Preggie Friends Since 2003

i talked to kr50 lady boss b4. was trying to arrange a farewell dinner some mths back.. she seems quite nice over the phone..

ash is a late sleeper too.. bcoz her dad is a late sleeper and she do not want to sleep when someone is still awake outside... she sleeps 10.30-11pm... thats why she can only wake up at 9am.. hehe


I think charlene still the best among the rest. She can sleep as early as 7.30pm till next day 7am, haha. The later she goes to bed is 9pm.
mostly must unless parents request and if there are students who wanna stay in PM next yr.

then someone will have the reason to put Janelle at his mum's place. Dun expect him to fetch Janelle to MIL hse then head to work. I dun mind sending Janelle to school but not travel all the way to IL's hse.

If really no choice but end up in PM session then i will have to cater two way school bus service. Currently she is taking only 1 trip of bus ride back to IL's place.

BTW, i dun bath Janelle before she goes to school.
So we all have bolster stories to tell!
I rmbr once I went to some camp thingy and the whole nite I could not sleep cos I did not hv my bolster!!!! I love to hug my bolster..

I told my mum and she bot him a big cottony one.. so he is hugging it. He used to take one of ours and after he sleeps, I wl take it away.

Hmm... wonder if charlene wl find it difficult to fall asleep w/o bolster in KL...

Woa, I won't like to hv to change the timing man... I mean, precisely why a parent chose morning session in the first place what...
But by then jan wl be a year older and I think it wl not be a problem for her to take the bus..

Btw does jan nap after her school everyday? If yes, no wonder she sleeps at 11pm.

Actually jesse hardly wakes up, I asked my mum if his dinner is not enuf for him. She says at times he eats early hence he is hungry again when I bring him home... stimes he still drinks two rounds of milk, 180ml each round.

I checked the small playgroup and the teacher said she is conducting a 5-day holiday program on the 2nd week of June.

Maybe I shud try to make jesse sleep at 11pm on a friday and see if he wakes up at 9am!! Hehehe..

Rembr to bring ur JL redemption coupon to the new JL...
good morning mummies
tot of watching a movie tonite.. is pirates showing already?

ash only has her chou chou, a mini bolster which can be packed quite easily. her chou chou quite well travelled.. been to a few countries liao.. hehe
mayb jesse cant tahan until 11pm.. hehe yday i tried to make ash sleep at 10pm, think she fell asleep b4 10.30pm... not bad...
Good Morning Mommies...


Didnt work when I made Josh sleep at 11pm. He was up at 7am+ the next morning too. Think his body is tuned to wake up early. Only on rare occasions he woke up past 8am and we kept checking on him to make sure he was still breathing... Hahahaha...

Jesse dun nap anymore? Josh still naps in the afternoons after lunch. Body auto shuts down at 2pm+.

Last evening when I went nanny's place, I saw her feeding Josh bird's nest!!! I asked her if she gonna bill me for it (joking) and she said her DIL bought for her so she share wif Josh since he was sick last week. Then this silly boy dun like to eat but nanny managed to coax him to drink half a cup. Heh.


Josh also has his pillow which he cannot do w/out at bedtime. Its the baby dried beansprouts pillow that he uses to cover his face before sleep. Same like Ash chou chou, travelled wif us to a few places leowz. Heh.

If Ash wakes up at 9am, then in the morning when you bring her to nanny's house, she is still asleep??? Or you leave her to sleep at home and nanny comes over?


I think those who wanna stay in PM session are norm the late wakers.
ash chou chou is actually a wristrest i bot from precious tots. not sure whats inside but we washed it quite often but i like it best with ash's smell.. hehe
pf will bring her at 6.30am to nanny hse during weekdays. he will wake her up and she will say bye to me and then continue to sleep on pf shoulder and on the car to nanny hse. at nanny hse, nanny will make her pee and mostly she will just continue to sleep until 9am. during the days she stay over at mil hse, she will hv the luxury to wake up later at 9am and my mil will then bring her to nanny hse b4 she goes to work.

I did tell the prinicpal that i will have logistic issue. Some of Janelle's classmates have grandparents living ard so even switching to PM session will not post a problem to them. Janelle is the only student in the class that need to takes school bus home.

