Perth Holiday - Any Suggestions/Advice/Tips?


My friends just came over for a full 9 days, and it wasn't enough for them to cover all the places they wanted to go.. They had a great time here, and they saw whales at Albany! They even want to come back here again for another trip, same for all the other friends who came here before.. I think if WA is boring, my friends wouldn't have enjoyed their trip so much.

It's only boring to residents because there is nothing much we can do at night after work. Not even go for a movie since we will have no one to look after our kids. But attraction wise, we have not even cover 1/100 of WA. If only we are tourists instead, then we can spend whole days and weeks sight seeing..

I'm pretty sure the "fresh" foods in Sg supermarket are not that fresh too, seeing that there are imports from other countries... It's just that Au's current affair shows are very frank. They like to dig out how long the foods have been kept in the supermarkets here.

Spot on!
I've yet to cover Rottnest island, new norcia, perth zoo, underwater world, lancelin, kalbarry, pinnacles, waverock, albany, pemberton.

I'm waiting for the busselton jetty to reopen in Aug. And still trying to find a chance to go Albany, Valley of the Giant Trees. Trying to cover south first before going up north... I wanna go up to Geraldton to see the wind farms!
I'm a fan of Pemberton - Karri Valley. trout fishing, walk the trail and animals like emu kangaroos in the premises. The air is fresh and you can never get that in Singapore. But its so cold now, i'm not sure if its a good idea to go down south

I beg to differ. It's actually a very good time to go down south. It's the only time you can experience how storm feels like. If you are lucky, may even experience hail storm! Cannot get that in Singapore!

And you can travel on choppy water to chase after whales. That was what my friends did, and it was hell of an experience.

But of course, if you are unlucky enough, you will have calm sunny days... Totally boring..
Haha, seems like as a regular visitor of Perth, I have covered more than u. I think that's just how it is. While living in the country, you have other focus. Playing tourist is not top on the list. When we were living in Qld, we hardly go anywhere either.

BTW, Education World has stuff that are more suitable for high school and above. Dun want u to make a wasted trip lah.

Are you into burgers? There is a new burger joint in East Perth. Very decent burgers. Serve yummy chips!
lol...i wish i can do that minus the pregnancy minus the toddler. me and my husband will be enjoying hails on our car, sea sick chasing whales, i might end up having to save my husband if he goes into the water because he cannot swim nor can he float!
Won't fall into the water lah... My friend's mil only got sea sick and vomitted into the water. Other than that, they are safe and sound back in Singapore.

But with a toddler, you can't take the boat ride, or climb the Lighthouse. And being heavily pregnant, it's kinda hard to climb the caves too... So I don't think there's much fun for you to travel down South.
You gals make it sound so fun. I realise I probably only cover 20pc of the tourism thing. Hope to go back when my baby can eat solid food and toilet train. Then we can have a more relax peaceful holiday.
The first time I took my dd1 to Perth, the temperature in Feb hits 41 degree. She developed high fever on the 2nd day! It was a very bad experience

i have finally managed to finalise my itinerary.. :p

Day 1: Arrive in Perth. Check-in City water lodge. If possible, grocery shopping aft check in.

Day 2: Whiteman Park and Caversham Wildlife Park

Day 3: Bell Tower and Swan River Scenic Cruise

Day 4: Kings Park Lotterywest Family Area. Evening at Harbour Town.

Day 5: BunBury Dolphin Discovery Centre. Arrives at Sunflowers Animal Farm in the evening

Day 6: Sunflowers Animal Farm morning activities. Vist Town square market. Drive to Leeuwin Lighthouse.

Day 7: Farm activities. Winery tour at Cape Mentelle. Visit Candycow and MR chocolate Factory. Drive back to Perth Airport by 7pm

is the itinerary ok? the first few days are rather easy n slow paced.. the last day seems abit hectic.. :p already booked the accomodations then realised there's so much more to do at MR....
Same for me. I've only 2 nites in MR and find that everything hush hush.

Is your flight on 7th day? To play safe and cater for unforeseen circumstances, you may want to leave MR by noon time. Cos by 5pm during winter, the sky will be dark. And there is traffic jam around Perth at 5-6pm (my own observation).
the flight is actually on Day 8 1am.. :p so i think shd be quite okie.. but coz afraid too dark can't find our way.. so i target tt we try to reach airport by 7pm.. can hav dinner there n rest abit b4 our flight at 1am.. :p
Day 4 is which day? Harbour town opens till 9pm on FRIDAYS only.
Also, There's nothing much at Lotterwest family area. No scenery. You may wanna try frasers ave side where it overlooks the swan river.
yup.. day 4 is a fri night..

hmmm.. initially i thot lotterywest has a children playground n the kids will enjoy..
There's also a playground at synergy parkland area.
I find it nicer there.
But no harm giving all places a try .
Yup I went Synergy playground. Nice playground. I see many pp BBQ. Bring some stale bread to feed the ducks. The kids will love it. There's a cafe there too.

