Preggie Friends Since 2003

Morning Mummies!

Are all done with P1 registration? This year seem rather competitive. There are 3 schools within 1km from my house and 1 within 2 km. All but one school need to ballot! Even neighborhood school also need to ballot. The only school that no need to ballot is the one which their students are seen smoking near my house. Guess that's the reason why no one want to enroll there. Thought 2003 has lesser babies and thus more places for the children. But looking at the 1st day phase 2C statistics, I'm so glad that I have Ai Tong to fell back on! My turn is over.... all the best to the mummies going through this next year!

m2b will flood spore when her girls get married next time hehe...

haha only few of u gg thru the p1 reg stress.. so ryan gg ai tong?
can cry but dun cry too much on their wedding lah.

I think M2B will flood the forum 1st. hahaha..
Hi Mommies,

Am so up to my neck with work recently.. didn't have time to come here.

Hi M2B,

Soon my jamie will be turning one.... I have no idea what i wanna do for her bday. Any suggestions?

Hi Hong, Chris

If one day singapore flood, we know who has been crying and who is getting married! hahaah

Hi Linda,

I also no stress.. registered Joey at Radin Mas.
hi all mommies
Been a long time.. I am so tied up with work now.. I am monitoring the P1 intake this year, so I can gauge how it will be next year. More or less I know which school to enrol Joel in under Phase 2C.
Hi Preggie/Linda,

I oso no stressed. Did the registration last Fri. Just check the stats on MOE's website, CY should be confirmed a place already.

Now just waiting for the official confirmation letter.
Happy for the kids who is going to P1 next yrs. All manage to get in without stress.

I am also monitoring. Hopefully i can get into the school next door but will have to go to their temp school for registeration next yr. My 2nd choice is 2km away liao but the 2km away school doesnt seem as demanding as the past years.
Hi Mummies

You so emotional leh...

Next yr registration shud be ok lah, hb is old boy and is in alumni.

I intend to join my alumni next yr too...hehe....
apparently shud be able to get in for the gals lah cos old gal .. but heard they hv 3 tier, mgt of school, then old gal+alumni, then old gal... haiz...

You hvn't replied me re the bouncer.. pls let me know ok... so I can pass to my gf.. thanks!

How was ur trip?

Hope ur mom is ok liao...

I'm going KL with my gfs 3rd week of August.

End August, bringing the kids to BKK for 3 days cos we got free hotel stay for 2 nights at Westin....

My hb's going JKT this week leh....

I hv signed up for the 5km Great Eastern run!!!

Hey, great! When is the run?

I hv signed up for the Stanchart Kids' Dash in Dec. Last Sat brot CY for a run in the stadium, he dashed 'like mad' and completed 2 rounds before me. Dunno if I should train him to run slower or train myself to run faster. Scared I will lose him in the run...
It's on 1 Nov.
Thinking of registering for the Stdchart one too but must ensure I can finish 5km reasonably ok leh... hehe

Hb did mention re the Stdchart but I'm not sure if his condition allows for it leh...

CY's so good! It's 750m, right?

Duno if he is good or I am lousy... Yes, its 750m.

Speaking of BKK, I was telling my sis yday that we should go again. Just the gals and leave the kid and old folk at home!
Hi Mummies,

Good to see some life in the thread :p

Congrats to the kiddos going to Pri 1 next year, so fast hor! they are going Pri 1, moving on to another phase...

Our turn next year! Good luck! :D

Hi Preggie,

How's ur mum's surgery? Did she stay in hospital for a nite or just a quick one?

Hi Stylo,

The Bali trip was quite fun and scenery too. Went to Bedegul/Tanah Lot/Jimbaran/Tegalalang/Kintamani/Sukawati Market, and also the Kuta Beach. Actually i don know the name of the places. Our friend were very nice to give us a summary of the places we went. :p

Hb going BKK this week for meeting, i am tagging along for shopping over the weekend... this round will leave the kids w my il so that i can shop to content... hee hee

Btw, confirm our new office is at Lippo Centre, 78 Shenton Way, need your advise for food around the area.
trans is not difficult to run leh....

BKK - if the old folk doesn't mind watching the kid loh... but what's there to buy in BKK?
... hb was recommended this tailor and he made a suit there... the tailer will keep your measurements and he can even deliver to you shud you wanna make thinking of making one shirt and see how it turns out.

