Perth Holiday - Any Suggestions/Advice/Tips?

So means track shoe is ok. I'll bring extra croc shoes. In case rain and my track shoes is not dry yet.
You can buy gumboots or wellingtons. But I think it may be easier to just bring your hair dryer and a convertor. And user your hair dryer to dry the shoes. The weather is much dryer in singapore. So if you use the hair dryer to dry the shoes. The shoes will dry very fast
Wouldn't it be quite cold for little feet to be out there in Cros? Unless there are cros that r fully covered up
. Anyway, you'll have a car with you all the time, if the weather doesn't seem right, I'm sure you will not be out and about, isn't it? Worse comes to worst, just pop into one of the many shoe shops and pick an extra pair. Quite affordable.

Relax, have fun preparing for the trip, but dun get too stressed up. I'm looking forward to my departure on the 4th. Can't wait!! When r u leaving? Have been monitoring the currency exchange, it's gone up quite abit, hor? I was hoping that the Greek market situation would move the exchange to our favor
what's the rate now, huh? I haven't check these 2 days. The last time I saw at the $$ changers' board was 1.26. Is this a good rate to change? Hehe, anyway, I'm not changing much lah. Won't make much difference.
I will be going to perth on 7th June. Read that the temp there will be around 10 degrees celius. But still not sure how to dress my 2 yo gal. I intend to let her wear dresses with a jacket. Is that sufficient? or still need to wear tights or long pants?
hi ladies, i'm back from my perth trip. Is a nice but tiring one.
Btw, for those mummies whom is going perth recently, pls bring along some disposable rain coat. The rain seem to be rain a while, stop a while and then come back again. So we are like stop, walk, stop.
Caversham park is a nice one, my gers loves it. And my #1 even joined one of the show feeding the lil sheep milk. she loves it so much.
And we manage to saw dolphin at mandurah. The cruise we took was from Bouvard cruise. AUD25 per adult for one hour journey. In fact we realised the dolphin was 'swimming' around mandurah sea, coz the next morning while taking our brekky, we saw the dolphins again.
And we are so crazy to eat the ice cream during this so cool period with the sea wind blowing at us. Cicerrellos fish and chips oso very good.

And lastly thank you for all the mummies here in sharing all the information so that i can hv an enjoyable trip. Thanks
Aly nat,
In Raffles place, Wed's rate was 1.169. Yday 1.18. I so tui that didn't change on Wed. Hopefully next week, the rate will spike down a bit for me to change.

The croc shoes that we have have holes but wear with socks should be warm enough. Hope my bb will adapt well. He's at the stage of crawling and can't walk. So if he's outdoor, he will get pek chek that he can't be let down on the ground. I got for him a super thick jacket with hood. He looks like a bak chang when we dress him up.

You need tights or jeans for your gal. Cos the wind is very strong. Better be prepared.
thanks for your info.
How is the weather? cold?
wow, so it was up close and personal with the dolphins. shiok!
Care to share which other place is a Must Go in Perth?

yeah, me too. unsure of how to dress my kids. I am bringing 3 of them there, so gotta plan properly...
get the disposable raincoats for adults or kids? Don't know where to get kids size.. the usual rain poncho looks very big on my gal.
the packing of luggage is very sianz.. especially the clothes cos my gal does not have any long sleeves and long pants. guess i will have to get some for her for this trip.
If you have thick jackets, no need long sleeves lah. Probably just wear with her dress, tights, leggings or long pants. I will bring short sleeves for the kids as I know they dirty their top easily when they eat. So bring tops to change. I will be washing their clothes in between trips as I will be there 10 days.
Actually, it is better to wear long sleeves. The trick is to layer, not to get a thick jackets. It may be too cold for short sleeve in the shopping areas or shops, but too hot for jackets. My kids attire for winter is long sleeves t-shirt, followed by pull over, then follow by wind proof/water proof jacket. Of course depends on the temperature, they may just wear long sleeves and pull over during the day. And plus jacket at night. And in the shopping centres or heated areas, it could be just long sleeve shirts only.

