PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

No probs cat_tail!! If you haven't started reading up, I recommend the What to Expect series, both for pregnancy and first year.
My bibles

Hey Elle, how's it going?

hi catz,

how r u coping with your little one?
My boy fell sick last whole week.. so cham leh got flu and cough.. then lots of phglem.

My mum looks after him from Mon to Fri. I miss him alot last week when i come back to work after ML. Really got the urge to be a SAHM but this week didnt miss him tat bad lah.. getting used to it liao..

How abt u? Who is taking care of your BB?
Hi Elle, I'm still SAHM (haha, I'm staying at home with my mom).. my T is doing well... still on TBF and just started solids at his fifth month. I'm coping well lah, it's just hubby who is currently in hospital for unknown bleeding so it's quite stressful making sure baby is fed (plus enough EBM in the fridge) and making the dash to and fro from SGH
Your poor boy feeling better or not? Lots of nasty bugs going around. Are you still breastfeeding?

it must be very stressful for u .. i read abt your hubby's condition... must be a traumatic experience for him. u better take care since got 2 depends on your care ..


me too going back to work after next week... and already i think i feel quite sad cos i will miss my boy. Feel a bit down that I am going to miss all the times that he is growing up when i am at work... really afraid my boy wont be close to us... no choice gotta work..
Hi catz,

so nice to be a SAHM *envy*

Wish that your hubby wld recover soon. I understand is not easy for you at the moment esp u r on TBF.. Peifu your determination.
I'm sure your husband wld be blessed dun be over stressed ok.

Me a lazy n bad cow.. supply has cut off since my boy turns 2mth old. Frankly, i'm to blame lah cos i didnt latch him on frequent to stimulate supply.

Yes, my boy is getting better but still have lots of phglem lor. Nowadays weather change drastically even adults fall sick easily.. if possible dun bring your boy out too often.
hello all, pse help, need answers, i am abt 6 weeks and 2 days, saw the yolk sac and pregnancy sac, but no heartbeat yet, is this something to worry? sob sob
Hi Catz,
I have the What to expect for pregnancy earlier & now I just bot the first year! Heehee.. it's my bible too.

Just something to find out, my baby's kicks are getting rough & it's making me very uncomfortable. Sometimes, I can feel a little pain & shock from her karate kicks. Wat can I do to lighten it? Pls help....

Hi Faridah,
If I am not wrong, the heartbeat can be seen at around wk 8. Dun worry too much.

some people detect heartbeat as late as wk8-9 so dun worry ... if anything is wrong, i am sure your gynae will let u know

Dun worry so much, its not good for your health and bb. If anything you think its not right. It will be good for you to call your gynea. He should be able to give you the best advice.
hi faridah, don't worry yah? I had to go for 2 scans before his heartbeat was detected. So darn scary.. I know how you feel but just stay healthy yah!!!

Elle, I'm a kanchiong mummy lah.. anyway, with my hubby in such bad health, I felt even more compelled to bf in case Baby has inherited bad health from his daddy.

cat_tail, hehe.. those books are fantastic hor? I also hv Dr Spock on standby. Yah baby's kicks can be pretty painful. If you feel that baby is elbowing or kneeing you, then use your hand and slowly rub it down.. or sing songs to calm baby down. Hope this helps you yah?

Poohy, thanks for the encouragement. I will also have to go back to the workforce soon.. really hard to tear myself away from him 'cos now Baby is so interactive - he knows how to reach out for me to carry him. *sigh*
Hi all

tks for the quick response, yah, real scary for me, coz i really dont want another miscarriage to happen
But Catz at which week u saw the baby's heartbeat?
Hi faridah, I think I heard the heartbeat only at 7 or 8 weeks, cannot really remember already. Don'[t worry, update us yah?
Hi all, i diagnosed as having PCOS + Andromonocytcs. So far my menses every month quite "zhun", never late or early. Furthermore i have those egg-white cervical mucus around D10. Really puzzled me when the doctor told me hat i have PCOS.
For the past 1 year i have try clomid + injection, but no good news, seem like my body doesn't hv any effect on the medicine. My husband also go through all the test but result show good on him. So confirm problem is on me. Start from last Nov i stop clomid and whn to see a chinese sinseh at JE. I have taken the medicine for 6 months, as usual no good news. I realy tired on see doctor every month. So start from April i have stop seeing any doctor. I realy don't knw what shd i do next.
hi sharon,

Dun be dishearten. Let nature takes its course. You'll definitely conceive someday. Life is full of uncertainty..Many conceived unexpectedly..