No lah, I want to know if you can lend it to my gf if you don't need it...she gave birth in July..
I have joined alumni but no intention to register there cos too far from my place.

Enjoy ur KL and BKK trip. Now I skip KL cos find it too busy for me with kids.
good night mummies

cant sleep... now my day and night like topsy turvy.. night i 'work', day i sleep hehe.. looking forward to my taipei eat & shop trip this weekend...

so healthy, go running... i rbr last time run 2.4km in sch i am always the last few to reach hehe..
Hi mummies

Forgot to add: if you need the tailor contact, wl pass to you...hehe...but if you are not in hurry, let me get my shirt first and I'll comment.

Most prob. I'll also register for 10km, last nite I ran for 36 mins (timed myself) w/o stopping and w/o running short of breath, pretty motivated.

You join alumni but no intention to register, then why you join? hehe

KL - too bz with kids... hmm.. it'll be like this until they get older cos now is to watch over them even on holiday. Figure it'll be the same for BKK, only going there cos hv free 5 star accommodation.... I can never quite relax when I trvl with kids on holiday.

Meant to ask u, was ur mom not wearing proper shoes when she slipped?

Anything to buy in Bali? Did you go to Nusa Dua area? They predict Bali next dangerous place.. haiz...

So you can take a break ah.. how long in taipei?

Watched "Public Enemies".. wl watch "GI Joe" tonite...

Running - I also thot I cannot run, but I hv found that it can be done.

Exactly! 750m is not difficult but CY is faster than me...

Tailor - not in a hurry. U do yours 1st and let me know good anot.

Movie - Do you intend to watch UP? I watched Murderer last Fri. It was good in the beginning but ended with a lame twist. Wasted...


It's just to get myself into the momentum of exercising as age catches up. I realise that it does help to keep up the energy level.

Stimes I feel my laziness has deprived CY of many things. When he asked to go swimming, cycling, play football etc, I am usually too lazy to bring him. These days, I try to make it a point to do more physical activities with him, instead of just reading and playing the keyboard together.

U asked wat to buy in BKK? I like to buy underwear there, kekeke... esp the seamless panties, so much cheaper there. & of cos, go for Thai massages!!!
UP - yes, but exp siak - $50 just for our family of 5! Ridiculous.

Murderer? Scary or not? I dun like those movies where the person wl suddenly pop up frm nowhere..

Tailor - okie. Wl draw the design to show the tailor..

BKK - I stock up on my toothpaste...hehe.. Hb bot back some cutesy stuff for the gals from Siam Paragon, Thai-made stuff.

Oh yeah, lingerie is cheaper but I find the prices hv gone up in recent yrs too.

Yah, I bring jesse down to cycle too... and I hv been back to running consistently.
I did 36 mins non-stop last nite at the outermost circumsference of our neighbourhood.
Waiting for the stock to arrive for the nike watch that will track the km that I cover...
No harm joining. I wun deprived other pple anyway. Just a backup incase I need it. This yr stock market for P1 for the school I wanna enrol are <1km no ballot but ballot for 1-2km. I hope it will be the same for next yr.

2nd choice - surprisingly not as demanding as last yrs.

It is still not easy to bring 3 out alone. I just wanna go resort to nua and the kids can play on their own.
good morning mummies!

gg for 4 days only, ash will stay with my mum, zach with mil.. lucky i can park the 2 kids with the old folks...

he got a tamron lens. he juz attended one course, din really ask him, guess its a basic one. dun tink he has time for another course bcoz his term will start again this mth and its his last term.

UP got 5 stars review in 8 days.

i oso lazy la.. now my mum has been bringing ash out most weekends but her fav activity is shopping lor...
can help me to check the model and the price for the len?

I'm thinking of taking advance thot he will be interested to join.
Sure, no problem to lend to your friend. I don't need it.

Me too.. very poor in running. Schooling time the 2.4km run is my weakness event... sure the last few to finish.
Halo Mommies!

Mae is officially 1yo liao but still find her bbish

We just had a small party for Mae...nothing elaborate but it is enuf to tired me out!

Enjoy your trip!

I wana go for the GE Run too but then the following Sun, our company organizing the NB Real Run so decided not to.

