Preggie Friends Since 2003

Mid valley is ok to me altho I can't recall what is so nice...? I like if there is a Metrojaya.. cos I like to see shoes mah.

My gf says the Metrojaya at The Curve is the high end one.. so I'll see how high end it is...

Hb says it leaks when it rains!
But mine are ok lah, maybe cos I alternate the wearing.

Btw I went to VC during lunch yesterday, only took us 5 mins by cab there!
With the discount from UOB, it's cheaper than buying frm the website.

Kim Gary at Mid Valley has more new dishes.

I cant rbr why we will definitely go Sungei Wang. I think part of the reason cos Law wanna source for software n i wanna get DVD.

Yes, i always get lost at Sungei Wang. I will end up getting clothes at Metrojaya, Parkson if there is any.

My photo - no gd lah. That day i went to take with the lecturer. I told him i dun know wat i wanna take cos the photo like no subject at all.

Tonite is Photo Critique Session.

have u being to Holiday plaza recently? Last went, that place was so run down and nothing much. Only salons n salons and some shops selling DVD or softwares.

No worries, i got my stuff here yesterday.
Treehouse - i got no idea, my 1st time to shop in mid valley. My 2nd time in KL so cant expect me to update anything. I didnt really shop alot this round. My sister told me need to spend 1 day in mid valley and another day in 1 utama cos both are so big. I only shop 2 levels in mid valley and brot charlene back to rest.


No, don know how many years didnt go Holiday Plaza liao.
mid valley got everything lor... hehe
pf will look for his dunkin donuts when in msia...
so u spent $ again on kids clothings just now???
U mentioned about long-sleeved tops at chinatown, my mom bot long johns there too.. pretty ok.

U mean Holiday Plaza in JB? Hb says it's no longer safe to go there leh, plus the place is pretty run down.

Photos - subject is the venue itself loh, good effort lah, I'm sure u wl improve. How many lessons? so Law looks after jan while u are there?

Hv asked my gf and her gal to meet us for bkfast at the hotel...

I like where there are lotsa leather loafers and that means places like Metrojaya and Isetan.

U mean at Gap? Yeah got pants (comfy type), one pair each for the gals loh.. one white, one rose red...

Can trouble ben to come down to tpy next week or so..?? ur toothpaste are still with me.. hehe..

Anyone catching Pirates this week??
Good morning mummies.


Ben wont be able to bring your stuffs to you next week as we might be away. He wont be able to do it on weekdays cos he just changed job and currently not as flexible as previous, always go out to attend meetings with colls. If is no hurry, maybe i can arrange to pass to you on 9 June.
good morning mummies

klcc got parkson & isetan rite? good that u just staying next door...
i int in pirates but mostly prob hv to catch it next week bcoz fri got something on liao.

check this out.

Photography - The nite photography course consist of 3 lessons. 1 lecture, 1 nite outing to take pic, 1 photo critique session tmr.

Pirate - I dun enjoy the 1st show leh. I didnt watch the 2nd. I dun think i will watch the 3rd. May be get DVD and try to figure out the storyline 1st.

Is there any gd show coming soon? I have not use my GV gold class tix.
Hi Hong,

The tix expired in May leh.

The words "dimsum dollies" just make me hungry! hahaa

Hi StyloBB,

I'm looking fwd to watch pirates and (more so) Shrek 3.
Hi Preggie,
I'm also looking fwd to bringing Raine for Shrek 3...bought her the Shrek ears from Mac and she was so happy...

Last Sat, just bought her to watch Spiderman 3 and she fell asleep close to the end...
good morning mummies!

went tpy bj for dinner last nite. ordered the 300g steak and they hv to bring it back twice to recook it... by the time i got my correctly cooked steak, pf already finished his cajun chix... but it was quite nice lah...
Hi Mommies,

Sianz leh!! I'm supposed to be at a conference but i'm so tied up with work, i gotta come back to the office... sigh.............

Hi M2B,

I think i wanna go McDonalds to get the shrek ears too... it's so cute! I watched the Shrek 3 Opening Night on Star Movies and it really make me lao nua.. coz the characters are so cute!!! this time, they spoof cinderalla, rapunzel, snow white... damm funny!

