Preggie Friends Since 2003

Hi Cherly,

Yah!! so nice to be a tai tai... no need to work, got money to go shopping, facial, gym, high-t. wow.... just dreaming of it makes me happy! haha

Hi StyloBB,

Yes, the kid can go down the luge with an adult. they will provide helmets for the kid too.

Hi Hong,

When i was a kid, my mom used to force me to wear anklets! I hated it! Each time she puts it on, i will kick up a big fuss and tug at it very hard to try and break the chain.

The anklet doesnt bother me till last weekend. May be i was angry at everything and that stupid bell....

may be yes but there are certain issue that is like was there for quite sometime. I thot i can forget and move on but then sometime it just rake up again.

I like puff sleeve cos can cover my big arm.

I dun think i can swallow my anger. I must let it out else I feel like i am dying. I let out a bit just now.. I feel better now.

I have lunch with Melody and cla the other time. SO shiok! I also enjoy tai tai life providing no need to take care of kids.
Preggie / Hong,

Yalor, so shiok hor. I got appt for facial, mani/pedicure, lunch with friends and sister. Shopping, sleep except playing mahjong. Feel so good so told hb i like this lifestyle so much. He said he will be more hardworking to make my dream come true. I replied him hopefully i wont wait for too long. Hahaha
Hi Cherly,

Ben is sooo sweet!!!

Hi Hong,

I saw you at HV just now with your colleague. You went to the factory outlet shop again ah? i walked past the shop but didn't go in. I bought an apron at a shop on level 3 for joey's cooking class.
lug ride - tink preggie did it with joey so shd be ok ba
daily scoopz is the one famous for homemade durian ice-cream rite? i prefer venezia tho...
one term is 3 mths???
workshop for today and tmr - full day, super sian...
This is my 1st time going to FOS leh. I didnt get anything just window shopping. I am with Angeline.

Cherly, Ben is really sweet...
Preggie / Hong,

U 2 said he is sweet ah? I take his words as joke, such replied him hopefully don make me wait too long.

I wanted to visit HV lei, where is the actual location? By the way, any good buy or new stock there?
U wanna be HDB tai tai??? hehehe...
I asked hb if one day I can stay home don't need to work, he says I wl go insane!! haha...

Venezia is more like those italian ice-cream? Like gelatissimo type?
I like good old Ben & Jerry's, the Dublin Mudslide flavour...yum yum
I can go for periods w/o ice-cream but when craving calls, wl wanna eat...
good morning mummies

ya italian ice-cream. i love the hazelnut flavour. i like stuff with nuts - choc, ice-cream... i ok with ice-cream, if have eat lor, if dun have wun really tink abt it.
Good Morning...

Hi Hong,
Cld it be that you are putting alot of pressure on yourself to excel in the new dept/project? Thus, you are stressing out?

Wow, nice lifestyle hor? Yap, I also think that Ben is sweet to reply that way.

Hi Stylobb,
The kids can say words that really melt our hearts right?

Hi Hong & Preggie,
I removed Raine's anklet before she turn 1mth coz I can't stand having to wake up to check on her whenever the bells ring (actually she just tossing and turning only)...heehee
Hi Hong,

Angeline is so slim!!

Hi Chris, StyloBB,

I love ice-cream! Can eat one tub at a go.. now... that explains my size

Hi Cherly,

when stylo mentioned abt HDB taitai, immediately the image of me as the fat unglam taitai (chen liping) and you the skinny glam taitai (kim ng) came to my mind!
Yah she exercise. Now she rope me in as well. Got coy to go gym so can keep up.

must perform lor. Somemore is big project. How can i not stress up.

nothing much in HV now. He said new stock will be coming before CNY, waiting for him to sms me.

Ice-cream - i try icecreamchefs.. homemade and not bad. they have flavour like holick and nutella.
No really at hubby but more to MIL. Joel was whinning, fussing and crying just over things and I was ignoring him so that he knows he will not get anywhere with such behaviour. But then MIL just had to appear and act as the good guy carried him away. Actually Joel was starting to stop, but seeing MIL he cried out again. I cannot tahan and slam the cabinet door when MIL just carried Joel out the room. I just don't care and leave Joel to MIL and hubby.

