Preggie Friends Since 2003

Hi Girl,

You gave me a shock! I thot you congratulate me for HAVING a no. 2. hahaaa.... yes, we are definately planing for a sibling for joey, it's lonely to be the only child.

Abt JG, not that joey doesn't like it but the branch at evans does not have N2 chinese edudrama, so we decided to withdraw her and joined Berriesworld instead.

Hi Hong,

Let me go home and take a pic of joey in her uniform, then post it here tomorrow. I've finally subcummbed to pressure and bought her 3 sets of uniforms coz she's apparently the only person in class not wearing one....

Hi StyloBB,

Maybe Jesse is trying to set a password and lock you out of your PC! hahaaa

Hi Pooh,

Ely is so cute in the uniform! Her face is not so square anymore... i remember you mentioned once that he dimension of her face is 9cm x 9cm

I know her before anyone here so i think i shld apologise to her personally.

Chris, Stylo,
I like the show "labryinth". For many year i actually went to search for the DVD. Fortunately i manage to get it in KL. I was very happy. I like the singing part and all the weird characters.

U are trying? Jia you!!!
So cute that Jan can sing 'jesus, jesus, jesus'.. but aiyoh, so 'dangerous' cos Law might hear... hahaha... hope he wl be a bit deaf now...

What time is it by the time u bring Jan home? Do u find u hv little time with her?
I brot chara and jesse down for a walk last evening, could see that mil was quite tired, so I asked her to leave.

I told hb, who knows, scully next time the two gals stick to him, then he will get his justice since jesse now does not want to hold him... but at least when it comes to reading this book, he wl let hb read to him...

U know at home, I wl wear my old specs, he told me 'Mummy, the paint on your specs is coming out. I buy u new ones ok? U don't like brown? I buy u red spectacles.' Hb and I had a good laugh....

Hahaha.. password? Not so smart lah....

Berriesworld? Sounds so cute.. .. how do u know about such a place?

So far jesse has no phobia of school, yesterday he was sick but he said he wanted to go to school...

Yah, find that ely's face not so 'square' now.. hehe....
my MS finally improving liao.. now more of a indigestion than nausea

wah... u still remember abt the 9cm x 9cm.. u got very good memory
aiyo is very "dangerous". Haha...
By the time i brot Janelle home, i will clean her up and make her sleep cos she need sometime to settle down and she always end up sleeping near mid nite. Dun know why she just cant sleep early.

I dun really have much time left for her after home. That really reminds me that i have not read to her for very long.
I shld make time to read to her since she is back everyday.

Took leave this friday so i could bring Jan to dentist. SO no school for her this friday, gum more important.

Speaking abt spect, i went to make a new pair last nite cos the paint really came out. The lady was nice, Law and ILs family has being going to her for yrs. Ever since i was with Law i went to her as well.

She knew i dun want to spend too much on spect, those she showed me were the cheaper and nicer range. I am doing transition lens this time. hohoho. Law got a pair and he encouraged me to make one since the frame will look nice with "darker" lens.

Pooh, glad that ur MS improve must start to pu now.

i can't access to another channel in office leh, that's y i am here... i sms u if going, most likely on Thurs 'cos Fri sure lots of ppl, don like to go out...


since u need to call her n apologise personnally, must be something serious...


Give them sometime, they will soon love to go to school.

I remember last week i posted that Matt doesn't wan to go to school, this mrng i walked him to school and he said he wants to go to school. We had a nice journey there and he actually waved bye bye to me happily after reaching the childcare. Hope this continue
good morning mummies!

you email/sms me later. wanna tell u something.. hehe...

preggie remark abt jesse setting password on your home pc is funny.. haha

Labyrinth - din know you all watched this b4.. i rbr i tot david bowie is very stylo at that time. hehe.. din know the girl is jennifer connelly tho...
Good Morning Mommies...

Hi Stylobb,
Sama sama, yday I also almost whole day meetings...sianz...

Hi Pooh,
Ely's face is really chubby...cute!

Hi Preggie,
Nice to hear that now you can finally ttc liao...studies finishing soon right? relax and hope you strike soon.

Hi Chris,
30% off LMG is alot man! BTW, now BYSI mship is only for purchases reaching $200...hiaz
Chris, infact i fell in love with the show. I find david bowie is bad and yet very attractive in the show. hahaha...
Hi Mummies

I gong gong by the time the mtg was over... so bz these two days yet jesse wasn't well.. woke up at 3am to heat up the soya milk for him cos he wanted... no wonder they are so close to mummies, only mummies wl do this sorta thing..haha

Can only join BYSI mbrship if purchase is $200?