Janelle can nap pretty long, providing Julian dun disturb her beauty nap. Janelle is the last student left in the school bus so she actually reach home 45 min later. By then she is very tired, infact she tells MIL that she wanna sleep so MIL will feed her lunch quickly bath her. MIL said before she actually prepare her, she has slept.

I believe she sleeps too much in the noon. I ever told MIL to cut down her nap time but she said Janelle either continue to sleep or she will turn very cranky.

I guess that is one of the reason. Some have caregivers so AM or PM is not really an issue to them.

Janelle used to have chou chou bolster but after she pee on it, she doesnt want to touch it anymore. hahaha..

oh i saw a top and a dress at BYSI yesterday. Do u think they will have sale soon? Thot of waiting for their sale to get them.
I used to have problem waking Joel up for his class at 9am coz he sleeps late between 11.15pm -12midnight. He had always been a late sleeper and late waker since infant time. Next year when he starts school again, I will not have this problem coz I had registered him for the afternoon session... hee hee...

Joel only naps from 3.30pm -4pm to 5.30pm - 6pm.

Enjoy your KL trip..

Enjoy your trip with Charlene in KL.. that's very brave of you to bring her alone. I will also be leaving for HK this sunday.

I understand how you feel, sometimes is no easy to put them to put sleep early. I had given up and just let him be.
jan pee on her bolster? accident har..
not sure leh... but sometimes the nicer stuff wun be ard already during sale time... anyway GSS coming soon.. if you wan to wait...
Hi Mummies
Friday!!! Any plans for the weekend?
Think we wl bring the kids for a swim if weather permits.
I just need to get MC briefs for jesse...

Pirates only premiering on 24 May....

So 10.30pm is considered early for Ash huh... hehe

Ur mil is near to nanny?

Birds nest? Wow....

jesse still naps (we force him to on weekends)... weekdays my nephew wl wake him up gently.. don't want him to snooze too long otherwise difficult to sleep at nite but friday aftn is an exception.. my mom wl let him sleep to his heart's content. Hb also thinks the 11pm trial will not work on jesse.

Last nite hb said to move chara onto mattress as the gals still sleep in their cots.. she stimes cries when her arm or leg kena caught between the bars so we thot it'll be more comfy for her on the mattress.. .. hb said she was sleeping soundly.. I asked him whether she moved or not.. hehe
The gals sleep a bit later now, so we hv some time to play with them.

Pillow - we normally bring his own pillow if we travel but he is not attached to it.

Wow, u going HKG ah.. the 3 of u??
Enjoy yourself. I doubt I can bring my 3 there due to logistics, not easy to move around as it's not a v child friendly place... plus so crowded, but at joel's/jesse's age, shud be easy peasy. I wl also be on my own with jesse while hb works. Hope to meet up w/ my gf one of the days.

How is joel now? Is he better? What does he do at ur mum's place the whole day?

Oh so jan has to take a 45 min ride both ways???

Went to Aries yesterday... found nothing nice.. in fact a bit cheena .. hehe
Ok, I gotta locate the Montip stores...
I think there is a corner shop at Paragon Level 5 that sells clips.. besides kids' clothings.
Yeah, the 3 of us. I hope it will be an enjoyable trip for us all. Agree with you about bringing the 3, but you should have not much problem when the gals are of Jesse age. For your trip at least Ken will be around after he is done with his work.

Thanks for asking, Joel is fine, had been bringing to TCM massage weekly. He just recovered from cough and flu which he got it two weeks ago. I also just recovered from cough and flu too. He is on TCM while I am on western medi.

At my mum's place, he usually wakes up around 9.30am - 10am. Morning will be taking his light breakfast, after shower and some play he will have lunch. In the afternoon, he will watch TV Kid's central, if not my mum will bring him out cycling or to the supermarket or bring him to look for me if I am at Tampines office. He will have his nap between 3 to 5.30pm while my mum prepares dinner.

Oic. Ash can continue to sleep even after arriving at nanny's house ah? Once Josh is awake in the morning, no way he will fall asleep again. The whole household gotto wake up wif him. Hah.