Jesse don't seem to have cough, maybe is just the phlegm. Jesse so sweet... Joel still doesn't know how to say it yet... I find his speech is still somewhat lacking behind... sigh...

For me, depending on what, sometimes I can swallow but sometimes I can't.. hee hee.. anyway it is still better to let it out, not too good to bottle it up.
Morning Mummies

I like hazelnut flavour too.. but me no craving for ice-cream lately.

Indeed Kym Ng came to my mind...haha

Hey, wat's the url for the little tots closet?

Hv u tried Island Creamery before??

Hope u are feeling better today.

Btw jesse looks kinda scrawny eversince he started school...
Oh I would hate that!! ie the carrying away...

Sth funny to share: that time Vivo City had those old magazines (the chinese ones frm Media Corp) exhibition.. one pictured features Michelle Yim (Mi Xue) and Chen Li Ping - they acted in some period drama ions ago. The comment was : One still maintained her beauty and youthfulness till now but the other has degraded into a HDB tai tai!!
so quiet all afternoon...

talking abt kym ng, tot she looks funny in the new loreal advert. she looks so demure in her dress and long hair but the moment she open her mouth, so spoil the image bcoz her voice so hoarse. hehe

went to this place at rochester park yday and they serve chilli ice-cream. i dare not try it but my colls say its like normal vanilla ice-cream, not spicy enuf. hehe
Good Morning Mommies.
Yday on pm off to collect my new passport at ICA...luckily dun have to wait long...

Then went dinner w hb and Raine to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary.
Gd mrng mummies,

So sleepy today... *yawn*... how nice to sleep in in this nice weather... Zzzz

Yesterday talking abt food, no contribute from me. :p


Happy Anniversary! So nice to celebrate w HB & Raine... Hope u had a great time

Nowadays don need to wait long for collection. They r pretty fast.

Talking abt ICA, I received notice to change my IC but i still not yet submit my application, they are goign to fine me soon!!!!
good morning mummies!

u not gg shopping? din hear from u yday nite...
i changed ash passport photo b4 we went kl and we waited abt 1hr+ for the passport. mayb its dec holidays and a lot of kids went to have their photos updated. ica so crowded man.

so where u go for dinner? must be somewhere quiet. hehe
Good morning mummies.


Haha, HDB tai tai come to your mind.


Me also find ICA service is faster than b4. That day brot clarence to collect his passport, only took us 15mins. He got the new passport and the number is different than his BC number.


Any sales going on?
Hi Cla,
Hehe, initially we dun want to bring Raine but she cried coz she wana tag along so end up, both hb and I relented and brought her along...

Hi Chris,
Initially we wanted to go Mt Faber for dinner, end up went Suntec for Japanese food w Raine instead...She wana tag along but once we reached restaurant, she immediately declared "I had my dinner already so I don't want to eat anything. I just want to drink water."...hahaha

Yday I bought a pair of slip-on each from URS and C&K...I wear out shoes very fast so find comfy ones must buy liao...

Yup, ICA service is fast and also good...their customer service officers so friendly and helpful...I'm impressed!

Think I will bring Raine to have her passport photo updated too...dun know when must update coz my nephew's one since 1st month until now 7yo, custom officers also never asked him to change leh...
Morning Mummies
I am sick today... eeeek... viral infection. .fort. not the serious type.. but on mc... doc said is airborne.

How come hv to change passport photo???

Which Jap restaurant? Tonkichi???

Actually i forgot to call u...
. Onli remembered when i was abt to go to bed last nite but was too late, so nvr mind lah. Tks for remembering.


So fast u make Clarence's passport. Will need to change the whole bk and pay $70 again if in future immgration wants you to change his photo. So ex...
Hi Mummies,
I collected Bryan's passport few weeks ago, the customer service officer told me change his photo at age 5.

change photo FOC, no need change the whole book..

Happy Wedding Anniversary.

