Perth Holiday - Any Suggestions/Advice/Tips?


i'm planning a trip to perth in early oct. i hope weather is not too hot by then.

can anyone advise which suburb shopping mall is good? i have been to westfield carousel on my last trip, thought try a different one this time though i know all malls are pretty much the same. thanks!


ok will keep that in mind. do u know if they have a kiddy playground or play area in the mall, something like in westfield carousel? so i can park my kids there with hubby while i can do some shopping

what abt karrinyup or garden city? came up on my google search. many thanks!!
I've come up with a tentative itinerary. Do you think it's ok?

Day 1: Arrive at Perth. Familiarise with surroundings and grocery shopping.

Day 2: Perth City. King's Park / Swan River.

Day 3: Perth City. Grocery shopping. Caversham Wildlife Park.

Day 4: Drive to Margaret River. Stay at Margaret River Hideaway. Go to a nice beach.

Day 5: Sunflower Farm Stay. Go to the MAZE. Whale watching.

Day 6: Farm Stay. Go to chocolate and candy factories.

Day 7: Drive back to Perth City. Go to Whiteman Park at Middle Swan. Shopping.

Day 8: Shopping. Home Sweet Home.

i'm going in oct & hv yet to plan my itineary. initially plan to go MR & Albany but i'm there for only 7 days, think will be kinda rush to include Albany. most likely will just cover MR.

i'm also looking at MR hideaway for farm stay. but u still having another farm stay at sunflower farm? caversham park is inside whiteman park so u may like to consider going there in 1 day.

i would also like to visit fruit orchard which can hand pick the fruits. any recommendation?
i googled & found a strawberry farm in SV, but not much info, if can pick the fruits or not. thanks!!
The strawberry farm at Swan Valley only sells strawberries.
The only fruit picking i can think of is at Kallaguen. It's apple picking.
Else you could go up to Chittering (Golden Grove Orchard ) . But sometimes they allow picking, sometimes not. So better check with them
i cant find anything on apple picking at kallaguen, only Donnybrook(granny smith apples) but unfortunately its not harvest time when i visit in oct leh. so only left with Golden grove.
you wouldnt be able to find it online.
cos it's a construction company.
i suggest you give it a miss cos it's not a huge farm. Only like 2 or 3 rows of pathetic fruit trees.
no wonder
as i'm there in early oct, not much or no fruits in season during this time (spring). will try my luck at the strawberry field in gingin & the golden grove.
I've been to a strawberry farm in Wanaroo years back. But dunno if it is harvest time in oct. Can u google n see if u can find anything?

I emailed the addy of the burger joint to you couple of weeks ago. Did u get that?
yes... i told my hb i wanna go eat ..
He was not keen

cos it 's out of way for us. But i keep that in mind and so next time if i go koorong, i will go there to makan

For those who booked their accomodation with Discoverwest, pls advise.

I just made an online booking. Discoverwest replied, asking me to pay a deposit of $100 per person within these 7 days; and the balance before 16 Aug. But I will only be checking in on 15 Sep... I thot we only pay the hotel when we check-out??

Thank you.
thanks! will do a search on that.

i booked my trip last year thru discoverwest & if my memory didnt fail me, i paid full before my trip. after confirmation, they will send u all the freebies (coupons) & trip itineary via email. just need to print all out & show the hotel reception upon check in. mine also comes with complimentary one way airport transfer to apartment. if in doubt, give them a call.
I am only going in late Nov/early Dec.
Is it too early and too KS if I book my rooms now? haha.... I think I'm too kiasu even to plan my itinerary now =P

I would also like to go to a nice beach where my daughter can play with sand castle. Any recommendation?

I was initially planning for strawberry picking too but seems that there is not much fruit picking. Maybe cameron highland is a better choice for that hehe
You can pick strawberries in late nov and early dec.

If you book directly with the hotel, you pay when you check out. But if you book thru agents, they usually want the cash upfront.
hopeac, mngo
for dolphin watch, is rockingham better or bunbury? i'm still planning my itineary, dont know where to break my stop from perth to MR.
i'm also planning to put up at MR hideaway, though i think sunflower farm looks more fun, but their rooms dont seem that nice compare to MR hideaway.
I've stayed in sunflower farm. it's really old.
The portable bbq pit is so darn dirty tat i question the usage of it.
Only towels r provided. Shower related stuffs are not. In fact MR hide away looks so much better.
yeah, fr their webby it really looks rundown lor. i read the reviews that MR hideaway is not bad but pathetic animals since its not a working farm. so i may either settle for MR hideaway or source elsewhere, but will drop by sunflower farm for feeding & interacting with animals for the kids.
Hi Sherlyn,

Mind i ask? Are u in teaching line? :p

I am also going for perth holiday early dec.. probably dec 5 ba.. will be a family of 6 adults and my 4 yr old girl

I have yet to book my tickets, but definitely from SQ. Intending to book next month around national day holiday period

I am planning for a 12 days trip. Will be visiting some relatives from the in laws side as well.

