Preggie Friends Since 2003

Good morning mommies,

Spent the weekend at Sentosa.... it was so hot and so boring! I think it will be a long time before i go there again...

This Rasa Sentosa is like a low class shangri-la. The rooms are dated and not well maintained. There are condensation marks on the ceiling, the deck chairs looks so dirty, i cannot imagine anyone will dare to sit on it. Service is at best only 3 star. The pools are overcrowded, carpark pepectually full. Those who could not find parking had to park illegally causing obstructions.

The kids club is more like a concentration camp! I heard the minders shouting and screaming at the kids.

Haiz... i must post my feedback in

Hi M2B,

We made an offer for a ppty on Sat... Waiting for the agent to get back to us.

I think we are likely to rent our flat out, rather than sell it. Really cannot bear to sell.


Take care!

I have 3 cousins who gave birth this year and yesterday I just found out that 2 of my friends is preggie too! Out of the lot, I think my tummy the smallest leh. Maybe it's because of the exercising.

Went to Rasa Sentosa years ago on coy outing. We actually checked into the wrong room. Were so suprised when a couple use their key to open into the same room! That's how we realise we got in the wrong room. This incident make me grade Rasa lowly.

The one that you made an offer, is it the one that you have already "plan" how to reno? I'm not very familar with the ppties at the 2 location that you mentioned. Cos I think it's all landed there!


We went to see a HDB in Sin Ming as well as DBSS in Bishan yesterday. Really don't like the HDB in Sin Ming, very old and dark. No shops and markets around too. Don't feel good. We like the DBSS but it's only ready in 06/11. Thinking if it's worth the trouble to rent an unit in Bishan/Sin Ming and wait for DBSS. Then just now we went Bishan Park for a walk. Saw Bishan Park condo is directly conneted to Bishan Park, condo rather old but because of the direct access, it seem a nice location. Within walking distance to Ai Tong and AMK market across the park too. So we are looking at the units there now.
Hi mummies,

take care. I have being coughing and sniffing for 3 weeks and now into 4th. Doctor wanted us to go for vitamin booaster jab.
Preggie & Linda,
We trying hard to work out our sums 1st before deciding lor...saw 1 unit really tempted but must hold back.

Yalor, I so scared spread to the kids lor...hope it goes away take care too!
halo mummies!
today washed my hair and then suddenly fever at 39deg c! mayb i caught a chill by not drying my hair properly.. now feeling better but still fever at 38deg c...
hope all sick mummies recover soon!
Hallo Mommies.


Me also down with super bad cough and flu. Just came back from KL/Genting yesterday and was so scared when I was at Tuas checkpoint cos I was coughing non-stop. If they picked me out, sure jialat one. But luckily no fever so ok. Hope you get well soon.


You not moving to the East anymore?


I am not sure if you remember this gal "Jellybeans"? She came into our thread before. Her gal is born in Jan04. I am sad to inform that her hubby passed away on Sat of a sudden heart attack. He didnt even got to say Goodbye to his family as he "fell asleep" in the cab when he was on the way to collect his car. Cab driver couldnt wake him and he was gone...
I was at the wake yesterday and its very very heartwrenching to see a dear fren aka her hubby lying in a coffin. Sigh.. Do pray for her if you can cos she needs the strength to carry on for the sake of her 2 little ones.
Hi Linda,

Sin Ming area... did you check whether the flat, condo faced 光明山?

Yes... it's the one which we may need to rebuild a bit.

We offered but the agent hasn't gotten back to us yet.

Hi Minnie,

We haven't been able to find a suitable unit in the East yet. We went to see 1 at Siglap on saturday... but didn't really like it.

This thomson one, if we build one more storey with a balcony, we can look into the reservior and nature reserve.. very nice.. Though location to me, is not considered very ideal lor..
You take care too.

You also take care...hope our viruses go away soon and dun go to our kids.

OMG, hope Jellybeans is ok...please help send our regards to her.
Jellybean? I cannot link the nick to the face. Do we have her pictures? That is sad, they only have a child?
i rbr the nick.. pls help to send our condolences to her... so sad to lose someone so suddenly...
u sound bad, take care.. this morning my coll told me a finance gal was quarantined at home bcoz her landlord is a confirmed case of h1n1...
Good morning mommies!

I feel tired everyday.

Question: If you are quarantined at home.. what will do you to spend time?

Hi Trans,

Jon and Kate no more!! confirm divorce liao.... your thursday nites will be so boring next time.. no more tv show to look fwd to

Hi StyloBB,

Ninja Warrior, this week it's a back to back episode.. yay!!