45mins is quite a long journey. Do you pack some bread in her bag for her just in case she is hungry?


Enjoy your trip to HK.


I am an advocate of sleep so I always ensure Josh takes his nap. Afterall, he wakes up pretty early so its good to take 1-2hrs rest. Nanny also will make sure he sleeps. But I am wondering if he would nod off to sleep if he attends PM session in P1 next time. Hahaha... Guess I need to ensure his Primary school is single session.

I think you need to bring your family to resorts/beach places. All 3 can entertain themselves at the beach/pool. If go HK, you really got to jagar v carefully and its no joke climbing up and down the stairs at the MTR stations w your pram!!!
Harlow mummies,


U looking for hair clips har? Toa Payoh got few shophouses sell nice hair clips leh..

Got one shop called "More on Accessories", near levis shop... hmmmm..incase u dont's somewhere near library or opposite kelly salon ba..

The hair clips and accessories is sweet & nice. Heard imported from korea, but dont know how true ..:p

But anyway, dont know u will like it or not la..hee!

Ohya! Bus interchange got stalls also sell nice hair clips, crystal having 50% discount...nice nice!
hi mummies,

has been out shopping for the whole day yesterday! :p Met BBgal in the morning at borders, then she left early to walk around while i continued at borders. Shortly after, she smsed me that there's sale at Orchard POP, kids books going at $1!!! some adult books going at $6!!! we had a great time searching for books and i alone bot 3 big bags! hand aching by the time i reached hb's office at somerset to put the books in the car. :p Went to Robinson to look for some clothes for myself but din see any that i like, bot a shirt for hb and some PJ for Matt. And then went back to Orchard POP for more 'treasure hunt' b4 heading home, brot home another 2 bags. :p


Din see u at Robinson, most likely u left liao... :p

Wow! ur maid really work very fast to get Joey ready leh!


Nowadays, Matt sleeps around 11pm, no longer 10-10.30pm. think 'cos we used to let him watch tom & jerry in cartoon network from 10.30-11pm, thus dragged his sleeping time, now hv to push it back to original timing. We will wake him up around 15 mins b4 leaving home, and have to keep pushing him to change his clothes and wear shoe. if time permit, will let him hv milk b4 leaving, otherwise will let him have the milk in the car instead. Every morning is a battle for us!

Abt bermudas - where do u usually get the bermudas? find it so hard to find nice one, is either not nice or too ex...

normally i will get them during spree or m'sia and i look for around S$10-15, seldom i am willing to pay for more than these price. :p recently just replenish 2-3 pcs of Matt's bermudas as he outgrown his old ones, had actually wore them for 1-2yrs liao! have to look for more.


Leaving this Sun? Hv fun shopping!
I'm not sure will it be 45 min both way. Imagine 45 min later reach school, dun know will she still has the mood to attend school.

Julian can move so much in his sleep and that scares me. I have to wake up a few times to check where he is. Stime he can turn, sit up then dive back to sleep. Just anyhow dive, when he sit up i also have to situp to see where he dive into. Doesnt want him to knock his head on the floor in the mid of the nite.

Yah lor. most of the time we just slept beside her and let her sleep by her own.
Good Afternoon Mommies...
TGIF! Happy man...

Hi Chris,
I was on pm off to go Isetan Sale yday...wanted to get a G-shock watch for hb...bought pajamas, games and top for Raine, myself I got 2 tops and some chomel clips...

Hi Stylobb,
Raine woke up ard 7pm on weekdays...then it will be clean up, change, drink milk, eat bread and then off to cc...Normally she will reach cc ard 8am or later...

No struggle at all coz she will go to bed at 9pm sharp...

Hi Jas,
Enjoy your HK trip!
yes, she can still continue sleeping... on weekends morning, if she wakes up earlier than me, i will ask for '10 more mins' then she will just lie there nua with me and sometimes can nua until she fell asleep again.. hehe

for a moment i was wondering what is POP until trans enlightened me in the other channel...

i got nice my melody pjs from JL that day for ash, in her fav colour purple.. was just telling her yday will hv to buy more bcoz most of her PJs like suddenly shrank...
Hi Cla,

Went to vivo last night and I used the PP voucher liao. Actually, i find the boy's clothes there quite nice leh.. You should have kept some vouchers for yourself.