Our wedding anniversary pretty close hor..mine is taken PM leave go KTV with hubby..hee :p

Long time no 'see' u here...

the new type of passport cannot change photo onli. If need to change, will have to change the whole book. that's what the officer told me when i collected Nic's passport and i commented to her is very expensive...

Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your day...
I think Cla refer to the biometric passport.
I dun know if i need to change Janelle photo.

read that JJ is not feeling well. Is he better now?

I am looking for shoes as well. Cant find anything that is nice.
Hi Stylobb,
Coz the photo taken for Raines passport is when she was 1mth oldso we just wana change just in case.

Hah, I cant rbr the name of the Jap restaurant leh, hb likes that restaurant coz he finds the food nice

Hi Noif,
Yday I checked w the ICA officer and she said better to change the passport photo when I told her my gals pic was taken when she was 1mth old lehdiff officer diff versionheehee

Happy Wedding Anniversary to you and hb! Hahaha, ours just 1 day apart

Hi Cla,
Mine is the biometric passport thus I think if need to change photos then need to replace the whole book but anyway now the passport only valid for 5 years nia

Hi Hong,
I bought my slip-ons from URS and C&KI normally wear slip-on to work, more comfy and convenient
hmmm i oso know bysi is having 18% off if you spend $88 and above (payment by cash). tmr centrept and tangs will have midnight sale.

mt faber looks very nice now hor...
c&k & urs having some sale on shoes right...

bcoz the last time we went overseas, the immigration ask us to change b4 next trip. they just reprint on an 'update page for photos' on the same passport. can collect within same day in 1-2 hrs.

its ok lah, let me know if you wanna borrow my card lah

i go c c at the shop 1st, will sms u if need to borrow from u... tks ya!


Ya, onli 5 yr n cost so much more... i am referring to kids, if their features changes in the 5 yrs, got to change and pay again... 'bo hua' lor.

these few days here very quiet, all the mummies busy preparing for CNY ah??? :p

Yalo! Recently busy at work lo. Next week got lot activities + company D&D. change photo also need to replace the whole book ah...

No wonder the service officer told me change Bryan's pic when he turn 5 years old...then the passport expiry date pretty close liao... :p Just nice to replace the whole book ba... right? :p

Oh! He is okie le!Now back to his, drink, sleep...but still on antibiotics till next week lo!

I still considering shall i let him and Ally take the pneumonia jab? Me scare scare leh....nearly got heart attack tat day lo!

Charlene got her passport when she turn 1 month old and updated her photo last year b4 we went to perth cos we worry might have problem to enter to australia custom with her 3wks old photo.


The new passport only valid for 5 yrs meh? I have yet to look at clarence's passport expiry date.
Yes, I think the rules change or sth.. I went to check jesse's passport... his is 10 years.. I think after we got his, they changed to 5 years.

This changing of photo - is it up to us to decide that we shud change? jesse's pic and what he looks now is rather different leh..heheh
Yup! New passport valid for 5 years only and So EX lo!

Ally's passport 10 years also..think the rules change after did her passport lo...heng ah.. :p
Yup! New passport valid for 5 years only and So EX lo!

Ally's passport 10 years also..think the rules change after did her passport lo...heng ah.. :p
good morning mummies!
yday went vc for superdog.. very disappointing. the 'dog' was crinkly and thin...

went zara and saw they have skirts at $24.90. bot a yellow one for ash (she chose the colour) and a LS sleeve top (only $6.90). funny the same design in SS is $11.90...
changing photo is really up to you. pf just felt it safer to change it b4 we go overseas since the previous time the customs officer has already asked us to change. however, we can always pretend we din know we have to change and 'promise' to change it the next time...

ash previous passport photo looks like a boy, very diff. hehe

no prob, i shd be out tonite. mayb will meet you??? hehe
Hi mummies,

Passport - i didnt Janelle's passport when she is ard 18th month. Think still look like her so ok. Hers is 10yr.

Julian - no hurry since we are not bringing him oversea yet.

wat is SS? I saw a skirt at Fox thot of trying but no chance cos carrying Julian the other time.
Morning Mummies
TGIF! and I am ok liao... !! Phew!

