PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Dear all,

Jus to share my experience. I was diagnosed with both fibroids & PCOS back in Apr/May 2003. I took herbal supplement from Jason Winters range and got pregnant after a month of consumption of the supplement.

hi bump2,

yup. do remember u..i'm fine xcept no big stomach yet...=) so hw r u?

hi viola,

u mean u brew it yrself? or they provide those brew-ready type?

hi babycutie,

hw long do u try for a bb?
<font color="0000ff">Yoko,</font>
I saw this chinese physician at Ying Chuan medical hall in year 2001, she diagnosed I had PCOS. Took her medicine for 8 mths &amp; conceived. My gal now 2.5 yrs old. Planning to have no.2, I'll go to Ying Chuan again to see the physician. Need to take her medicine to induce ovulation again! I think with PCOS, sometimes dun even ovulate at all!!
Hi Chatz,

I went to see Dr Lim last friday. Like you said, he was quite patient with me, explained all the options and showed me photographs of the babies he delivered. He gave me metformin and asked me to start taking 1 every night first then slowly up to 3 per day. So far still ok, but I'm afraid that I might not be able to take it as I'm prone to gastric attacks! Wish me luck!

Hi Pooh25,
I forgot to take my receipt so I can't tell you the breakdown of the costs now (will let you know on my next visit). But I paid $325 for this visit, it includes: consultation, virginal scan, ultrasound, metformin (quite a lot), clomid(5 days) and bloodtest. I think quite reasonable.

Now, I have to wait for my next menses, take clomid and then some jabs on my tummy (supposedly to better the quality of the mucus)and pray hard! If I fail again this cycle, then probably go for the x-ray to check if my tubes are blocked! Will keep all updated!
Hi Is anyone one of you here overweight?

Hi Qwer

Can combine east and west medication? u mean, u conceived solely on chinese meds? and not on western?
Hi Faridah,

I am! I'm 1.63cm &amp; 63kg. I've put on about 10kg since my wedding 3 years ago! So sad!!!
<font color="0000ff">Hi Faridah,</font>
I didn't combine Chinese &amp; Western medicines. I only took chinese medicine. Yes, I conceived after 8 mths later on the chinese medicine.
Hi, Wishbear,

Thanks for the update! Good to know that you're happy with Dr Lim. When I first started on Metformin, I was so nausated that I thot I was pregnant! :p

So good luck... Can call &amp; talk to the nurses (Teresa, Siew Hoon or Lilian) anytime if u're feeling terrible after taking Metformin. They're a really helpful bunch of people.

Hi, Faridah,

I'm overweight too! 1.63cm and 66kgs! hasn't been able to lose the excess weight from my 1st pregnancy.

Hi, Viola,

Am really encouraged by your experience with TCM. Which physican did you see at Thong Chai? And how long were you on TCM before you got pregnant?

I took it for 6 months. Actually, my cycles were already regular (by western medicine) before i started TCM; only that the flow was little.

However, I proceeded with TCM with my husband becos he was diagnosed with Varicocele and was advised to be operated. We didn't want to do any op unnecessarily and so went to see the chinese doc (Tan Siew Lan). Was told that chinese medicine needs at least 4 months to see result.

Now that we are successful, think TCM helped both of us lor.

I considered TCM b4, but didn't know where and who to go. Now I know. Thanks!

How often u gotta take the horrible tasting/smelling medicine? Once a week? Once a day?

At least u have regular cycles. My cycles r practically non-existent lor. So I think even wiv TCM, I'm looking at a longer time b4 hitting the jackpot. :p

The medicine is taken 4 times a week (rest a week when you have menses). Must warn you that it is not easy to take. But for the sake of trying, no choice.

Btw, my cycles were also not regular prior to my miscarriage, ranging from 35 to 56 days. ALways thot it was ok and will not affect fertility. After my 1st miscarriage, i then realised that if the egg is released out from the ovary later than 35 days, the quality may be affected and thus, higher chance of miscarriage.