I think shud be, cos I was reading about her after watching "Blood Diamond"..

I don't recall what the story is about leh.. only rmbr david bowie appeared in front of jennifer... hahaha...
Good morning mommies,

Finally can take a breather. All my ads are out already

Hi M2B,

I've not finished my studies yet... so will only TTC in July after i hand in my dissertation. hahaa...

Hi StyloBB,

BerriesWorld? It's recommended by my friend... It's a pure chinese speaking environment.. even the recept speaks very fluent mandarin. KB is also learning chinese there.. he will sit in their library and read the kiddy storybooks! hahaa
ya i waiting for lmg bigger sale when top are $10, pants are $20 hehe
i got bysi mbr years back. cant rbr how much i spend to get it.. hehe

bysi mbr is $200 in single receipt

actually i dun rbr much abt the movie too, just david bowie and his singing...
Roy is very chubby.

U aiming for Rat year?

want to see the show again?
When Stylo mention abt Pan Labyrinth, it actually remind me of "Labyrinth" by David Bowie.

Law was surprised when i played the movie one day. He asked was there such movie before. I told him i watched it when it screened in Channel 5.

Roy is so chubby! r u breastfeeding?


Is there many branches for Berriesworld? They often sponsorship some of the children show in channel 8, wonder if they are ex... :p


LMG will have bigger sale? remember to jio me... :p
Haha... Deciding to have no. 2 is a big step there already, now for some action!:p

Where is Berriesworld? Sounds interesting...

How I wish E1 would go off happily! She's been crying when we send her up the bus every day, and cooking up all sorts of excuses why she doesn't want to go to school.

Roy is so adorable! Looks like Ryan.
When does your mat leave end?
Hi Stylobb,
Yalah, I hate meeting after meetingsomemore some meetings are just so unproductive, no conclusion type yet drag real longhiaz

Is Jesse better? You must be tired out manno joke to wake up at 3amHahaha, I truly agree w you that only mothers will wake up in the middle of the night to check their temperature etc when they are unwell and also toilet-trained them by waking up to make them peeMothers are so GREAT!

Yap, BYSI membership must spend $200 lehThat time my friend and I combine until $160+, nothing to buy liao leh thus just pay separate in the end :p

Hi Preggie,
July TTC means will miss Pig Year? Never mind, you can have a Mickey Mouse instead. :p

Im also interested to sign up Raine for Berries N1 Chinese but its Sat classes clashes w her keyboard lessons.

Hi Ruffy,
Roy is so chubby.

Hi Chris,
Think your membership shd be $150 purchases 1, they just change last Aug as told by the sales rephiaz
E1 still crying? Janelle crys this morning too. We have no idea why she still crying, the only reason cos she just want to manja a bit.. showing she loves us too much to see us going away?? I believe she stops her tear 5 min later when we left.

Meeting suppose to solve and trash out issues. The worst part is when the relevent presentative not attending then the meeting become not conclusive and some got to follow up via email to check on this and that and if cannot resolve via email another meeting is created. Haizzz. no ending.
i oso watched it on channel 5... think many many years back liao

ya they will have bigger sale but so far i just luckily bumped into them. the sales staff too bz to sms me when they have such sales. hehe.. they say jiak png oso no time man..

hmm... $150 easier to get lah. hehe i rbr i got it from PS branch. no wonder they changed the card for me, now the card nicer...
hi mummies,
Yeah..Roy is Ryan was when he was younger.

Maternity leave ends in March..but am taking another 1.5yr off work till end 2008

Yeah. Roy is on breastmilk.. but he still gets 1-2 bottles of FM as supplement a day.
E1 exactly the same. The crying is normally for just a short while - maybe it's separation anxiety. After that she's very participative and talkative in class. That's why her teachers were surprised that she says she doesn't want to go to school, cos they felt she's adjusted very well.

That's good to be able to take time off work. Who is helping you? Your mum?
I'm now sahm without maid. MIL will come down again in march for 1-2 wks to help out.
mum still workin FT so can only play with them on weekends.
Not easy to handle two. At least for me, I cant be the SAHM. Is Ryan attending full day CC?

exactly! She is so happy when we go to fetch her every evening. She can tell me abt school but she will tell me she doesnt want to go to school at the gate of the school.

Lets see who will stop it 1st. hahaha....

Is E1 sticky to daddy?

may be we watched it at the sametime many many yrs back.. hohoho..
Hi Girl,

There are many branches of berriesworld. We go to the one at Orchard Emerald.