Don't tempt me leh, I hv been spending on my kids' clothes lately... my fingers can't seem to stop working..hahaha..
Skirt so cheap at Zara?? Must go and take a look.
That day I saw this sweet top which has pink little hearts... and the similar design is not so nice so I didn't buy.
Pretty happy w jesse's tees...

Btw u going shopping? If u happen to see any shops selling more my type of clothes, let me know hor.. thanks...

Last nite I started to clear out my old clothes.. .so sian to see them ...

We went Superdog once.. I found it rather salty..

Biometric passport is still in book form????
i tot the zara skirt pretty good buy mah. mayb i go and buy another colour hehe.. the beige & white quite nice too. pf saw a dress $80+ and ask me how come zara stuff so ex..
i shd be gg shopping this weekend with my mum, mil & aunt. they want to buy winter stuff. u went to lmg recently?
No one wants to talk today?

Skirt - yeah.. I must go take a look...cheong ah!
Their dresses and blouses are v v expensive so forget it.
No 'pressure' hor, just if u come across any shops that have my kind of clothes.. I went to LMG at MS that day, nothing nice leh.
Got 2 tops from GG5.
Morning mummies,
Stylobb, fast you start shopping for CNY.. I also want to get some new clothes but have limited choice coz most prob need to get nursing tops.

Any suggestions on places with reasonably priced onces?
haha tot u said u bot a lot liao...
ya man rather buy dresses from chateau
no prob, will let u know. nowadays i rarely go into other shops.. only go bysi. hehe gg5 is overpriced. how abt oamc, tink trans like their stuff...

yday i bot the 3 for $30 panties from m&s. hehe...
oh ya stylo, i just tot of southaven, they have nice and simple tops which i felt not as overpriced at gg5...
good morning mummies!
so quiet ah... let me start the ball rolling.. went raffles city and queued for the donuts at donuts factory on sat am... i queued for near 3 hrs b4 i get my donuts... donuts not bad, quite soft and nice toppings/fillings but i wun ever q 3 hrs for it again!!!
yday went OG and mum, mil, godma finished their winterwear shopping (finally!).. i still need to buy one scarf and thermal wear for ash...

MC has nice new stock, white/blue theme... they still have up to 40% discount (buy 4)...
good morning mummies.


I used to buy BYSI clothes last time but stopped awhile cos got a period of time their designs is sickening. This round i got 2 tops from them as well and since i am still not able to fit S size pants well so i can only look for skirts and the day saw a skirt from them, will go and try later.


I got many many cny clothes this year cos i gave away all my old clothes to my sister during pregnancy and now need to buy for work.

Hi Mummies
Yesterday was maid's off evening time, hb and I surrendered liao.... too tired... we were kinda laughing at the situation and kept telling each other 'tiring, hor...'
chara took a nap from 5 to 6pm, at 9.30pm, maid carried her to our room to show us her HUGE GRIN cos she wasn't sleepy... I let her lie on the bed and after a while of rolling, she KO.. can imagine she is beta than julien cos I think julien wl scream her head off before sleeping....

GG5 is not cheap.. but some pces are rather nice. Pants cost $60+
SH dresses - I tried leh but not nice on me. Hvn't tried their tops though.
Went to BYSI at Citylink, nope, their clothes are too 'dazzling' for me....

We walked past the doughnut shop on Friday, told hb I will never queue for such things...

Thanks, but what white and blue theme? U mean new clothes for gals??
I just bot socks and underwear for jesse...
I saw the skirt at Zara.. not bad. What size did ash buy? She can wear size 4???
The polo ts are nice too.. but I didn't buy cos the gals have a lot of tops.

We went to Sentosa (!) yesterday cos the weather was rather cooling.
jesse enjoyed playing at the playground and we walked quite a bit..... he climbed up the ropes and also did the balance beam...

I'm not ready for cny leh, it's chris and m2b who have bought their cny clothes.
I only bot clothes for the children and they are not really meant for cny.....

We were talking about some shops loh...

What? U bot a lot of cny clothes????