I was at Robinsons from 12 to 2pm. Then went back again in the evening. The evening queue was worse than afternoon. Had to queue abt 30mins
Made the whole shopping experience so terrible!

Cla, borders also got sale ah? so many book sale lately...

Later, i'm going to kinokuniya coz they got 20% discount for members again. KB wanna get more books abt sake so that i can help him buy sake when we visit the hokkaido sake brewery.

Hi M2B,

tsk tsk.. you were supposed to get stuff for your hubby and end up splurging on yourself and raine again! hahaa

Hi Jas,

have a good time in HK! I'm sure it'll be great bonding time

Hi Minnie,

You are like my ILs... great advocates of sleep. hehee...
good morning mummies!

hi preggie
i went vc too, but it was yday. din buy anything from PP, bcoz ash dun like pants/shorts so quite difficult to buy stuff for her now... bot 2 dresses in a set from MC instead, got 20% off. my mil got the slippers from gap (rbr i showed them to you from the website).. its $19 less 10%, tink website still cheaper.. actually lots of places starting to have their sale already hor..
Hi Chris,

Will you still be using the PP voucher? If not, can give me? hehee

I went to GAP at Centrepoint.. Saw the slippers and thot of you. If you pay with UOB card, there is an additional 10% leh.. so total 20%. KB bought joey a swimming costume from GAP yesterday.
hehe, i want to keep it 1st and see got something nice comes in..
oh my mil paid in cash and we din know abt the uob promo until we walked out.. hehe
Good Morning Mommies...

Hi Chris,
I bought the sweet checkers pajamas for Raine from Isetan, just $9.90 per

Hi Preggie,
Hahaha, the pot calling the kettle black?

No lah, I did bought a G-shock watch for hb lah, just shun bian buy stuffs for Raine and discounts dun buy, lugi leh...hahaha

I was in town on Sat but didnt buy much, just talcum powder and lotion from M&S...
Hi Mummies
weather: CHECKED, fine.
children: CHECKED, fine.
hb: CHECKED, not fine.. he started to sneeze v badly and was feeling sick. In the end, we decided no swimming.
Sunday I brot jesse and chara to church all by myself. Sunday nite, hb/I went to attend a music/hymn festival at Victoria Concert Hall.

Wlbe bz these two days as hope to finish all my work before I go on leave.

Now am looking for long-sleeved pj tops for jesse.

Been eating too much BJ, hb/I feel so heaty....

Does Jul sleep on a mattress at nite?
chara tends to sit up stimes but once we put her back, she wl sleep.. unlike julien who screamed for half an hour on Sat am... disrupted my beauty sleep.. I didn't want to give her milk so gave her a bottle of water. Who knows, at 7am, that bottle was still in her mouth, so jialat, I just pulled it off and she started whining...

I wl be at The Curve and 1 Utama area.... hopefully can get some nice stuff.

I went vc on Sat but didn't buy anything leh.

Got dresses in a set meh?? I didn't c any. There is one dress that I like v much but it's really too costly...
Think u can 'concentrate' on dresses for Ash now.. hehe... I also let chara wear another MC dress to church on Sunday, she looked so comfy and cute.. hehe.
Yesterday my mom told me she drafted the Dune dresses measurements to make dressed for the gals.. I wait and see the final product.

Got an ulcer near my gum... must ensure it goes away before I tuck in my fave Nando's... hehe

Which costume did KB buy? I like the flower one and the elephant motif... so the discount is 10% and further 10%? Pretty worth it...

The gals have around 4 costumes each.. till 3T sizes....

Thanks! I hvn't gone to the shop in TPY. Wl go take a look.

Hairclips - ok I went on a hunt.. went to Accessorize... ok, quite nice but quite ex. Saw a shop at VC that has but nothing fantastic.
Saw a salon near my place which sold some ... bot 3 pairs.

Let me know if any book sale comes up, we have quite a lot of books but the gals start to be interested in those flip books with pictures.

