Preggie Friends Since 2003

everywhere if u are looking for massage package.

U mean Jesse doesnt look forward to the Swimming lesson? Janelle is asking for it but I havent sign her up any. Thinking to sign both kids up for swimming lesson.

Good morning mommies,

Wow.. took me half an hour to finish reading this thread. It's a good sign! hahaa

So who wanna go KK? Shang is good for families... they have a fantastic kids club.. you can dump the kids there and adults go shopping, makan'ing.

Hi Chris,

Did not patronise Natas. Won't have time to go holiday this year liao. We are moving house in December.

If i can sqeeze time from moving.. we will be going to Cebu coz KB has a pte function to attend there.

I've got invitations to go ClubMed and Shanghai, but i had to turn them down.

Hi Blessed,

Welcome back! I have 2 now.. but the ultimate aim is 3 kids

Hi Roz,

What kind of consultancy biz are you in?

Hi StyloBB,

BKK sounds like a great place to shop. Are the plan toys still cheap and good?
congrats on getting ur new place. so will joey still go radin mas next yr?

tink everywhere offer package.. quite irritating actually when they promote. i was doing my mani/pedi and the manicurist keep asking me to add/buy this and that product/service and sign their package. supposed to be relaxing, end up i very irritated.
I also sign up package for my pedi and just sign up another mani package but I realised I dun need mani, shld ask if I can convert. My nails colors cant even last me 2 weeks cos I do alot of washing.
Hi Chris,

Yes!! i hate it when pple keep pushing packages! like when you go to a spa to relax.. they keep telling you got this problem, that problem... must buy this and that... very fan!

He says that to me, that he is not lookg fwd to it, but aiyah, he hasn't tried, he may just like it.

His lesson is twice a week.

Is there any difference now that the pool has reopened?

Run - I ran a few rounds round the neighbourhood to reach the distance that I wanted..haha... worked up a good perspiration and felt v good.

cla also asked me if I saw Plan toys, strangely, I don't, I only saw Voila brand.. didn't take much notice as we no longer need them for the kids.

Things in the dept stores are not cheap if there is no sale. I find clothings exp.
If one goes to Platinum or Chatuchak, needs almost a whole day to recci... hb/I dun really like Chatuchak...the Suan Lum Night Market is another place.
But lotsa food choices.... the Central World has many restaurants...

I wonder for Club Med, for certain places, do they allow their guests to go out??

I wanna go KK, cos they hv kids' programme at Shang..haha... otherwise hb/I wl be v tired before the vacation is over...hehe

So you moving house, wl hv a lot of things to throw! Hb/I just cleared out 2/3 of the rubbish in our storeroom!!

The other problem with signing packages is that they may not offer the same standard, my coll said her first two tries were good, after that, they didn't do a good job for the pedi/mani. I only need mani, and a good massage, think my legs need a msssage... hehe

We asked for OPI nail polish for the KL mani..
package - ya lor, if they provide lousy service after sign package, we cannot do much oso rite..
i only need pedi too.. cant cut my nails to the square shape like they do...
stylo, i went mani/pedi at kl too. at klcc, got one nailshop, they use jessica polish only tho..
Morning mummies
Steal some time to come in before going for another meeting. A lots of happenings... Good sign at least the thread is more lively now..

I am planning to go Batam again to celebrate my wedding anniversary. Now am thinking which Hotel to stay in - prefer this time to be nearer to those shopping malls. I want to go to the MegaMall.
Hi Jas,

How have you been? Haven't seen you here for a long time.

Hi StyloBB,

Yes.. i have tonnes to throw... Those good ones, i will give to salvation army.
strange that the tour guide did not visit MegaMall.

only move the clothes lah.. furniture.. all brand new lor. hahaha..

Stylo/Chris - package for pedi/mani.
So far so good, there was only once before CNY, that wasnt too good. She didnt color my nail well. I complained during my next visit.
I also realise the super fast drying top coat no good for me. The color will come out as a whole piece after 2 weeks.

I only take OPI colors.

So far, all the packages I signed up has maintained their service level.
hi long time no 'see'! how r u & joel?

tink most nailshop in spore use opi liao.. i just ordered online at overseas sprees. now no more big tummy, can paint my own toes to save $ on pedi liao hehe
this is this brand seche, got gd reviews on their fast dry topcoat. i oso ordered one to try.
Hello everyone, great to hear so much fun you guys had.

