Preggie Friends Since 2003


Cleared my urgent work liao.

Where did u get your bag from? It is nice.

U went to the Yum Cha at TPY central? U like it? I tried it a few times when it 1st opened and din tink the food was good. Nvr been back since.

Shrek - Hv not decided yet tho CY says he wanna watch. He oso said he wanna this other cartoon dat is coming up soon, one abt penguins surfing.

BJ - I went to the TPY outlet 2x and find their service good too. My mom had the fish & chips and she like it.
actually when i tell pf that u ordered the 300g steak, he was surprised u eat so much. hehehe.. then i told him u can finish the beef fondue meant for 2... hehe...
the bag is nice! but not cheap...
i watched pirates last fri. pf fell asleep for abt 1 hr then he complained wat a waste of his time, blah blah from the moment the movie ended to home...

so did clarence try the sand too? my cousin boy, abt 1 yr+ oso super scared of the sand... he always remind me of charlene... hehe but i guess now charlene 'promoted' liao..

I was at Yum Cha TPY yesterday morning with my brother. The food so-so only.


Clarence not very well so i didnt bring him to sentosa, will let him try when he can walk. Charlene still under probation, not too sure if she can be promoted.
Yeah, was planning to go end of this year but had spend quite a lot during the HK trip, so change to next year. Hopefully the japan trip can realise. I was so tempted by the Thomasland which you describe... hee hee...

Only water through milk bottles. Other drinks he willing to drink from cup and straw.

I had tried Yum Cha at TPY too and find the food not fantastic and is pricy. I still prefer Red Star at Chin Swee Road.
The skateline at ECP? I didn't get to check out the paya lebar one. We checked out queensway ones but don't have her size, the shop guys also advise to let her learn when she's 4-5yo then can take instructions better. Hb's put off by the price.. haha.

Ray also started coughing, I just applied the cherry chest rub on her feet, dont know if its the same as vick rub? hope it will work.

Your gals look very sweet. Find that they don't look like Jesse anymore.
Halo Mommiestoday bz at work mansianz

Hi Jas,
Hope Raines interest will last manKL/Genting ah, wanted to go but hb said he wana concentrate on his job for this 1 year worhiaztoo bad can't join my sisters as Raine hvg her music lesson on that Sat...

Hi Minnie,
Dun apologise lah, I must thank you for the lobang manthanks again

Hi Stylobb,
The bag is nice and the gals look so sweet!
Tmr bringing Raine for Shrek after her music lesson
Morning mummies
Where are u going today?

A luxury that I got up at 8am this morning...

Watched Hula Gils ... one of those 'feel good' movies loh. We went jogging last evening. Walked the gals two rounds the stadium and I jogged two rounds. Went home and found my legs all aching.. aiyoh, so unfit!!!

Oh forgot to mention this funny thing: therapist says can consider getting the wooden toys like the cake with pieces and parts (candles, happy b/day sign) for chara to play.. not a need but I told hb I don't mind getting cos I wanna play with it! hahaha... She said the AMK hub shop sells (I think wlbe cheaper than Mother Garden..)

Food - It is now called Fortunate Restaurant, no longer Yum Cha for a long time. What I heard was they changed the chef. Yum Cha time, the food sucks but at least I find that it's better. But not cheap...

Bot it from a kid's shop at The Curve leh... the colour caught my eye on the first day... but didn't buy till the last day.. hehe..

Thanks. We find they hv their own look altho they do hv some similarities...

Yah after the 300g, I downsize to 200g liao.. hehe.. love the tenderloin leh...

I recall Red Star to be v crowded and noisy...

Tell me if shrek3 is nice... I wudn't mind watching it to finish the 'trilogy'... haha... so many Part 3 of movies nowadays...

We asked abt swimming and the next batch is for kids at 4 years old...

U go Kino quite often right? Yesterday I saw this pack of book/plastic packs that help tods write but with erasable ink (like w/board marker), I thot that is neat. Imagine we buy the Kumon books and they are expensive and can be used only once.
I was the one who was complaining abt Pirates while hb said he didn't mind it...

Er, I saw the book/pack at Times..
Hi StyloBB,

We are going to watch Shrek at 7pm tonight. Just came back from Kino... they are having 20% sale again. We are no longer satisfied with the book selection at Liang Court... maybe we go there too often liao.... Later we wanna check out the kino at Bugis before watching shrek.