Bermudas, as what cherly wrote, I get mostly online loh... frankly I don't see anything nice (and reasonably priced) at all here in S'pore... they usu hv some funny/cartoony designs which I really dislike. Stimes I order more than one cos I have to pass some to put at my mom's place.. There is a shop near the Choc & Spice shop at TP Plaza that stimes hv bermudas..

Do your kids like to play Play Doh?
I think u shld go KL to look for hairclip.

Jul sleeps on mattress at nite but last two nites he was crying in his sleep so most of the time he was sleeping in sarong. No idea wats wrong with him but he started to cough. That cld be the reason.

Julian still asking for milk at nite and he cant wait. He must get his milk immediately.

Dim Sum Dollies is back. Wanna watch again?
I think u shld go KL to look for hairclip.

Jul sleeps on mattress at nite but last two nites he was crying in his sleep so most of the time he was sleeping in sarong. No idea wats wrong with him but he started to cough. That cld be the reason.

Julian still asking for milk at nite and he cant wait. He must get his milk immediately.

Dim Sum Dollies is back. Wanna watch again?

PJ - i come across cheap PJ at Chinatown CK for only $4.90 per set. Short sleeve, long pants, front buttons. 100% cotton. May look a bit obiang but since it is meant for sleeping so ok for me. I like it cos the top is long enough, Jan like it cos very comfortable.
ya those 2 pc dresses selling together. abt $50+, after discount each dress abt $20+ lor.. bot one purple-striped & floral set for ash. m&s oso got those sets, ard same price.
ash loves playdoh but i feel quite messy... yday she made purple waffles and french fries for me...
use bonjela for ur ulcer?

i just ordered dora purple PJs from yahoo action for ash bcoz i spoilt her current set...
Hi Stylobb,
Raine likes to play w playdoh too but same like Chris, I find it messy...thus normally will distract her w colouring/painting instead...

BTW, have a nice trip to KL.

Hi Chris,
huh, how you spoilt Ash's pajamas? Raine likes BLUE pajamas...
Hi StyloBB,

Joey loves playdoh too.. but i won't let her play with the ready made ones... coz those are really messy. I will make my own playdoh for her... The onese i make are less messy (i feel). Coz it's really like dough, not so sticky and gooey.

The costume we bought is orange in colour.
Hi Mommies,
these are my work for my nite photography lesson.

The Financial Centre Skyline



Fullerton Hotel

Bridge Acorss Singapore River


Esplanade Theatre



Good morning mummies.

I am back from my KL trip on sunday. However the trip not as smooth as what i think cos charlene was having flu n cough on thursday when i got home. Anyway, i still bring her as planned, she slept thru from singapore to KL, imagine i got to carry her and take my luggage to clear custom. Took 930pm coach and reached KL at 2am, my brother already there waiting for me. Didnt really shop alot as charlene needs rest, brot her to Times Sq playareas on friday pm, she was happy. Saturday was a short day for me cos she slept till 1pm, by the time, she bathe, lunch and ready to go out was 2pm. Supposed to go to 1 Utama but change my mind to sungei wang and was a wrong move cos i don like the place. Isetan, Parkson all having sales, actually many places are having sales. The bodyshop at mid valley having 50% sales, wanted to get my stuffs but OOS. I got back mostly shoes cos most of my shoes spoilt and over there got more designs. Vincci having 50% sales too. Also got charlene n clarence shoes from Tree House.


I took Nice coach up and take Aeroline back. I would prefer nice coach than aeroline cos more spacious and got better service. Linda you can ask alan to consider to change to Nice coach.


The pics quite well taken.


Thanks for the voucher, i got it.
good morning mummies

the photos looks better in ur blog. must be the resizing here..

welcome back! looks like msia got quite good sale.
Good morning mommies!

Hi Cherly,

1 Utama is quite a old shopping centre right? I think i remember visiting it before.

Hi Hong,

the pics are nice... do they have courses for taking pictures of pple?

Hi M2B,

The black spots are bacteria ah? Joey's toothbrush has got these unremovable black stains on the handle, between the grooves of the rubber.. Wonder if it's bacteria too!

"Noisy" meaning the photo look rough and can see pixel. cos i have to resize else i cant post here. I dun have the software to compress the pic.

