PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

hi pooh,

wahh..one shot ask me so many any qs. heehee..

Yes, i wld continue to work unless i strike big sweep or TOTO lah..heehee..

My mum wld help me to take care.

How abt you? Seldom see you in this thread..you planning for a kid also?
hi- just wanna find out from fellow PCOS ladies. did any of u manage ttc even with irregular cycles, or did u seek medical treatment immediately upon diagnosis? thanks!

for myself, I dun really ovulate on my own and dun have my menses for years unless induce with medicine. I took clomid and metformin for many cycles but failed... one cycle ended in miscarriage. So took so-iui and was successful... just gave birth to my son 5+ weeks ago.
thanks poohy!
i do ovulate on my own, though irregular. just thinking whether i shd try first before jumping on the bandwagon of treatments. i have a gynae appt on monday
not looking forward to that one!
You mention your mother will take care of your child. May I know that where do your mother stays? I am helping my friend to look for a nanny around Bukit Batok area. Hope you don't mind I ask you so many questions.
Hi pooh,

its alright no prob, u may ask as many qs as you wish..

So coincident? My mum stays Bt btok East and she's a baby sitter too!..

Your fren also staying bt btok? Which part/blk? East or west or central?
How old is your fren's baby?
hi Shirlynn

I remember that I started having some slight cramp 3-4 days after the IUI. At that time, I was wondering whether its implantation...

what i went for was so-iui. And I did succeed on my first try. My son just came to the world 6 weeks and 1 day ago
Hi poohy,

which gynae did you went for for IUI? Did you experience any abdominal cramp once a while at the two sides of the ovaries after IUI during Day 20 onwards?
Hi Poohy,

Congratulations. You were lucky to succeed at your first try. Have surf net and read that a lot of people tried for around four times before they succeed.

Btw, what do you mean by so-iui?? Are there many types of IUI?

my gynae is dr CT Yeong. I did my so-iui in kkivf previously but now my gynae has moved on to private practice.. so in future I probably wont do it in kkivf for my next child.. probably will do it under my gynae in private facility eg. TFC

yup experienced abdominal cramp on and off at the sides... abt 3-4 days after the iui was performed. My iui was performed on my cd 10 ... my follicles was developing quite well under the jabs so they were ready quite early.


thanx. ya, its the grace of God. There is only 1 type of iui. But the simulation of follicles, there are different drugs... eg. clomid, drug-free or FSH injections. SO means superovulation where more than 1 eggs is stimulated so that can increase the chances. I was using puregon jabs for my so-iui.
Hello poohy

i also did the IUI but it did not turned out well coz i was not on injections, was on clomid, did u try clomid with iui? i think i shld switch to injections huh, can u explain me more abt the procedure on injections, how much and how often u gotta inject and etc, i am planning to do it in July, tks very much,

I had also taken clomid (150mg with {metformin@1500mg,metformin@1500mg}) for quite a number of cycles. But I never did iui together with that. In kkh, when u do iui, it comes with superovulation which involve some form of fsh injections.

I understand that kkivf also have clomid+iui but there is always some FSH jabs involved ...

For me, my so-iui procedure includes only FSH jabs (puregon in my case) from cd2. If you are already producing 2-3 prominent follicles with clomid, then shd be ok... cos the aim with either clomid or jabs is to produce 2-3 eggs for fertilization.

at cd2, you will start injecting FSH to stimulate the ovaries.... how much quantity a day depends on your gynae's prescription based on your condition. There will be 1 jab a day. At cd7, you will be back in the hospital or gynae's, for review.. to see the follicle response and from there, adjustment in FSH quantities and next review appt will be fixed. On average, we will be back for review on alternate days from cd7 onwards.

For me, I was having sizable follicles on cd9 already and the OPK shows I am abt the ovulate, so my gynae give me a hcg trigger shot and order for iui the next morning on cd10.

hope this helps.

I have irregular menus and what is the purpose of taking clomid? I also have hormonal imbalance and is it because of the thyroid causes us the problem?

my mum staying 243. Your fren looking for BB sitter ah?