I saw a book similar to what you mentioned. Is it a thick cardboard book?

Hi BBgal,

KB says if you wanna get a good deal on skates, you can ask him to help you bargain. He knows the skateshop bosses quite well.

He's an advocate for roller blading.

Hi Jas,

Your pics are very nice... i like the way how you compose your photos. Especially the one with you and joel inside the train with mickey mouse as the frame. I need to learn from you coz my photos are always shot from the same angle.. not creative. hahaa
I can't open the link leh....

U mean u don't go to the main store? The selection there is large...
It's in several cards, not a book. But I couldn't see it as it was wrapped up...
Alot of the classes are for kids from 4yo, esp the cc classes. 3yo like an awkward age, I try to source for art classes, also can't get for 3yo.

You also just click on the link? I also clicked and can't access, then Preggie went in, I rechecked, gotta copy and paste then can.

We just went to mother garden yesterday, they have sale, very nice stuff but still exp.

I saw your white blades, so nice! I want to change but hb said change the wheels can liow.. :p that day I took out mine, I just tried rolling the blades on my floor, kena sticky marks. Lucky never wear and try blade at home! Okie when we want to get then will ask your KB to help bargain!
good morning mummies!
yday brot ash to watch the dora show at forum. she loved it! i tot wun be so crowded bcoz dora is a girly show.. din expect many boys to be watching and dancing along during the show! got some dora merchandise which we can hardly find usually... ash got herself a bolster, a passport holder and a PURPLE dora fairytale castle...

i tried yum cha b4 and find so so only too.
lata gg jack's place for lunch.. hehe steak again..
tink will have pirate part 4 rite? they gonna look for the fountain of youth or something...

red star is one of pf banned places.. too crowded! food is not bad quite traditional kind but the crowd really put pf off. the queuing system not very organised too. juz trid dim sum at crystal jade at taka level 4/5 not bad... nice ambience too.
Ok, saw the photos liao.
I like the Mickey Mouse framed one with u/joel inside.
joel looks kinda grown up..

Haiyoh, crystal jade at taka is one of my fave places but hardly go there. The tung lok at VC is good too. All rather exp tho..

pirates part 4? aiyoh think they are stretching it too far...

The Ship's steak also not bad... are they still around??
waiting for pf and ash to wake up now. meeting friends at bark at changi for dinner lata. heard they have nice chicken wings similar to buckeroo..
i saw the ship at kl.. same one?
part 4 - ya, and to tink the movie originated from a theme park ride...

ash lost one side of her diamond earrings... my mum & godma just bot her another pair from goldheart just now.. hehe.. got 50% discount.
Okaaay, mummies, confess, who else took a nap? hehe...
Wow, my 4 four days with the kids tho enjoyable, is also quite siong... jesse with his sudden burst of energy wud be talking v loudly or 'bullying' his sisters... haiz.. ended up I wl scold or spank him.. and I found myself raising my voice too.. really no joke. <font color="0000ff">Are ur tods like that too?</font>
chara in a foul mood, v sticky to maid... and I think she is teething. Only time she is happy is when she goes out, ignores the maid.
julien is quite ok, can play by herself and kena bullied by jesse...

Me/hb tired out.. had to nap everyday...
Gave my maid an hour off on sat evening and told her to take a walk to central and buy her dinner.. at least gave her a short break... we all need a break at times...

Today julien apparently took hb's hp and don't know where she left it.. we spent half an hour looking for it, cudn't find so went out for dinner first.. asked maid to find. Returned and still cud not find.. finally maid spotted sth flickering under the sofa in the study and there it was...

<font color="119911">Btw, the weather is so hot.. if u like sth refreshing, I suggest u cut lemon into 2, and put them into water in jug and put into fridge. Beats drinking carbonated water/soft drinks.</font>

What/where is buckeroo...? I also had chix wing just now..

On sat we went recci at Seletar camp to find this restaurant... in quite a hidden location leh..

The gals can wear the 2T/3T stuff...

Went to mother garden today.. as usual I enjoy looking at all the cute stuff but the cake is not the one that I'm looking for.. theirs have holes to insert the deco while the one at AMK hub (which incidentally is out of stock) has velcro...
Hi Mommies,

We went swimming this evening. I feel so refreshed now. here's a pic of her flying into the water! We've put her on waiting list for swimming lessons (she's no. 8 on the list... wonder i must wait for how long....)