Good luck!
Hi Elle,
Hope will strike 1 day. For this few months i take alot of herbs like "dang gui" and "ba zhen". Heard from my mum say this can help to improve our body system.
Did any one heard abt it?
hi sharon,

no very sure abt chinese herbs.. but i do take the 'bai feng yuan' after every cycle. it helps to reduce cramps effectively and balance our hormones.. Evening prime rose is good also..
Hi Elle,
I am start taking Evening prime rose oil every morning now. I am taking 1300mg, is that too much? and can i take it everyday?.. cos i read from 1 acticle saying that we only can take EPO until we ovulation. is this true?
Hi sharon,

i took the dosage according to the instruction stated at the bottle behind (took OCEAN brand).
Yes i heard when near to ovulation better dun take cos it wld dry up the mucus which may decrease your chance of conceiving.
hello all
how is everyone? my baby is fine, going to 10 weeks now, saw the heartbeat at 7 weeks, now can see the baby's movements, so cute. thing is, my gynae said to discontinue metformin once i have passed 12 weeks, did anyone continue it till 9 mths? oh yes, i have just shifted to my new hse, that's why i didnt surf the net for a while, plus my morning sickness, gosh the nausea and vomitting, i wonder when it will end
Hi, I am also a PCOS patient....

Sharon, can take ur daily temp (BBT) to check for ovulation...if temp rises sharply, then ovulate liow, then dun take the EPO.

Faridah, heard that many PCOS gals on the web continue to take metformin till they give birth.

I am going for my HSG next week....then will go for IUI in sept....
I just found out that I have polycystic ovaries and am feeling quite upset about it. I never had irregular cycles or acne or so on, thus I was quite surprised to know that.
Just want some advice from all of you here what I can do to "improve" the condition? gynae has already prescribed norehisterone and clomid.
How sharp is the rise in temp during ovulation? Thanks.
Hi Ruggles,
How long have u been TTCing?
How does the doctor know if the cysts were formed recently or years ago when the cycle may have happened to be a long one? Did you show the doctor your BBT chart or did he do a blood test showing that your LH was higher than the FSH?

The rise in temperature for me is about .2 to .3 of a degree celsius. Eg. my pre-ovulation temp is consistently around 36.3 or 36.4 then when it goes to 36.6 & is consistently higher, i'll conclude that i've ovulated.

I suppose lack of ovulation but having normal menses is like taking the oral contraceptive pill. Our cycles are regular & we have no acne. Is it the work of progesterone?

To help ovulation, you probably need to trick the brain to produce more FSH. Clomid does that and so do phyto-estrogens.

If yours is a hormonal imbalance then things like stress or food may affect the hormones ... like eating chicken injected with hormones, etc. Is your work stressful?
hi sharon

1 m also a pco patient. taking clomid for 4 cycles and no result. My gynae told me that my womb linning is very thin. was told that prolonged taking of clomid will thinner the womb lining, u heard before???? currently seeing the JE physician also, taking the medicine and do urine test.
Hi Fondue,
thanks for replying.
We TTC only since few months ago. Never really taken note as we came off pill only dec last year. Only just found out about the cysts, and don't know if is long time ago or recently cos never been to gynae b4 =] I only went to see a gynae as my menses did not come for 2 months.
didn't do blood test etc, only ultrasound scans.
I hope that it is only a hormonal thing and it'll go away after this treatment. I am teaching by the way.. can be stressful sometimes but this term has been pretty alright.
Hi all, been rather busy these days. Faridah, how are you doing???

ruggles, you're lucky that you don't hv acne. I was on Diane35 for a long time to control my zit breakout and it went berserk when I got pregnant (on first round of Clomid)... try to take things easy when you are TTCing yah?
Hi ruggles, yep, there is a chance of multiples with Clomid but so far so good, I don't know anyone personally with Clomid multiples
Actually I was so desperate to conceive that I didn't mind having two or three to get it out of the way! Haha
Hi Catz,
Have you used Norehisterone b4? Does it make u feel giddy. I get quite bad giddiness with it. Can't turn my head left or right when sleeping, or everything will spin. I've only been taking in for 3 days now.
I also don't know if should try chinese herbs, like donguai. can eat that while using the hormone and clomid?? read that some of you use EVP. How to know how much to take?

