Preggie Friends Since 2003

Hi mommies! How are you all? I'm sorry, been busy again...but this week shall be the last of my work!!! I've resigned and 1st sept is my last day. Yahoo...maybe, then I can join you guys shopping!

Wow, mon ION is also crowded! Hmm...really Singaporeans are not affected by the crisis at all. Lucky us...

u become sahm or got another job liao.. next wk i bk to work liao..

now ion links wisma and wheelock... very convenient liao..
happy shopping b4 starting work next week huh? =P

Yalor, you become SAHM or got a new job?

I agreed Orchard has many changes recently.
Hi gals, Hmmm, not exactly SAHM, quit my job for good...and embark on a consultancy I can arrange my schedule around my two kids.

Hong: I agree with you also, haven't been there for some time.
ur own biz?

M2B, Chris,
wow the shopping centers are link then no excuse when it rains. hahaha...

Neighbourhood shopping mall are expanding too. Parkway parade is creating more spaces for more shops
Hi Mummies
Me back from KL time ah!!
20-50%...pretty good. V good time with gfs cos all same frequency...haha
Did pedicure at Sungei Wang.
Ate a lot, gosh. Bkfast as usual is v good.
Hotel gave us the corner room leh, more space.

Red - you will not miss me one. I just bot another red top from Esprit...hehe..

Kinda boring shopping here...
ION ah, I'm there almost every Sat aftn... so cramped and the layout is not v good. Dislike the floor where the restaurants are, so smelly.... no ventilation.
Compared to KL, the shopping centres are huge.
Did you go into Bershka? Apparently a cheaper version of Zara... I only go to Muji, Sephora... waiting for the stationery shop to open.
Anyway I feel quite lost tho hv been there a nbr of times.

Go watch "District 9" - highly recommended.... we enjoyed it.

Underground, yah, all connected, they closed the crossing junction between Wheelock and ION.
Thanks for the recommendation. I went to read the synopsis of the show. Look good. Will ask Law if he is interested to watch it.

Oh yah, I forgot u were in KL. Was wondering why past few mornings it's your hubby who brings Jesse to the bus stop.
Hong: Yes, my own business..tough, but pretty rewarding...

StyloBB: Wow, so shiok huh...I'm going KL on the 12th but on business triplah..maybe can drop by somewhere to shop. District 9 is good show? Thought of sian liao, thanks for your review!
msia sale still on ah.. gd! bcoz we planned to go the jusco near 2nd link this sun.. i need shoes!
i oso lost in ion.. today went there again bcoz meeting my ex colls for lunch at wheelock. made use of the underpass, very convenient.
din go bershka, from outside, the stuff looks teeny to me lei..

west side malls have also expanded, now jurong point, lot one all got new wings.
"District 9" to me can be the best movie this year! V v good!

You were asking preggie abt KK... I'm also considering that, cos suitable place for adults and kids..

Yah man, already plng to go again the the gfs next year...

You been conveniently looking out of your window ah? Haha..
Actually my mom/maid were already on standby to bring him but he refused... 2nd choice is papa...haha

Asked hb how they were when I was away, he said v well behaved!

Off to BKK tom.

ION is just so cramped.... no space to walk.

Mega sale ending 31 August so you beta go.
I returned with six pairs of shoes, and a pair of cheapo slippers...

Why u need more shoes?? haha..

Where can I get Richard Scarry dvds? Are they only available on Amazon?
My aunt is in KK but i couldnt get hold of her address. Still planning, the beach looks beautiful. My mum is going Kuching in Nov with my cousin and aunt. I am thinking if i shld tag along with her.

U are going BKK? We are planning to go in Oct, will see how.
yeah then i just in time to catch the sale.
6 pairs?! from where.. i need shoes all the time hehe now i can wear killer heels liao, got more choices
halo mummies
back at work today...

only bot 2 pairs of shoes from jb.. disappointed. i got the padini mbr card already, another addition to my collection! hehe
Hi Mummies
Me back from BKK...nice (tho tiring) trip, too many stairs to climb, the poor kids tho they didn't complain...haha
Sale period is from June-August.
While lunching on 1st day, julien literally fell asleep at the table and hb had to carry her to take the train, and back to hotel!

Jetstar timing's v suitable for adults, 1st flight out, last flight back.
On the way to hotel - THB450.
No jam on our way back to airport, only cost us THB250.

Back to work, blur or not?

BKK has a lot of killer heels...suitable for you. I cannot wear them, bad for my knees.
My shoes are from dept stores lah - I only go for leather types mah. Got a pair of Anne Klein at 50% discount...