Actually I have some contact with massage lady from Batam. She actually works in spas there and she gives a pretty good massage for a small fee. If she comes down again, I can inform you all.

I seldom go Batam but have been there abt 3 times and i think you can still get a good deal for some products...

Hi Preggie, part of my business is giving consultation on health, from anti-aging, weight management, cancer treatment, chronic diseases management, children's health, skincare etc...

As a pharmacist, I realise how important is it for people to use nutrition in treating diseases or in preventing illness. In oct, I will be going to US to witness the launch of an exciting product in the anti-aging market..If anyone is interested, I can order back for you guys. Its the lounge of age-loc, treating aging at the source. I will update this latest invention.
Hi Chris,

I wanna get a mani pedi package for my mom for her bday... Any recommendations? Am thinking of the lacquer room at Vivo.

I need a place where it's easily accessible by bus or mrt

Hi Hong,

I have a lot of clothes to throw leh... I've outgrown them.. *gasp* !!!!

Hi Roz,

Weight management.... i need it!! hahaa
good morning mummies!

tink the one at vivo suits your mum bcoz you and your mum always like to go there rite. i hv never tried it b4. usually i just go bpp, got 2 nailshops there and i am never ever gg to that 'hei dian' again!
Halo Mommies!
this week holiday so short and yet Raine's school expects parents to do a project on canivores, omnivores and herbivores with the has to be done into a brochure or scrap-book!!! hiaz

How is working life after a long break?

Me also procastinating the packing up...hiaz
Tied up with work. Little time to able to come into the forum.

Thanks for asking. Both Joel and myself are fine. Time flies, your maternity is coming to an end, joining the workforce again..

The tour guide will bring you to place he planned and not based on where you want to go?
Hi M2B,

Are you hiring movers? We are getting shalom to do the moving.

Hi Chris,

Besides Vivo, any other places you will recommend?
i dunno lei.. i dun do pedi so often.. i usually just paint my own nails and then go pedi once a while for the full works. only when i preg i go for express pedi to cut and paint my nails lor. tink those neighbourhood ones shd be fine too. any shops near ur place? can give it a try.. usually these neighbourhood ones wun be so pushy lor.

U moving house too?

Project - it's like that, heard frm mummies frm another thread that it ends up the parents do the projects...haiz...

You so bz ah?
Hvn't heard frm u for long time.

U shud get a stall at the flea market to sell the stuff...haha

Anyone went to the Robinson's sale?? Nothing much, not everything is on sale....

Think I wl try the pedi near my office.... when I hv the time.... heee

One way to stay healthy is to exercise! hehe...
i tried the one at tanjong pagar mrt b4.. just went for a express pedi and they din push any products to me lor

You just reminded me of this mrt place... I shall go and check it out when I'm free...

Tampopo opens at basement of Ngee Ann City...
good morning mummies!
was on leave on fri. brot ash to dentist, went the line for lunch buffet and then watched UP... its really a nice show.. the part on the hb/wife is really touching. glad we caught it while its still showing...
Halo Mommies!

I was on leave on Fri too...brgt Raine for "The Boy who Cried Wolf" at DBS Arts Centre...nice...also brgt Mae to collect her passport as we are gg HKG in Nov...

Yup, I'm shifting in Oct/Nov liao...nearer to my mom's pl...

Haha, yalah, end up I sit with Raine to look thru Internet for information...cut and paste...
Hi Mommies,

Bad start to the week.. The kids puked last nite and we suspect it has something to do with Pigeon's baby snacks! My poor maid now have like buckets load of bedsheets, clothes to wash.. there's puke all over.

I'm not feeling very well myself.

Hi M2B,

Joey went with her school to watch the play. I heard it's very good. The wolf can tap dance?

Hi Chris,

Now fridays are your pak tor days?
good morning mummies!

huh! pigeon's bb snack? where did u buy them from? i hope not expired..
no la.. pf got classes on fri this term so only can pak tor if take leave lor...

i chked the prices in dec for hk and they are so ex! over 1k for per pax! still dunno where to go in dec.. waiting for my dad to cfm if he hv the time to go... if not, probably just msia for pf, ash and me....

Me also down with fever, I haven't had fever for a long time leh... must hv caught it frm jesse, he recovered w/in 2 days.

I did think of hkg but was warned abt H1N1, and I can't imagine hving to pack more and more clothes...

That part was v touching hor... my tears rolled down my cheeks.