jus want to share this experience. we started ttc for a year and no results. we went to a reputable fertility specialist and was told that i have serious endometrosis and tilted womb and my hubby with varicocle. without second thought, we went for the operation.

this is where my nightmare came...... after the operation, the doctor told me that my womb lining is thick and he shed of "some" for bioscopy. he din mentioned about the endometrosis and tilted womb and the video din show anything at all. i asked him and he refuse to answer my question.... i feel cheated by the doctor.... guess whats next? a week after my operation, i found a skin tag in between my vaginal and anus, i got yeast infection and the batholin glands r blocked.... i went back to the doctor and he jus give me cream to apply..... i need to c him twice a week to apply the yeast cream.... it had been happened for 3 months and in the end, we decided to switch to another gynae..... i bring all my report to him and i was very shocked to hear that i m very healthy with no endometrosis and tilted womb, my womb lining all gone (meaning i have no womb lining at all) according to my new gynae, the previous doctor has shed all my womb lining. i wes told that i couldn't conceive anymore....
hi yoko,
sorry to hear about your experience.
what day of the month do you have to go and how does the gynae check on the womb lining?

on day 5, after menses stops, the lining should appear as a thin white line in the ultrasound. Did you go check around day 14 of your cycle?

who is the new gynae that you have switched to?
i hope the JE physician's herbs are helping tho.

So sorri, been terribly bzee... I can't remember if I took Met thro'out my pregnancy. I think I stopped after 4th month. What's your gynae's advise?
hi fondue

i checked my egg and womb lining on day 10. egg already 21mm and womb lining oni 4.2mm. last month the lining oni 5 on day 12 and egg 18mm. my new gynae is doctor LC Foong. He is very good in the way that he explained every thing to us, he was also shocked to find that i din seek second opinion from other gynae before proceed to the operation. Furthermore he was surprised that the previous gynae shed off the womb lining....

The JE Physician also said the previous gynae too thorough to clean the womb lining. sob sob sob. currently taking her medicine c could help or not. I used to have PCOS but after i control my diet and slim down (from 55kg to 46kg), my pcos sympthon all gone. this is a good sign but now is the womb lining problem.

Have any one heard that clomid will thinner the womb lining? how about metformin?
Hi yoko, I am so sorry to hear about your experience. I think you'd better tell all your friends to avoid your prev gynae. So irresponsible. LC Foong is a good gynae. Can he help you?

ruggles, I've only used Clomid. Better ask your doctor if the Noheristone causes such giddiness.. he might advise you to stop taking.
Hi Faridah,

I stopped metfomin after I hit week 12. I too have PCOS....
Managed to conceive last Sept.. my boy is reaching 3 mths.. my Gyane is also LC Foong.. nice doctor.. very detailed and professional..
hi yoko,
i'm so sorry for your experience with your 1st gynae and the surgery. do u mind share with me the name of your 1st gynae via PM or email me to [email protected]?
Coz I also have PCOS, and my 2nd gynae has been asking me to go for surgery. Will be grateful if you can share your experience with me. Thanks a lot.
Hi Mum2B,
How many/what kind of tests & scans did you do before the gynae recommended surgery?

Did u ever go to gynae to scan for size of follicle and to see if there were problems with growth of follicles? if so, what day(s) of the cycle did u go?