Central dept stores were open till midnight for 3 nights! Hb was happy to return to htl room with the kids while I went to shop.

I tailored 2 shirts and 2 pairs of pants/hb 1 shirt and 2 pairs of pants. Pretty ok. The tailor took my measurements, and they sent the clothings to our hotel. May want to order online from them next time.

I think you're better off going with ur sis, and leave the old folk and kid in S'pore. A lot of walking, they may not be able to take it, esp up the stairs to the train station... v v high!

I don't know much abt KK, must go and read, preggie says nature, nature, and has shopping, and Shangri-la has kids' programme so I think is suitable for my family ..hehe

BKK - the original DVDs are very cheap.
ok la, was quite alert altho woke up at 2am last night to feed zach. pf took the 6am slot hehe..

today i hv to get used to wearing heels.. a bit wobbly, esp going down the overhead bridge hehe.
wah 3am! so shiok lei...
i wan the tailor email too!
hi mummies,

not sure if you'all still rem me
. I have not been active in the forum since years back coz very busy with work and my 3 kids.

I am now a sahm so get abit more time to read the forum. Alot of our kids will be in P1next yr!

the thread is so long, i cant catch up which schools you enrolled your children, anyone with 3 kids?

my gal is going fairfield methodist pri
Hi Mummies
So quiet here...

Alamak, heavy rain, jesse's supposed to start his swimming lesson today, I think no go liao....

I went for my run last evening, thot my legs were going to give way!! Not bad lah, covered 5.5km... keke

See Pinky Tailors number 16 on the list

I think the best is to go back to then shop for a 2nd fitting after the clothes are made. My blouse is a teeny bit loose at the waist area but overall still ok.

Welcome back here!
Wah, how you cope with being a sahm?
Energy wise, Time wise, financial wise... not easy leh..

3 kids - me loh...

Including you, I think 4 kids are going to P1 next year...
Hi stylobb,

ya i rem u have a pair twin gals and a boy

energy wise, its easier to be sahm then to have to work n juggle the kids at the same time.. coz sahm i dont have to rush in the morning n at night. i have been w/o a maid for few months, during the time i was working, madness after work. now sahm i get plenty time to do hse work when the kids are at school.

time, i get alot of it as my gals go to school 3hrs a day n they nap 2-3 hrs a day. fri is my free day coz the kids go to my mum hse for the day.

financial wise. its ok. w/o a salary i tend to cut cut down on impulse buy. i weigh children n shopping, i choose the kids haa
look like ur BKK trip is quite fun. I just came back from Batam. 2 Days 1 nite stay with kids, my BIL+ SIL and my PIL, going with a bunch of aunties as well. More like a guided tour, staying in the Batam city as we have coach bringing us ard we tend to cover more places in just a day. Not really rush but nothing much to shop.

Stuffs like toothbrush, toothpaste, diapers are so much cheaper there. Imagine sensodyne toothpaste only cost less than $3 there. I told Law to grab 4 back.
Peifu, you handle all so well.
Do you teach them yourself?
Do you send them for any enrichment classes?
I hate housework!!! Argh!!!

I heard they do quite good day trips at Batam cos my brother went.

BKK - quite ok, tkfully hb took care of the kids so I had some hours to shop in peace...hehehe
The kids took it pretty well.

I also bot my Fluocaril toothpaste from BKK, hehehe

Went to the Tangs sale just now w/ hb, aiyoh, so so crowded... does not seem like recession leh...
good morning mummies!

yes, i rbr u.. was trying to rbr what is ur girl's name and preggie got a better memory - lele right

5.5km! i tink my legs will break hehe...
recession - very doubtful spore in recession, see the natas last wk.. biz very gd!

u din buy sanitary pads ah hehe.. i rbr i bot a lot back.. i oso bot childrens toothpaste.. which hotel u stay?

Oh yes, how old are your gals and boy now?

How much are the pads?

Tang's sale - bot 3 dresses, the big Lego train set (to keep for jesse for his pressie), and also the luggage bag (cos was $77) - after rebate and all, only paid $50 for the luggage bag, can toss it around and won't 'painful'..haha

Btw do you know if the dessert stall at the renovated hawker market opens till what time? Twice we went and it was already closed.

My mom went for her cataract op today...
Yah the local guide is good, she can speak very good mandarin and very humourous. She brot my PIL to KTV and stay with them incase the local over charge them.