Mine was 1am flight too. The kids fell asleep once they board the plane.
locate a restaurant in where?
price ok means wat? whats yr budget per meal?
you have to bear in mind that there is no $3/- meal or lunch here.
wat's the avg price a meal in Perth? been to Sydney and Mel b4... avg like $10 a meal..

Is it easy to find a restaurant/eating place in Perth City and MR? also wondering if there's eating places along the way fr MR back to perth... thinking of making some stops for hubby (aka our driver for the trip) to rest n freshen up.... :p
Its like Melbourne type.
Perth city itself is like melbourne/sydney city.
Small in size but food everywhere.
MR is a small town. Food only accessible in MR town itself. If you wanna dine in vineyard, you have to book before hand.

If you are coming back to Perth from MR, you can stop by these places
1) Busselton (1 hr from MR)
2) Bunbury (1.5 hr from MR)
3) Mandurah (1 hr away from Perth)
4) Cockburn Central (very near Perth liaoz - abt 15-20 mins by Freeway)
I find the food expensive. Average A$20 per dish at cafe unless u go to foodcourts at shopping ctr. I remember dining at a vineyard and asked for a bowl of plain rice cost me A$6. There is this Fine food cafe in MR with reasonable price and tasty food. Do stop by Mandurah and eat at Miami bakehouse. It's a charming town.
I am planning to go for a self-drive trip to perth in late nov with just my hubby and 2.5yr old girl. Everyone tells me it's super hot in nov/dec. Is it really so hot? I check the web and the average temp that time is around max 26C and min is around 18C. Should be quite nice right?

Also, we've never been to perth before. Can anyone recommend suitable places for me to go to? I intend to stay for 7 days, with 2 nights of farmstay. We would like it to be more leisurely and to let my girl experience more nature, animals etc. Shopping is good to have but not high on the list.

Also, roughly how much should we budget for the trip? I told my hubby maybe we shd budget 10-12k he almost faint haha..... my colleague said his family of 4 went in june for 2 weeks only 4k?
Hi mngo,
so it's really very hot in dec ah?... sigh....
is it usually around 28C max and occassionally 30-40C or is it usually 30+C?
If it's very hot then maybe I wont go in dec anymore....

But I intend to spend more time in the suburbs like farm, etc... city maybe only 2 days. Is the farm and rural areas more cooling?
weather here varies day to day, year to year.
if you are lucky, that few days will be 28max. if you are unlucky, you will get 30-40 all the way thru.
Global warming mate. So ....
oh.... 30-40 is really very hot right?
I was hoping to go there with my girl first before we plan for #2 next year. So seems like got to wait for 3 more yrs liao haha..
i think 30C should be considered hot already right? December in Perth is quite dry with no rain, so i think the sky should be quite cloudless? So the strength of the sun should be quite strong. I think 30+ degree there is worse than 30C in sg cos here there are more clouds.

But if I decide to go, do u have any recommendation of fun places to go for an active 2.5yr old girl? I've taken note of Sunflower Farm, King's Park and Cavernsham Wildlife park.
30C to me is cool. I've been to 50degrees place.
30C singapore to me is hot! Cos it's humid.

Sky will not be quite cloudless.
there will be NO CLOUDS at all.

you may chk the thread post for recommendation.
I think 30C here is better than 30C back in Sg. Sg is hot and humid... so you will be sweaty. Here is just hot. No sweat.

Come Oct lor... Or Nov lor.. instead of Dec.

10k - 12k is a lot of money.... You can tour the whole of WA with it already.

Car rental is only about $30 a day. Hotel/farmstay about $150 a day. Do the maths..
u didn't get baked at 50 degree ah? haha... but is there such a place with 50 degree? hehe... pardon my ignorance.

i did my sums based on what package tours usually charge. They charge around 2.8k for 7 day Perth with farmstay. So I thought roughly around 3k per adult, 1.5k for kid + shopping and eating etc around 10k haha.... So it's not so ex lah.

I do hope I can go during non-peak but due to my job, I can only travel during June and Dec hols...

So, to sum up, 30C in Perth is still an ok temperature and is cooler than 30C in sg. So if I don't mind sg type of weather, I should have no problem going Perth in Dec? At night the temp will be cool at below 20C for most nights is it? Cos if it's cool then for farmstay I'll not choose the air-con cottage and choose fireplace instead. Can let my girl experience burning wood in the fireplace.