For my daughter. Her winter attire is, plain long sleeve inside, outside can be a nice t-shirt or dress. If she wearing skirt or dress, it will be with leggings or tights. Anyway, if your kid is scare of cold, you can wear leggings inside, and pants on the outside.

If you want to make use of your singapore clothings, actually the easiest is just pack 2 or 3 long sleeve plain shirts. I not sure how much they selling in sg, but they are like 6 dollars here. Wear the long sleeve t-shirt, then wear short sleeve t-shirt, polo, shirt or dress over it. All the kids/adults do it here. If boy, just wear long pants. If girls, if wearing skirts or dresses, buy tights. But if your kid 3-7, it is just easier wearing pants or jeans. Or else you will get dirt patches on your leggings and tights. And it is really difficult to wash them off. And some young kids don't like to wear tights/leggings.
will be heading to the coastal areas at albany. will the wind be very strong there? need wool thermal wear? i got woollen hat, scarf and mittens for her. not sure if it is too 夸张!
ok, after listening to all advices, I have planned dress + cardigan + tights for indoor and add a fleece jacket for outdoor and colder places. She wore the fleece jacket in genting. and genting temp is ard 17 to 25 degrees. not sure if this is thick enough for perth's winter.
Thanks for advice. I'll layer the tshirt outside the longsleeve. Then at least no need to bring so many LS.

In Genting, there is no wind. If you go to Albany or MR or even within Perth outdoors, the wind is strong and it's now rainy season. So good to bring a jacket that is wind/water proof as Hopeac has suggested.

I'm quite kiasu. I brought 1 fleece jacket + 1 waterproof jacket for each kid. Hope it's not too much.

It chilling in the coastal area and even Pemberton and Walpole area as they are deep in the forest. That time we went in the late Summer also cold already. I bought the jackets for everyone except Daddy which he insisted that he don't need one in summer. Ha! We all keep warm except him
Never bring denims . It's not suitable at all.
I've got one, but it does not keep me warm at all.
When it's cold , tat material makes u cold.
When weather is warm, that makes you warm.
I can't find suitable/affordable "winter" clothes for my 1.5 year old in Singapore. Will need to buy some more when I get to Perth. If u need any at the last minute, head to Best n Less/Big W/Target or Kmart. They have a good and affordable selection.

When you are heading outdoor, don't wait for the cold wind to hit you before you put on your jackets, especially for the younger ones who may not tell you in time that they are cold.

For little ones, don't forget their feet. Good socks and covered up shoes are a must for my girls. My gal always wear leggings inside jeans, unless she's put on a pair of fleece pants. I only let her wear skirt/tights combo when we hit the malls. I personally find the skirt/tights combo insufficient for coastal/windy places during winter. hehe, I'm a kiasu mama.

Better be kiasu then having your little ones catch a cold. It takes a long time to recover from a cold during winter. Not to mention the lousy feeling.
If not jeans, then what to wear for the bottom? I prepare few jeans for my kids thinking it should be sufficient.

My kids are normally in fleece pants. Or thick cotton pants. And my harem pants are warmer to wear compared to jeans. Even my normal track pants are warmer..

Fleece tops/pants for kids from Best and Less are cheap. Like $8 a pair.
Rain coat for both adult and kid. Or u might ned to prepare umbrella. But i think disposable rain coat will be easier to bring. For my case, i bring my girl stroller , so inside i have one rain coat for my #1 and i have the cover for the stroller, so my #2 wont get wet.