Are you going to watch "District 9" - does pf like Sci-Fi movies?

My hb's going KL in Oct leh....
Good Morning Mommies.

Long time never come here cos busy with work... finally event is over.


Where are you moving to? Little India ah? Near to Faith?
Me going HKG in Oct but f&e cos its cheaper than travelling by tour and I wanna plan my own itinerary.


I also like UP. Very heart-warming show.
Are you still planning for KK?


Are your little ones better?


If wan to go HKG in Dec, cannot book tour package. Its too pricey. Booking air tics and hotel separate is a better bet.
ya lor.. me too, the part when the wife died and also when the old man was looking thru the photo album after he moved the hse to the waterfall.
no.. he like slapstick comedies. stephen chow and adam sandler are his fav actors hehe
hk - h1n1 not so serious anymore rite..
ya i oso looked at booking separate but my mum very worried that we may get lost or something.. knowing my parents, if go with them, i rather book a f&e package, otherwise i will be very stressed.
oh ya, wanted to ask u abt cf nanny contact. u still hv urs?
Hi Mommies,

Am still on MC today. Feeling so tired....

Wow.. so many of you going to HK

Hi StyloBB,

If you caught the fever from Jesse, that means it's a viral fever?

Hi Chris,

I bought the pigeon snacks recently from Taka. I dun think it's expired leh. You know i like to buy stuff in bulk right? I still have like 10 other flavours of pigeon snacks at home leh.. I think i will throw all away.

Now i'll only trust gerber and heinz products!

Hi Minnie,

The kids are ok already. Jamie recovered the fastest. I think it's becoz she drinks a lot of water.. she can take like 5 bottles of water a day.

HK is quite easy to move around, don't think so easy to get lost. Hehe.. But I know what you mean. At least package is stress-free for everybody. My cf nanny's health recently not so good so I wouldnt reccommend.. But can ask my gf abt hers if she comes online.
funi lei.. tot pigeon shd be reliable.. from jpn wor... saw the snacks b4, was tinking will get some for zach to try when he turn 6 mths..

if just us, it will be easy.. with my parents, i will be hounded by qns e.g. 'how to go', 'where we gg', 'how long it takes to go'... scary...
ok! im me when u hv the contact. thks!
Good morning mummies!

Didn't log in for a long time.... how's everyone?

I thought you are going to UK in Oct?! Now is HKG?

UP> Both Ryan and me love the movie so much that we watched a 2nd time when we are at Genting recently. Very touched by the couple grow olding sences.

Stylobb / Preggie,
Take care & rest well!

I miss HKG too but guess won't be going in the near future.

Now I'm so used to SAHM, doing nothing for the whole day that I have become so lazy! Working doesn't appeal to me nowadays! hahaha
Never taken package before, always f&e as far as I can rembr...
HKG easy to move around leh, my 'territory'... Canton/Mandarin/English also can...hehe
Need to ask preggie where to go... apparently this is this train that u can take.
Also I read that there is a good makan place called "Ocean restaurant"...

Yes, KK still an option, if wanna go, just book accom and tkts, easy but hor my hb has co event in Nov, then off for re-service in Dec, so we still cannot find a suitable period I got some mtg days that I prob need to be around... haiz..
Hb does not care for nuts where to go, he just wants a good htl room to hole himself in, also does not mind caring for the kids if I wanna shop... I said he my as well stays home w/ them.. hahaha..

Can ask ur parents to keep quiet and just flw u all around?? hehehe...

UP - oh yes that part too, I cried again...

I went for pedicure at the Hub, cost me $33, they say package is $250 for 10 sessions. I told them I wanna try other places first.
No wonder u all do pedi outside of S'pore..hehe..

U down with flu??

I also don't know, he was sneezing away, and had mild fever. GP gave him the normal med. He rested for 2 days over the weekend, and he was ok. But as he slept w/ me and was so close to me, guess I caught it frm him.

I was all ready to see him at his swimming lesson, scully ended up only we and the gals went to the pool...

I give the kids Sambucus and was advised to stop after 6-8 weeks, then reestart about 2 weeks later. For the months they took it, they didn't hv flu or running nose.

Btw I asked u abt Richard Scarry dvds but u didn't reply me, nvm, I ordered 2 frm Amazon to see how they are... cos I ordered the running shoe strap and some sports gear too.

I gotta rest a bit this week as not feeling well, I hv been running regulary. My longest run was 7km!