My hubby still wanna buy back diaper leh. No i didnt get the sanitary pad. Only get toothbrush, toothpaste, and my SIL recommend me this body indonesia body scrub which cost less than SGD1. She said the skin is very smooth after using it.
I stayed in 89 Hotel, small but clean. The guide dun want us to go to the Malay street, she said quite dangerous there. We went temple, makan, shopping. Think nothing much to do there. Janelle said she enjoyed the trip, may be because my BIL & SIL came along.
Wonder whether the travel agents' offer like Club Med will be cheaper than booking directly with Club Med, we really prefer a break whereby the kids can be taken care of, even if for a few hours! haha...

Can you imagine, my hb wl be going KL, maybe Shanghai, BKK, Sydney soon!! Argh... and I cannot flw...
not sure lei.. i tink booking at natas not a very big diff, even the tour agent told my mum b4, book at agent office same rate, just that at natas, get all the credit card promo or free gifts lor.
those looks like wetbags sold at forum bp..
pads are like $1-2+ nia..

haha i already tink pads are bulky, diapers how to bring bk..
shopping nothing much ba.. just the nagoya shopping mall.. heard there is a polo factory outlet too.. did u buy any polo stuff?
Nothing at Nagoya Mall leh. Basically nothing to buy at the shopping mall but there is alot of fake branded bags. U can see it everywhere and look like more than BKK.

Yah we went polo but dun look like factory outlet to me. There are having promotion 20 + 20%, I got some items that is on 50% discount but we didnt get the kids any polo tee cos exp and my kids didnt want it.

No lah we didnt buy back diaper.

Oh yes, we went to a massage and Janelle said she wanted the massage as well. She really enjoyed the massage so much that she fell asleep. Luckily I brot my iTouch along and Julian was playing with it for 1.5hrs while we were doing our massage.
nagoya mall - just the supermarket lor, the other shops cannot make it.. i did pedi there while my frens went massage.
a lot of pple say the polo there not authentic one.. do u tink its real?
The guide told us they get the franchies from Polo so I'm not sure how true was that. There is a different. The Indo made Polo using tag POLO but the US Polo spelled out the full name on the tag. The boutique selling as well but US are more ex than local but local also not cheap.

I understand that they cannot export the local made POLO outside their country. Material wise, i think ok however their blouse doesnt fit me.

I also got kueh lapis and the crackers. Yet to try the lapis.
last time i stay at holiday inn and there is a polo shop there too, but i dun dare to buy bcoz its not really cheap if its not polo.
pf is missing the seafood at sg rengit hehe
Law also talking abt the seafood at Sg Rengit but I always find myself getting very tired going oversea with the kids.
Yes agree with Preggie, the thread is alive again.

Chris, two of us cant eat much too. The Batam trip is suppose to be a holiday but I feel so tired after that. Same after visiting Gentings, HK etc etc... dun know why. May be i am getting old.
ya lor, if more pple, can order more variety. pf always tend to overorder, that explains his size hehe
i tink back from holiday normal to feel tired, esp when doing the unpacking and washing hehe

Yah, those fairs, maybe end up with luggage carrier bags that we don't want...hahaha, but I guess good to chalk up points on credit cards.
Oh, our new luggage bag is red...hehe..but can't blame me, the other colour available is brown. They now say no stock, grrr...hb said we wl wait.

Talking abt Polo, I asked my hb the same thing: he bought from JKT, he says is genuine, frm dept store... I think they manufacture for domestic market bah....

That's all you write ah...

I thot CY has already started his swimming classes.. not yet ah.
We signed him up at the club, twice a week leh.

Tired cos have to watch the kids lah. I felt v tired after BKK trip...!!

I need a massage too... haha
the Indo massage only the back. Law said his body ache after that hahaha.. but i feel so relieved, loosen up quite alot. However, they didnt massage my tummy leh. Hmmmm....

May be I go and sign up a massage package.

You mean the Chinese Swimming Club? CY attended a few lessons with my fren's kids in Bishan Swimming Pool last yr but he didnt wanna follow the coach and join in the class. I din wanna force him then so I withdrew him. Thinking of starting him again next yr when he is more settled into P1.

I wanna look for a class that is in TPY pool on weekday afternoons.
I really like it when they pressed all my knotted parts...(stressful areas)... v shiok...
Too bad I didn't hv chance to go for one in BKK, I did see one near my hotel and it was next to Mac's so shud be reliable, it was crowded too.

Where has massage package? How much?

Yes, I mean that. But he told me he is not looking fwd to it...sigh... but I feel being able to swim is a basic survival skill that everyone should learn.

Is the TPY pool opened?