Hi Chris,

You feeling better today?

Hi M2B, Linda

The agent called and counter-offered... hmmm... now we are getting quotes on how much the renovation is gonna cost.. if it's within our expectation, we will buy liao! Otherwise, it's another round of house hunting all over again...
Good Morning Mommies.


You can read abt it in last night's Wanbao... Its a sad story.

Aiyo.. h1n1 ah.. Heard MOE wanna keep those who were on holiday away from home for another week.
So your new place more or less confirmed liao?

If quarantined at home, will just surf net, watch tv, read and sleep...

I dun have last night papers but it is indeed very sad to lose a loved one so suddenly.
good morning mummies!

fever suddenly gone yday afternoon. funny, come quick go oso quick kind.
i can answer your qns! bcoz my confinement is like quarantine too haha.. eat, sleep, read, surf net lor!

i dun buy wanbao lei.. if u hv it, can u scan and share it with us?
Hi Mommies,

If i'm quarantined.. i wanna spring clean and catch up on hongkong drama.. hehehe.. but hor... quarantine means cannot get out of the room also right? Then who is going to rent the hongkong drama and deliver to my room?! hmm...

Hi M2B,

It's not my place yet. We haven't sign the option.. also have to wait for the quotes from the architect and builders first.. see whether it's worthwhile to do some rebuilding or not. If it's too expensive, then we will continue our search for the perfect house! hahah.

Hi Minnie,

Now we are in a fix... if we move to thomson, then we will apply for Ai Tong.. If we get a place at Telok Kurau, siglap, then we will go to Tao Nan... If we can't get a ppty within the next 2 weeks, then it will have to be Radin Mas.
Minnie, U sending the article? Is Jellybean call cynthia?

I thot Telok Kurau has alot of ppty? Nothing caught ur eye? U managed to get letter to admit Joey for Phase 2B?
Hi Minnie,

Thanks for scanning the article. I hope the kids are taking it well.

Hi Hong,

Alot of ppty but not alot selling leh.
Hi Minnie,

I read the newspaper. Cannot placed her face at all but I remember her nick. It's sad when such thing happen to your loved ones. Somemore she's a homemaker. Hope that she will be strong to pull over this period.


I was wondering why are you moving to Thomson when you wanted to send Joey to Tao Nan. Which phase will Joey be if you enroll her in Ai Tong? Seem that there will be a lot of house hunting for the 2 of us and it's within such short frame of time.

If I'm quarantined at home, I will just buy lots of books and sign on Mio/Star hub TV to read and watch Hong Kong drama!
Hi Mummies
Bz week for me...quick post.

Thanx for informing me, I met her before and even spoke to her. My thoughts are with her/children.
The one who is gone is gone, the ones left behind find a missing gap, hope she will find strength and courage to carry on... haiz...
Good morning mommies,

Today, for the 2nd time, someone came up to me to ask if i'm feeling ok... I wonder if i look sick?!

Hi Linda,

If we can't decide on a house within these 2 weeks.. We will register Joey in Radin Mas.. at least she will have a ok neighbourhood school to go to.

Hi M2B, Linda,

Watched CNA this morning and they said that unemployment rate is gonna go up in US... Our dilemma is.. whether this is a good time to enter the ppty market... sigh.............
Good morning mummies!


Very sweet photo. I like it very much.


Ya, that's why we are also looking at HDB flats. If we buy condo, it will also be based on one income only and we will use CPF for the installment.

stylo, u are missing for weekS.

preggie, any school that is 1km from ur current place? My collick said Radin mas is very popular ard tat area. How abt ur PIL address? Any good schools?
Hi Linda,

To ppty buyers, it's still recession... but to sellers, it's recovery.. so there's still a gap in expectations.

Hi Hong,

I'm an old girl of Radin Mas.. so no problems getting in the school. It's within 2km from my and PIL's place.
Hi Preggie,

Yeah agreed with you. Even the HDB units that we are viewing are already asking for 20k and more above valuation! 1 of the HDB EM valued 630k but they are asking for 735k! And all these are only Sin Ming units. Even the condo prices are picking up.
Hi Mummies

Yah, 2 episodes of Ninja Warriors...

Serene pic.... how are you coping?

Yah... cos had nothing to contribute mah, not delivering babies or buying flats/houses mah....

Been bz at home cos maid was away, jesse/julien sick, then chara had an ulcer.. now the dentist thinks jesse caught some virus as his gums are bleeding... wl be bringing him to see him tomorrow...haiz...