Over the weekends, i caught some movies... Watched lakehouse on DVD... it's such a trashy but romantic show. I love the chemistry between keanu reeves and sandra bullock! How i wish KB can be as handsome as Keanu... hahaaa.... maybe in my dreams tonight! hahahaa

Then we also caught shrek. Half way through, joey says she wanna go home... asked her why, she said it was funny but boring... haizz.... i guess shrek is more of an adult show that a kids show. We stayed throughout the show ignoring her incessant complaints. I think i won't be bringing her for more movies liao... waste my money coz all she cares for are her cheesy dogs and popcorn!

Hi StyloBB,

We usually hang out at the Kino Liang Court Branch coz it's the least crowded and we can do our grocery shopping at Meidiya. But today, we cannot control our urge liao.. so went shopping at the Taka branch while joey attends chinese lessons. Spent over $400 on books alone this weekend
We try to console ourselves by thinking that money is well spent coz we are pampering our souls...

Hi Chris,

My mom says she'll bring joey on Thursday. I think she'll enjoy it too! Actually, a lot of boys also like dora... coz they are not exposed to Diego yet.

Wah!! she got the dora castle?? she must be overjoyed

I went to Zara on Friday nite, with KB's blessings... hehehe

Hi BBgal,

The pair i have is a fitness skate... it's a bit slow. It's frustrating when i see pple zooming pass me and i'm like a tortoise trying to push myself along.

I think you can just change the bearings and it'll be a smooth ride again
Are you using abec-5 bearings? Maybe we should go skating together. I can bring joey's skates along to let Rayna try.

Hi Pooh,

May you have a smooth delivery!
How did Ash lose the earring? In school? Did she choose a purple one this time? :p

Maybe can try yahoo auction? You saw the mini trolley, I love that, so cute!

Joey is so brave! Dare to fly into the pool!

Did you pay for Joey's tic? We gg for shrek with sils coming tues, dont know if should buy a tic for Ray. The last 2 movies she went, she slept through them! This one will probably be so too cos of the timing!

I got a feeling I can't fit into my blades liow, and I dont dare to stick my feet in them now, just saw 1 of those tiny book bugs. Yucks. Think mine was abec 3 only, I will also be a tortoise. I let Ray tried at carrefour, really cannot, too heavy for their small frame. Must wait till I renew my pair then we can go together!
Yes, a swim is always refreshing.. didn't bring the gals and jesse cos chara has been coughing on and off..
That's a nice shot of joey..!

Lakehouse - haha.. yah I agree that the chemistry between KR and SB is v v good.. altho the story is quite stupid... U wake up eh, urs is KB, not KR!!

I just bot The Stepford Wives and Pan's Labyrinth over the weekend.

$400...!!!! Wow....

We won't bring jesse for any movies cos I don't him to start fidgeting or making a lot of noise. That time, a gal was watching Spiderman3 with her parents and halfway thru she started talking loudly and asking questions...

I doubt if there is such things on yahoo leh.. can u look out for me .. if u happen to be surfing there lah..

What a joke... just now heard one gal crying so I went to the room to check, start to pat chara but realise she is not the one, it was julien !!! Haiz...
good morning mummies.


Thanks for sharing your trip photos, nice and look like you have an good break.
Joel look abit diff than i last seen, maybe becos he grow taller and thinner.


charlene also getting abit notti nowadays, getting more and more "Ba Dao" and also become crying bb now. Yesterday afternoon, clarence one of her toy and "eat" and she cried again cos she said her toy was covered with clarence's saliva.


Have a smooth delivery. Take care.


Last week charlene also lost a side of her earring, luckily maid found it w/o the stud, i went back to citigems to check with them, they sell a stud to me at $22. From that day onwards, charlene do self check everytime after she change.


KB forgotten to go to my place or he didnt go hockey last nite?
Morning Mommies.

Weekend was ok. Brot CY to a play on Sat morning and after dat joined my family in the National Library. Then in the evening, I went to the Mayday (Taiwanese rock band) concert. I must say dat they are good, hvn't enjoyed a rock concert for yrs. For a moment, I tot I had identity crisis - Am I rock chick or docile mommy?

Mommies who hv boys,

I borrowed a book called "Raising Boys" which talks about differences between raising boys and gals, and what are the growth stages they go thro. Thought it is quite information although not all information applies to our culture.