Btw, TCM can help regulate your cycles but you must be very diligent about it.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Viola,</font>
My cycle also not so regular, range from 33-36 days. I really envy those who have very accurate &amp; regular 28 days cycle. I heard PCOS pple like us must during 1st trimester pregnancy must take blood test &amp; test for HCG &amp; P4 levels. If hormone not sufficient, must take injection every other day. Did u take blood test during your 1st trimester? Viola, who's your current gynae? Thanks.

your cycle already good i think. According to research, so long as the egg is released between 28 to 35 days, should be good.

For my 1st pregnancy (which ended in miscarriage), my hormones were insufficient; i was spotting and did not have any morning sickness. Gynae gave me 2 injections a week + drugs. but in the end, the baby heart stopped beating. his conclusion was that maybe the egg or sperm not good; hormones level ok.

for this 2nd one, my PCOS recovered and i was having severe morning sickness. the gynae said my own hormones enuf but gave me 1 injection per week plus drugs, just to play safe. did not do any blood test.

I think the lesson i've learnt is to tackle the root of the problem (egg quality) first lor.
hi viola, i read from Thong Chai's website that patients need to bring along several tests reports, is it true? which gynae are you with now? i had a mc last week though bleeding too, so thought of seeing a tcm to bu my health back. any advise or suggestions?

Sorry to hear what happened. pls rest more.

For the reports, actually no need but can bring whatever previous reports you had. just that for the 1st visit, you have to go with your husband. The lady I see is only there on Mon-Wed &amp; Fri morning and you need to take a Q no. before 10:15am. If you find that the visits affect your working hours, you can actually arrange to meet her at night but at her own medical hall (that one is not charity but must pay a fee - not sure how much).

My gynae is Dr Henry Cheng. I switched to him after my 1st mc because he was more willing to listen and explain compared to the previous one.

All the best.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Viola,</font>
Thank you. Ya, I've heard from my chinese physician that it's better to have some morning sickness. This shows the hormone level is increasing.
hi there,

Me too a PCOS patient and got preg with the help of metformin cum clomid.

Jus given birth to my boy less than 2mths ago..
Dun be discourage, i'm sure all PCOS patients wld be able to conceive someday!
Good luck!

My boy's picture..
Hi Elle,

Thanks for the encouragement, your baby's so adorable!

How many months of metformin and clomid did you take before you conceive?
Hi wishbear,

i took solely clomid for abt 6mths and when i was abt to give up i heard abt metformin and requested for it.
Then for the other 6mths i took clomid+metformin. Gyne kinda give up hope on me during the 6th mth of clomid+metformin. Furthermore, clomid cannot take for many cycles. So i was asked to go for HSG(Check on fallopian tubes) the following mth.. Who knows right b4 i went for the HSG, i ovulated at last and conceived too..

To me is really a miracle and a blessing!
I shiver when i tested +ve on the preg kit cos i really can't believe my eyes..
Hi Viola,
After your experience with TCM, what's your advice on what affects the egg quality? Do you think that Clomid/metformin can help us ovulate but egg quality still not so good?
So far my experience with TCM is that the physician says my liver is not working well. Didn't mention things directly to do with ovulating or egg quality...so I'm wondering...

Hi Wishbear,
RU already taking metformin or have 2 wait for AF?
Have your cycles been regular or around 30 days after taking Clomid?

I was diagnosed with PCOS last year and have been taking phyto (plant) estrogen supplements which have Dong Guai in it. These apparantly work the same way that Clomid does. But as elle said clomid can only be taken up to 6 cycles. After taking them my periods were more regular and I chart my BBT to check for ovulation.
Hi Tidy Fairy,

I just start metformin last week (no need to wait for AF). So far I've taken 4 courses of clomid (not continously, skipped a few months in between).

My cycle has been regular, as in comes monthly but usually about 30-35 days cycle. I suspect I have not been ovulating because since I took clomid, I felt the ovulation pain and scanning showed that I did ovulate on clomid. I also noticed that when I take clomid, my cycle becomes more 'biao(1) chun(3)' - 28 days.

My gynae said if got break in-between taking clomid then it's ok.