Clomid is a kind of hormones tablet which cld help to regulate your hormones n induce ovulation. R you planning for a BB at the moment?
hv u vist a gyne before?
hi poohy, tks for the info, did u take anything else aside from the injections, such as gla, evening primrose etc etc? tks

i continue to take 1500 mg of metformin daily as my gynae said it will help improve the egg quality
Hi, can join you gals? Juz diagnosed PCOS..and started taking metformin yesterday. Any side effects u all went through other than diarrhea? I had a bad headache yesterday ...dunno if caused by the metformin....

btw, i have been reading about metformin on the net...some of them say will lose weight plus regulate the menses? hee hee...anybody experience that?

i took metformin 1500 mg daily previously... only got diarrhea. In a sense it did help to control my weight.. but not really lose it... I also read that it helps to regulate menses but it din for me... I guess it depends on individual's body and how long u had been taking it. However, my gynae said it will help improve egg quality.
Hi Dawn,

I've been taking metformin for about 1 1/2 months already. I don't see any weight loss. I felt nauseous and was very tired when I first started. Now better already, don't really have appetite for food but still have to eat cuz hungry and got gastric! My gynae said it may aggravate my gastric condition, so must take after meals.
Thanks for the replies!

I am starting off with oni 750mg daily for 2 weeks, after that then go up to 1500 daily. no more headaches liow.....juz very mild diarrhea.. and like wishbear, very tired.

hope it will help me to regulate my menses....

hmmmm....poohy, did ur gynae say why your menses not regulated by it? did he/she increase the dosage?
hello everyone

i am pregnant again, after the miscarriage on Jan 19 this year, now i am coming to 5 weeks as of to date, just curious, did any of u all see a pregnancy sac at 5 weeks? coz mine did not show up yet, my gynae said it is ok? is it really ok?
hello ladies.. i'm back again.. so long didnt come in liao... had a miscarriage last mth @ week 5 ..
but back to myself again...
will be focusin to trim dw 1st.. keke

started back on the metformin last thurs.. was on 500mg
had a diarrhea coz mayb i took too much sugar.. like sweets or soft drink :p

CONGRAT faridah!!! finally ur wish came true..
Hi, all. I was confirmed pregnancy last monday, after about 5 months of Metaformin.

Any of you ladies has checked on the Progestrone (type of hormones) side, cause my gynae says it is quite critical for PCOS patients as might be on the lower side.

I am quite low on this, so gynae just gave me a jab and double the dosage of the hormones pill. Will be gg for a blood test this coming thursday.
congrats faridah dear!!! yup, it's normal not to see the sac at 5 wks...don't worry!!

congrats to u too celine! i also did test for my progesterone levels when i discovered my pregnancy but it was normal so i did not hv to jab.

Meimei, so sorry to hear about your mc. pls take care... all the best for your nx cycle!
Hi Faridah & Celine,
Congrats!! It's so nice to hear this good news!

Hi Mei2,
I am so sorry to hear your loss. Glad tat u are back to yourself again.

Hi all,
I am 7 mths preg now. Shall cross my finger that nothing goes wrong for the next few mths.
thks ladies.. i'm totally fine nw.. keke :p still TTV but lettin nature to do the job

cat_tail.. take care huh... help u *cross fingers oso..

have a safe 9mths ok
cat_tail, wow, final trimester already!!! Take care yah? Don't worry, just chart your baby's movements.. everything will be fine.

Meimei, no point getting stressed.. take care yah? You're really such an optimistic person.. this will definitely help you with TTC.
Wow, very happy to read that more and more PCOS patients are getting pregnant. I'm oso having PCOS and reading this thread really makes me feel optimistic.