I oso think Joel looks grown up. So long din see him, like big boy liao.


I confess, I nap on both Sat & Sun!

I knew u went to the Fortunate Restaurent cos I recognise the background in your pic.


Looks like u r due anytime! Take care & keep us posted.
Hi StyloBB,

Woke up this morning feeling disappointed.. KB didn't turn into KR in my dreams last night

Last night, i watched another DVD: You've got mail, starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Another one of those nice romantic show. I love the soundtrack!

Hi BBgal,

I've been buying tickets for joey for all the movies so far. We measured her height against that chart and she just reach the limit.

Joey buay kiasi one... i must watch out for her all the time coz she will try all sorts of "death defying" stunts!

Hi Cherly,

KB didn't go and play hockey last night. Maybe i collect from you when we meet ok?
good morning mummies!

goldheart told me the stud is at $38.. so ex! actually the earrings came loose a few times and its ash who detected it... hopefully this pair is more secure...

most probably she lost it when changing or sleeping. we bot another diamond ones to replace the ones she has lost. she oso got another purple pair but its keeps dropping.

that is a nice pic of joey.. like xiao fei yu... fei1 as in fly ok, not fei3.. hehe

buckeroo is near sembawang park, on the way to bottle tree village u can see it. its those open air, western style cafe...
i din confess bcoz all along i nap every weekend! hehe..
Good Morning Mummies
Weekend is okay, nothing interesting, most of the time spent at home coz hubby down with bad cough.

I went to JL at Marina Square on Sat night, nothing much there and the kids section is small, not much thing. Didn't went to the PC show at Suntec coz the crowd was terrible.

The Ship restaurant is still around. Think they are in Shaw Centre now, saw their TV advert.

The pic that you mention is taken by hubby, he gotten being 'chased' into the train by the station attendent when he was trying to take this pic coz the train is leaving... so paiseh then..

Actually I am no great photographer myself, I like photography thought, learnt a lot from my colleague who is a photography fan about photo composing. Hubby is also just an occassional photographer. Since with digital camera, you can try and go ahead to take any type of pic you want, experiment with different shots and angle. This is how we discover and gain experience.

That's a nice pic you had taken.. You managed to capture the flying action... Joey is very daring..

Agree that Red Star is always crowded, we always try to reach there before 11.30am, so the queue is not long.

Yeah Joel had grown thinner after his last eposide of prelonged cough and flu, while I had put on weight instead... sigh...
too much snacking liao...

No prob so he no need to visit me for so many times.


i wonder why the stud cost so much? Anyway i lost one side of my diamond earring on last thur too. Don know where it fly to.


Yes the ship restaurant still there, its at shaw centre but somehow i find the service and food is better in KL, here so so only.
mayb bcoz its white gold???
u wan to give me the other side? hehe.. bcoz i got 3 holes...

forgot to reply you, the castle is not ex mah, only $22.90.. spent $50 bucks on dora merchandise on sat man... parents $ really very easy to earn...
Hi Mummies

Wanted to ask u: that time we talked about vintage dresses, think we can keep our gals' dresses for the grandkids next time?? hahaha...

I still like KR in Speed...!! wow..
Tom Hanks - never liked him..

jesse runs around the edge of the pool leh.. scares me at times...

Bot this cheap Ikea 'igloo tent' for the kids to play..
But lately my gals are into colouring...

I noticed ur hb still has his earpiece leh... er, is he still expecting his office to call him while on holiday??? keke...

Hb only made it to the entrance of the pc show and decided to turn back..haha....

U rocker mom!! Hahaha.
Er.. me/hb going to attend jazz concert three weeks frm now... hehe..

I hvn't had the chance to try The Ship in KL..
Hi Chris,

I know which castle you are talking abt. It's available at Toys'r'us

Hi StyloBB,

I read the drowning case on ST today.. scares the shit outta me man.... i must now constantly remind myself to keep my eyes on joey all the time during swimming.

Abt the ikea tent... you know they used to sell a tunnel? My maid refused to let joey play in it coz she said it reminded her of a malay funeral...
Yeah, he need to be on 24hrs standby so his mobile phone follows him wherever he is. The pic you saw is that he just ended one coy conference call.
i saw the igloo, ash was having fun playing with it at ikea.. but we have space constraints at home so din buy it.

ya the purple castle (coincidence many of dora stuff are purple)... yday she told me princess dora and prince boots getting married...
actually all the dora merchandise at the show are by toyrus.
How comes the tunnel is like malay funeral?