I'm guessing that yoko's gynae was christopher chen, from other threads.
hi fondue,
i've been through a lot of tests (done last year, blood test n scantest on day 2 and day 20, progesterone test, estrogen level, lh/fsh level) and scans every months to monitor the growth of follicle (usually n day 10/11, 14, 16 if the egg not yet matured) during these past one year or so. Pretty tired, n off course very expensive, each time the scan set me back $70-75, and can be 3 times a month. My gynae also give me progesteron to take on luteal phase, and also hcg injection to trigger ovulation whenever necessary. this gynae (1st one) actually never suggested me to go for surgery, but he asked us to consider IUI. But for religious reason, we are not very sure about that.
Anyway, after my m/c last jan 05, i went to seek 2nd opinion from other gynae. this 2nd gynae has been asking me to go for surgery, as he suspect that i might have endo, in addition to my pcos. i got chickened out n go back to my 1st gynae. i know I must have sound so indecisive n wimpy here. but i heard a lot of scary stories about surgery, and here we have yoko's experience told in this forum. somehow i also felt that this 2nd gynae doesn't sound so sincere n too result oriented.

btw, i want to ask you ladies who are ttc-ing actively and working full time, how did u manage to do all? i'm also working full time, n i felt i couldn't take it anymore. i mean, some clinic only open in the morning, nin a month (a cycle) i have to visit gynae for 3-4 times. i felt really bad to my boss coz i also couldn't tell him that i'm trying to ttc (he's not very friendly towards pregnant staff). so i'm stressed out, n i know this is bad for my body n could create problems in my ttc-ing. so i tendered my resignation n now serving my two months notice.

i'm quite surprise u thought it's Dr Chris Chen (from Gleneages)? I heard that he's quite famous n i also know one lady from this forum underwent laproscopy with him n she managed to get pregnant shortly after that. well who could've thought..
btw, i was confused. my 1st gynae told me that pcos cannot be cured with surgery. so, why the need to go for surgery for pcos patients? anyone?
Hi Mum2B,
Sorry to hear about your m/c in Jan.
I also had one in Apr after 9 wks.

the 2nd gynae asked u to go for surgery without explaining how it helps pcos??

from what i've read thru the internet, some of us have a layer of unripened follicles around our ovary. surgery is done to drill holes so there's space for new follicles to grow. don't know if this is the surgery your 2nd gynae is suggesting or something to do with endo or just checking for blocked tubes?

thanks for sharing about your tests.
what size is a mature follicle?
did you have follicles growing on both sides or one will just stop growing at 10mm or something?

I can understand that it's stressful to go to the gynae for tests & scans and it's a financial headache too, in addition to working full time.

one of my male friends was married for 8 years, went for varicocele surgery then IVF. sick also have to "perform" and produce specimen. imagine how stressful. wife had to go for injection every 2 days on the same spot in her buttocks. ouch! IVF failed and then they gave up on having a kid. not too long after giving up, she got pregnant naturally!

Am sort of on the verge of "give up" mode myself.

I'm also working towards giving myself less things to do that will stress me out. I'm taking pilates, dance class & also keyboard lessons, during which I really forget about work etc.

Are there steps you can take to reduce stress a little? no need to be as drastic as quitting your job lah.
hi fondue,
thanks for your response n also for explaining the laproscopy. no, my 2nd gynae never explain me in detail why he thought it's helpful. in fact he always seems rushing off n don't take time to explain, thus we felt the insincerity n switched back to the 1st.
he mentioned briefly though, that if i have endo then he will be able to clean it up n burn it during the surgery, n also to check my tube. but he never mentioned anything about the lapro n pcos.
i'm sorry you had m/c too, you must have felt really terrible.

hmm, not sure what is the exact size of matured follicle, but as far as i know my 1st gynae will give me hcg to induce O after my folllicle grows into 18 above. so far i have one or two follicle every clomid cycle, n they managed to mature by themselves before i got the hcg jab. even last month, the follicle quite "naughty", at D14 still 14 or 16 i forgot, then at D16 it ruptured already. so didn't get my hcg jab n didn't know for sure when is my O. now crossing my fingers, hope this time it works again!

yup, the journey of subfertility is indeed tiring n frustrating. good for u that u can take things easy. may i know in what line are u working? for me, it's quite impossible to reduce stress while working full time as my company is very very small n everyone has to work xtra xtra hard. it depends on project schedule, so when not much tings to do, i can relax a bit (like now writing this .. hehe), but when it's crazy time, well it's just crazy, stay late until 11 pm etc. anyway, i don't want to badmouthing my co here
maybe i'll look for part time job later.
but since i'm not local n don't have many friends here so i figured it won't be so easy.. sigh..

btw, did u also go for laproscopy related to your pcos?
n how many cycles of clomid have u taken so far? i heard max 6 cycles right, but my 1st gynae insisted that since i got pregnant with clomid b4, so this max-6-rule doesn't apply for me. is it true? when i asked him about side effect in the long term, he always said no lah, no side effect, won't give u cancer. really?
but in the other hand, if not clomid, then the only option is using that injection every day from day 2 until ovulation! can't imagine that..
Hi Mum2B,
Have u been able to observe cervical mucus?