But I think I might stop after the 6th course and then see how.
Elle, your kiddo is so cute

Girls, my baby is also a miracle Clomid baby. I have PCOS and don't ovulate. Hubby was diagnosed with only 2%normal sperm (the rest are all deformed) - he gave up caffeine for 1.5 years while we TTC. I took one cycle of Clomid (begged the doctor to give it to me) and we conceived... so don't give up hope and most of all, don't get stressed out about TTC..
Tidy Fairy

I'm not the expert lah but when I first took Clomid for 6 cycles (before I tried TCM), my cycles were regular but menses were very little. I felt really uneasy about it...like something is wrong with my body. And as you know, people with PCOS often have weight problem, and I still had problem losing weight tho' i exercise regularly and observe diet.

After that, I stopped clomid (scared about the oversimulation of the ovaries) and started TCM, my menses flow improved, cycles remained regular and also started to lose weight. So I feel that my body's own hormones have regulated.

As for the egg quality, I'm not sure but i think body well-being/hormones may have a part to play.
hi catz,

Thanks for your compliment!

Didnt notice u r in this thread till i scroll up to previous posting..Hey your baby is a boy huh? He look so innocent and cute in the pic.
His hair are so thick and dark.. I guess you also didnt cut botak for him right?
I refuse to cut botak no matter how people tell me their belief cos i cant bear to see my boy goes botak unless reservice then bo-bian lah.. heehee..
hi ladies,
May I join in? just wondering if someone can share if PCOS can be cured? My gynae says cannot, but I heard from other patients that it can be cured with laparascopy?

PCOS is fundamentally a metabolic disorder resulting in hormonal imbalance and cannot be cured so far. The symptoms can be managed though. The laparoscopy if done with ovarian drilling may be able to alleviate the symptoms of hormonal imbalance for a while only.

Most doc will prescribed birth control pills to manage the PCOS symptoms for patients not ttc. If you would like a child, then gynae normally will prescribed ovarian stimulation medication like clomid or FSH injection to achieve ovulation.

u have PCOS too?
Hi Poohy,
I'm New here.Saw your BB pic at IVF support group thread,really cute &amp; aborable.However I also have PCOS,that why I post my question here.U mention that some women with PCOS will worsen after giving brith,can u advise me further cause
I feel like this is the case for me.I acturally have a son who is 2yrs now &amp; TTC for no 2.After birth,my menses had been very irregular like 6 mths once or even later.Getting very worry wondering what happen?

thanx for your compliment of my son
I think from what I read so far there is no guarantee whether the PCOS symptoms will worsen or improved ater giving birth. I guess it depends on individual's body mechanism.

One of the reasons why PCOS symptoms may worsen after childbirth ... could be that the increase in weight causes a higher level of male hormone production which may increases insulin resistance. I feel if you are having a problem ttc, its best to seek help from a reproductive endocrinologist.. at least u will have a better idea what's the problem.

before I had my bb, my menses is literally MIA. I can go for a year without my menses and gotta induce it. Even taking clomid does not guarantee my menses will come (Which means I prob din ovulate too). Really hope this will improve after childbirth ...cos my skin condition also not doing very well...due to the hormonal imbalance.
Hi Poohy,
Thks for your advise.Thinks really have to go &amp; get med to induce my menses cause feel very bloated.Now my alternative is to try IVF which clomid &amp; jabs didn't works out for me.Too stress to face another failure.

Hi Mum2b,
I also had my lap op done &amp; right after a month,I managed to conceived with clomid too.Is gd to do the op as your RE may be able to dedect any others sub-infertility problems.
poohy n chua_family,
thanks for the sharing. yes I have PCOS, n everytime managed to ovulate w/ clomid. it's strange that my gynae never ask me to go for laparascopy. maybe he sees it unnecessary for me as actually i managed to get pregnant on my first cycle of clomid early this year? even when i asked him to give me metformin he said no need. btw the pregnancy only lasted for 5+ weeks though.
poohy, don't know if u remember i asked u about your gynae in kkh on jan when i wanted to seek 2nd opinion for my m/c? so r u now following him to Tanglin? do u mind share with me the charges, is it more ex there?