Can you ladies kindly recommend 2 shopping places where I can go to? I would like to buy some children clothing and maybe some sweets/food stuff to bring back for friends.
Our troop of 4 adults + 3 kids, we spent around $10-11k altogether for 7 nites.
We selfdrove from Perthcity down to Busselton to Pemberton to Albany, then back to Perthcity.
It was a great trip.
I almost died. Yes, in US, there is such a place with 50 degree.
In Perth, i experience 47 max.

Are you kidding? Burning wood during summer!

Tour package charge that much money because they want to earn profit. 10-12 K - might as well go further (Eu or US). I think this must be your first self drive trip.
HI mngo,
u're right! This is the 1st ever self-drive trip both for me and my hubby... that's why very gan jiong now starting to plan cos with a small girl, it's going to be very frustrating if we lose our way or cannot find suitable food etc. Not to mention my dear princess is not one who willingly open her mouth to eat. So I have to make sure the food, temperature, places we visit etc are all planned nicely before going to minimise me from exploding later haha.... now we are exposing her to fries, fish and chips etc so that it's easier to find food for her there. Can't find any friend with small kids to go along cos not many of our friends are married or with kids.

And it's also our 1st trip to australia. So everything is new to us. A lot of the places that was mentioned in earlier post are just names. So I just take note of the most-frequently mentioned places as the most interesting places but not knowing whether it's on the way etc. Feel a bit lost so I think there's a lot of homework to be done
No wonder ... lol!
Based on your budget, i guessed it right.
Bascially, if it is a self drive, then these are the things ($$) to consider.

1) Air ticket $
2) Accommodation $
3) Grocery $
4) Car $
5) Petrol $
6) Shopping $
7) Food $ (Restaurant/fastfood/cafe/foodcourt)
8) Admission Fees
And one more thing, Perth is not only about fish and chips lah! There are so many chinese restaurants around. If you go to Northbridge (so called chinatown), the whole stretch are all asian cuisines.

If you are not sure of where these places are, then you may just want to stay in city, hang around city ... And dont go far.

Spend so much to fly to Perth, then hang ard city ah? Very sian leh

Eh, temperature in some mining towns in WA/NT can go up to 50 deg, right?

If you are concerned with the temperature, plan your itinerary ard the south, instead of north then. I think the temperature in south is usually a bit cooler then north.

Regarding food for bb. Give bb a good breakfast, and prepare some good snacks (eg. home made sandwiches) for her lunch. Most restaurants offer kids meal. Self contained apartments are easily available, and they are well equipped with a kitchenette where u can prepare simple meals. So bb can still hv home cooked dinner if the need arises. A bit troublesome lah, but compromises has to be made when traveling with bb. Aussie supermarket has a good selection of bb food n cereal. Can u give your bb cereal, and just boil some carrots, potatoes, pumpkins to supplement? Also, fruits. Seasonal fruits in australia are delicious!

If I were u, I will book the cottage with aircon. Forget abt the fire place. I think the cottage operator wouldn't even bother to stock your cottage with any firewood in summer

On trip planning, you can go to APT website n copy their touring plans. If u are concerned with navigation, get yourself a GPS then, although I find relying on maps and road signs are good enough. One impt thing, pls dun be overly ambitious in trying to cover too many places in one day. Beware of driver fatigue.

I find australia a very child friendly travel destination. Happy planning.
any idea how much the petrol cost per litre? and which companies are the reputated ones to go?

thanks for the suggestions.. i oso planned to go to one of these towns for breaks n meals..

ahh.. so it's really so ex ah.. i was looking at some restaurant menu online n got a shock... simple dishes like salads etc are almost A$20.. :p

yup.. Mandurah in one of the stops i planned...

i juz planned my trip for 4 adults, 1 kid n 1 baby.. so far, cost for air ticket (SIA), accomodation (4 nights city, 2 nights farmstay), attraction fees and car rental added up to approximately $7000... still haven't add in grocery, meals and petrol costs... think aft adding these in, shd be abt $9k..
I think so too that some mining towns can go up to 50degrees. The last one i had at 47 degrees was at Bindoon (30mins away from Perth) .

Petrol cost per litre varies day to day.
It may cost 1.30 AUD on monday and 1.20 on Wed and then on Weekends, 1.40 AUD Per ltre.

Any ones are reputable. When you are in the smack of a ghost town, running out of petrol, you can really choose.

We have Shell, BP, Caltex, Mobil Oil, Gull, Peak, United..

Have a look here