Hmmm.. dunno whether my itinerary looks ok.. can get some comments from u ladies?

Day 1:
Arrival in Perth in the early morning. Still dunno where to stay yet.. i really need all accomodation to be air-conditioned, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laundry and dryer. In law's relative did recommend Broadwater comos. But dun think the rooms are air conditioned. Can be mad during summer month. I went to perth before, yes, 41 degrees!!!

Day 2:
Drive down to walpole. 5 hrs journey.
thinking of staying at bayside villas or tree elle (whose price is pretty steep)

Day 3 and 4:
Tour around albany, pemberton, walpole and denmark.

Day 5:
Drive up to margaret river region. 3.5 hrs drive.
Wonder whether should stay at Margaret River Acacia chalets, Busselton cape view apartments or dunsborough geographe bay resort or dunsborough white sands villas.

Day 6 - 8:
Tour around MR region, busselton, bunbury area

Day 9 - 12:
Drive back to Perth and stay put to explore swan valley, fremantle area

Hmmm need input on accomodation.
In laws going, and u know old pple make tougher requirements.
Broadwater resort is 4.5+5 star hotel.
How can there not be aircon?!

Check out website pls.
Room Amenity

* Closet

* Air Conditioning

* Alarm Clock

* Bathroom Amenities Provided

* Bathroom and Ensuite

* Spa Bath

ooo i checked the website, it said only this: Reverse cycle air-conditioning in lounge area

So i assume no aircon in rooms lor haha..
I think the best is to give them a call, find out more.
If not, then choose hotel type, so each hotel room has its own aircon
Hi Shelyn,

Yes yes! ha ha... can only depart during the hols lor.. sigh!

U planning for 7 days right? Why not go longer? We got to treasure our holidays! haha.. very precious.

Have u booked ur tics and accommodation?

I've not bought or booked anything yet. Still planning. I don't want to go for too long cos I'm not even sure whether my 2-yr old girl will 'behave' there.

Last Dec (when she's about 18mth) I brought her 3D2N to KL to test water and was really a bad experience. I almost go crazy getting mad with her there hahaha.... Cos she's not those type who will eat easily. At home she's slightly better but when she's outside, she's more picky and problematic. Even when we eat out at restaurants she'll give problem. I think cos she's too playful so keep thinking of playing and don't feel like eating. Now when we want to eat out, I'll make her eat at least half full at home first to prevent me from being a mad woman outside =P

Actually I'm not even sure whether we'll eventually get to go to Perth. Me and hubby are planning for #2 soon and if it follows the same pattern, I'll have bad nausea for 1 month+ during the first trimester. Last time I was on 1 month MC cos the vomitting was really bad. I did not go anywhere for that whole trimester except go home and see gynae.... but keeping my fingers crossed now...
Hi Sherlyn,

I brought my girl to tasmania last dec and she was 3 then
Now, she can still recall she has gone there before heehee.. see how long the memory lasts :p

But well, i can't leave her here anymore cos she wants to follow us everywhere we go. My trips since last year include my in laws as well. So now its always big group travelling.

Haha ya i understand your problem. Mine too, picky over food. But she loves french fries and fried food (no worries, not overdose that type :p) so she had no problem with fish and chips haha.. so trip to tasmania was actually a breeze

Actually my girl prefers tasmania to HK (my june trip this year). She finds HK boring. Can see her behaviour totally different. More restless in HK :p

Also, naps very important for them. Think my girl able to take short naps now and then during self drive so she tend to be more alert at every stop. Whereas HK its different lor, no time for naps.

Why not wait? Then u have a MIP baby :p
It's good to travel in a big group actually. More people to help look after and entertain your kid.

It's good that your girl likes french fries and fried food. Mine don't really like them. She'll at most take 2-3 bites and that's it. That's why i'm quite worried about her eating. Most likely will cook things like bee hoon soup etc which she prefers. One good thing is that she likes jar food, cheese, yoghurt and instant baby packet food. So it'll be easier since Australia has lots of baby jar food. But I'm worried about giving her too much cos not sure whether it's actually 'good' as old people alwiz say such instant food are not good.