We went to watch spiderman without joey coz i dun think she knows how to appreciate this type of show. Besides, i feel there's too much violent and gore for a 3 year old.

Hi Chris,

there is a BJ that opened at my mom's place.. finally i have a chance to try - but dunno when though.
forget to add, altho they took some time to do my steak, i am quite hapi with their service bcoz they will update the 'status' and then apologise for the wait, even gave ash a cheescake...

ya i saw a banner there saying bj opening at depot rd, end apr...
Good morning mummies!

How's all of you? Didn't come in for a long time... but I've been following the posts.

I was thinking of going up to Genting on 15/06. Was wondering if anyone will be interested to join me?
cos i spotted one of her book at Kino. "My Sister's Keeper" It is abt the story of a family, specially getting pregnant to have her scientifically so she has the most compariable blood grp as her sister. She was borned for a purpose, to save her elder sister.

It sound interesting.
Good Morning Mommies
So happy FRIDAY again!

Hi Preggie,
Raine bugged me to bring her watch Spiderman 3 after seeing the trailer, thus bo bian, but she enjoyed the movie although fell asleep b4 the movie ends

Joey started violin? My nephew taking it for abt 5 mths and it is really not easy man

Hi Linda & Minnie,
My sis also jio me go KL in June but now Raine starting her new music class in mid June at Funan Centre leh
Hi Hong,

Sounds like an interesting book... but this kind of story is too sane for me liao...

Are you a kino member? I think it's really worth it coz quite often they got 20% discount for members.. and their books i noticed are cheaper than borders

Hi M2B,

She should be starting in July. I've not signed her up yet but she has been accepted into the program. I'm hesitating coz I'm afraid she'll not follow through with this program. The teacher is quite strict leh.. During the audition, she sort of hinted that her students must live and breathe violin.... otherwise will get kicked out of the class. That's why i quite scared lor... sekali i really kena kicked out.. it will be so embarassing leh! I have until the end of June to decide.
good morning mummies

ya i heard of that book, she is a good writer but i dun really like this style. i prefer my trashy novels. hehe
Hi Preggie,
Which centre Joey gg? My nephew with NAFA and the teacher is really STRICT man...he taking exams tmr to see can continue or not...

Think violin is difficult compared to piano/keyboard. My nephew losing interest liao...

How is everyone weekend?

I have migration on sat and i was at work from 9am - 7pm. Brot Janelle to BIL's gerfrd cousin bday then head down to Law's frd son 1yo bday.

We was at Suntec on sunday morning, attending the kids n baby blessings ceremony by the "Fu Kwang Shan".

We went to attend Law's Army buddy wedding at Rasa Sentosa. Never know that Sentosa change so much. This was an interesting wedding. The groom learnt magic, but he get one of his biz partner to perform the china famous "Change Face" art for all the guests. The guy is the only person who went to China to master the skill. Awesome, we are sharing the same table.

Groom is super humourous guy, never attend such a fun and relax wedding althot the food wasnt that great.

We reached home near mid-nite.
Gd morning mommies!!

It was a tiring weekend for me. My relatives from HK came to attend my grandpa's 90th bday and the whole weekend was spent showing them ard singapore. I could barely open my eyes at last night's dinner.

Hi Hong,

Was it a wedding dinner by the beach?
good morning mummies!
so hot today!!!

din do anything much over the weekend.. sat pm went little india (m2b, your territory) for lunch and search for some stuff for pf's co event, evening went alexandra ikea (no one queuing for car park!) and bot some plants for my office.
sun pm din do much... went pf grandma hse and nite went bj (again!)with pf parents for dinner... ate the steak again, this time the 200g..
Good Morning Mommies...
Went shopping on Sat after Raine's music lesson...

Then evening, Raine had a fever...temp went up to 39.5 yday...brought her to see doc and doc said very common now and fever might linger for upto 5days...ask us to monitor in case it is dengue fever...ask us not to worry even temp goes up to 41 degrees...

last night woke up so many times to check her temp and fed her med...wanted to take off today but got to chair a meeting thus taking pm off instead...
Morning Mommies...