You signed CY up for the SC Run liao? My sis jio-ing me to run 10km thinking which to go...
the model is SP AF 17-50mm, he got it from cathay photo at $630.

haha if we same sch, we can run and chit chat together
Hi Mommies,

Still up to my neck with work and activities leh... feel so stressed over work and having too much fun over weekends!

Next weekend, we are going fishing in Mersing. It's another of those impromptu trips organised by friends.

Hi Hong,

Which are the schools you are eyeing? We may be moving near you in a few years time. If our purchase materialise, then Jamie will have to go to either Haig girls or Kong Hwa.

Hi StyloBB,

She was wearing track shoes.

Hi Cla,

Her surgery went well. But i think she'll need another one to remove that plate in her wrist. She's thinking of just leaving it in there.. she doesn't want to go through another operation... She's scared of SGH! haha
still aiming Kong Hwa. I heard Haig Girl has produce good result recent yr but I have Julian so have to look for a mixed school.

Where are u shifting to? Telok Kurau? Pebble place? Joo chiat?

Btw, did u go Sabah or Sarawak the other time? I am thinking to go Sabah in Oct. Can give me some tips or any interesting place to visit there?
Hi Hong,

Near Joo Chiat (but not the red light district).... but dunno will materialise or not leh.

I went sabah... i didn't do very much there apart from shopping at 1Borneo and going on the sunset cruise (which was an excellent eco tour)

The rest of the time, i spent it in the hotel. I left Joey at the kids club while the adults (and jamie) went for seafood dinner and pasar malam
so u are ard Kota kinabalu city? There are beach resort so I was thinking if I shld visit the beach.

Oh Joo chiat area, then very near to geylang serai area? I have a sec teacher staying at Langsia street. That place quite ok. Will u be doing any construction to the place? Infact, u can consider Tg Katong Pri school.
halo mummies!
no one here for one week?!
anyway i am back from beijing.. went beijing instead as typhoon in taipei and our flight was cancelled. it was very hot in beijing.. quite a gd trip, managed to cover most of the famous landmarks in beijing and did some shopping too.. they are having summer sale now and managed to get some gd buys at uniqlo! ash, as usual, enjoyed the biggest harvest.
ya f&amp;e, we joined a day tour for great wall and ming tombs. tink they cleaned up bcoz of the olympics last yr...

I changed my plan to beijing due to the hot weather, otherwise might be able to meet you there. My customer who just went back to Beijing told me better don go becos Beijing is hotter than Singapore. I am going in nov instead.
it was a last min decision, happen to hv tickets available. imagine we book the tickets online at 11am, depart at 4pm on same day.
yes its hotter than spore.. luckily we all adults.. with kids, tink they cant tahan...
Hi Mummies
Went to watch UP with hb.... wah such a great story!!! and my tears literally rolled down my cheeks during the first 10 mins of the movie and also another scene.
Strongly recommend you to watch it...

Also watched GI Joe at the special premiere.... got soft toy and coke.....
Watched UP with the kids last Sat. Janelle requested to watch so bring both after the class. I agreed it was a very touching show. Better than those I have watched before.

I met Linda as well.
good morning mummies
last 2 wks of my ML already. time really flies.. gg bk to work on 31 aug

so coincidence 1st time i meet pf for lunch i see you.. u look very red.. very easy to spot hehe
Good Morning Mommies!

Stylobb &amp; Hong,
Ya, I brgt Raine to watch Up on 08 Aug too and find it nice! Very touching indeed.

I went Uniqlo at ION on Tue, nothing much for kids...
good morning mummies!

i havent gone to ion lei, shd go b4 my ml ends.. any harvest there? i wan to see new look, a shop from uk.
Good Morning mommies!

no harvest on Tue...wanted to get a tank top at Uniqlo but so many colours to choose so gave up...actually there aren't much at Uniqlo, e kids' collection so miserable.

The New Look stuff abit lian leh...2 storeys shop.
halo mummies!

just me and u here?
oh i tot new look like f21 style.. ex? its supposed to be cheap brand in uk lor.

halo mummies

just bk from ion, mon also so crowded!

mphosis having sale up to 70%, gg5 sale also...
dunkin donuts fans, there is one at ion! bot some for pf hehe.. dun need to go msia for it next time