I was "ttc-ing" for 1 whole year without knowledge of mucus & BBT signs. It was more like unprotected sex with the hope of getting lucky. However in the last few cycles i've been able to see it - it's like finding treasure! seeing it seems to counter the disappointment of not getting pregnant & seeing friends who are.

No i've not gone for lapro and I've only taken 1 round of clomid last Nov. Since then I've been taking herbal phytoestrogen supplements which do pretty much the same as clomid, to trick the brain into producing more FSH.

Instead of $$ going to gynae scans, I've now started to see a TCM physician. about $30 each visit so far per week. I'm thinking that I'll be patient and stick with TCM for 6 months. I went to 1 in Dec last year and was told I need 6 months to balance my system & I din believe him. Now 8 months & 1 m/c later, I'm still not preggie. Should have listened?? hmmm.... I guess it's all God's timing lah.

I know about the max 6 rule but don't know if it doesn't apply to those who get preggie. i suppose there is some link to ovarian cancer ... don't worry about clomid lah, it'll add to your stress.

concentrate on having a balanced diet & reducing stress. don't say it's impossible lah. the public seminars on fertility had tips like giving each other a massage, going home early, chit chatting to relax, ambience in the bedroom, etc. For me I have to fight the temptation to be busy with things after dinner and instead to jump into bed & unwind.

I'm in IT. this week also super relaxed, no projects on. I also tend to work late otherwise. must resist surfing too much...
Thanks Catz.
I seem to have gotten out of the dizziness. =>

Hope that after the brain is tricked once into producing the correct hormones, it will continue to do so without medication.

SOmetimes I'll get a little envious of people around me getting preggie.. it seems that everyone around me is preggie.. hrmph..
hi gals

ruggles, i understand ur envy....*sigh*
my best fren just found out she is preggie...*sigh*and it was an accident cos she and her hubby went overseas for hols and din bring condom. very happy for her...but wonder why life is so unfair.... we are trying so hard ...and it is so difficult for us to get preggie.

anyway, i have just done my hsg on monday...it was horribly painful...not sure if u gals have done it yet. waiting for the results to tell me if i have blocked tubes or not.

If the tubes are clear, will be planning for IUI in Sept. still taking metformin everyday, plus vitex , EPO and GNC woman's vitamin. hubby says i very kaisu...take so many thing...hai...wat to do...trying to get preggie mah.

oh yah fondue, i also did the CD 2 blood test...to test on the blood hormones like what the gals say. It is a norm.
Hi Dawn,
U are also taking the GNC's women vitamins? I was taking it for a while, then now I stopped cos I don't know if it will interfere with anything. Does it?? I think I tend to get quite 'heaty' when on it. Like i'm having a sore throat all the time. I am taking the capsule one.

Always look on the bright side of life... =]
Hi ruggles and dawn,

Yup, tell me about it. It seemed like EVERYONE in the whole world was pregnant except me, even all those celebrities. Wah biang. I actually went into a minor bout of depression before I went on Clomid. But don't give up hope yah? I got preggers when I least expected it.

Yah I heard that GNC vits are quite heaty but it's actually really good to take multivits esp when TTC. It has lots of folic which can help conception!
Hi ruggles and Catz...

i am ok when taking the mult-vits...no sore throat. even when i take Bai Feng Huan for a few days also ok...maybe my body very "liang", so can take heaty stuff.

Catz...so ur PCOS under control after giving birth?
Hi Dawn,
I think I will ask my doc whether I can take the multi vits when I go back to see him in about 2 weeks.

Btw, I just read that you can have polycystic ovaries w/o having PCOS and PCOS w/o have polycystic ovaries. Does anyone know if polycystic ovaries (w/o PCOS) is reversible then?

hi dawn, hmm.. not sure if it is 'cos I'm still breastfeeding so hv not gotten periods yet. My mom had PCOS but it resolved after pregnancy.. so keeping fingers crossed!