after the m/c, tried 2 cycle of clomid again but failed. just today i have AF come..
getting very very worried now coz heard that cannot take clomid more than 6 cycle.. n i had 3 cycles already now..
do u think i should ask my gynae to do laparascopy to me? i mean isn't it usually the doc that advise patient to go for surgery, not the other way around? really confused..
btw ovarian "drilling" sounds very scarry..

how long is the lap op and how much does it cost? n does it hurt? how many days is the down time?

also, after the m/c my menses become painful (never b4), wondering what's happen to me? is it because of the clomid thingy? or the m/c? does anyone also experience this after taking clomid?
Thanks Poohy for your good advice.
Do you have an RE to recommend please?

Hi Mum2B,
I came across 2 websites with some info on laparoscopic ovarian drilling for PCOS.


I'm now taking phytoestrogen supplements containing Dong Guai that work the same way as clomid. It helped me to ovulate where previously last year, my periods came in 2 or 3 months at a time. I managed to get preggie CNY this year but it ended in an m/c. So I'm back to TTC'ing again. Let me know if you'd like to have a go at the supplements. I'll pass you more info.

Hi chua_family,
How long have u been TTCing for #2?
I can understand your anxiety with menses not arriving and thoughts of IVF, etc. I was TTC-ing for a year. Then started on phytoestrogen supplements and I got preggie in 4 months. If you'd like to try the supplements to help with ovulation, let me know. I can email some write-ups, etc.
Hi Mum2b,
is a day surgery which u can be discharged on the same day of op.Cost will be a few k,can't remember the details.I don't mind to seach my bill &amp; scan for u.Don't worry,is not that scary or painful but I really feel aweful on the anesthesia drug.If your RE don't think op is nescessary,just go for the simplest way first.

Hi Fondue,
Congrat!so happy for u.Actually been TTCing for a yr but menses MIA so know didn't ovulate,how to strike,sigh...!Me want to have higher chances of success so been thinking of going for IVF.Did try on jabs to simulate ovulation for a mth last Aug but fail,feel very sad.Glad if u can email me the write up on the supplement but is it very costly?My mail is [email protected]

which jab did u tried last aug ? If its those fsh jabs like gonal-f and puregon, then the simulation portion of IVF is also using the same drug leh. Before u did those jabs, did your gynae down regulate your hormone level ? It may not go down to IVF ...cos our main problem is ovulation and if we can achieve ovulation, then we wont need to go ivf. I just thought if we cant even respond to those simulation jabs, then ivf may not help also.

I did think of doing ivf too actually... but that's becos I wanted to have 3-4 children and figured that if I go thru SO-iui each time, then I would have to go thru cycles of simulation jabs over and over again .... for ivf, I just need to do one round of jabs and freeze the embryos...


yup I followed my gynae to private practice and he is practising at tow yung clinic in tanglin shopping centre now. In fact, he just delivered my bb last mth at tmc. The charges so far are slightly lower or comparable than those in kkh.


my RE is dr CT Yeong at tow yung clinic. Formerly was seeing him in kkh reproductive medicine untill he move on to private last month.
hi fondue,
thanks for the links. could u email me some info on the phytoestrogen supplements? my email is [email protected]

hi chua_family,
yes pls, could u scan n email me your bill?

hi poohy,
wow congrats on your baby, a gal or boy?
btw didn't know that private charges is lower than kkh? what u mean is kkh at TPS right?

thanx... mine is a bb boy

as for charges, I guess it depends on individual gynae..
ya was refering to kkh at tps. Anyway, I cant say everything is cheaper cos I only see my gynae a few times in his clinic before I deliver. Before that was all along seeing him at tps.
Hi chua_family, Mum2b and wishbear,
sorry for the delay. You've got mail!
let me know if u haven't received anything.

Hi wishbear,
do you also have PCOS symptoms? did you go for a hormonal blood test to confirm? are u also TTC-ing?
Hi Poohy,
I was given metrodin jabs.My eggs did grown to ovulation size but no idea why it's fail.My gynae did not down regulate my hormone level,anyway don't know what's that,is it part of the IVF program?Me too don't want to go thru cycles of simulation jabs over and over again,that why thinking maybe IVF is the best way.
Hi Fondue,
thks.Recevied your mail.
Hi Fondue,

Thank you so much for the mail and your detailed explanation.