Well, my experience there during last week, the temperature is tend to be colder when rain especially at nite. But as i'm staying in the apartment, they hv the reverse cycle system, so we can turn it to hot temp. So just nice. Perth city itself, was rather ok. The only place i would recommend wear thick thick will be busselton jetty and leeuwin cape lighthouse. Any places near to the sea, better wear thick jacket. It was really very very cold when the wind blew. If u plan to go out on cruise, dont forget ur thick jacket too.
Can oso prepare the warmer pack just in case the kid's hand or feet get too cold.
Did you bring gloves? Is track shoes sufficient? Only problem is track shoes may get wet when rain.
If it rains, esp heavy ones, i think you wld not be walking in the rain right? So chances are ... shoes wont get that very wet.
Which beaches did you visit at Dunsborough? Any eateries to recommend? Is it worth going to Busselton jetty as I know it's still under re construction.
4 days in SW is too long. 2 days is more than enuff if u visit every winery, Caversham Wildlife park, Edgecombe Bros, Oggie ice-cream cafe, MR choc factory at a very slow leisure pace

Answer to your questions on Vale B&B
1. Is the place clean?
yes, very clean
2. What exactly is B&B?
bed and breakfast r provided during your stay
Do you share the same house as the owner? Only in different rooms?
Or do you have a house by yourself?
basically there is only one house The owner just let out a room at the ground level. I hardly see the owner and the family members as they were confined in their main unit on the upper level
3. Is the place smelly?
the accomodation is not smelly Areas where the animal r is smelly Well I don't appreciate the smell of animals

4. Other tips you might have.
The night is very cold in Vale. Wear thick clothes and cover with their blankets. It is exremely cold when u come out of the bath. There is no heater in the rm. Try bathing your tot or even yourself in the afternoon when the weather is hot
Buy food fm supermkt and BBQ there. There r many BBQ pits and they work on gas. Buy aluminium foil to wrap your food
Don't b deceived by the swimming pool in the web. The pool is dirty. Not fit for swimming
If u wanna use any facility in the web. Ask the owner. They r all locked up

What did you do in Freementle? Since you say it is a must to visit.
eat and shop at the market The fruits and veg r very cheap, fresh and gigantic. Oso had dinner at Cicerellos. Bet your tot love the acquarium there

Just got back from Perth on Tues. Was very lucky as weather was great when I was there, did not rain at all while i was sightseeing, only rained slightly on my drive back from Albany to Perth.

The temp falls once the sun starts to set abt 5-6pm, but usually by then I am heading back to my room as I also very tired cos I’m was 6 weeks preggy when I was there ;-) At nite I dun go out since everything is closed anyway.

Did not bring any gloves and did not find that i need it as it was not that cold. I guess if it rains it will be colder but if it was raining you will be taking cover anyway so should not be that cold.

For my 2 year old gal, I brought 2 pairs of covered shoes and 1 pair of crocs. The 2 pairs of shoes is to alternate in case one gets wet. I let her wear crocs when we were driving long distance as it was more comfortable and can take off and also when she went to the playground at King's Park.

I usually let my gal wear a long sleeve inside and short sleeve over it. During the day sometimes this was sufficient as she was running around and it was not that cold in the sun. I could even just wear my top by itself without any jacket when the sun was out.

Stayed there for 3 nites and had a great time at the farmstay. Was not cold and windy even tho it was coastal area. When we went to the wind farm, my gal only had her long sleeve top and short sleeve over it and it was sufficient.
Re: Golden Grove Orchard
Anyone planning to visit golden grove orchard, I was told u will hv to ring them ahead of time if you wanna take their tractor ride. else, then just pop in anytime.

Re: Cuddly Animal Farm
Anyone planning to visit, pls note that bottle feeding of baby animals are at 1230hrs and 1600hrs. Pony rides at A$5 per ride, usually on weekends.

If u r planning to visit Cavrsham or Cuhunu, then can skip Cuddlyfarm. Nothing much there. But my kids enjoyed the visit lah

Re: Weather
Not that cold. Nice. No rain.

Anybody know of any persimmon farms to visit?

Hi all,
I m juz back from Perth last nite.Weather was perfect except slight drizzle in Albany.I went to Caversham park.Perfect for d kids..they njoy very much.U can visit d koalas at 1.30 as they open d gates.can touch them n take pix.U will be able to feed the animals..Dry food provided.Worth visiting..lots of animals.