I saw some used small violins at Cash Converters last nite and immediately tot of Joey. They looked to be in pretty gd condition and was around $50. Perhaps you might like to explore buying one of these for Joey to test her interest first?

Oh ya, Josh went for his make-up lesson at Berries yesterday morning. Was hoping to meet you and Joey but unfortunately didnt.

Hi M2B,

Got your piano oredi?

Hi Stylobb/Jas,

How were your trips? Enjoyed yourselves?

Hi Chris,

You and Stylobb really like BJ hor... Kekeke.. sounds so "notti" when I type it. Hahaha..

Josh also had fever of 40d on Thurs nite. We fed him med every 4hrly. On Fri nite, his temp was 40d again and we inserted suppository for him. Sat/Sun, fed him med 4-6hrly. Now he is ok oredi. Fever came and went, no cough nor flu. Quite strange and I was also worried it was dengue but no bites on his body too. Yes, viral fever can linger between 3-5days. Gotto make sure she takes her med regularly cos normally after 4hrs, the fever will come back again. If possible, can bathe her if she is too warm. Make sure she drinks plenty of water to get rid of the "heat" too.

Take care and hope she recovers soon.
just a traditional dinner. He ever asked Law how come Janelle look more like me. He said his sperm is a failure.

I make sure I asked him the same thing when his wife gave birth n if the baby doesnt look like him.

I have weddings dinner on 5/6 at fullerton, 6/6 at The Legend, Sept at M Hotel, Nov - one wedd dinner, Dec - one wedd dinner. So scary..
Good morning mummies.

Was on leave since last friday till today, need to clear my ML by today cos clarence is turning 6 months old tmr. Didnt do anything but brot clarence to doctor cos his running nose n cough seem cant stop and got worst. PD advise to take x-ray and confirmed he got chest infection (minor lungs infection) told me this is common nowadays as clarence was quite chesty so doc asked him to do neubiliser and he was the 4th bb doing that in the particular afternoon. Currently on medication and got to go back for review on wednesday.


Hope raine recover soon.
hope clarence, raine & josh gets well soon...

u got dirty mind leh.. hehe... funny thing is ash dun really like western food but she actually finish all the fish n chips and sausage we gave her... amazing...
Hi Cherly,

Hope Clarence gets well soon.


Really ah? Then I should bring Josh to try bj one of these days. He also dun like western food....

thanks, i hope he recover soon too. He on & off for running nose n cough for a month liao.


Yes, he got to take anti-biotic for the infection.
Hi Minnie,

We have been attending chinese lessons faithfully, with the exception of yesterday coz it was Joey's cousin's bday.

Hi Hong,

Wah, you've got so many weddings to attend? Aiyoh... better save up man.

Hi Cherly,

These days, every time a child has got a chesty cough, the docs will send the child for x-ray and scare the parents with big words like pnuemonia, lung infection, etc...

Actually hor, i'm abit morbid... but i was wondering whether we can take back the x-ray or not.. coz it'll be fun to stick it on the wall and show the kid, the inside of their body... Then they will know the difference between a conventional camera and an x-ray "camera" hehee.

Hi chris,

Sometimes it's very relaxing to do nothing on a weekend too..... you will feel very recharged and energised.

The x-ray film can take home after the whole session, i mean my PD gave me back when the child is fully recover. I got charlene one last round and just threw away early this year cos too big pc to keep in album.

Wat antibiotics is Clarence on? Augmentin or Klacid? Josh finished Augmentin but didnt work and he had to take Klacid instead. It scares me how he had to take a stronger antibiotic at such a young age.


I showed Josh pics taken when he was still in my tummy. He asked me why no color.....
Hi all, I am back. Wish for a speedy recovery for sick babies, toddlers, mummies and daddies.

Had a great time in HK, things went on very smoothly, Joel didn't fuss at all in the plane or in the hotel unlike previous time. On the 2nd day, he told me that he liked the hotel. Oops.. guess next time must go back to the same hotel. I am so happy and is indeed an enjoyable time for us all. Joel got most of the harvest - toys and clothes. I did't get anything for myself. Also got back 15 boxes of wife cakes, and 24 boxes of assorted cookies and biscults, and 2 tins of egg rolls for distribution to relatives and colleagues.