I certainly don't envy u all looking for flats, recession or not, the prices don't ever seem to go down....
Good morning mommies!

What a cooling nite last nite.. for the first time in many months, we could sleep without the aircon. Rain rain, please don't go away!

Hi Linda,

I'm asking for $60k above valuation.. hahaa.. but we are not serious abt selling la... so if someone rich comes by and dun mind giving us $60k, then we will sell lor.. otherwise, we will rent it out.

Hi StyloBB,

It's really very tiring to house hunt.

when's your maid coming back? feels like she has been away for a long time. My maid wanna go back in September to celebrate Hari Raya.... feel like telling her to go back and no need to come back coz recently she has been rather lazy.
good morning mummies!

i am ok, this mth CL here to help so i just relax...

ya lor yday weather was really nice.. if everyday like that, my confinement is not so intolerable :p
Hi Mummies
No activity here for 3 days...

I just returned frm KL, flew there on Fri am to meet hb as he had a meeting on Thu and we spent the weekend at Hilton.
The hotel as usual did not disappoint and bkfast was still yummy!!!

Didn't shop much as there was no sale, in fact I find the things getting more and more expensive, as their shoes and clothes run in $100s!

A good discovery at Prime, the steak place at Le Meridien... standard is like Morton's... enjoyed my Tasman grain-fed Ribeye steak, 340g... hehe

It was a nice getaway with hb sans kids.
When we came back, my mom said all of them behaved well... phew...

You are still 'confined' at home?

My maid has since been back. When she was away, we minimised the laundry... haha.
Hv u watched Transformers?
We intend to catch it on Friday... I think is all action, not much plot and quite a long movie...
We all took turns to go KL? I was there from 22 - 24 Jun...


Just went to watch Transformers. As usual the sequel is not as good lor. U r rite, lots of actions & not much plot. I wanna watch I Love You, Man leh. But tink it's not showing anymore?


Where did u get e news from? Cfm divorce? How r they gonna split the kids then?

R they taking the show off? In the States they are already showing season 5 leh, but here oni season 4.

Worse come to worse, I shall 'entertain' myself with the Duggars. Hahhaha...
good morning mummies!

ya still 'confined'. sat will be bb full mth and my release to freedom! hehe.. will be gg to watch transformers with pf on fri nite to pre-celebrate :p
Hi StyloBB,

Wow.. you went on a "secret" romantic weekend getaway.. so anymore babies on the way? hahhaha

Hi Trans,

The divorce is confirmed. Go google it. Poor Jon!

Kate will continue the show.. think they have to change it to Kate-Jon+8?

Wah lao... you wanna degrade yourself to watch that Duggars family? BTW, are you watching Ghost Hunters?

Feel kinda sori for them cos they were so loving when the show first started. Mostly pity the kids lah, I tink Maddie is gonna get it worst cos she seemed rather spoiled. Why did u say poor Jon? I think its poor kids...

Eh, my sis said the Duggars improve liao leh. Cos now the kids wear clothes in different colours. hahahaha.

Si mi Ghost Hunters? I oni know Ghost Whisperers.
Hi Trans,

The duggars no longer dress like country bumkins with neatly gelled hair? Hmm... i must watch to believe. hahaaa

Jon poor thing mah.... i feel he's more the maid than a husband... he's like constantly being abused emotionally by kate.

This Maddie.. i cannot stand her.

Ghost hunters is on Starworld ch18, sunday 11pm
good morning mummies!
no one here for 2 days?!
today is last day of confinement! tmr i can finally feel the water coming down on my head! tonight will be watching transformers to celebrate
mayb can do some shopping!
Hi Mummies

You gone for holiday?

Wl you be around for Ninja Warrior next week? That's when Nagano wl win!

No more babies lah...
Hb just went BKK and had asked me to join him again... can't lah... mom/mil wl report us..haha

Haha.. Me going KL again with gfs in August...
But I think I spent more at DFS... haiz...

Transformers is terrible!!! Yucks...
good morning mummies!
28th day! cf is officially over!

yeah! we are planning to go malacca end of jul.. sale gd!

ya lor, very luan, just see a lot of metal clashing... this time round, i tot its not so suitable for kids.. more violent and sex esp the gross tongue part..
Morning Mommies.


Congrats on end of cf! Then you will be looking after baby on your own?

I just went Malacca over the weekend. Nice place for food.
Where do you normally stay? Then we drove to Muar and bot some yummy otah also.. Hehe..

CL is leaving on thu, will be looking after bb until 1 aug. he will go with ash to nanny's then.
we usually stay holiday inn, just opp mahkota parade. pf love the food too!