Hi Cla,

On the contrary, berries is not expensive ($315 for 12 lessons) and they provide excellent customer service. For instance, if you are too busy, you can just drop off the child at the taxi stand and the recept will be waiting there for your child. Also if you are unable to come for make up lessons, they will refund you fees for that lesson in vouchers. so you can use it to offset fees for the next term. This is the first enrichment centre i encountered that has such flexible policy.

But of coz, this school is not as "happening" as JG la... it's really very cheena and looks like a tuition centre.

Hi M2B,

Hahaa.. mickey mouse... if i really succeed, maybe i can call him/her Mickey Khor?
Morning mummies,
Yeah..Ryan is still attending full day CC.. or else sure low bat in no time coz this one super demanding.. want to be carried.. cry for no reason coz tired and cannot sleep etc ( not colic coz it does happen in the afternoon and odd hours..and doesnt sleep long etc...even in the middle of the nite eyes open big big!!

so if it is a boy you will name him about girl- minnie??
So next time will celebrate his/her birthday at Disneyland hor..
good morning mummies!

haha so all the pressure on you this year...

confession, i succumbed to temptation and wore one of my new bysi blouses today. hehe...
Good Morning Mommies!

Hi Hong,
I hate non-conclusive meetings! Attend liao like waste of time, somemore can drag so long.

Hi Chris,
Yalah, $150 easier but now $200 so forget it, we just pay separately then.
Your control no good lahI havent touch my new BYSI clothes yet lehheehee
Anyway, you dun need to keep for CNY wat, you celebrating in Japan
We will also be gg HK w my ILs in early Mar

Hi Preggie,
Yap, Mickey Khor sounds nice when he is young lah but he will probably change name when he grows upheehee
Hi Chris, Ruffy,

Talking abt pressure, last night i dreamt that i was pregnant with a boy and decided on the name Dinosaur Khor!
actually $50 buy a pair of pants can get liao lah. hehe but i dun really like their pants, so far din buy any pants from them
i coming back on chu liu (fri) so sat & sun still need to go pai nian leh.. so at least need 2 sets of new clothes.
hk disneyland?

huh? dinosaur khor? thats a very 'special' name. haha
Jia You...

Good to know the your MS is much better now.

Indeed Roy looks so much like Ryan..

Joel also kenna cough virus... and it is tough to get him to take western medi, he just simply refuse to.

You always have such funny dreams.. so interesting...
Hi Mummies
Last nite I 'crashed' liao cos too tired.. finally jesse is declared well.. poor boy looks so skinny altho weight is still the same..

So sian rite. Fortunately jesse wl take his medicine willingly.

Dreams - I dreamt that I was rushing to my kids and I met chris/ash and trans/cy, they were carrying them. I asked 'where are u going' and they said 'gathering.' Hahhaa..

I shall drop by BYSI just to take a look...

My colleague said she was relieved when half-way thru the mtg, there was a phonecall for her..hehe.
Joel is not well? He ok with TCM? The magazine still with me. Rbr to get from me hor.

why not chose a specie name? hahahaha..

I think i had being very impatience with Janelle and she tend to develop such character as well. Cham...

Wat is the season for HK in early mar?
I try to be patient with jesse but stimes really dak boleh. THis morning he went on and on "I want the aircon", "I want to switch on the fan." really repeated and repeated until I used the bolster to cover my ears...!!!
Whenever he starts to fuss I will say to myself: ren, ren, ren...
I think mine is worse.
She will goes Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want to do this. She like to whine is she cant her way. I am so fierce to her that when she sees my angry face she will run to Lawrence. I am a bad person now.
Hi Chris,
I also never get pants from BYSI beforethat time with my friend we already tried to get another pc, end up my friend decided to get another skirt but guess whatthe total amt is $199, $1 shorthiaz, we gave up!

Oh, so you need 4 sets of CNY clothes coz you need to go bai nian on that weekend and next which is 14th and 15thhahaha

Yap, gg HK Disneylandinitially planning to go Japan then my ILs jio us go Japan, so will be gg w them in early Mar

Hi Stylobb,
BYSI has new arrivals quite often so you can pop by to seeme also thinking to PS branch tonight

Hi Hong,
My hbs HK relatives said the weather is still cooling in Mar
not sure if bysi is your cup of tea... hehe their clothes might be too ku niang for you.

$199 and you gave up?! i sure buy something to make up the diff, haha..
oh ya hor, got 4 days... tonite go MS see they got new stock or not. hehe
you mean ur ILs jio u go hk ah..
oic... not easy for you.... better rest when you can!

How was Jan today? Guess what? No crying today, phew. Hope it will continue! Ya, she can be quite sticky to Daddy... and she knows he's the one she can bully too! (I'm the disciplinarian!)