I will be going for the dim sum dollies preview show. My sis had bought the tickets.
Hi Jas,

Welcome back. Did you visit Disneyland? How was it?

Hi Minnie,

Hhahaa.. he asked you why no colour ah? Did you show him the 3d scan you did at Ann's clinic?

Hi Cherly,

Joey did her x-ray at KKH. they didn't return the film to me leh...
Hi Mummies
Hope all the kiddos get well soon.
I'm back!! Wanted to post some pics last nite but by then, everyone was asleep so I decided to sleep too.
5 hours drive-in to Damansara, 4 hours back to SIN. jesse only KO on the way back.
I learnt my lesson, brot him extra clothes so this time v prepared... also brot his play doh so that kept him occupied in the room. I was alone with jesse all the time as hb was working, no joke watching him esp outdoors cos depending on his energy level, he would be running about at times. Spent more than 1 hour at the huge indoor playground (with the foam balls guns, obstacles, slides) at 1 Utama.
Lotsa eating at The Curve area but I didn't buy much as didn't see anything nice. Only 4 pairs of shoes for the gals, 2 ON tees at FOS, and some hairclips. Bot a bag and a pair of denim capris for myself (but the capris macham keeps slipping off my waist.. I think it's the hipster kind so I think I need a belt????)
Found the l-s tops at MC for jesse... bot 3 packs.
On the third day, hb drove us to KL and we were at MO for a nite...

Dim sum dollies.. when can we watch? I don't mind....
13 or 15 June ok? No one else interested?

Wah so many dinners coming up, money flying out leh....

BJ - we had been going there every Friday.. hence that's how my ulcer came about... but it's kinda addictive right.. hb likes the fries. I love the steak.. I also ask for more to the well done now as it's rather thick. Did u try the ribeye or tenderloin??? We got free soup at our last visit.

Avenue K next to KLCC has an All Shoes department by Metrojaya.

Tkfully jesse was ok, no running nose. He enjoyed himself so much.

What's happening on 9 June.... if ben can come down, it wud be great.... let me know lah..

Great to know that joel enjoyed himself.
Wow, u bot so much food back!!
Which hotel did u stay in?

Guess what, after I got the hairclips, we returned and found that my mum snipped off the gals' fringe cos mil said it was too hot! hb was furious.. and i was kinda shocked!! ... so terribly cut somemore...!!!

Geox being sold at M$550! CrazY!!!

BJ..aiyoh u think 'wai' leh....

Some pics to share....

hong, the Strawberry drink with aloe vera at Kim Gary's...

Hotel on the left, Ikea on the right.

Restaurants behind hotel

Gals shoes and hairclips

Like these dresses? Not from KL... my mum sewed them!!!
Good morning mummies.


Welcome back!


I let you know again if ben can bring the item to you on 9 June cos clarence got to go back to doctor for review on this date. Brot him to PD again last nite cos the cough still quite bad even thro he is on anti-biotic. PD advised to buy a set of inhaler for him to use at home so we did and poor boy screening ard.


I forgotten which type of anti-biotic he got. How's josh now?


Is raine feeling better?


The x-ray that charlene taken in hospital also didnt collect back, only the pc that she did at clinic.
Good Morning Mommies
Thanks for the well-wishes for Raineher fever has stabilized liao, now just cough and running nose

Hi Minnie,
Yap, got the piano on Sun liaothanks, but some keys wun come up after presseddun know if it can be rectifyI text your fren but no reply...

I also alternate between Nurofen and Paracetamol for Raine on Sun and glad the fever goes downNow still feeding her the fever med every 4hrs

Hope Clarence gets well soon.

Thanks, Raines fever ok liao, just above 37dg if comes back so diligently feeding her the fever medcough and running nose still ard thoughpromise to bring her to Toys R Us tmr coz on leave as her cc is not closedhope she is ok then

Hi Jas & Stylobb,
Both of you had a great short trip, makes me urge to go for a short trip manmy sis jio us to go KL next week but then we cant make it coz it is Raines last lesson at Cecil Street on Sat leh

Hi StyloBB,

The dress your mom sewed is very very nice!! Your mom is so pro! Honestly, i would pay abt $35-$40 for it. Looks better than Dune or Chataeu.
