halah (Elise Kitchen is), Neo Garden also has halah but is under a different caterer name, can't remember what is it.

Neo garden - mutton rendang, pork ribs king - boneless, curry vegetables, cereal/butter prawns, hong kong style noodles, bee hoon etc.. Simply as a summary, their food basically are all nice.

I have the same comments as Masshiro about the two gals.

Didn't know M&S sells puzzles.

My answer to why I work is simple, firstly I don't have the quality of being a SAHM, secondly I prefer to be financial independent, thirdly I can't face ILs 24hrs by 7...

That's a very nice damages you had got from Mother garden... hee hee
thanks.. I have selected the dishes.
Going for chix curry, mushroom broccoli. I wanna order curry vege but that will be two curry. Then Honey pork. I ordered rice and noodle and they told me dun order two will be too much but most of the other caterer we also order a mee and a rice leh.

Berries world sound not bad. U not going to sign Joel up for it?

thanks.. I have selected the dishes.
Going for chix curry, mushroom broccoli. I wanna order curry vege but that will be two curry. Then Honey pork. I ordered rice and noodle and they told me dun order two will be too much but most of the other caterer we also order a mee and a rice leh.

Berries world sound not bad. U not going to sign Joel up for it?