Me also ever watchful at the pool... cos I had a bad dream once...

Yah, rather big after we pitch it up.. haha.. nvm, if he no longer wanna play, we wl just keep it. Tkfully it's not exp..

Hv a safe and smooth delivery!
Hi StyloBB,

Coz when the tunnel is straight, it looks like a coffin at night. She got a shock when she woke up to pee one night... since then, she kept the tunnel and i've never seen it again! hhaaa

You can bring your tent to ECP when we have our gathering.... this will give us some shade

Hi Chris,

Dora marries Boots? hmm... maybe you'll have baby doras and boots soon?? hahaha
Good morning mummies.

Me very moody today, my mum hurt her back, charlene down with fever together with JH, JN got flu but clarence seem better. Somehow all those affected my mood this morning. Wanted to take leave to let my mum rest, she refused and looking at her, i also don know what to do. So stubborn, cant even sit properly don know how is she going to pass the day.


We are all waiting for both of your good news patiently. Be it bb doras or boots, we like to hear from you.
u can put it in your balcony hor.. macham outdoors liao..

ya lor, mayb u take half day to help your mum, since u already home, she cant possibly chase u back to work rite?

u 2 very imaginative hor.. hehe...

U 2 don understand my mum, she already told me not to go back even if i take leave, super stubborn hor, that's why like mother like daughter, see how later.
I am back from Msia.

It was very warm. Janelle was down with fever while we were there but she was still very active and kept sticky to my little cousin. On sat, she developed fever rashes all over her body. Hopefully it will be gone cos it look very ugly on her.

hope ur mum is ok. Old pple cannot fall, u shld ask her to rest.

Welcome back. Jan's fever rashes still there? My mum didnt fall, she san dao yao when carry a pot of flower.
yah the fever rashes was still there. She got alot of mossie bites but luckily not dengue.

i tried The Ship in KL. OK nothing very fanciful.
Hi Mummies
Forgot, is it true that tods wl hv fever if they are cutting their teeth? chara has been hving fever yesterday, on and off. Last nite I slept with her... woke up at 3am to give her fever medicine. Mil wl bring her to pd today. jesse got up and wanted milk at 3am plus...then at 6.30am he and julien woke up!!! Haiz.... all I can say is my life is never boring!!!!!

Dresses: the gals wore their dressed but I find it strange they wear the same thing...

Toys: my twins mummy friend helped me to buy the wooden cake liao (25% discount now) ... tonite I take pic to show u...

<font color="0000ff">Mummies: u all never answer me whether u spank ur tods???</font>

Then u can imagine what morbid thing my tent looks like???

Sure, can use it for outdoors.
Balcony - actually it is v hot inside cos no ventilation in the tent leh..

Hope the kids get beta.
Hope ur mom is beta... put salonpas.
U try to KO early after work to help her.

Welcome back.
Weather teruk hor..... how come jan has rashes???

where is m2b??

Back from Genting??

Where are u?? U still on ML right?

Thanks for the links... some of the stuff look interesting.. I like the ice cream cones...hahaha...

Jesse still woke up at night to ask for milk? I mean he cant sleep thru?

Of course i smack charlene whenever she notti, she is getting more n more stubborn nowadays but luckily she kiasi so abit easy for me.

Linda is having exam, she n minnie will be going to genting next week not this week.

As for my mum, she seen the tui na last nite, i just called her, she is sitting on massage chair to massage cos all children is resting after med and clarence is sleeping after meal.
ya i spank ash when she is noti, usually smack her hands/thighs/buttocks. but i nebi got round to buying a cane for her...
No lah, he doesn't... only once a while he will wanna drink milk ...

Cane? I don't wanna get cane ....
hehe... i tink we talked abt this b4 at the other channel, i oso din really wanna use cane on ash.... (yet)

Hi Mummies
Haven't logged on here for so long... out of touch:p

I'm a book fan myself... always can't leave a bookshop without buying something! Didn't know there's a kino in Liang Court

I do spank E1 on the palm - usually a mix btw spanking or 'naughty room'....

Did i miss something?... baby dora and boots:p