I have juz started on Clomid but i'm worried that Clomid may not work for me and i'm so scared that when i go for my scan on D12, the follicles still small small and no egg....hmmm.....the thought makes me quite sian liao

its natural to feel anxious but i think its better to try to relax
since u will be gong for scan at cd12, means your gynae is actively monitoring the response to clomid... so at least u dun need to keep thinking .... that alone shd help u to relax liao ..
when i took clomid previously, i had to take temperature daily and keep wondering whether i will ever ovulate... most time i ovulate on cd21 if i ever do with 150mg of clomid+metformin.

when i did so-iui later, it was a breeze cos active monitoring of follicle growth was done and i could just relax and wait for the gynae's instructions..
Hi jcml, don't worry.. just see how your scan on D12 goes yah? For me, I didn't even have scan to see whether the follicles were ripening... anyhow hamtam with the OPK 'cos I was in the US at the time

cat_tail, you just note how many times your baby moves (kick, turning, somersault whatever) during a 4 hr period at a certain time each day. Baby is usually most active after your mealtime... so just lie down and you can feel the movements more. Can ask your gynae for a guideline.. I also forgot liao :p But I know that my son used to kick after meals and during my 39th week, he didn't kick one night so I went into hospital for CTG and he ended up kicking so hard so it was a false alarm. Damn scary man.. next day, my gynae advised me to induce labour.
Hi poohy and catz,

Thanks for your encouragement. Reali makes me feel better liao

Actuali i don't have the symptoms of PCOS but yet i'm still diagnosed as having PCOS. My AF every month very 'zhun' one, never late or early. Furthermore i have those egg-white cervical mucus around D10. Really puzzled me

My gynae said even though I have AF every month but i'm not ovulating lor....

Me not young anymore so hope to have bb soonest possible. Last time still say dun wan to have bb, now getting desperate liao, hehehe.....
Dear all, tks for yr wonderful wishes, now counting down as to when i shall give birth sigh, i conceived on Metformin actually, didnt expect that wonder drug to work, i am still on metformin, my gynae said to continue taking it, but Catz, u are sure at 5 weeks u cant see the sac yet? then at which week? i am so anxious
Hi faridah, don't worry, I think I only saw the sac at 6/7 weeks. How come you don't stop metformin? I never went on metformin so I don't know but thought that you would stop all drugs since you hv conceived already! Take good care of yourself.. remember to buy good non-slip shoes okie?

jcml, you're an unusual PCOS sufferer lor, having regular AF. My AF all over the place wan.. I don't even have egg-white cervical mucus leh!
hi catz

my gynae said i shld continue with metformin,how? he said my insulin was a bit high, so that maybe the cause of my miscarriage the other time, i went on clomid three times, but it has never worked on me, i took met, and conceived naturally. in apr, i did the IUI and clomid and met, but not success.
so ok i guess i will wait when i will be 6 wks that is next week, so catz, u didnt see anything lah at 5 weeks? i am so paranoid

tks for yr reply
catz, faridah,

I read some research saying that PCOS patient have higher tendency to miscarried... so there is research showing if u continue to take metformin throughout the pregnancy, it helps in this area (hormonal balance) and also curb gestational diabetes...
thanks for the info, Poohy! Faridah, don't worry unnecessary.. just concentrate on relaxing and eating well
Congrats, Faridah! I took Met throughout my last pregnancy, so should be okay lah.
Take good care of yourself and BB, okay?

As for me, still no good news despite being on Met since Aug last yr. & I juz finished one cycle of Clomid, also no joy. sigh...

But am encouraged that so many pple here are pregnant. hopefully my turn soon!
hello all

tks once again for yr answers, i will post again when i see my gyane on thursday, he wants to see the sac and heartbeat, by thursday, i wld be 6 weeks and 4 days,

One thing to add..me only see sac during week 6. I'm like u so paranoid when gyne didnt detect anything during 4weeks plus. But after i did a blood test n results show tat my HCG level is doubling..it was such a relief..
Understand your anxiety now
I'm sure your next scan, gyne wld detect it.

In the mean time, rest and eat well

Take care

Hi catz,
Thanks for your advise. I am just a little bit lost on the bb kicks, so the only thing I do is make sure she kicks me everyday.

Hi jcml,
U are diagnosed with PCOS but regular AF? I find it very unusual too. I think almost everyone of us have irregular including myself. Anyway, I will spread lots of baby dust to u & the rest..heehee