Hahaha... ok, ok. Sounds quite stressful to be hounded by questions all the time. But like Stylobb suggested, you plan for them??? Possible or not?


So nua now ah.. I am going London in Oct and after that, go HKG to celebrate Josh birthday. Back to back trip... I think I will be so tired.


Hah, true also. Might as well just book a room at Sentosa will do. But its not easy to plan a trip to suit everyone's preference. Now, still ok. But as the kids grow older, I think will be a challenge. Esp when you have 3. Scully all 3 have different opinions on where to go... At their current age, its very fun to travel with them, albeit its tiring.

HKG - My colleague says Ocean Park has a new train ride. Prolly check that out. Can add HKG to one of your options too but I think you need to convince Ken rite?
my parents are worrywarts, esp when overseas. i rather let them stress someone else than me hehe
there is this new ride called noah's ark right?

you counting down already? excited?

din know u r crybaby like me hehe..
pedi - very stressful rite.. tink packages are very common now. but if they are too pushy, spoil the whole experience lor.
Sentosa - I will protest! Such a boring place!!!
Yes, it's fun to trvl with them altho tiring.

HKG, dun think so this year due to our schedule, and I rather wait and go for more days than to rush there and back .... maybe next year....

Aiyah nowadays my tears wl roll down. That day I was reading the health supplement, it was about this lady who had cancer or sth, and she had wanted to marry, I read then my eyes were all red and my collick asked me why my eyes were red....

Pedi - so I have a good excuse to tell them ie I need to try others first before committing to theirs....

Sounds like ur life quite shiok leh, if u don't hv any financial obligations, then by all means stay at home loh..hehe

Yah, you will be due in Oct, right?
Hi stylobb, I dun know much abt richard scarry leh. Recently I bought a series of dr Seuss DVDs from amazon.

Hi chris,

I've been giving Jamie pigeon porridge and snacks with no problems since 6 months ago. Maybe there's somethig wrong with this batch.

I'll stick to gerber for now. Jamie likes the banana puffs.

Abt hkg, noah's ark is not inside ocean park.
package - but hor, i tink they hv gd memory, if u go next time, they will know its a return trip and sure hound u for package...

ya i know abt noah's ark.. i told u b4 got a coffin ride too rite?

Wow, that will be tiring! Will you be able to get over the jet lag if it's back to back?


Yeah, counting down now. Used to hope that baby will come out on the 1st or 3rd but now, wishing that he won't! Cos scare too many people give birth on this 2 dates then I have to sit outside delivery room to wait for my turn!


I need to come out and work to support my parent. Sad to say, it has come to a point which I have come to realise that my parent is relaying on me to support them in their old age. So staying at home now is not of an option to me. But I really enjoy myself currently. Do things that I like to do weekly like swimming, yoga, reading and playing majong. Now that I'm nearing to due date, I'm like a pig, sleep for the whole day! Will surely miss this kind of life when baby comes out!
good morning mummies!
anyone gg isetan private sale tmr?

wow ur life sounds so shiok! when is ur edd? which hosp u delivering in?
Good Morning Mommies.


Where is Noah's ark and coffin ride? Josh will prolly enjoy the coffin ride cos he is into Vampies, Draculas, Ghosts now.. Morbid.


No choice. Just gotto manage the Jetlag, I suppose.

Have you settled your housing issue yet?
Halo Mommies!
Ydy on leave as its our 1st HDB appt for the sale of our pl…

The play is quite funny…think all kids will enjoy =P
The gals ok now?

You okay?

We booked our own tics and Mike’s cousin who work in HK Disneyland helped us to get good rates for Disneyland Hotel…

We gg F&E too!

I’m shifting to Kovan…5 MRT stops away from my mom…

You gg London? Wow, can shop!

Very fast, you popping liao…

Wah... got lobang. Can I book my disneyland hotel thru you too??? :p

Kovan is quite a quiet estate rite? But at least its nearer to town compared to your current place.
noah's ark website here
cant rbr abt the coffin ride. i read it on 8 days article on both attractions sometime back and i tot coffin ride is in noah's ark but it seems otherwise if u look at the attractions.

wah the rates very gd ah... the rooms are at least S$300 lei..

Quiet meh? The new pl is next to the MRt station so very convenient for me indeed!

Hb's cousin need to be ard to check-in the hotel so I think paiseh to trouble him lor...sorry leh...

Haha, dun know whats the rates leh...he booked and pay liao so we just have to go...haha