I've done the blood test and also the virginal scan, both confirms that I have PCOS. Yup, have been TCC-ing for more than 1 year now. Sigh!!!
Hi Fondue,
Received your email, thanks a lot!

Do u take the supplement with clomid or stop your clomid completely? do u still go to RE to monitor your ovulation, n does he/she aware that you are taking the supplement? Sorry I'm just interested to know what is the RE stand for this supplement.
hmmm... our thread disappeared for a while...

Hi Mum2B,
I took only 1 round of clomid in Nov 04. At that time, I also took the supplement. Subsequent months, I didn't continue with clomid, just took the supplement. Yes, I asked my gynae if ok to take and also asked a 2nd gynae who's a friend and they have no objections to my taking it.

On that 1st round of Clomid, yes, i did scan on day 10 and follicle was 15mm I think. Subsequent months, no, I didn't scan for growth &amp; ovulation. Sigh, going for each scan is at least $70 with consultation, plus it doesn't guarantee that u strike. Want to strike, have to relax &amp; keep BD every 2-3 days.

Perhaps poohy can help us ask her RE for his opinion on phytoestrogens.

Hi wishbear,
From your past posts, i read that u have regular cycle of 30 plus days even without clomid. seems as if u would have been ovulating even then...no? did ur hubby do a sperm analysis? Is your work stressful and affecting your hormones too?

Dunno if u ladies have problem with acne, mine is now back with a vengence. Over the past 2 weeks, for every 2 that heals, another 2 have emerged. Painful cysts that are under the skin (no pus on top). haiya...such a nuisance.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Fondue,</font>
I've acne outbreak everytime on my chin. I believe it's the hormone imbalance thingy. Also no pus, underneath the skin can feel a lump &amp; very painful.
Hi Fondue,

I suspect I can't ovulate on my own, because I don't feel the ovulation pain as I did when I took clomid. I also read that eventhough you have menses, you may not be ovulating - that's me!!! I also did scans on my non-clomid cycles- no follicles

My husband has done his SA and it's normal.

I think my stress is due to ttc. Cuz since I started trying, my menses has gone haywire, sometimes alot, sometimes very little, sometimes 28 days, sometimes 40 days!

Hai, everyone says must relax, don't think about it...how not to? It's so difficult!
hi fondue,
oh, i c.. yeah u right, each time must pay at least $70 for scan, not incl medication or jabs..
maybe next time i'll try to ask my RE if he's ok with the supplement too. thanks for sharing!
Hi qwer,
i agree it's hormone imbalance. most GP's (normal doctors) will just prescribe anti bacterial lotion but they don't advise how to control the hormones. At most just give the Diane35 contraceptive to those not TTC-ing...

Hi Wishbear,
Good to hear that your hubby's SA is fine.
well, some people say don't make Having A Baby your goal. Several people I know tried IVF &amp; failed then after they give up, out of the blue had a baby. Jus be loving to your hubby... even that is tough for me coz i can get irritated with him and nag nag...

U planning any holiday soon? I'm going KL in June for shopping, etc. looking forward to it.
I'm so stressed at work today, din login all day.

Hi Mum2B,
We should save all the receipts and show our kid next time - all the expense &amp; worry. And when they misbehave &amp; are stubborn, we will wonder why we spent so much...
haha... yes u r right, must show our kids in the future so they know how much mommy n daddy wants them n love them so much
Hey Fondue,

Ha ha! You sounded just like my friend, save all the receipts and show our kids next time. She said when the kids are naughty and say we don't love them, take out and show them!!!!

I'm going to KL too, end of May for a church outing. Happy Shopping!

To all, stay cool and don't let work stress you out! Must save the energy for you-know-what!!

Hi gals,

This month magazine "young parents" there is article talking abt PCOS. Also comes with an interview with Dr. CT Yeong.

Go get a copy if you wanna know more info on PCOS.