Cherly, Chris, Preggie,
thanks... infact, still not very gd. The pic look nicer on my blog. May be not too blown up.

the lecturer organised more classes on improving photography skill but that is only lecture and not practical so i didnt sign up.

He doesnt have any course for taking picture of pple. He mentioned daytime photography much more easier. If he open classes on more artistic photography may be i will join again.

Ur camera shld be able to capture very nice nite scene too. I rbr urs is DSLR right. All these pic need a tripod, cannot shake else it will turn blur.

Janelle also coughing and sneezing away. I think Julian gets it from jie jie. We brot both kids down to see PD. Need some medication cos bringing Jan back msia next week.

I took Aeroline before but have not tried Nice.
Is NICE = Grassland? We took Grassland double deck back from KL. I find it very uncomfortable, i told Law i still prefer the 26 seaters.

Yes, sales is good in KL. My younger sister jio me to go again. But i told her let me consider first cos both charlene n clarence still unwell.


NICE is not grassland. I like it cos they got personal LCD, leather seats and very spacious. On that day of my departure, the coach only got 10 pax. Charlene got it from clarence. Guess the weather is really bad, me also having abit of dry throat.


Charlene toothbrush got those stains as well. I am not very familiar with KL, this is my 2nd time there only, never been to 1 utama.
we stop temporary cos he is coughing. Yes, he love his brown rice with milk. He takes anything. He is an easy baby when comes to food but not for others. He takes barley water, he takes cereal, biscuit, bread, etc... U give him anything and he takes anything.

However, he has bad sleeping habits. He fuss easily, very playful, he napped shorter.

I guess both kids have gd and bad points.

I got half tin (or slighty more than half) of Yu Ren Seng Brown Rice, you want? Just bot it 2 weeks ago and clarence doesnt like it. My mum bu she de waste it and add some into the other 3 children's porriage and all 3 protest too.
can go jb lor, dun need go so far to kl...
tot u not int in msia sale??? hehe

ya we got a DSLR but we mostly use a slimmer camera now.. so bulky...
OK. thanks. I dun think the elder kids will like brown rice now. hahaha..

Sungei Wang is a must visit shopping center when we reached KL. Why u dun like that place? We usually visit that place to get DVD. hahaha..
I can get the pple to test all the DVD we are buying.

1 Utama is at PJ out of KL, need to drive 45 min to reach there. Is a very big and new shopping mall now.

U know in spore we call IKEA, back in KL my aunt call IKEANO.
Yah lor. I also find the DSLR very bulky.
However the picture taken by DSLR is nicer, for mine under bright sunny day.

We also thot to get a slimmer, handy camera.

I wont purposely go there just for sales. Keen on KL cos i can bring the children to Genting but wont go so far just for the sales.


Ok you let me know how can i pass the item to you.
Sungei Wang is like Holiday Plaza in JB, like so messy.
HI Mummies

Sorry that charlene is not well... weather terok lah.
Me like u, don't like Sungei Wang... I only hop into the Metrojaya next door...
Treehouse has new stocks? I need to get more shoes for the girls.
Hallmark has shoes too but I think won't be cheap in KL.. v sweet ones for little gals.
I rmbr last time Body SHop also had 50%.. u want to tell me what u need.. if I go and they hv, I can get for u...

I also like Nice all the while, hopefully they did upgrade their Exec coach...

1 Utama has 2nd wing which is new. I hear they are bldg hotel next to it...

Wonder if geox has sale cos used to be cheaper in KL.. but my hb condemned geox liah, he threw his pair away and bot puma instead... haha

There is a Kim Gary at The Curve... I wl go and check the prices.

Ur photos quite nice leh.. for an amateur, got promise lah.. haha..

Sungei Wang, despite being there a couple of times, I still get lost inside.. stimes can't find the exit!

I think it's called Ikano lah...
i noticed ikea is called ikano on my credit card bills...

i oso feel sungei wang very messy... dun know how to shop there... i still prefer mid valley mall

slimmer camera more convenient lor, can pop into handbag and go...

Hi StyloBB,

haha.. geox very slippery right? KB also doesn't wear his geox anymore... coz it makes him wanna go skating.. coz so slippery mah! hahaa....

Now, he likes his ergolab shoes.