The fees are quite reasonable... Just found out that E1's kinder ties up with a school to conduct optional extra chinese lessons daily from N2. Think $600 for a term - sounds ok right? Think it's apple - something....
Hi Girl,

My friend's kid attends Orange Tree and this school has a tie up with Tian Hsia Language school. She pays around $800 per term, so I think $600 is quite reasonable.
good morning mummies!
friday again!

yday no time to go lmg/bysi bcoz dinner ends late. see today got chance or not bcoz i gg raffles city. let you know lah, hehe
Good Morning Mommies...
So happie it is FRIDAY!

Hi Chris,
Yalah, we really have nothing to buy liao lah so gave up and pay separately instead...end up, my friend dun buy the extra skirt too...heehee

I also itching to go BYSI to see got new arrivals or not...see tonight or tmr after Raine's class got chance to sneak in some shopping or not...

Yap, my SIL jio us go HKG as a family so hb said go since previous trips always w my family lor...
Hi Mummies

I think my situation is different from urs. jesse doesnt run away frm me, he is v happy to see me and I don't think he rembrs that I had scolded him earlier.
But he is v stubborn, he wants sth done his way and he wl holler till he gets it, stimes we just ignore and walk away, but at times we can't esp when it runs the possibility of waking up his sisters eg. this morning... sigh.. I mean, if he were the only kid, then I'll prob. ignore him..

Oh I discover that Vivo city is actually quite near to my office.. hehe...

So u telling me u gu niang and i not gu niang is it (or u not gu niang but trying to be gu niang) .... tsk tsk tsk... anyway I just go and c only lah..... hahaha.... anything interesting at Raffles City? I was there last evening.. nothing much leh, all the clothes look the BYSI there?

This Berriesworld sounds interesting, how long is each session?

Btw does any of u get ur increment in January???
i discover something their stall carry diff stuff hor.. i like the one at citilink

i din say u not ku niang hor, i tot u more of those 'no-frills' kind of dresser mah... hehe
raffles city no bysi, citilink and MS have lor, if you talking abt that area.
Hi Stylobb,
My increment was last Sept, i.e. every Sept...

Hi Chris,
Yap yap, those smaller outlets will not carry too much stuff lor...I like the oulets at IMM and PS, considered quite big. The 1 at Citilink like quite small leh.
Hello mummies!!!


i got no increment/bonus leh... *sob,sob*... :p

matt also the same, will cry till get his way, simple thing like switching off light, if he din get to switch off, he will cry. i will let him cry all he wan, hb even bring him out of the room and let him cry in the living rm.


Just realised BYSI has a branch at IMM, very near to my workplace, think will drop by next week for some shopping...

abt trip - so far we have never been on a trip w my ils...


till now i have not sign up any enrichment class for Matt/Nic... haiz... lazy mummy... :p
dun know why leh, i felt i shop better in that outlet. i rarely go to PS now since i dun work there... mayb i like cramped shops, i went to imm one feel too spacious dun know where to look from. hehe
Hi Mummies!

How's all of you?

I lost my Handphone! Sob sob... really feel sad as I like that phone very much and also some photos in the phone haven't been uploaded. Just went to collect my SIM card and saw the price of the same phone went up! I'm really feeling down

Oh, Chris/M2B,
I just went BYSI for retail thearpy. Brought 3 tops there and almost buy a dress. The price stopped me. It cost $99! I also brought a pointed shoes in URS. This time, the retail thearpy didn't work for me leh. I'm still feeling very sad.

Anyway, I went to the outlet in Citylink. Lots of new arrivals and nice clothing. I finally brought my satin material top!

My bonus and increment is in March. Sad to say that my increment is only 3% but better then nothing. Bonus no news yet leh.
Hi Cla,
Yup, IMM outlet quite big...I go there sometimes for bkfast on Sun so shop awhile...

Hi Chris,
Haha, you really unique leh, like cramped shops?!

Hi Linda,
Can understand the pain of losing hp..not just the physical phone but the fotos inside lor...hiaz.

wow, after retail therapy still doesnt help? I bought 3 satin-type tops from BYSI last 2 mths too.

Long time no c u here... aiyo, so sad hor, to lose a phone... so u bot back the same phone?

3% is better than none lor...


OIC, me long time din go IMM liao...

Maybe Chris like 'treasure hunt' in small shop, more feel... heehee

tink i was the last one here to lose hp.. now your turn. heartpain rite.
haha u oso siao bysi?

hmmm mayb thats why i like to to sh at hlg too? super cramped there man. haha

hehe my frens did mentioned b4 my eyes very sharp to look out for bargains.