Sleeping is another headache for me haha... from young my daughter doesn't sleep outside. She only sleeps in the room... sometimes when she's tired she'll sleep in car seat. But she has never slept in stroller b4. So I just hope she'll be able to sleep in car seat over there cos the driving time is quite long.

Have you booked your accommodation and air ticket? I do hope my daughter can remember the trip well too... then at least wont waste the trip.

Jar food ... you do have to see the contents. I did a check and it does not contain colorings or preservatives. They are basically pure pureed food and then jar it up. It's almost abt what we do at home. At least the vitamins are intact.
If we cook at home, we may be overcooking the veg and it's as good as eating for the sake of eating without any remaining minerals/vitamins.
Preservatives, added salt, colours and artificial flavours are all banned from our baby food.

How old is your girl now? It seems that you have so much worries!

my girl is now 27 months. yes i'm a mum full of worries and headache when it cones to travelling haha. that's the main reason why we travelled only once to KL ever since the birth of my daughter. whenever i hear of people going to so many places when their kids are still so small i really marvel at them...
When you worry too much, you tend not to venture.
I've brought my son out since he was just 5 months old.
We've brought him to Sarawak (2 times), Phuket, Melbourne, Perth (tat time holiday), Bintan.

Ya i agree with mngo. I used to worry alot like u too, that's why my girl only went overseas first time with us last dec when she was 3 yrs 7 mths.

I even worried about how she react on the plane. But ended up she take plane ride like car ride. And play games throughout the journey to HK haha..
I guess some of us just worry more, especially for our little ones. Don't know if this is of any consolation to you, Australia is a very child friendly holiday destination. I personally thinks it's even more so than Singapore
. As long as u have a sensible trip plan, I'm pretty sure things will fall into place, and u will hv a wonderful family holiday in Perth. My dd2 was 18 mths old when we visited Perth in June.

Btw, fish n chips does not necessary come in the deep fried version. You can hv your fish grilled, and boiled vege is available in place of salad. Some restaurants serve freshly made creamy soup (pumpkin, potato, brocoli) that can be served as a meal on it's own. Supplement your bb's diet with the array of seasonal fruits, available from all supermarkets. Your bb might surprise u with her new found appetite during the trip. Remember, it's only for a week or so before your bb will be back to home cooked food again.

Happy planning, and hv a good trip.
Hi all,
I feel so encouraged by all your positive advice. I'm starting to learn to let go more now and not get too affected over whether she eat or not and whether she has enough sleep. So hopefully this trip will really be an enjoyable one.

I've also heard that australia is very baby-friendly and that's one main reason why we chose to go there. If all ends up well maybe we can go for another trip next year hehehe....

So now I've to more or less finalise where I want to stay on which night. Will it be cheaper if I book earlier? or there wont be much difference?

Some of you commented that Sunflower farm is quite old? Would it sound silly if I stay for 1 nite at Sunflower farm and 2 nites at margaret river hideout?

For Perth city stay, can anyone recommend a good apartment? The main activities at Perth city will be Cavernsham Wildlife park, Swan River, KIng's Park, and of course shopping! And is there a good and big supermarket where I can buy some stuff back? I know of some yummy cookies from australia supermarket. I also intend to buy back some baby food.
Dont bother to stay at sunflower farm.
Firstly, it's really hassle to move hotels with a young kid. And also since you are going to live in MR hideout... might as well continue to stay there.

I am sorry, but Cavasham is NOT in the city. It's in Whiteman park. Another place. It's like Singapore Zoo not in orchard road. lol!
ooops haha.... din do my homework properly. I'm still not very sure of the location of some places but since i'm only staying at margaret river and perth city, so whatever is not at margaret river is dumped together into perth city loh hehehe....
I'll do a better research later.
i hv just book my stay at MR hideaway, would suggest u book early if u hv already decided, coz i only manage to get 2 nites instead of 3 as its fully booked.
for perth, most mummies recommend mont clare which is very near the city area. u can read up on the archives to get more info.

ok once i confirm I'll start booking accommodation.

mngo i need some clarification here. As I read through earlier post from March/Apr onwards, there was mention of Swan Valley. There's farm stay at Swan Valley called Cuddly Animal. However, many people also mention MR Choc Factory and going to MR when staying at Vale. When I check the map, MR is very far away from Swan Valley leh. How can Swan valley be a subset of MR?

My main purpose of going to MR is for farm stay, their choc and coffee factories and ice cream. I am not interested in the wineries which MR is popular for. Do you think it is still worthwhile going to MR? or are there good substitutes of all those that I wan to do in the city?
